Leicester Chinese Christian Church 理斯特華人基督教會

About Leicester Chinese Christian Church 理斯特華人基督教會

Leicester Chinese Christian Church 理斯特華人基督教會Sunday Services:
English 1030am
Combined (Cantonese and Mandarin) 1100am



Christmas is only three days away and the whole church is having a bring and share lunch together at church. As I look at all the dishes that different home groups are making, I think we are having a feast. This is definitely a season of great Rejoicing as we celebrate the birthday of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The announcement of His birth was first given to the shepherds who were keeping watch over their flocks at night. I heard a Messianic Rabbi say that these shep...herds tending to their lambs just outside Bethlehem were tending to the Lambs used for temple sacrifices in Jerusalem. The sacrifices offered were for the forgiveness of sins. God sent an angel to announce to them that a Saviour has been born that day in the town of Bethlehem. The Saviour for all people.
As I read and reread Luke's account of the birth of Jesus and the supernatural encounter of the shepherds with the angel, and the angelic choir, my heart was so moved by the grace of God, that moment of His grace, that he goes out to the lowly and the depised group of people. God depised no one. In God's eyes, everyone is important to Him and He desire to reveal heaven's grace to those whose hearts are open to Him. I want my heart to be always open to Him too.
As you celebrate Christmas this year, I pray that you will have a fresh revelation of God's purpose for your lives. The birth of the Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord is the reason for our celebration. May we be like the shepherds, after they found Mary, Joseph and the baby in Bethlehem as told them by the angels, they couldn't help telling others about this child. They went back to their job glorifying and praising God for everything they had heard and seen. Their lives are forever changed. They had a message and a purpose now.
I pray that in the busyness of this season, may you have a fresh revelation of the Good News from heaven. May you live for the very purpose that Christ brought you into His Kingdom. That is truly a blessed Christmas. May your vision for 2020 be as clear and perfect as having an eyesight of 2020.
Blessings to you all.
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Hello everyone, it has been many months since I have posted any sharing. Will do so soon


Calling Leicester Students... YAF (Young Adults Fellowship) welcomes you all again! God bless


Today is the last day of 2018. I had been reflecting on how much God had done for us as a church over the last twelve months. The church theme for 2018 in "Enlarged" . By the grace of God we had seen enlargement in our relationships with those outside the church family. We have new families as well as individuals joining us for Sunday worship and for other social events. We see new people coming to Christ and joining in the student Fellowship. In both the Mandarin Fellowship ...and the YAF, we had new students, and they are keen to attend Fellowship meeting each week. We thank God for these lives. God has also added to us new believers and some of them got baptised but others are being followed up. This year we also had retreat for the leaders, training for home group leaders and other aspect of training so that we could be effective in serving the Lord. We are excited that our 25th anniversary album is ready for distribution to all our members. It is a beautiful album, documenting our church growth over the 25 years. Thank God for the small committee that had worked so hard to give us the copy of the album so that we can share in thanking God for His great faithfulness and Grace towards us. We have certainly receive grace upon grace from our heavenly Father. Christmas presentations in songs and dramas from the different groups were unforgettable. God has given us gifted brothers and sisters. All praise and glory be to our God As we step into 2019, May I take this opportunity to wish you a very happy New Year. May 2019 be a year of many new opportunities, and may God who has already blessed you with every spiritual blessings in the heavenly realm, expand your sphere of influence bringing hope, joy and peace to the lives you touch. To Him be the glory.
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On Thursday after our prayer meeting, I went down into our church kitchen and saw our three brother chefs busily preparing and marinating trays and trays of pork for making BBQ pork for our Sunday Christmas lunch. It is going to be delicious. As I left the church for vistation, I thought about the many blessings God had bestowed upon us as a church family. We had several chefs, some retired yet still very active in serving and making all these delicious meals for us. I am so... thankful that are so United in their service to the whole church. We are excited with our Christmas activities. Last Sunday, the Sunday Sçhool children sang and danced so beautifully. MyMy did a superb job with all the custumes for the dancers. The Youth group song presentation was special and cretire. Whetstone home group sung so well. You set a high standard for us. This Sunday, there is more group presentations the we can enjoy.In the midst of all these preparations, let u not forget the main reason fo such celebration. We rejoiced and give thanks to God for His love for us. God so loved the world that He gave H's one and only Son the whosoever believes in Him shall ot perish but hae eternal life. Thank you Lord Jesus for coming into our chaotic world , and be the light in the darkness, hope in all the disillusion. In you s life and your life is the light of men. May I take this opportunity to wish you a very meaningful Christmas and a Happly New Year.
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Yesterday morning I was reading Isaiah 28 which carries both judgement and promise for the people of Israel. The chapter end with this verse, "All this also comes from the Lord Almighty, wonderful in counsel and magnification in wisdom. This verse lifted my heart as I brought the challenges of the week before the Lord. I thank God for healing us and most of us are getting over the colds and coughs. I am very encouraged that God answers our prayers for the individuals as well... as for the church. We now have four ladies getting baptised on the 2nd of December, and on the same day, there will be 10 children who will be dedicated to the Lord. Praise God that parents desire for their children to be brought us in the Love of God's family, the church and in the unchanging truth of His word. On Thursday, I was praying with two sisters who both shared of God's powerful touch upon their lives in the recent healing retreat. One of them experienced God mighty delivering power when the Spirit of God set her from from deep seated anger and bitterness and unforgiveness etc... she looked so much more peaceful and relaxed. Another said the eyes of her heart had been cleanse and now she could read the bible without difficulty. In fact she had a new hunger for the word of God and a longing to spent more time before God in prayer. The sharing could go on and on as we share the goodness and mercy of God. Truly our God is Almighty, wonderful in counsel and magnification in wisdom. We keep praying for His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven
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October had been a special month for LCCC this year.God had showered us with blessings upon blessings through trainings that had been organised for the whole church. I believe majority of the membership had benefitted from our various special speakers and trainers. Thank you so much Yuk Ling, Jan Ransom, Wes & Sharron for coming and for blessing our lives with your messages, training as well as your life. Our lives were been impacted by God's Words through your lives. I fel...t God wanted us to go deeper into the work of the Holy Spirit, so we had been spoken to, ministered to in prayer, spiritual gifts released into our lives, and much more equipped to move forward in faith and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Father God that you are so very gracious to us. You love us much, that you freely pour upon us blessings upon blessings. Lord, we desire to walk in the leading of your Spirit so that your will will be accomplished in the life of LCCC. We live for you, our greatest desire is to see your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Help us to live courageously by reaching the Lost and bringing them into your family. Thank you Father God for the 25th anniversary album that we can hold in our hands. It spoke afresh to my heart of your great faithfulness, your amazing work and the multitudes of your people who had been apart of our journey to becoming mature in FAith. I thank you for the diligence of the editorial team, without their hard work, sacrifices, and your special gifting in each one, and our unity in vision, this album could not materialise. Lord, there is no words that is adequate for me to express the depth of my gratitude to you for your loving kindness, your generosity, your grace, and your manifold blessings. Keep us in step with each other, loving one another as you have loved us. Keep us focus on you, and help us grow in intimacy with you. In Jesus Name I ask, Amen
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Our mission Sunday was on the 14th of October, and our speaker is Lt. Colonel (retired) Jan Ransom MBE. She is presently the CEO of Flame International. What a privilege to have her speak to us for the whole day. I could feel her love and humility as she talked about what she learn as they prepare to go on mission and while they were on the mission field. As she talked, I am so touched by the amount of time spent in prayer. Yes, prayer is foundatatonal aspect of our lives as ...followers of Jesus Christ. Jesus modelled it for us as he withdrew from the crowd at the end of the day and spent significant hours, sometimes all night in prayer. Then early in the morning before anyone is awake, he went to a lonely (quiet)place to pray. I am convinced that the secret of effective christian ministry lies in the prayer life of those who are involve in it. I love to prayer too, but I am convicted by the Holy Spirit that my times in prayer could extend much more. Help me exercise this privilege of prayer dear Lord, so that your presence with me and in me will impact my daily ministry in a significant way. The world is in great need to her your good news, and I must prepare myself through much prayer so that I can discern the true needs The other very powerful aspect that she shared was our attitude towards people that we are ministering to. Love and humility are attitude of the heart. I found that these are very tough lessons because we need to learn and relearn the lessons of love and humility again and again. It is on my knees in prayer before the Lord, that the Holy Spirit corrects my attitudes. What an encouragement that we are entrusted with the message of salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ. May our lives reflect what we proclaim to others.
