Leicestershire Police

About Leicestershire Police

Protecting our communities
Leicestershire Police provides a policing service to the people of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland 24-hours a day, 365-days of the year.

Leicestershire Police Description

Leicestershire Police provides a policing service to the people of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland 24-hours a day, 365-days of the year.

The area we are responsible for covers over 2, 500 square kilometres (over 965 square miles) and has a population of nearly one million. There is a rich diversity of communities all with their own policing needs.

Many steps have been taken to bring policing back into the very heart of local communities. This has included the replacement of older, larger or out-of-town police buildings with modern, self-contained local policing units in the very centre of local communities.

Each of the 15 local policing units is headed by an inspector whose responsibility is to ensure that their area receives a 24-hour policing service.

To help them provide this service they are supported by specialist departments such as the dog section, the scientific support department and the East Midlands air support unit.

Rather than waiting for crimes to be committed, we are working more and more to plan operations and target criminals. Many of these operations, which are aimed at tackling specific problems, involve working in partnership with local residents and other agencies and have proved to be very successful.

Over the years we have forged close working relationships with local communities, other organisations and agencies and we continue to develop and strengthen these partnerships, working together to fight crime and improve the quality of life for everyone.



We’re searching for people to join us as police support volunteers in a diverse range of roles!
Today we opened recruitment for…
... - Neighbourhood Investigation Unit volunteers - Home Security Visit volunteers - Cadet Leaders - Heritage Crime volunteers - Dedicated Neighbourhood Team volunteers - Police Chaplains - Lead volunteers
Recruitment will be open until 5pm on Thursday 13 September, so until then we’ll be giving you some unique insights into the work of our current volunteers.
We’re also holding a recruitment seminar at our Headquarters on Thursday 23 August, from 6-8pm, for anybody interested. We’ll cover each role in detail and you’ll get the chance to meet some of our volunteers and ask any questions you have.
Deputy Chief Constable Rob Nixon said: “We receive invaluable support from our Volunteers, and they work tirelessly to put something back into their local communities in a diverse range of roles. Last year, local people received over 18,000 hours of voluntary support from our Police Support Volunteers. Now is your chance to join this brilliant group of people.
“If you’re looking to invest your time in something truly worthwhile, please do take a moment to read through the roles we have to offer.”
For more information please follow the link below 👇 https://goo.gl/fCJEba
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We hope you’re enjoying the sunshine as much as we are! 😎🌞 Opening windows can help keep you cool when you’re at home, but, when you leave the room, the windows should be closed. It can take minutes for an opportunist criminal to be in and out with your belongings. #SaferSummer


Detectives are investigating a burglary at premises in a Leicestershire street – and are asking for anyone who saw suspicious activity in the area to come forward.
It happened in Main Street, Ratby, at around 1.20am yesterday (Wednesday). Initial enquiries have shown a blue Renault Megane arriving at the property.
Two people are then seen getting out of the vehicle and smashing the glass panel on the door of the premises and going inside. They then return a short time later... and drive off towards Groby.
A quantity of cigarettes were taken.
Detective Constable Abbie Cubison, the investigating officer, said: “Were you in Main Street in the early hours of Wednesday morning?
“Did you hear or see anything suspicious? Did you see a blue Renault Megane in the area either at the time or during the day, before this incident happened?
“If so, then I’d like to speak to you as part of my investigation.”
DC 4259 Cubison can be contacted on 101, quoting crime number 18*362075.
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UPDATE: 1530hrs: Shuttleworth Lane Cosby has now bee reopened, thank you for your patience
ROAD CLOSURE | Shuttleworth Lane, Cosby 02/08/18 14:37: Due to a road traffic incident, Shuttleworth Lane Cosby is closed at the A426 end. Please take alternative route. Update to follow when road is reopened. Spotted Cosby


It’s the Caribbean Carnival this Saturday, so please be aware there will be road closures and changes to public transport in place throughout the city. 🎶🎪🎉🎵 More info here: https://goo.gl/TsvPAj


