Kaspas Desserts-Lincoln

Monday: 14:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 14:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 14:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 14:00 - 22:00
Friday: 14:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 22:00

About Kaspas Desserts-Lincoln




It’s cold outside 🧣 Why not come on in and try our smarties cookie dough 😋


The monsters are coming out this #halloween! Try our limited edition Terry's Orange treats in-store now!


It’s only Wednesday but we’re needing this in half term week. Mummy’s you’re secret is safe with us. We won’t tell 🤫😉


We maybe a naughty treat but you can still have one of your five a day 🤭😏


😋Cookie dough🤤


Bring the kids for a treat in the half term week 😋 our scrumptious bubblelicious


One of our regulars making one big treat today of......
Double waffle, with a mixture of fudges cubes, marshmallows, fresh fruit, sauces 🤤


It’s waffle time!


Something to warm you up on a chilly day 🌫 🧣😋


Another spooky treat just for Halloween 👻🎃 #Halloweenspecial


So much naughtiness under one roof 🤭🤫


Something spooky is coming to town! Our limited edition #halloween special! Terry's chocolate orange, melon and pumpkin gelato!


This wet miserable Sunday just got better 😍😋




Why not create your own bounty waffle
For only £6.00😱
... Also mix up the flavour and add a base for an extra £1.00 🤤
See More


Why not create your own TWIX waffle
Only £6.20😱
... Why not mix up the flavours and add any flavoured base for an extra £1.00
See More


With Christmas around the corner why not have a get together here at Kaspa’s. Tables of 6 or more must be booked and are available Monday to Friday subject to availability👑🍨🎅🏻🎄


Something for brunch 🐵


Sinfully good 🤤


Visited here yesterday - huge place with lovely decor. Got our food quickly, was lovely and staff were great. Glad i didn't listen to the reviews and not visit as no issues. May want to do a children's menu though as my 4 year old god daughter couldn't even eat half her adult cheesecake portion.


Ordered a takeaway waffle the other day, fantastic service and timing. They even apoligised for taking too long but it was super fast service! This place is amazing and i will 100% be returning. I love all the options and that a place dedicates itself just to desserts. Dream place, lovely 50s diner/glitter aesthetic and hardworking staff. 5/5


Heard a lot of good things about this place from friends, can’t wait to come up and give it a try some time! Seems like a lovely place with a good selection and great portion sizes, love the look and aesthetic of the place as well!


Came in this evening with my two daughters, greeted by a lovely member of staff (think she was called Sage) who talked us through how to order (1st timers)

Ordered food/drinks very quick service. Food was amazing and we was stuffed half way through so took the rest home.

Nice clean restaurant/toilets, no complaints from myself.

All staff friendly and helpful.

I can’t see why people are scoring 1* we will definitely be coming back.


First visit today, lovely waitress asked us where we'd like to sit, very friendly. I choose the waffles with nuts and chocolate sauce my husband had a sundae. Soooo filling, very fast service probably ten minute wait. All in all a good visit. Only slight downside for us was the air con was on, granted was warm day but actually quite cold inside. And menus were already looking sorry for themselves. Other than we'll be back!


Hubby said he would treat me to a dessert at Kaspas. We went last Thursday 26 July and arrived at about 8.30pm. Very clean decorated well welcomed to a table straight away. So far so good. Not really busy so didn't think we would have a long wait. Ordered a banana split and a waffle at 8.40pm. Food was going to other tables but we were still waiting at 9.10pm. Hubby went to the counter to let them know and was met with "table 1? yes I know" delivered in what can only be described as a teenager with a huge attitude. This could be heard by tables close to the counter. We sat back down and a few minutes later two other staff brought our order over. I asked what the delay was and was told only one waffle iron was working. I advised to let customers know when they order of this. I also told them of the other member of staff and her attitude and they apologised to me. They took her to one side and had a word but she never apologised. Food was faultless but service had more than one. Never going back.


Food was great and came out quick but couldn’t understand why the managers weren’t wearing hair nets but every single other was. The managers were serving the same as everyone else too, a manager in a black top with black hair was making a milkshake with gloves on and had to push his hair up with the glove a multiple of times then carry on with the food.


Went in today and got seated straight away. Ordered and paid for our food which consisted of a waffle, an ice cream sundae and 2 drinks. After 45 mins we still hadnt been served anything, and the cutlery on the table was filthy. Having chased it up, our order wasnt even on the screen to be prepared. We asked for a refund as we were exhausted - and by now it was almost tea time. Refund was given with no problems. However we will not return to this particular branch.


