Karen Kissane Coaching

About Karen Kissane Coaching

Coach for Smart Women in Business

Helping committed and motivated women realise their potential and achieve remarkable success.

Karen Kissane Coaching Description

ICF certified Coach and Mentor

Helping committed and motivated people realise their ambition and achieve remarkable personal success.
It starts with you.

Coaching by phone, Skype or face to face if local to Northamptonshire.



There’s something really exciting happening in the next few weeks.
The online education business is booming - reported to be worth $255 billion!
And there’s never been a better time to be part of this massively growing industry.
... Anyone who delivers a service should be at the very least be *considering* how they could incorporate their knowledge and expertise into an online course.
Selling an online course is a proven business model and the benefits are huge to both you and your clients.
👉 it allows you to scale your business 👉 it creates passive income 👉 it helps you reach and help more people
I’m partnering with a 7-figure expert in this field and together we have something very special planned for you!
Keep an eye out here, or if you can't wait - message me for the details!
And better still, If you're a woman in business, why not come and join my free group where you’ll see all this firsthand and a whole lot more 👋
The Smart Woman's Business Hub
See more


This was a great question that came up in my group recently - how do you present customer testimonials?
If you've done something creative with yours, drop a link below to inspire others!


Go grab those opportunities!


They say never work with animals or children!
I had a fun morning filming but trying to stop unidentifiable ‘Baxter’ noises appearing in my videos wasn’t easy. 😂
Next time he’ll have to be locked out! Sorry Baxter!


Today is #NationalStressAwareness day so I encourage you all to look after yourselves today. Recognise the signs that you are feeling under stress and look at how you manage it. If you're faced with a stressful situation today, take a break and say to yourself - you can do this.


Richard Branson said "My general attitude to life is to enjoy every minute of every day. I never do anything with a feeling of 'Oh God, I've got to do this today…"
Passion is so important in business and as this article highlights, it drives productivity and lays the foundation for success. What really excites you in your business?


This is so true of the women I work with. It's amazing what happens when you focus on the outcome and not the fear of what may (or may not!) happen.


Some great tips here for building positive and more genuine connections with your customers. #ForbesCouncil


Thought for the day: you don't need to have it all figured out to move forwards. Sow the seeds. Commit and take action.


Women in business.
If you want to know my top coaching strategies for a successful 2019, join me on my first ever Business Mastermind Day where we will focus on the key areas that will get you making the biggest impact in your business.
👉More clarity... 👉More clients or customers 👉More income
Don’t leave next year to chance.
Get a plan, get focused and get the results you deserve.
There are a limited number of spaces available so if you’re thinking ‘yes’, don’t hang about for too long.
See more


Goal setting is vital for success but getting to goal achievement requires hard work, a strategy and consistent action. What actionable step are you taking towards your goals this week? #MondayMotivation


"Fake it until you make it! Act as if you had the confidence you require until it becomes your reality" - #BrianTracy


At the advanced confidence coaching training day I was at on Sunday, we talked a lot about comfort zones and the tools that coaches can use to help their clients break free from living a life of comfort.
For many people it’s often a question of which is worse?
A life of comfort. Or a life of being unfulfilled? Or broke? Or bored?


If you're a woman in business I'd love you to come over and join my Facebook group, The Smart Woman's Business Hub. A place to share, learn, engage and an all round inspiring place! Here's the link👇 https://www.facebook.com/groups/thesmartw omansbusinesshub/


Karen was a fantastic help to my business, I couldn't have achieved all I did without her. I can't recommend her highly enough.


Karen is simply amazing. I had some reservations before contacting her and when I did I let her know and she was extremely understanding and patient til I felt ready.

I loved my session with her as it allowed me to view things in a different perspective and really think deep about certain blocks that I was facing.

She's great and I really like the fact that she gives you her all��


Karen is about the most positive, motivated person I know, and she really brings out the best in people.


Karen is about positive support to novices in business. On listening to her presentation I felt like there was a vail removed from my face. For personal and professional growth I believe Karen's coaching can help people to put their visions into practice.


Karen was a fantastic help to my business, I couldn't have achieved all I did without her. I can't recommend her highly enough.


Karen is simply amazing. I had some reservations before contacting her and when I did I let her know and she was extremely understanding and patient til I felt ready.

I loved my session with her as it allowed me to view things in a different perspective and really think deep about certain blocks that I was facing.

She's great and I really like the fact that she gives you her all��


Karen is about the most positive, motivated person I know, and she really brings out the best in people.


Karen is about positive support to novices in business. On listening to her presentation I felt like there was a vail removed from my face. For personal and professional growth I believe Karen's coaching can help people to put their visions into practice.


Karen was a fantastic help to my business, I couldn't have achieved all I did without her. I can't recommend her highly enough.


Karen is simply amazing. I had some reservations before contacting her and when I did I let her know and she was extremely understanding and patient til I felt ready.

I loved my session with her as it allowed me to view things in a different perspective and really think deep about certain blocks that I was facing.

She's great and I really like the fact that she gives you her all��


Karen is about the most positive, motivated person I know, and she really brings out the best in people.


Karen is about positive support to novices in business. On listening to her presentation I felt like there was a vail removed from my face. For personal and professional growth I believe Karen's coaching can help people to put their visions into practice.

More about Karen Kissane Coaching

+44 7917773799