Kgh Infection Prevention & Control Team

About Kgh Infection Prevention & Control Team

Infection Prevention & Control at Kettering General Hospital, including hand hygiene, cleaning and preventing infections in acute settings

Kgh Infection Prevention & Control Team Description

Infection Control: It’s everybody’s business, are you doing your bit?’

Infection prevention and control lies at the heart of the Trust Strategy, to be safe whilst providing clinically effective and focussed patient management. It remains a top priority within KGH and forms the core principles of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the Trust. Evolving clinical practice brings new challenges to infection prevention and control and thus needs constant review of practice by clinical and the Infection Prevention and Control team. (IPaCT)

The Trust puts infection prevention and control and basic hygiene at the heart of good management and clinical practice. It is committed to ensuring that appropriate resources are allocated for effective protection of patients, their relatives, staff and visiting members of the public. In this regard, emphasis is given to the prevention of healthcare associated infection, the reduction of antibiotic resistance and the sustained improvement of cleanliness in the hospital.

The Trust has robust protocols in place for tackling MRSA which are based on national guidelines for MRSA prevention and control. Following this guidance, the majority of elective (planned) adult admissions and certain categories of day-case attendees will be screened for MRSA. We provide antiseptic body wash for all emergency admissions and screen all patients identified as at high risk of developing MRSA. This approach has led to the Trust recording just 1 case of hospital acquired MRSA bacteraemia (Blood stream infection) throughout 2011 /12, 1 case 2012 /13 and 2 cases in 2014 /15. See our MRSA screening policy for more information.

MRSA is not the only infection that is monitored, the IPaCT have an IT system that provides updates 4 times a day to inform the team of incidents of infection which require specialist advice and liaise daily with the pathology laboratory and the consultant microbiologist to ensure the appropriate management of patients with infections. The Trust also completes mandatory reporting to the Department of Health of all incidents of Clostridium Difficile infection and Meticilllin Sensitive Staphylococcus Aureus ( MSSA) and Escherichia coli (E-coli) blood stream infections.

The Trust Board provide strategic leadership for effective delivery and the management of patient safety in relation to infection prevention and control.

A reports is submitted to each Trust Board meeting to update on the progress of infection control.

The Trust Leads for Infection Control are:

Dr. Manjula Natarajan, Director of Infection Prevention and Control (DIPC), Consultant Microbiologist and Associate Medical Director. Advises clinical staff on the management and treatment of infections.
Leanne Hackshall, Director of Nursing and Quality - Trust Executive Lead for Infection Prevention and Control and Member of the Trust Board. Chair of the Infection Control Committee
Dawn Westmoreland, Lead Nurse Infection Prevention and Control – Leads the nursing infection prevention and control team, supporting ward staff on a daily basis.



Global Hand Hygiene Day #handhygiene #sepsis. IPC along with Sepsis Nurse Amy and material from our Antibiotic team


Celebrating the end of year Infection numbers with treats for the wards for all their constant hard work. Well Done Team KGH!!


Well Done to Team KGH! ALL of you have contributed to this achievement. We succeed because we continue the same high standards year on year #sustainability

If this video doesn't encourage you to have your flu jab, nothing will. Don't let this happen to your family


So we are now on the T,


Do you have questions about flu, are you worried about getting the Jab, who you wanna call: the Myth busters.


So another "Colin says " has been release on the screen savers. Are you getting the point and is your SIGHT improving


Think of this when you can’t decide if you want ur flu jab this year. It’s about who else we can protect


Get a jab


At the National PIN event for GNBSI in Birmingham with the Health Economy colleagues #ImproveIPC


So we have been warned and as staff we can do so much to help prevent it by being prepared. Simple actions like: get vaccinated, have you been fitted for your FFP3 mask, have you protected your patients by offering the vulnerable and long stay patients their vaccination whilst in hospital, don't come to work with symptoms of flu, Stay at home


So Colin is at it again, a new campaign to get staff thinking has started. Each week there will be a new screensaver to ensure patients are assessed against SIGHT so will you have 20:20 vision by the end.


National Ambition to reduce healthcare associated Gram-negative blood stream infections by 50% by March 2021
Did you know there is a catheter passport to give to patients when they are discharged with a Urinary Catheter (see picture below). It has loads of useful information for patients and carers as well as documents when catheters have been changed. Make sure if you are sending a patient home with at urinary catheter, the passport goes with them. If they come in with a catheter, ask them if they have one so you can update it if necessary. This could be a step towards help prevent E Coli Bloodstream infections and Urosepsis. Some have been sent to the wards by the Urology Practitioners but if you need more pls email with a clear address for the Ward/Department name and they will send you some boxes over.


Interesting Tweet by Martin Kiernan @emrsa15

More about Kgh Infection Prevention & Control Team

Kgh Infection Prevention & Control Team is located at Rothwell Road, NN16 8UZ Kettering, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom