Just For Tummies

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 13:00

About Just For Tummies

Are you one of the millions of people struggling with a digestive or gut disorder and you don't know where to turn to next for help.

Visit the Just For Tummies website for free fact sheets, support and targeted supplements made in the UK.

Just For Tummies Description

The UK's only premium, targeted range of supplements dedicated to digestive /gut health. #IBS #bloating #constipation #UTIs #thrush



When you want to change something, the most difficult step is the first one. Be brave, be bold and go for it!
We come from stardust so sparkle like the star that you are, and don’t allow anyone to put out your light. 💫
Linda 💕


Thank you to Gina Brierley for leaving this wonderful, life-changing review on my For Women probiotic capsules.
‘After having a copper coil fitted, I started to experience recurring urinary tract infections every single month for over a year.
I was prescribed antibiotics several times and was told by my GP that my body was adjusting to the copper in the coil and it would balance out. It did not, so I had it removed.
... I continued to get the infections, as well as cystitis, and they were occurring frequently. This started to affect my mental health; I felt very drained. Then I found Linda Booth and her magical supplements. I started taking her 'For Women' probiotics, and after just 3 days, everything felt normal. Now, 3 months later, I still take one capsule daily and I have not had any infections since.
The balance of bacteria in my gut was really out of whack because of all the antibiotics I had been taking; I can feel these tablets restoring that balance. I am so happy - I cannot thank her enough.’
https://justfortummies.co.uk/produ…/liv e-bacteria-for-women/
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Hi everyone. I'm not going to be around much for the next week.
I shall be in the beautiful county of Derbyshire at The FitFarms Club for a week of intense but, highly enjoyable exercise, delicious food and great company.
I first went to Fit Farm last Spring and had such a wonderful time that I decided to repeat it again this year.
... The wonderful personal trainers at Fit Farm gave me back the confidence to exercise again, without the fear of hurting myself.
I'd lost the confidence to exercise after years of working in my clinic and planning, developing and executing my new company, Just For Tummies, and thus having very little time to exercise.
I suppose I'd kind of lost my way. I was 58 and didn't really know where to start again with exercise. I found that I loved boxing and zumba and, of course, walking in the beautiful Derbyshire countryside.
Fit Farms, Derbyshire shares a border with the Chatsworth Estate, and one of the best days I had last year was an 8 mile walk, from Fit Farms to Chatsworth House. Magical.
I will be posting a few images of my experiences on here, so do keep checking in.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Linda x http://www.fitfarms.co.uk/derbyshire
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There has been a sharp rise in the number of young people aged 20 - 29, being diagnosed with bowel cancer.
Experts say that obesity and poor diet may have contributed to this rise but, what about the over-consumption of antibiotics (medications, and in the food chain) that have been implicated in the rise of digestive and gut disorders and diseases, including irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. Could there be a connection between antibiotics and an incre...ased risk of bowel cancer?
We know that there are genetic and environmental factors involved in the growth of tumours in the bowel but, we also know that colo-rectal cancer is a dysbacteriosis-induced disease. Therefore, it's crucial to maintain good bowel hygiene and that includes having a healthy diet, avoiding constipation and ensuring you have plenty of 'friendly' gut bacteria in your intestines.
If you've had a course of antibiotics or a gut infection like food poisoning, ALWAYS recolonise and replenish your gut with probiotic bacteria for minimum 3 months.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-4829713 7
Linda Founder Just For Tummies
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I normally post on here about digestive and gut health issues like irritable bowel syndrome, painful bloating and constipation, to name a few.
However, in my capacity as a natural health practitioner running a busy clinic and coming into contact with lots of women, whom have partners, the subject of prostate issues is one that is often discussed.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men with around 46,500 cases diagnosed in the UK every year. More than 80% of prosta...te cancers are diagnosed in men who are over 65 and here are some of the symptoms they need to be aware of: Frequent urination Weak or interrupted urine flow or the need to strain to empty the bladder The urge to urinate frequently at night Blood in the urine Blood in the seminal fluid New onset of erectile dysfunction Pain or burning during urination, which is much less common There is no screening programme for prostate cancer and GPs usually carry out a rectal exam, to check the prostate for swelling and carry out a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test. However, it can be normal to have some PSA in the blood test but, it doesn't mean they have prostate cancer and even if they have high levels of PSA, there are other reasons why that may be so, including a urinary tract infection, vigorous exercise like cycling, recent ejaculation and some medications. For many years now I've been recommending saw palmetto to men who have BPA or raised PSA. Known as serenoa repens, this is a native palm plant of South Eastern United States and the berries are used in prostate protecting supplements. It's always, always important to support immune health, especially as we move into our 50's, 60's, 70's and beyond, so men need to think about taking a good quality multi vitamin/mineral supplement daily and, of course, a probiotic capsule twice daily before meals.
I must make a note to remind myself to tell you about the wonderful health benefits of garlic too, both for gut, immune and cardiovascular health but, we will save that for another day. Linda x
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One for our menfolk today - prostate health.
In my capacity as a natural health practitioner running a busy clinic and coming into contact with lots of women, whom have partners, the subject of prostate issues is one that is often discussed.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men with around 46,500 cases diagnosed in the UK every year. More than 80% of prostate cancers are diagnosed in men who are over 65 and here are some of the symptoms they need to be aware of:
... • Frequent urination • Weak or interrupted urine flow or the need to strain to empty the bladder • The urge to urinate frequently at night • Blood in the urine • Blood in the seminal fluid • New onset of erectile dysfunction • Pain or burning during urination, which is much less common
There is no screening programme for prostate cancer and GPs usually carry out a rectal exam, to check the prostate for swelling and carry out a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test. However, it can be normal to have some PSA in the blood test but, it doesn't mean they have prostate cancer and even if they have high levels of PSA, there are other reasons why that may be so, including a urinary tract infection, vigorous exercise like cycling, recent ejaculation and some medications.
When men attend my clinic for colon hydrotherapy treatment, I will check their prostate before I insert the speculum and begin the colonic treatment, by carrying out a digitial rectal exam. The prostate should feel firm with a smooth surface but, with age, it can feel spongy. If it feels hard or lumpy, I would suggest that it be checked out by a GP.
For many years now I've been recommending saw palmetto to men who have BPA or raised PSA. Known as serenoa repens, this is a native palm plant of South Eastern United States and the berries are used in prostate protecting supplements.
The saw palmetto that I have been recommending is made by a very well known and well respected Swiss company called A.Vogel Herbal Remedies. It's called Prostasan and is a traditional herbal medicine used to relieve urinary discomfort in men with an enlarged prostate.
It's always, always important to support immune health, especially as we move into our 50's, 60's, 70's and beyond, so men need to think about taking a good quality multi vitamin/mineral supplement daily and, of course, a live bacteria probiotic capsule twice daily before meals.
I must make a note to remind myself to tell you about the wonderful health benefits of garlic too, both for gut, immune and cardiovascular health but, we will save that for another day.
If you want some science, here is an article about the confusion around PSA testing, with a link to Cancer Research's latest research, with scientists from Oxford and Bristol shedding some light on how unreliable the test is: https://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk.org/ …/why-a-one-off-p…/
Linda x Founder Just For Tummies
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Sharing this as it looks great!
Good luck!
Linda x


