Kieran Taylor Pt

About Kieran Taylor Pt

I am a Personal Trainer based in Swadlincote. I offer 1-2-1 Personal Training focusing on Strength and Muscle gaining.

If you're looking for a professional, knowledgeable and outgoing Personal Trainer - then look no further!



A lot of people will ask me - ‘what keeps you so motivated to work and train so hard?’
There are a lot reasons...
I love what I do, the challenge etc...
... But one of (if not THE) biggest reasons, is the people that I have around me 🙌🏻.
I have A LOT of people in my corner supporting me every day, who keep me focused, keep me driven, and make me want to to the best job possible for them - and there’s a handful of them with me below 🌟.
Gotta surround yourself with a positive crowd if you wanna keep yourself level-headed 👏🏻.
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... ❌❌❌.
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Over-indulged at the weekend?
No drama.
I’ve got you covered 👇🏻.


I post so much about fat loss because that’s what my target market predominantly is...
So for those of you who are stressing about wanting to lose body fat, PLEASE read through these and identify the cause to your fat gain 👌🏻.
... The reason, is on the right hand side 🤭. There is literally nothing else to blame, other than that.
Focus on the main (and only issue) 🤣, and head onwards and upwards.
That is all!
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Stay in your lane ✌🏻.


Some things I really see do make me laugh. This being one of them 👇🏻🤣.
‘How to eat at a buffet’.
Now, pictures like this, just promote a lack of flexibility, and enforce someone to strict with themselves when it comes to straying away from their Nutrition programming 🤦🏻‍♂️.
... The photo itself says, for you to:
Eat Meat and Veg first. Then Carbs. Then Dessert (IF YOU HAVE SPACE LEFT). Who doesn’t have space for dessert?!?!
So I changed it to make more sense 🤭.
Obviously I want people to be calorie aware when they eat out - but if the Calories fit, then don’t stress!
Nutrition programming doesn’t have to be set in stone... flexibility is key my dudes 🤙🏻.
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I always promote for people to warm-up...
You don’t have to spend half of your workout doing it. Just 15 minutes will do 👌🏻.
Whether this be on a piece of Cardio equipment, Dynamic Stretching, or warm-up sets with light weights - it will seriously be worth your while. Trust me.
... People may not get injured immediately, they may not get injured within a year... but it will come to them eventually. And they’ll either question what went wrong, or regret not taking the time to prepare their body for exercise 🤷🏻‍♂️.
Still be exercising well into your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s... OR Be too battered and broken by your 30’s to even be able to exercise at all...
The choice is yours!
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Nice little 10-year transformation for you guys to feast your eyes on 👀. I’d say I’ve gotten better with age 🤭🤣. In my opinion anyway hahahaha.
... Gonna spend my day training, with clients, eating, and workingggggg 👌🏻.
I would have the day off... but since I’d be spending the majority of the day on my own... what would be the point 🤷🏻‍♂️. May as well spend it doing what I love! Then head out for a huuuuuge meal tomorrow night!
Life is gooooood 🙌🏻.
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Just because I’m still having people tell me that they’ve ‘cut out carbs’ to lose weight because someone’s told them it’s the best way...
... The ONLY reason that people lose fat when they cut out Carbohydrates, is because they swap them out for lower-calorie alternatives such as Green Veg etc. NOT because of their removal of an important macronutrient 🤦🏻‍♂️.
And any PT, coach, friend or family member who tells you otherwise is delusional. So please don’t allow yourself to get sucked into their mislead belief system 🙄.
Why would you even want to cut out Carbohydrates?
Bread is awesome.
Rice is awesome.
Potatoes are awesome.
Carbohydrates are fucking awesome!
Pass me a sandwich and let me enjoy them 🤣.
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Anyone else fancy a laugh this Sunday morning? This has to be BY FAR the most ridiculous thought process of someone who wants to lose weight that I’ve ever seen 🤣.