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This evening we completed the discipleship/ cell group leaders training in the English speaking congregation. We ended with a time a prayer asking Holy Spirit to come and minister to us with His infilling and refilling as well as releasing His gifts for ser vice in His Kingdom. So much emotions were released as God's Spirit touched the areas of our needs..We are so humbled by the love and graciousness of our God. He touched many of us in significant ways so it is undeniable ...that He had ministered to us. I believe God is going to change the atmosphere of all our home groups so that we become Holy Spirit led cell groups. We ended our training with a wonderful meal specially prepared by our very generous couple Patrick & Kelly. The Lord bless and prosper your business Patrick &Kelly so that many give thanks to God for the blessings you brought into their lives. I am very excited for all that God has in store for Leicester CCC. Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let us draw near to God and He will draw near to us.
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Thursday morning is our church prayer meeting. This morning our number had been small but those who came still carried the fire of the Holy Spirit after being prayed over two days ago. The discipleship and cell group leaders' training we had receive from our dear sister Yuk Ling was really impact full. I am amazed at the consistent number that turned up each day, 9:30am to 2:30pm listening attentively to the training. They sat through 12 hours of training for the first week ...and 8 hours of training for the second week. Well done bilingual congregation brothers and sisters. At the last session, brothers and sisters were challenged to take up the responsibility of being cell group leaders and most of them came forward to be prayed for. The Holy Spirit moved in power among us, and there was much emotions as we feel his touch on us. Our natural response to the Lord is to yield our lives to his service. God is doing a new level of work in our midst, and He is releasing more spiritual gifts into our lives. This morning reminded us that we need to be alert and ready to do spiritual warfare after our wonderful experience of being touch by the Holy Spirit. She particularly focused on Ephesians 4:3, "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace" unity is very important for the growth of the church. The Lord Jesus prayed for believers to be one as He and the Father are one with the Holy Spirit. We each came before God and prayed for ourselves that we would make every effort to keep this unity that the Holy Spirit has Brough about. Thanks be to God for His amazing grace towards us.
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Two mornings ago, as part of my devotional time, I was reflecting on what I had read from the scriptures, the Lord reminded me to walk in the Spirit. This has become my frequent prayer as I experience the blessings of being led by the Holy Spirit. Today, I went to visit a lady who start to come more regularly to church to see how she is doing. Through our conversation, I realized that she need to receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour. What a joy it is when she happily opened ...her heart to Jesus and ask Him to be her Saviour and washed away her sins, and to be her Lord to lead her into her future. Thank you Father God for blessing me with partnership with you in seeking for the Lost and bring them home to you. It had been several months since I last shared about the work in Leicester CCC. The work in the church is always challenging. The last half year or so a small group of brother and sisters have been very busy completing the church 25th anniversary Album. It is now with the printers. During the summer months many families have taken their holidays in Asia and in different parts of Europe. I have taken my break to visit my brother's family in Calfornia. It was a great family reunion as we catch up on each other's news after being apart for almost five years. Now we are back and preparing to meet new university students as they start a new academic year. There are many training that are planned for September and October. Please do look into our website for updated news. Thank you for taking an interests in the work of Leicester CCC. The Lord bless you
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The Lord reigns forever; He has established his throne for judgement. He will judge the world in righteousness; He will govern the people with justice. The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. THOSE WHO KNOW YOUR NAME will trust in You, for You LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalms 9:7-10 The church has celebrated Chinese New Year over the past week. There were many words of blessings being released to one another. I wonder if... those words were uttered in sincerity or simply out of habit? God wants to bless us but He also laid down conditions for people to come into prosperity and blessings.For example! In Joshua 1:7-8, "Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Do not let this book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful" God's word is truth and it is living. When we obey what God ask of us, we live under an open heaven. In a world where many are turning here and there for peace and hope, Christians should return to the unchanging word of God and live our life in accordance to His Word. "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path". Dear believers, return to God's word, read it daily, obey God by carrying out His command. He will fulfill what He promised. Have a really wonderful and fruitful 2018.
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Wow, How the months have really gone by so quickly. Since I last communicated, we had quite a number of very ecouraging events at church. At the beginning of October we held a musical evangelistic meeting and ten people came out to the front because they were touched by the songs and testimony of Asaph. I am still following up those who expressed interest and accepted Christ Jesus to be their Saviour and Lord. In mid - October the church had our 5th annual mission conference.... Again this was an informative and challenging Sunday. Thanks to our speakers Jason Lim, David and Lucy Eastwood for sharing the different mission needs with us. We welcome some of the OMF prayer partners who joined us on that day. You are a real encouragement to us. On the 19th of November, some of us went to St Paul's church in Worcester, to attend the ordination of Connie Yu by her home church and COCM. It was blessed day. Praise God for using Connie to help our Mandarin speaking work develop. LCCC will celebrate this happy occasion with Connie on the 3rd of December. On the day we will have seven brothers and sisters who will be baptised. Join us for that special day if you want to support these new believers. We are always thankful that God is our midst and always at work. We praise Him continually for great is His Faithfulness
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We have just finished our 25th anniversary retreat on 22nd August,Tuesday afternoon at the Haynes Conference centre. It is a beautiful relaxing place. Our speakers Wesley and Sharon are such an amazing couple, anointed by the Lord and so in tuned to Father God and brought to us the messages that spoke deep into our spirits. We are so blessed. Some of you have already seen some of the retreat photos but for those of you who not on my Facebook, you can see them very soon on t...he event page. We are so blessed and reminded that we are deeply loved by Father God as his beloved children. As a church we are stepping into the next level of individual and church expansion. The Lord has told us to " Enlarge" and we are stepping into this new season with prayers, expectancy and excitment as we follow the Holy Spirit's leading and empowering. Praise and thanks to our God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our Father too. All those who attended the retreat receive personal prayers, prophetic words and blessings affirming their calling and place in the on going work of our Father. Let me just share these scriptures from Psalms 36:7-10. "How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadows of your wings. You feed them from the abundance of your house, letting them drink from your rivers of delight. For you are the fountain of life, the light by which we see. Pour out your unfailing love on those who love you; give justice to those with honest hearts" NLV
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The 25th anniversary of the church was held on the 9th of July. The church was fully packed with our regular worshippers, friends and ex-Lccc members who came back from other places in the UK. Thank you for taking the time to wth us. We had a very memorable day with good worship, choir presentation, messages of encouragement, challenge, and prayers for our future. Please do look at some of the photos to we have posted on the website of that day.


This week had been a rather challenging week. On Monday i confirmed we now have seven candidates confirmed for baptism on the 4th of June. Praise the Lord for His work in individual lives. Tuesday, the church local bible study went into the city centre for our monthly outreach. It was such a joy to be coworkers with members of other local churches. Pastor Kayode shared a short gospel message from Romans 5:8, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were sti...ll sinners, Christ died for us" I watched many people passed by, some stop just for a minute or so, but one gentleman stood a little distance away and listened to the end. May the Lord minister to his heart whatever the need. God is speaking everyday to us if we would take time to listen, and I that all of us will give God, our heavenly Father sometime every day to hear his perspective concerning the challenges in our lives. The Lord reminds me this morning that His coming is very soon, invest my time on things of eternal significance. We need to treasure time and ask God to grant us the wisdom to invest it with prayerful heart. The Lord bless you and lead you today and every day
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Hello friends, mid spring is finally here and weather is getting warmer. All the university students are busy preparing for exams. All the best to all the YAFERS. Many are finalist and it is sad to have to good bye but we trust you are all excited as you look forward to next stage of life in developing your career. Our church members are working hard with raising funds for the repair of part church roof and for future development of our ministry. We had a fantastic Hakka l...unch specially prepared for us by some experienced chefs in the Cantonese congregation. It was a wonderful afternoon of fellowship as well.
Thank God that He is always at work among us. It is my joy to know that we will have a number of brothers and sisters preparing for baptism on June 4th. Please pray for the six who are already, and for a couple more who are not sure yet. We also very encouraged seeing newcomers in our different congregations. What a wonderful privilege we have to be Co workers with God.
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More about Leicester Chinese Christian Church 理斯特華人基督教會

Leicester Chinese Christian Church 理斯特華人基督教會 is located at 64 Clarendon Park Road, LE2 3AD Leicester, United Kingdom
0116 270 2883