Was told we would have to que for half an hour to place our order never mind how long to wait for the food. place looked deserted excuse the pun apart from the que at the till that wasn’t moving. Only had 45 minuets which I thought would be enough to have a quick sundae...

Dread to imagine visiting on a wknd if it’s this bad on a Thursday afternoon... Dreadful opening whoever’s in charge of this


Took my 2 children for a treat, ended being a nightmare!

Got seated quickly, went to order and was told we could not order smoothies or milkshakes as there was only one blender working! Then told there was a 40 minute wait for sundaes!

I ordered anyway as my children were looking forward to it.

Decided about 5 minutes after ordering to cancel our order and get a refund, 40 minutes for ice cream seemed a bit ridiculous, went to cancel and was told "We'll do your order now"

Was served within 10 minutes! Brilliant!

But sat across from us was a table of about 6 teenage boys shouting and swearing, bearing in mind there were a lot of families there with young children, including us, it really wasn't nice to hear, one of the boys threw a plastic bottle which hit me on the head!

Went straight away to get the manager who dealt with it and told the boys to leave, after my other half had threatened to knock them all out!

It has left a very sour taste in our mouths, we know it wasn't the restaurants fault but we left with 2 very scared children, as the boys came back and were goading us through the window, and my children thought they would be waiting for us.

Will not be visiting again!


The place is far to hyped !! Bad service , lack off staff training and communication. Staff were stood around chatting while i hd to wait 20mins for an ice cream cone which could have been done in about 5 minutes regardless of other hot orders etc.... was very disapapointed and will not be visiting again !!


I went for the frist time with my family had to wait 20 min to order and the 40 min and still nothing asked a member of staff were it was said it was geting done now and it was not.was asked by the manger if i was sure i not had my pudding I said no and asked for a refund and short change me and no sorry ore nothing will never go again.


I was very much looking forward to me, my partners and little girl of 8months trip to Kaspas however was very much let down by the whole experience.

We were sat down swiftly at a booth at 6pm. We made our order.. 30minutes had passed and we finally got our first order, another 10minutes passed and we were yet to receive our other desserts. I was about to go to the counter to tell them to stop the order as my partner had already finished his dessert and I was pretty fed up of waiting! But our order was finally ready 40minutes after we’d initially made our order - baring in mind it was not busy.

We asked if the air con could be turned down as my child was cold to touch and it was very cold in there, I understand it was warm outside but it was too cold in the establishment . I was told this was not possible.

The service was poor and the desserts were not the best.

Would for sure, not visit again.


I understand they were busy but tbh they really really missed the mark. First we seated and everything was going well, had to wait a bit to order but that's fine they were rammed. Then I started to sort the cutlery out for my group giving everyone what they needed first we didn't even have enough for our group then second they were dirty, not just water marks I can deal with that and will wipe them off but some have sauce on them we asked a member of staff to replace them and he put them in with the cleaned cutlery he was sorting then came back and proceeded to tell me it was just water marks it was not I know what they are, then our drinks arrived and they were super nice we had quite a wait but we expected this so it was fine, then our food came and as they were serving it to us I could see the bottom of the plates were coverd in what appeared to be sauce but the tops seemed to be okay so we dealt with it, then error two happened my dad had ordered a chocolate waffle base and it was regular so we complained and we got a refund though the lady did seem to be to busy to want to deal with us, then as I was almost finished I found a hair in my cream, we knew it wasn't ours as I have purple hair, my dad white the other two dark brown and this was blonde, so we complained and and the manager had the cheek to say well she don't know who it got there as she is the only one that doesn't have her hair in a hair net true yes but the staff had not secured all their hair and so had bits loose so it was completely possible for their hair to enter my food. Well I couldnt eat anymore after this fact, even though eating what I had was hard do to the sheer amount of sauce it made it super sickly and almost inedible so we decided we wanted to leave but I had another of drink left, so we decided to get it to take away so we asked all okay but in the process I seemed to lose the vast majority of the bubbles from it (it was like a bubble tea) had not made the move, by this point we couldn't be bother to complain just to have management talk down to us. Now I have worked in the food service so I can understand the problems that can happen but this was just too much and I didn't take to being contradicted to by the management.


I am incredibly disappointed about this place. It looks the part but that’s about where it stops. I visited today with my husband at 11am. We were stood waiting outside in the heat until 11.20 as the staff couldn’t figure out the fire alarm system, then we got inside and were told to wait and despite being the first people inside the building, we were last to be seated.

We ordered a float and a crepe to share. The float was bought over after about 15 minutes, then a further half an hour later we had to go and ask for the crepe!!! It had just been forgotten about and left on the side. It was soggy and undercooked. The ice cream tasted awful like the machines hadn’t been cleaned, the float tasted like washing up liquid and the cutlery was filthy. (I have pictures if required). We ended up leaving as it was a complete shambles. We won’t be returning. It’s a real shame.


Doesn't sound like any things changing. Clearly not learning from comments! Early days I know but at this rate the place will be closed in no time!!!

2 hour wait for food! Are you serious?!? It's just deserts!!!!

Empty tables at the time! How would you cope if it was full to your seating capacity!

So as the 6 year old was desperate for ice cream we queued for take out. So scooping ice cream into a cone apparently would take 30 mins! Ridiculous! Very upset 6 year old!

Badly managed and understaffed.


Disgusted with the service. I hate to leave bad reviews but something must be done. I rang during the week to request a booking for me, my kids and my partner as it was my partners birthday. To be told we don't take bookings for less than 10 people - okay daft but okay - but the worst part is to be told don't worry never turned anyone away & guarantee you'll get a seat. We arrive as stated to be told 45 minutes wait time to even get a seat... this was my partners birthday and the kids were looking forward to it. But we couldn't wait and refuse to wait 45 minutes!!! With lots of visibly clear seats! Disgusting service as we were then spoken to extremely rude. Safe to say we will NEVER go to the Lincoln Kaspas again (We appreciate other locations may be better so may consider Nottingham in the future). Sort it out because it has the potential to be great. Oh and steps to get in when you have a pushchair or you're disabled is ridiculous - maybe something to consider regarding H&S.


An impromptu lunchtime visit to break up a shopping trip, and I wish we hadn't bothered! The place looks fab, and we thought we'd have a treat - wrong! Lots of lovely things on the menu so we chose what we wanted and got to the till to be told that they didn't have any ice cream (other than those on display/to scoop) so wouldn't be able to make milkshakes or add ice cream to our crepes!! Yes-a diner with a core business of desserts and milkshakes cannot make anything with ice cream due to a delivery not turning up the day before!! An apologetic server on the till. We chose alternatives and then had to wait 35 mins for a smoothie and Sundae, and then another 15mins for our crepes (I love chocolate sauce but this took it to a new, wholly ridiculous, level). No acknowledgement or apology for the wait! While we were waiting we saw two tables getting incorrect food/drinks and having to re-do orders. Although it did get busier while we were there they were by no means at capacity so I have no idea why we had to wait so long (and wait for people who had paid after us to get served first!). Won't be going back!


Although Kaspas was a very Scenic place and was well Thought Out in terms of decor, it was ridiculous that I waited almost 40 minutes for a coffee, in the end I went and got a refund for the coffee as I had waited too long and decided I wasn't going to wait any longer.

I was reassured by members of staff that my coffee was being made three times, it wasn't busy when we went so I'm not sure why it took so long, but when it gotten past the point of waiting 40 minutes I decided enough was enough.

The staff seem friendly, but unfortunately if you can't deliver a simple coffee in less than 40 minutes then I think you need to develop your time keeping and management skills.


Visited here yesterday - huge place with lovely decor. Got our food quickly, was lovely and staff were great. Glad i didn't listen to the reviews and not visit as no issues. May want to do a children's menu though as my 4 year old god daughter couldn't even eat half her adult cheesecake portion.


Ordered a takeaway waffle the other day, fantastic service and timing. They even apoligised for taking too long but it was super fast service! This place is amazing and i will 100% be returning. I love all the options and that a place dedicates itself just to desserts. Dream place, lovely 50s diner/glitter aesthetic and hardworking staff. 5/5


Heard a lot of good things about this place from friends, can’t wait to come up and give it a try some time! Seems like a lovely place with a good selection and great portion sizes, love the look and aesthetic of the place as well!


Came in this evening with my two daughters, greeted by a lovely member of staff (think she was called Sage) who talked us through how to order (1st timers)

Ordered food/drinks very quick service. Food was amazing and we was stuffed half way through so took the rest home.

Nice clean restaurant/toilets, no complaints from myself.

All staff friendly and helpful.

I can’t see why people are scoring 1* we will definitely be coming back.


First visit today, lovely waitress asked us where we'd like to sit, very friendly. I choose the waffles with nuts and chocolate sauce my husband had a sundae. Soooo filling, very fast service probably ten minute wait. All in all a good visit. Only slight downside for us was the air con was on, granted was warm day but actually quite cold inside. And menus were already looking sorry for themselves. Other than we'll be back!


Hubby said he would treat me to a dessert at Kaspas. We went last Thursday 26 July and arrived at about 8.30pm. Very clean decorated well welcomed to a table straight away. So far so good. Not really busy so didn't think we would have a long wait. Ordered a banana split and a waffle at 8.40pm. Food was going to other tables but we were still waiting at 9.10pm. Hubby went to the counter to let them know and was met with "table 1? yes I know" delivered in what can only be described as a teenager with a huge attitude. This could be heard by tables close to the counter. We sat back down and a few minutes later two other staff brought our order over. I asked what the delay was and was told only one waffle iron was working. I advised to let customers know when they order of this. I also told them of the other member of staff and her attitude and they apologised to me. They took her to one side and had a word but she never apologised. Food was faultless but service had more than one. Never going back.


Food was great and came out quick but couldn’t understand why the managers weren’t wearing hair nets but every single other was. The managers were serving the same as everyone else too, a manager in a black top with black hair was making a milkshake with gloves on and had to push his hair up with the glove a multiple of times then carry on with the food.


Went in today and got seated straight away. Ordered and paid for our food which consisted of a waffle, an ice cream sundae and 2 drinks. After 45 mins we still hadnt been served anything, and the cutlery on the table was filthy. Having chased it up, our order wasnt even on the screen to be prepared. We asked for a refund as we were exhausted - and by now it was almost tea time. Refund was given with no problems. However we will not return to this particular branch.


Was told we would have to que for half an hour to place our order never mind how long to wait for the food. place looked deserted excuse the pun apart from the que at the till that wasn’t moving. Only had 45 minuets which I thought would be enough to have a quick sundae...

Dread to imagine visiting on a wknd if it’s this bad on a Thursday afternoon... Dreadful opening whoever’s in charge of this


Took my 2 children for a treat, ended being a nightmare!

Got seated quickly, went to order and was told we could not order smoothies or milkshakes as there was only one blender working! Then told there was a 40 minute wait for sundaes!

I ordered anyway as my children were looking forward to it.

Decided about 5 minutes after ordering to cancel our order and get a refund, 40 minutes for ice cream seemed a bit ridiculous, went to cancel and was told "We'll do your order now"

Was served within 10 minutes! Brilliant!

But sat across from us was a table of about 6 teenage boys shouting and swearing, bearing in mind there were a lot of families there with young children, including us, it really wasn't nice to hear, one of the boys threw a plastic bottle which hit me on the head!

Went straight away to get the manager who dealt with it and told the boys to leave, after my other half had threatened to knock them all out!

It has left a very sour taste in our mouths, we know it wasn't the restaurants fault but we left with 2 very scared children, as the boys came back and were goading us through the window, and my children thought they would be waiting for us.

Will not be visiting again!


The place is far to hyped !! Bad service , lack off staff training and communication. Staff were stood around chatting while i hd to wait 20mins for an ice cream cone which could have been done in about 5 minutes regardless of other hot orders etc.... was very disapapointed and will not be visiting again !!


I went for the frist time with my family had to wait 20 min to order and the 40 min and still nothing asked a member of staff were it was said it was geting done now and it was not.was asked by the manger if i was sure i not had my pudding I said no and asked for a refund and short change me and no sorry ore nothing will never go again.


I was very much looking forward to me, my partners and little girl of 8months trip to Kaspas however was very much let down by the whole experience.

We were sat down swiftly at a booth at 6pm. We made our order.. 30minutes had passed and we finally got our first order, another 10minutes passed and we were yet to receive our other desserts. I was about to go to the counter to tell them to stop the order as my partner had already finished his dessert and I was pretty fed up of waiting! But our order was finally ready 40minutes after we’d initially made our order - baring in mind it was not busy.

We asked if the air con could be turned down as my child was cold to touch and it was very cold in there, I understand it was warm outside but it was too cold in the establishment . I was told this was not possible.

The service was poor and the desserts were not the best.

Would for sure, not visit again.


