Kate North Kinesiology

Monday: 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 15:00
Friday: 09:00 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Kate North Kinesiology

specialised kinesiologist

Kate North Kinesiology Description

I am a Specialised Kinesiologist - a Storyteller for Bodies and a Catalyst for Change.

Using muscle response testing (a technique verified by studies at Oxford University) we can look at what lies behind the symptoms and challenges that you experience today.

Emotions, thoughts, fears and beliefs - can all contribute to our health and the way we experience life.

Sometimes life can be overwhelming and you do not have the resources to deal with challenges and difficult experiences when they happen. This is normal. But, if we don't go back and deal with them, your nervous system can get stuck in a default loop that eventually creates physical, emotional or biochemical symptoms.

Once we know what lies behind the symptoms - what story or event in your life set this up - we can re-look at that story and offer new resources, an opportunity to express the emotions that we bottled up while we got on with life, a new perspective or new wisdom, or just the gift of love, support and understanding.

In doing so, we create the opportunity for a new balance, a new neurological loop, and the ability for your body to heal itself - on all levels.



Often my work will include reference to genetically inherited patterns or stresses.
The scientific community has been doing quite a bit of research into epigenetics and inherited stress but most of the clinical research that I have seen has been on animals.
This is wonderful research from a psychiatrist showing the physiological impact of maternal stress from pre-conception and that it differs from the stress experienced post-conception.
... Excerpt from article: Drury and collaborators recruited mothers during pregnancy to try and understand how a mother’s experiences, both before and during pregnancy, influence their infants’ development. Mothers reported on their stress during pregnancy as well as their own adverse childhood experiences before the age of 18. At four months of age, Drury’s research team measured the infant’s respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) during an interaction with their mother. RSA is a marker of the parasympathetic nervous system and considered an indicator of how well one can adapt to changes in the environment.
“What our study showed was that moms’ adverse childhood experiences took away some of that flexibility in babies. It showed that things that happened even before a mom gets pregnant can leave lasting traces in her child..."
“It is a bit nuanced in that adverse childhood experiences really lowers baseline or starting point of a child’s RSA, while prenatal stress influenced the change in RSA, or what we call reactivity,” Drury said.
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Every day you have to make choices.
Some are small and seemingly insignificant.
Some are choices you hope will create change for the better.
... And every so often, we are called to make choices that categorically change the course of our life.
According to cognitive neuroscientists, 95% of our decision making ability is driven by the subconscious.
All our past experiences, the emotions they create, and the beliefs that we form as a result, are stored away as reference material for the subconscious mind.
In fact, epigenetic studies indicate that we can even react to situations based on the neurological learning of our parents and grandparents.
We may think that we are being very rational about our choices but in reality, it appears that our subconscious might have 95% of the decision making power.
If the choices that you make produce the results that you want, then your beliefs and past experiences are aligned and serving you well.
The problem comes when choices don't lead to the outcomes that you had hoped for, despite your best efforts.
If this is the case, there will be stories and experiences from your past that are coded into your subconscious and impacting the choices you make today.
Muscle testing helps us to quickly identify the fears, emotions and beliefs holding you back. Together we can re-write the stories from your past and change your future by allowing you to make different choices today.
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Loved this feedback from a client! ❤️
Is something holding YOU back?
Creating change could be easier than you think!
... Schedule an appointment: http://katenorth.simplybook.it/v2/
#health #kinesiology #nottingham
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Some of the best gifts I have received were really simple gifts, given at just the right moment.
Our first baby was born in the late evening by emergency C-section. I got a 10 second hello before he was taken into ICU by my husband and the hospital team. I was entirely immobile and confined to the hospital bed, which could not be wheeled through the doors of ICU. That 10 seconds was all I knew of him. The next morning, my husband arrived with a framed photo of our new l...ittle guy so that even if we couldn't be in the same room, at least I could see my baby.
What my husband had managed to do, was to know what I would want even before I did. He knew me and could deliver what I needed most, before I even knew it myself.
The other gift was from my parents. They arrived at the crack of dawn on my 30th birthday with a singing toy called Deedle Dude.
Deedle Dude was a quirky kind of cow who would spring to life with a silly little tune, his head waving back and forth whenever a sound or movement was detected. He made me laugh... that morning and for many years to come!
Never would I have chosen a Deedle Dude for myself (there are so many practical things for a young mother to spend money on) but my parents knew the value of laughter might be greater than any practical item.
Two totally different choices, each so perfect for the occasion.
When a client comes for help, I don't have the benefit of years, but deeply personal solutions can make the difference between the ordinary and the extra-ordinary.
Kinesiology and muscle response testing allow me to check in with each unique person, to quickly assess what fears, habits, beliefs and life experiences are keeping them stuck and what they need to create the future they are striving for.
What area of your life needs the gift of a personal solution?
It may be easier than you think: https://katenorth.simplybook.it/v2/#book< br> See More