Did you know that June is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Awareness Month?
RA is a disabling auto-immune condition where the immune system gets confused and begins to attack joints, causing pain, inflammation and joint destruction.
Some quite powerful drugs have to be used to manage the symptoms of RA, including steroids and methotrexate, a chemo drug.
... Remember though that around 80% of your immune system is located in your gut. It's very important that you support your gut health if you have an auto-immune disease, and doubly so if you are taking steroid medication to control the symptoms as long-term use of steroids is known to cause imbalances in gut bacteria.
Ensure you're taking at least one of my Live Bacteria probiotic capsules twice daily for general immune support and to replenish your levels of 'friendly' bacteria that the RA drugs may be damaging.
My recipe for next month, to mark RA Awareness Month is a delicious Anti-inflammatory Mango, Turmeric & Ginger Smoothie, containing coconut milk, ginger, pineapple, turmeric, almond butter, collagen powder and a few more goodies.
This recipe is perfect for a hot summer’s day (hopefully we will get lots of those this Summer 🌞), and it contains lots of anti-inflammatory foods which are great for reducing the pain and swelling in RA, in particular ginger, turmeric and pineapple. The collagen powder is also very good for helping strengthen the joints and will support your gut health too.
Keep an eye out for the full recipe next month. I will post it on here and send it out in a newsletter too.
Linda x
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Can highly recommend Scarlett’s ‘Tummy Tied’ book. If you want to know what IBS is, and how to resolve it, read this book, and take your Just For Tummies probiotics. Come and visit Just For Tummies at the Unlimited Wellbeing event at the famous Nottingham Arena and learn more about how to stop IBS. 👌💕