Podczas przeszukiwan rzeki Soar, oficerowie nie znalezli zadnych wskazowek co do miejsca pobytu zaginionego Michala Zygana.
Oficerowie z grupy poszukiwawczej Tactical Support Team (TST), spedzili wiele godzin wczoraj (w srode 1 sierpnia) sprawdzajac odcinek rzeki Soar, jednak bez sladu.
Na nagraniach z monitoringu widac ze Michal szedl w strone kanalu wodnego okolo godz. 8:30 rano w srode 25 lipca. To ostatnie miejsce, w ktorym byl widziany.
... Okolo godzine wczesniej, Michal wyszedl z domu na Hopefield Road, Leicester, w kierunku miejsca pracy na Percy Street. Jednak byl widziany w przeciwnym kierunku przechodzac przez Bede Park, Western Boulevard oraz jak szedl w strone rzeki.
Na zdjeciach z monitoringu widac ze Michal ma na sobie te same ubrania w ktorych wyszedl z domu - czarny t-shirt firmy Reebok, niebieskie jeansowe spodenki oraz czarne buty sportowe. Mial rowniez przy sobie czarny plecak firmy Nike. Na niektorych zdjeciach widac ze Michal ma ze soba butelke wody.
Oficerowie z grupy poszukiwawczej TST, przeszukali na pontonach odcinek rzeki pomiedzy tamami przy hotelu Holiday Inn i stadionie King Power Stadium. Zostal rowniez sprawdzony odcinek rzeki w poblizu St Margaret’s Pastures.
Dzis oficerowie beda nadal sprawdzac nagrania z monitoringu w nadziei znalezienia dalszych wskazowek na temat miejsca pobytu Michala. Zostana rowniez sprawdzone inne miejsca/ adresy z ktorymi Michal moze byc powiazany.
Funkcjonariusze nadal beda rozdawac ulotki w j. polskim i angielskim w okolicy gdzie Michal byl ostatnio widziany.
Sierzant Jon Douds z Missing Persons Team, powiedzial: “Michal zaginal juz ponad tydzien temu. Dlaczego nie poszedl do pracy a szedl w zupelnie innym kierunku, nadal pozostaje tajemnica. Im dluzej jest zaginiony, tym wieksze nasze obawy o jego bezpieczenstwo.
“Jezeli widziales/las Michala, pilnie skontaktuj sie z nami.”
“Jego rodzina jest bardzo zaniepokojona, i my rowniez.”
Kazdy kto moze miec jakiekolwiek informacje na temat Michala, proszony jest o pilny kontakt z policja pod numerem 101, podajac numer incydentu 531 z 26 lipca.
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A pedestrian has been left with serious injuries following a road traffic collision in a hospital car park yesterday.
The collision is reported to have happened around 1pm yesterday (1 August) in the car park at Glenfield Hospital and involved a grey Vauxhall Corsa and a pedestrian.
The pedestrian, a woman in her sixties, was taken to Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham, where she remains in a critical condition.
... The driver of the Corsa was not injured.
DC 1395 Michael Woods of the Serious Collision Investigation Unit is appealing for anyone who witnessed the collision or the events leading up to it, to please contact him on 101 quoting 18000363416.
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A search of the River Soar in Leicester has failed to find any clues to the whereabouts of missing city man Michal Zygan.
Officers from Leicestershire Police’s Tactical Support Team (TST) spent several hours searching a stretch of the river yesterday (Wednesday 1 August) but without trace.
CCTV cameras recorded the 25-year-old heading towards the towpath by the river at around 8.30am last Wednesday morning (25 July). It was the last known sighting of him.
... Around an hour earlier, Michal had left his home address in Hopefield Road in Leicester to go to work in nearby Percy Street.
Inexplicably, he was seen an hour later in the opposite direction, walking through Bede Park, across Western Boulevard and heading towards the river.
The cameras show Michal wearing the same clothes he had left home in - a black Reebok t-shirt, blue denim shorts and black trainers. He is also seen by the CCTV cameras carrying a black-coloured Nike rucksack, and, at times, carrying a water bottle.
Officers from the TST used a boat and rafts to search the stretch of water between the Holiday Inn hotel and the weir at the King Power stadium. An area of the river near St Margaret’s Pastures was also searched yesterday.
Today, officers will continue trawling through CCTV footage in the hope of finding further clues about Michal’s whereabouts. Further checks will also be made of addresses which we believe he may have connections to.
Leaflets in English and Polish will continue to be distributed to members of the public in the area where he was last seen.
Sergeant Jon Douds, from the Missing Persons Team, said: “Michal has now been missing for over a week. Why he failed to go to work, and instead walk in a completely different direction towards the river, is a mystery, and the longer he remains missing, the greater our concerns are for his safety.
“I would urge people who were in the area of Bede Park and the towpath last Wednesday morning to cast their minds back. It would have been busy at around 8.30am that morning, with people heading to work, and others – including dog walkers - simply out enjoying the morning sunshine.
“If you think you may have seen Michal, it is really important that you get in touch.
“His family are extremely concerned for him, as are we.”
If anyone has any information about Michal or knows where he might be is asked to call police urgently on 101, quoting incident 531 of 26 July.
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Looking for something to do with your kids this summer? Check out #YouthFest2018
Youngsters will be able to practise their ball skills with the LCFC Community Trust, try some festival-style glitter face painting, have a go at zorb football and take part in some fun quizzes and competitions.
They will also be able to learn about staying safe, get useful advice on health, drug, alcohol and relationship issues, and find out about knife crime initiatives.
... You will find #YouthFest2018 at the following locations:
- Thursday 2 August 3pm-6pm Highfields (Spinney Hill Park) - Thursday 9 August 3pm-6pm Braunstone (Braunstone Park) - Thursday 16 August 3pm-6pm Beaumont Leys (Bishopdale Park) - Thursday 23 August 3pm-6pm New Parks/Woodgate (Rally Park)
For more details, follow the Leicester City Youth Service
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Anti-Social Behaviour is defined as a nuisance or annoyance but what is annoying to one person is perfectly acceptable to another.
Put yourselves in your neighbours shoes and ask, “Are we being reasonable?”. #SaferSummer