Weeds are feisty little creatures, proper survivors of nature and seem to flourish despite our best efforts. However, if you spend all your time weeding the garden, and never plant what you really want to bloom and grow, the weeds will make use of the open ground and a fresh collection will take root in the carefully turned soil.
Life can be much the same. Some clients come to me because they are trying to clear traumas and baggage that have accumulated over the years. Thi...s is necessary and courageous work - as necessary as the initial weeding preparation of the soil for a good garden to grow. But if clearing the stress, trauma and challenges is all you ever focus on, your garden might always need weeding.
What do you want to plant in your life? What colours? What textures? Do you want it to feel formal or relaxed? Do you love evergreens or a glorious burst each season?
What makes your heart happy?
Not all plants take root and thrive, but if you have cleared a space in your life garden, plant a little joy to help keep the weeds at bay. Nourish the joy. Give it a chance to thrive and grow... it may be all you need to keep the weeds from invading!
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Brene Brown - Empathy, Compassion and Boundaries


What enjoyable days we had promoting kinesiology at The Mindful Living Show in London!


I loved this story shared by The ManKind Project:
Franz Kafka, the story goes, encountered a little girl in the park where he went walking daily. She was crying. She had lost her doll and was desolate.
Kafka offered to help her look for the doll and arranged to meet her the next day at the same spot.
... Unable to find the doll he composed a letter from the doll and read it to her when they met.
‘Please do not mourn me, I have gone on a trip to see the world. I will write you of my adventures.’
This was the beginning of many letters. When he and the little girl met he read her from these carefully composed letters the imagined adventures of the beloved doll. The little girl was comforted.
When the meetings came to an end Kafka presented her with a doll. She obviously looked different from the original doll. An attached letter explained ‘My travels have changed me.’
Many years later, the now grown girl found a letter stuffed into an unnoticed crevice in the cherished replacement doll.
In summary it said: ‘Every thing that you love, you will eventually lose, but in the end, love will return in a different form.’
—Kafka and the Doll, The Pervasiveness of Loss
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At the Heart of any goal or any change, is the desire to feel different.
What do you want to feel?
Whether or not you are getting closer to that feeling may be a good measure of your progress toward a goal.
... In fact, it may be the Real goal.
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Runners use distance, speed, splits and finish times as measures of their improvement and achievement, not only the finish line of the race.
What are your measures for yourself?
Are you improving and achieving your goals and if not, do you know what is holding you back?