For decades Peter struggled with IBS symptoms but, within days of taking my vegan Digestive Enzyme tablets, his life has changed, for the better!
I received this message today from Peter:
‘Been 4 weeks now, so I thought it may be good to update you.
... Within 48 hours of starting your digestive enzyme tablets, the improvement was significant.
Your products have truly been life changing to me as IBS has made social contacts, dining out etc extremely limited and I have already told close friends about your site with very positive interest from them.
Since I started your Enzymes, my digestive system has operated perfectly.
Improvement has continually progressed with elimination of excess wind.
General feeling of well-being increased, possibly relief that, at long last, I have found a solution to a problem decades old.
Will be reordering.’
https://justfortummies.co.uk/prod…/dige stive-enzyme-tablets/
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Sjogren's Syndrome is an auto-immune disease, and affects any organ or cavity in the body that produces mucous. In Sjogren's, there is no mucous produced, including the bowel, so people with this condition can suffer with constipation as stool gets stuck in their dry bowel.
When she first came to see me, she was in a distressed state with the chronic contipation, pain and fatigue. She had colon hydrotherapy with me every two months, and I also put her on my Just For Tummies... Live Bacteria probiotic capsules and Digestive Enzyme tablets and she now just needs a colonic every six months.
Her diet was pretty healthy, but we did a bit of tweaking, and she drinks beetroot and grapefruit juice every day that she tells me helps get her bowel moving.
If you take my Just For Tummies supplements and you've noticed an improvement in other health issues, perhaps your skin (eczema/psoriasis) has improved, your asthma is not so bad, breathing has improved, or your mood and energy have improved, I would love to know.
Linda x
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I just hopped onto a 'live' video to explain the importance of 'ancestral' strains of bacteria, but then got carried away ......
Hope you find this video interesting and, if you have any questions, drop me an email: linda@justfortummies.co.uk
Linda x


Get Summer-skin ready with skincare tips from Healthy Magazine.
We do need to get out in the sun to help top up our Vitamin D levels and for our mental health, but know how to protect your skin from sun damage.


Garlic! Loved for its flavour but, did you know that it has many therapeutic benefits, including being anti-microbial.
I often recommend my aged, high-strength garlic tablets as a natural antibiotic and antifungal, helping to keep the gut healthy especially in cases of IBS. Garlic is low-FODMAP as it contains very little carbohydrate so fine to take if you’re on a low-FODMAP diet.
Garlic is also well documented regarding its effects in helping to improve cardio-vascular hea...lth, as well as garlic having anti-tumour effects.
My Garlic tablets are just £10 for 60 tablets.
https://justfortummies.co.uk/product/garl ic-tablets/
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Thank you Janice. Result!


Do you practise 'mindful eating'?
Mindful eating is about being in the precious present, being in the moment when eating, to the exclusion of whatever is going on around you.
Sitting down with intent, knife, fork, spoon in hand, being grateful for the food in front of you, chewing each mouthful slowly, knowing that this food is going to nourish you, feed your body and soul, and sustain you for the next few hours. It shouldn't be rushed and it deserves to be respected.
... I remember at School, before we began eating lunch, we would recite the same prayer of thanks "For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful". You don't have to follow any kind of faith to appreciate that we all need to be thankful for the food that we have on our plate.
A couple of tips to get the most out of your food:
Chew, chew chew!! Remember to chew your soups and drink your solids. Think about it! Chewing stimulates certain nerve reflexes in your brain, and this enables the release of our digestive ‘juices’ to assist in the breakdown of our food, and absorption of nutrients. Chewing also stimulates the bowels. Chewing also helps keep those loose jowls at bay, by helping to tighten the jaw muscles.
Don’t eat if feeling stressed/anxious/angry. These emotions can reduce the production of digestive enzymes (important chemicals that help break down our food into really small molecules), thereby affecting breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients. Due to this reduction in enzymes, excessive gas, bloating and discomfort may occur.
Linda x
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More about Just For Tummies

Just For Tummies is located at 910 Woodborough Rd, NG3 5QR Nottingham, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 13:00