This isn’t a friend of mine (luckily 🤦🏻‍♂️) - but someone sent me this screenshot and I felt like I had to say something about it.
The first thing I’ll dispel is this ‘don’t even mention exercise’ remark... because she’s ‘too lazy’. Actually, you either:
... 1. Don’t really WANT to change. 2. Are BLIND to the proven physical and mental benefits of exercise. 3. Have a combination of the two above points.
Second, ‘I ain’t rich enough for liposuction’ - does this person have ANY idea how much of an invasive and extreme procedure this is to have? The risk of permanent damage to internal organs and through scarring is ridiculous - and she’s really considered having it done? WOW 😬.
And third, the actual course of action she’s thinking of taking - HYPNOSIS. I’m not much of a believer in hypnosis anyway... but the fact that she’s calling out to see if anyone has used it to lose weight is so laughable it’s untrue.
Do they get you into a trance to increase your energy output and reduce your calorie intake? Because it’s that simple soyou shouldn’t fucking need to be hypnotised 🙃.
Hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it 🤞🏻😉.
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People say I’m ‘unsociable’ because I train with headphones in.
People say I’m ‘selfish’ because I tend to train on my own.
But so many others are EXACTLY like me 🙃.
... Don’t get me wrong, I’ll happily speak to people when I’m in the middle of a workout (briefly though - we’ve got work to do 👊🏻). I’ll happily train with a partner (as long as their drive and commitment to the session matches mine).
9 times out of 10 I LOVE training on my own. I can just zone out on the task at hand. Whether it be a Barbell, Dumbbell etc... I have a goal to accomplish, and no-one’s gonna get me there for me are they? So I’ve gotta chase it 🤙🏻.
And being by myself in the gym just means I’ve only got to worry about my technique, my weights, my sets, my reps...
Don’t want anyone twisting what I’m saying, there are exceptions above as to when I will train with somebody else.
Just leave me be ✌🏻😛.
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DEAD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Almost as good a joke as the Keto diet actually is in itself 🤦🏻‍♂️.
I mean seriously... what a miserable diet to be on! Minimal Carbohydrates, maximal Fats... who would want to be following a Nutrition programme like that? 🙄
... All because you’ve been told that Carbohydrates are the devil and you’ll go into a state of ‘Ketosis’ which your body will immediately burn fat as a result?! Come on... get a grip 🙃.
Don’t get me wrong though - SOME people will be able to comfortably follow this particular diet. BUT the majority of the population won’t, yet they’ll believe that they have to due to what they’ve been promised will happen.
At the end of the day, you need to prioritise your Nutrition based on something that you can ENJOY and SUSTAIN 🤞🏻.
So you can pick whichever ‘diet’ you like - the underlying principle is still the same (calorie deficit).
Just eat what you enjoy eating, and keep your Calories in check 👏🏻.
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‘Kieran, I need some motivation please 😩’.
The amount of times people will say this to me.
There is nothing I could say, do, post or give to you to motivate you. It just doesn’t work like that 🙅🏻‍♂️.
... Motivation comes from WITHIN YOURSELF.
It comes from a raw need to achieve something.
You’ve got to have a goal in your head, that you are aiming towards, and nothing is going to get in the way of that goal. You’re gonna have to push yourself to get it done - no obstacle is too big 👌🏻.
I can’t physically make you go and do something. Neither can I do it for you.
That’s all up to you.
No-one else 👊🏻.
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So I did a post with tips on how to assist with losing body fat yesterday... today I’m gonna throw some tips to help you build muscle 💪🏻. Give these a read and take on the knowledge!
1. Reduce your energy expenditure.
You may want to consider limiting how much Cardiovascular training you do. And even how much movement you do outside of the gym. If you struggle to significantly increase your Calorie intake, then reducing your expenditure may be a good way to go 😬.
... 2. Prioritise your Resistance Training (with progressive overload).
Stimulating your Muscles is going to encourage them to get stronger and grow bigger. By putting them under extra stress and difficulty (increasing the weight used, slowing down tempo’s etc), is going to encourage the breakdown of muscle fibres, which will rebuild and grow over time 🤓.
3. Protein is the most important macronutrient for you to focus on.
Protein forms the building blocks for our muscles, and are tasked with recovery and growth. So you need to ensure that you are ingesting enough Protein every day to ensure your muscle fibres can recovery efficiently 🙌🏻.
4. Reduce your meal size, and increase the frequency.
Get out of the mindset of ‘bigger is better’. It’s not all about big meals if eating a huge amount in one sitting is gonna make you feel sick and lethargic. You can split a larger meal into 3 smaller portions, and spread them out throughout the day, without feeling full for hours on end 😉.
Again... take in the information guys... it’s free after all! Any other questions, just holla 😛.
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Are you struggling to find simple ways of cutting/burning extra Calories to get yourself closer to your fat loss goals? Then to get your week rolling, I’ve put some of my best tips below. So read and learn guys! 👀
1. Start eating later in the day.
Before anyone turns their nose up at this... I’m not talking about ‘fasting’ or starving yourself. I’m simply saying if you start eating later in the day, then your last meal will be later, so by the time you start feeling hungry ag...ain you’ll be in bed or asleep 🤷🏻‍♂️.
2. Swap out your full-sugar, high calorie drinks for reduced options.
A can of full-sugar Coca-Cola is roughly 140kcals. A can of Diet Coke is roughly 0kcals. If you normally have a can of full-sugar Coke per day, by swapping that out, you’ve just saved yourself 980kcals in ONE WEEK. Think about that for a second 🤔.
3. Increase your N.E.A.T (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis).
Anyone can go to the gym and do a Spin Class or hit some weights for an hour. But what do you do outside of the gym? Do you walk/cycle/swim? Doing one small gym session isn’t going to cut it if you spend the rest of your day sat on your ass 🙄.
4. Eat meals that are higher in Protein.
Protein is higher in satiety (more filling) than other macronutrients. Which means that you’ll be fuller for longer, so you’ll be less tempted to eat more food than your body needs. So load your meals up on whatever Protein source you like (Red meats, Fish etc) and hold off that hunger! 👏🏻
I hope these tips help some of you. But if you need any more help - please ask! 😄
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We all indulge at weekends...
We all get less sleep...
We all probably miss a day of exercise...
... But don’t beat yourself up about it - we’re only human 🤷🏻‍♂️. We’re allowed flexibility within our healthy lifestyles - why wouldn’t we?!
If you’re worried about what you have/haven’t eaten or what you have/haven’t done (you shouldn’t be), but have a read through the points below and just get yourself back on track 👌🏻.
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Wanted to get this out there QUICKLY before anyone following this page has an easily-impressionable mind. I’m gonna do you guys a favour ✌🏻.
Some of you may have already seen (and ignored I hope) people like the person below on Instagram, spouting shit about sugar. She has teamed up with a load of ‘experts’ - and I use that term very loosely - after watching a Netflix Documentary (haha) to try and convince hundreds of thousands of people that sugar (and Dairy 🤦🏻‍♂️) is...
1. ...Poisonous 🙄 2. Addictive (more so than Drugs - 8x more so than Cocaine apparently) 👏🏻🤣
Now I agree with MINIMAL things she has to say... like a lot of us are consuming a lot more sugar than we should and since it brings no health benefits to us, that needs reducing MASSIVELY.
However, to demonise sugar and say that it is EIGHT TIMES MORE ADDICTIVE THAN COCAINE is an absolute joke. You may really like a sweet cup of tea, or a chocolate bar... but you WILL NOT become addicted to sugar. You just need a slap on the wrist and for someone to get you to stop being a tit and eat less sugar 🤷🏻‍♂️.
So before you go running off to tell people about this new-found false information... know the facts first 👌🏻.
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More about Kieran Taylor Pt

Kieran Taylor Pt is located at Hearthcote Road, DE11 9DW Swadlincote