Sometimes memories and experiences from our past can continue to haunt us for years... like ghosts they can materialise amongst our current experience and interfere with our life in the now.
Sometimes it can be hard to lay memories to rest. Some memories seem to have a life of their own and do not respond to our conscious decisions and rational arguments.
Trauma is never totally rational. The very definition of trauma points to a highly disruptive and emotional experien...ce.
The centres of the brain that process emotion are not under full conscious control and so your emotions and memories truly can feel like they develop a 'life' of their own.
Kinesiology and muscle response testing offers a way to tap into the nervous system at a sub-conscious level and find ways to resolve the stress and rewire your responses so that you can move forward with life.
Put the past to rest by making an appointment that could change your life.
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I see Real clients, Real people.
That is not saying that other people might run their businesses with pretend clients, but rather that the people that I see tend to be past pretences.
They have often been roughed up by life, but they have lived. They have laughed. They have loved. But they have also hurt, grieved and cried (even if those tears were only internal).
... I see brave, Real people.
People not afraid to ask for help. People not afraid to try something different. (Because lets face it, how many of your friends have tried kinesiology?!)
The people that I see are Real, and they are beautiful. And sometimes their scars make them even more so. ❤️
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Does it matter what you believe about the food that you eat?
Does it matter what you believe about your activity levels?
Would these beliefs make any difference to your weight or your health?
... Research shows that they might.
Mindset researcher Alia Crum did research where people consumed two different milkshakes on two different days. One was labelled as 0% fat, low in calories and the ultimate guilt free indulgence. The other was labelled as high in fat and calories and the ultimate decadent milkshake. They measured ghrelin levels (hunger inducing and metabolic regulating hormone) of the participants while they consumed the milkshakes to determine how the body responded. There was a significant difference in the body's response and degree of satiety (referenced by the ghrelin levels), and yet the actual milkshake was exactly the same (except for the label).
She also did research with housekeepers at hotels and found that 2/3 believed that they did not exercise regularly. 1/3 of them believed that on a 0 - 10 scale, their exercise levels were 0. They offered one group of housekeepers education into the number of calories burned by the different housekeeping activities and the fact that they met and even exceeded the surgeon general's recommendations for exercise. Their weight, systolic blood pressure and body fat % went down and their job satisfaction levels went up. (The control group had reasonably little change in the levels for these measurements.)
What do you really believe?
How are your beliefs impacting your health and wellbeing?
Kinesiology is one way to find hidden beliefs that are impacting your health and performance. Let's relook at the beliefs that are holding you back and allow your body to feel the benefits!
For more info on Alia Crum's research you can see her talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tqq66zwa 7g or find links to her research articles here: https://www.tedmed.com/speakers/show?id=6 21232
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Kinesiology - testing muscles, changing lives!


"I want to feel like I am getting somewhere and not going backwards all the time."
This was a very real comment from a client because she wasn't feeling all that great and yet she had been committed to healing for a while.
Sometimes, when you do a big clear out, or you renovate your house, things can get a whole lot messier before they get better. This can happen in healing too.
... One way to know if you are improving is to look at progression over a long period of time - how were you coping and how were you feeling at each significant point and how does that compare to now.
She did admit that she was better than at previous points. A broader perspective can be important.
We all have ups and downs, and some days or weeks can feel downright terrible, but if we take a step back every so often, we are able to get a different perspective and a broader picture.
Are you getting somewhere?
If not kinesiology might make a difference to turning you in the right direction.
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"How Boredom Helps You Do Your Best Thinking"
Sometimes it can feel hard to believe that doing 'nothing' is important, or that boredom is a creative emotion, however these 'empty' spaces may allow for a deeper, more creative process of "autobiographical planning".
While some of her message is focused on detaching from digital technology, distraction can come in many forms - allow yourself the space to daydream, sometimes it is not only important work, but hard work - which is why we can become so good at avoiding it!


"Cetojevic told Djokovic to stretch out his right arm while placing his left hand on his stomach. The doctor then pushed down on Djokovic’s right arm and told him to resist the pressure. The strength Djokovic would feel in holding firm, the doctor said, was exactly what he should experience.
Next Cetojevic gave Djokovic a slice of bread. He told the bemused player not to eat it but to hold it against his stomach with his left hand while he again pushed down on his outstretched right arm. To Djokovik's astonishment, the arm felt appreciably weaker."
It is not often that I work with food intolerance or dietary restrictions in my practice, but always wonderful to see the potential that muscle testing has to make a significant difference in people's life and performance.

More about Kate North Kinesiology

Monday: 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 15:00
Friday: 09:00 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -