Just One More Mile

About Just One More Mile

Marathon Runners & Supporters Fundraising for Charity! How's your training going? Join us for all the latest on
Running Training, Sports Nutrition, Charity Fundraising, Running Injuries and tons of Support.

Just One More Mile Description

I originally started a blog, http://www. Just1MoreMile.com, and Facebook page (http://www. facebook.com/JoannasMarathon) to help chart my progress from novice to marathon runner and my ultimate goal… to run the London Marathon (completed in 2010)

Along the way, something extraordinary happened … I found a whole new bunch of friends who are not only equally passionate about running but do the most amazing fundraising to support charities all over the world.
‘Just One More Mile’ is dedicated to the millions of runners out there, pounding the streets in snow, hail, rain, wind and sunshine in order to run marathons and raise money to help others.

Perhaps you’d like to run a marathon? You’re in good company – here you’ll find lots of information, training tips, advice and personal stories. This is a place for anyone who has thought they might be a runner – whether you’re an ultra runner or a newbie who has never entered race (yet) …

Everyone’s welcome!