Wiltshire Police are appealing for information to identify a man they'd like to speak to in relation to the theft of breast pumps from Mothercare in Swindon.
Around 2pm on Sunday 8 July, an unknown offender entered the store on the Greenbridge Retail Park, Swindon and took two breast pumps - worth approximately £300 each - and left the store without attempting to pay for them.
A CCTV image of the man they'd like to speak to is below.
... It is believed the man may have connections to the Leicestershire area.
If you recognise the man pictured, contact Wiltshire Police on 101, quoting crime reference number 54180062717, or anonymously, via Crimestoppers, on 0800 555 111.
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Przeszukiwania rzeki w ramach poszukiwan Michala
Oficerowie z policyjnej grupy poszukiwawczej Tactical Support Team, przeszukuja dzis okolice rzeki Soar w ramach sledztwa w sprawie znikniecia Michala Zygana.
Michal wyszedl z domu na Hopefield Road, Leicester, okolo godz. 7:30 rano, w srode 25 lipca. Michal szedl do miejsca pracy na Percy Street, jednak od tamtej pory nie wrocil.
... Z nagran z monitoringu widac ze Michal przechodzil przez Bede Park, Western Boulevard oraz w strone kanalu wodnego, okolo godz. 8:30 rano.
Na nagraniu widac ze Michal ma na sobie te same ubrania w ktorych wychodzil z domu – czarny t-shirt marki Reebok, jeansowe spodenki oraz czarne buty firmy Adidas. Ma rowniez przy sobie czarny plecak firmy Nike. Na niektorych zdjeciach Michal trzyma w rece butelke wody.
Oficerowie z policyjnej grupy poszukiwawczej na pontonach przeszukuja rzeke, pomiedzy tama przy hotelu Holiday Inn oraz tama przy stadionie King Power Stadium.
Okolice kanalu wodnego przy St Margaret’s Pastures rowniez beda przeszukane.
Michal zostal zgloszony jako zaginiony przez sasiada, w imieniu lokatora Michala, w czwartek wieczorem (26 lipca). Od tamtej pory policja probuje go znalezc.
Ulotki w jezyku angielskim i polskim zostaly rozdane w okolicy gdzie Michal byl ostatnio widziany.
Nadal sa sprawdzane nagrania z monitoringu z okolic kanalu, Holiday Inn oraz King Power Stadium. Odwiedzane sa rowniez miejsca/ adresy zwiazane z Michalem.
Kazdy kto ma jakiekolwiek informacje na temat Michala, lub wie gdzie on sie znajduje proszony jest o pilny kontakt pod numerem 101, podajac numer incydentu 531 z 26 lipca.
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River search in missing person enquiry
Officers from our Tactical Support Team are searching an area of the River Soar today in the enquiry into the disappearance of Michal Zygan.
Michal left his home address in Hopefield Road, Leicester, at around 7.30am last Wednesday (25 July) to go to work in nearby Percy Street and hasn’t returned since.
... The 25-year-old was captured on CCTV around 8.30am walking through Bede Park, across Western Boulevard and heading towards the towpath.
The cameras show Michal wearing the clothes he left home wearing that day – a black Reebok t-shirt, blue denim shorts and black trainers. He is also seen carrying a black-coloured Nike rucksack, and, at times, carrying a water bottle.
Officers from the Tactical Support Team are searching the river by boat and rafts today, between the weir near the Holiday Inn hotel and the weir at the King Power stadium.
An area of the river near St Margaret’s Pastures will also be searched.
Michal was reported missing by a neighbour on behalf of Michal’s housemate on Thursday (26 July) evening, since which time police have been making numerous enquiries to trace him.
Leaflets in English and Polish have been handed out to members of the public in the area where he was last seen and this will continue throughout today.
CCTV footage in and around the towpath between the Holiday Inn and the King Power Stadium continues to be checked for any sign of Michal and a number of addresses associated with him are also being visited.
If anyone has any information about Michal or knows where he might be is asked to contact us urgently by private message here on Facebook, quoting incident 531 of 26 July.
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Remembering PC Philip Andrew Eames who died at the age of 24 on 1st August 1974, whilst on motorcycle patrol.


If anyone calls offering assistance with your computer or router and asks you to install a programme or asks for access to your computer, hang up. Don't feel you are being rude or impolite – no legitimate company does this!
NEVER allow a cold caller remote access to your device. #SaferSummer https://goo.gl/k5FWP1


We are trying to trace the women who witnessed a man indecently exposing himself on a city bus.
The man was on the top deck of a X3 Sapphire Arriva bus which was driving along London Road towards the city at around 1.30pm on Sunday 24 June.
As five women got off the bus a few stops later, they told the driver that the man had exposed himself to them. The driver subsequently reported this to the police.
... PC Daljinder Gill said: “This was the afternoon that England Played Panama in the World Cup, and the incident happened about half an hour after the game had started.
“Were you on that bus that afternoon? Were you one of the women who saw the man? Please contact us if you have any information.”
Anyone with information should private message us here on Facebook, quoting crime number 18000292307.
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