Losers Gym

About Losers Gym

Losers Gym is a studio and project space in Nottingham, UK.

Losers Gym Description

Losers Gym is a studio and project space in Nottingham, UK. The project space is used as a public facing gallery, hosting quick-turn-around exhibitions and events. There is a strong focus on presenting emerging or pre-career artists, delivering experimental and professional exhibitions as well as open communal events.

Losers Gym was founded in 2014 as a shared studio space. The project space launched in May 2016 as a collaboration between Freddy Griffiths, Sam Hewland, Jake Kent, Francis Madders, Alex Walker and Josh Wheeler.



We've done an interview with YAC. Have a read, see what we've been up to. timehttp://youngartistsinconversation.co. uk/Losers-Gym


Its our LosersGym goodbye party tomorrow from 6.00- 9ish, We will also be selling a bunch a things, prints etc. BYOB and BYOS. Its also an opportunity to see our last exhibition - Rose Walsh; Don't Mention Brexit. We'll also be open tonight for a gig that on at Backlit from 7, so you can come say bye tonight if you can't come tomorrow. xx 👋


Alex and Sam are leaving Nottingham in September. We invite you to Losers Gym’s goodbye party. 👋
Join us from 6pm on Sat 19th August in our studio. Feel free to BYOB and bring along a snack/dish and thus a smorgasbord of sorts will be assembled.
We will also be selling lots of things. Things like prints, publications, small objects, tee's. Either very cheap or on a pay-what-you-want basis.
... This will also be an opportunity to check out our final exhibition - Rose Walsh: Don’t Mention Brexit - if you haven’t already.
We hope you can make it.
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Losers Gym present:
Rose Walsh: Don't Mention Brexit (new paintings, ancient themes & a tiny book)
... It concerns the Imps. They are together. They want fun. They’ve been to the supermarket. They have no gender. They don’t notice they're white. They live in a vacuum. Brexit/Trump is not a context. Cynicism doesn't exist. They don't like structuralism, post-structuralism or fancy french words and paradoxes. They're oblivious to the faux pas of certainty. They exist like a 5p bag. They suffer failure but always survive. Forgive them for their naiveness.
A clumsy mix of lost heritage, British magic realism, subcultural fun times and fetishized spiritualism. Muddled by the logic of imperialism, colonial nightmares and druggy wonder. All that, set in the myth and cultural weight of the English landscape.
rrose_the_nodule rosewalsh.net
Rose Walsh (b. 1989, Nottingham, UK) is currently living and working in Bristol and is a 2017 School of The Damned graduate. Recent selected exhibitions include; Maybe It’s Just Me, EMBASSY Gallery, Edinburgh 2017; 100% CERTIFIED ABSOLUTE GENUINE OFFICIAL DEGREE SHOW, The Royal Standard, Liverpool & SET, London; Gone Fishing, Assembly House, Leeds; SOTD, East Bristol Contemporary, Bristol; Snake Horse Goat Monkey, Guest Projects, London; 100 Years of Dada, The Cube Microplex, Bristol; The Fool, Two Queens, Leicester; The Castle Open, Nottingham Castle, Nottingham
Exhibition runs until Sunday 20th August by appointment only. See below for contact details.
LOSERS GYM Backlit Studios Alfred House Ashley St Nottingham NG3 1JG
www.losersgym.com losersgym@gmail.com
PS - On the same evening, Backlit Gallery has it's new exhibition opening: https://www.facebook.com/events/324026294 721947/?acontext=%7B%22action_history%22 %3A%22[%7B%5C%22surface%5C%22%3A%5C%22pa ge%5C%22%2C%5C%22mechanism%5C%22%3A%5C%2 2page_upcoming_events_card%5C%22%2C%5C%2 2extra_data%5C%22%3A[]%7D]%22%2C%22has_s ource%22%3Atrue%7D
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Opening tonight from 18.30 Joshua Johnson: a sullen hue, Josh's first show in Nottingham, side door entrance xx


Losers Gym present Joshua Johnson: a sullen hue
Joshua Johnson works with the transmutation of ideas and the degradation of finished products, focusing on the flaws and deteriorations that can occur over time. Johnson employs a vernacular rooted in the processes and legacies of design, planning and construction, creating a dialect of architectonic forms and purported futures set against the detritus of production and environmental realities.
... Joshua Johnson lives and works in Leeds. Recent Exhibitions include, Eternal Interstice Ladybeck, Leeds. Thick Support w/James Parkinson, STCFTHOTS, Leeds. Peel, Tear, Patch & Repair w/ Ian Jackson, CBS, Liverpool.You think the only people who are people, are the people who look like you. But if you walk in the footsteps of a stranger, you learn things you never knew you never knew, 2Queens, Leicester. Cascading Relevant Information, CBS, Open Eye Gallery Liverpool and A jam, A fix, A flux, Some Shits STCFTHOTS, Leeds.
Exhibition runs until Friday 14th July by appointment only. See below for contact details.
LOSERS GYM Backlit Studios Alfred House Ashley St Nottingham NG3 1JG
www.losersgym.com losersgym@gmail.com
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Ashley Holmes: Shape Up NOW OPEN - https://www.facebook.com/events/650424255 082155/?notif_t=plan_reminder¬if_ id=1493915370169874
You can also listen to Ashley's audio piece on our website: www.losersgym.com 👂


Have a listen to Ashley's most recent show on NTS http://www.nts.live/…/e…/ashley-plent y-vibes-29th-april-2017 As part of Shape Up Ashley has been making a piece that forms a soundtrack to his show, it will also be streamed from the LosersGym website.


Losers Gym present Ashley Holmes: Shape Up
Ashley Holmes’ work looks into the politics of power and generational codes of conduct. Through engaging with networks of people, groups and utilising both original and found audio, moving image and text, Holmes’ works are articulations prompted by intergenerational understandings and productions of Black British culture.
Ashley Holmes (b.1990, Luton, UK) Currently lives and works in Sheffield. Recent selected exhibitions include; D...ot Dot Dit Dit Dot Dot Dash, Site Gallery Platform Residency, Sheffield; Post Digital, No End Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa; Trace Programme, Aspirational Living, Nottingham, UK: Fre$hco w Millington Marriott, WAH Gallery, London, UK; A British Art Show, Meyohas, New York, USA; A SMALL GROUP SHOW OF AMERICAN AND BRITISH ARTISTS, Space Space Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Exhibition runs until Sunday 28th May by appointment only. See below for contact details.
LOSERS GYM Backlit Studios Alfred House Ashley St Nottingham NG3 1JG
www.losersgym.com losersgym@gmail.com
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Thanks to everyone that came down tonight to our first Collectors Dinner, it was a great evening and the food by Josh Wheeler was amazing. Keep your eyes out for the next one.


Menu for tomorrow's Collector's Dinner. https://www.facebook.com/events/142529429 0862273/


Untitled (2017) by Lucas Dillon, Charcoal, Ink, Acrylic, Acetate. This is the work available at the Collectors Dinner tomorrow night, still a few places left if you want to book your seat.


Ian Jackson, photo credit Reece Straw

More about Losers Gym

Losers Gym is located at Ashley Street, NG3 1JG Nottingham, United Kingdom