I understand they were busy but tbh they really really missed the mark. First we seated and everything was going well, had to wait a bit to order but that's fine they were rammed. Then I started to sort the cutlery out for my group giving everyone what they needed first we didn't even have enough for our group then second they were dirty, not just water marks I can deal with that and will wipe them off but some have sauce on them we asked a member of staff to replace them and he put them in with the cleaned cutlery he was sorting then came back and proceeded to tell me it was just water marks it was not I know what they are, then our drinks arrived and they were super nice we had quite a wait but we expected this so it was fine, then our food came and as they were serving it to us I could see the bottom of the plates were coverd in what appeared to be sauce but the tops seemed to be okay so we dealt with it, then error two happened my dad had ordered a chocolate waffle base and it was regular so we complained and we got a refund though the lady did seem to be to busy to want to deal with us, then as I was almost finished I found a hair in my cream, we knew it wasn't ours as I have purple hair, my dad white the other two dark brown and this was blonde, so we complained and and the manager had the cheek to say well she don't know who it got there as she is the only one that doesn't have her hair in a hair net true yes but the staff had not secured all their hair and so had bits loose so it was completely possible for their hair to enter my food. Well I couldnt eat anymore after this fact, even though eating what I had was hard do to the sheer amount of sauce it made it super sickly and almost inedible so we decided we wanted to leave but I had another of drink left, so we decided to get it to take away so we asked all okay but in the process I seemed to lose the vast majority of the bubbles from it (it was like a bubble tea) had not made the move, by this point we couldn't be bother to complain just to have management talk down to us. Now I have worked in the food service so I can understand the problems that can happen but this was just too much and I didn't take to being contradicted to by the management.


I am incredibly disappointed about this place. It looks the part but that’s about where it stops. I visited today with my husband at 11am. We were stood waiting outside in the heat until 11.20 as the staff couldn’t figure out the fire alarm system, then we got inside and were told to wait and despite being the first people inside the building, we were last to be seated.

We ordered a float and a crepe to share. The float was bought over after about 15 minutes, then a further half an hour later we had to go and ask for the crepe!!! It had just been forgotten about and left on the side. It was soggy and undercooked. The ice cream tasted awful like the machines hadn’t been cleaned, the float tasted like washing up liquid and the cutlery was filthy. (I have pictures if required). We ended up leaving as it was a complete shambles. We won’t be returning. It’s a real shame.


Doesn't sound like any things changing. Clearly not learning from comments! Early days I know but at this rate the place will be closed in no time!!!

2 hour wait for food! Are you serious?!? It's just deserts!!!!

Empty tables at the time! How would you cope if it was full to your seating capacity!

So as the 6 year old was desperate for ice cream we queued for take out. So scooping ice cream into a cone apparently would take 30 mins! Ridiculous! Very upset 6 year old!

Badly managed and understaffed.


Disgusted with the service. I hate to leave bad reviews but something must be done. I rang during the week to request a booking for me, my kids and my partner as it was my partners birthday. To be told we don't take bookings for less than 10 people - okay daft but okay - but the worst part is to be told don't worry never turned anyone away & guarantee you'll get a seat. We arrive as stated to be told 45 minutes wait time to even get a seat... this was my partners birthday and the kids were looking forward to it. But we couldn't wait and refuse to wait 45 minutes!!! With lots of visibly clear seats! Disgusting service as we were then spoken to extremely rude. Safe to say we will NEVER go to the Lincoln Kaspas again (We appreciate other locations may be better so may consider Nottingham in the future). Sort it out because it has the potential to be great. Oh and steps to get in when you have a pushchair or you're disabled is ridiculous - maybe something to consider regarding H&S.


An impromptu lunchtime visit to break up a shopping trip, and I wish we hadn't bothered! The place looks fab, and we thought we'd have a treat - wrong! Lots of lovely things on the menu so we chose what we wanted and got to the till to be told that they didn't have any ice cream (other than those on display/to scoop) so wouldn't be able to make milkshakes or add ice cream to our crepes!! Yes-a diner with a core business of desserts and milkshakes cannot make anything with ice cream due to a delivery not turning up the day before!! An apologetic server on the till. We chose alternatives and then had to wait 35 mins for a smoothie and Sundae, and then another 15mins for our crepes (I love chocolate sauce but this took it to a new, wholly ridiculous, level). No acknowledgement or apology for the wait! While we were waiting we saw two tables getting incorrect food/drinks and having to re-do orders. Although it did get busier while we were there they were by no means at capacity so I have no idea why we had to wait so long (and wait for people who had paid after us to get served first!). Won't be going back!


Although Kaspas was a very Scenic place and was well Thought Out in terms of decor, it was ridiculous that I waited almost 40 minutes for a coffee, in the end I went and got a refund for the coffee as I had waited too long and decided I wasn't going to wait any longer.

I was reassured by members of staff that my coffee was being made three times, it wasn't busy when we went so I'm not sure why it took so long, but when it gotten past the point of waiting 40 minutes I decided enough was enough.

The staff seem friendly, but unfortunately if you can't deliver a simple coffee in less than 40 minutes then I think you need to develop your time keeping and management skills.

More about Kaspas Desserts-Lincoln

Kaspas Desserts-Lincoln is located at 41 to 47 Clasketgate, LN2 1 Lincoln, Lincolnshire
Monday: 14:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 14:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 14:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 14:00 - 22:00
Friday: 14:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 22:00