
About Lovlies

Finest Handmade Belgian chocolate truffles, fluffy cloud mallow, gluten /wheat & diary free goodies. Formerly T C Cakes Goodie box. Message me, tks Trish.

Lovlies Description

Hello there, my name is Trish Clarke. I used to run T C Cakes Goodie box, in Hinckley for 4 years. I am now based back in Barwell, just making my delicious totally hand made truffles, fluffy cloud mallows, dairy gluten and wheat free goodies. My handmade Belgian chocolate truffles will be available for you to buy, in lots of different boxes, or just to eat! ! ! I will hopefully make a website soon. . . . . . . watch this space! ! Trish.



Valentines day box....with the new designer choc truffle and caramels range. More to follow for the "boys"


So my Lovlies, new teeny weeny рҹҚ«chocolate shapes/toppers for the new range of designers chocs/caramels...so my question is my Lovlies...colours? ...silver...black for game controllers?.....other logos?. Pink n girlie for shoes n handbags or? ....what colour moustache n bow ties? Cup cakes...was thinking pink tops and blue tops....Any thoughts?.....more pretties to follow soonрҹҚ«рҹӨ—рҹӨ©рҹҳҚрҹҚ«


Many thanks for the positive comments my Lovlies рҹҳҚрҹҚ«on the competition, glad you are likeing the new Designer chocs. рҹҚ«I'm loveing the new pretties...there will be a more "masculine" topped/colouredрҹҷҚвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ‘ҹвҡҪпёҸрҹҸ үрҹҺ®рҹҡ— chocolate coming soon for Valentines day, etc. Congratulations to Maressa O'Brien Shelley Everitt Sheena Denton... Ruth Burden. Please message me for collections. Unable to deliver as still on crutches and not allowed to drive yet!!!
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So my Lovlies. Here they are myрҹҚ«рҹҚ« NEWрҹҺүрҹҺү DESIGNER range of chocciesрҹҚ«рҹҚ«. Pale pink are caramel filled......salted, raspberry, strawberry & plain.. Milk are truffle centres...cookies n cream, prosecco and toffee. So i'm so excited i've at last been able to do these at long last i'm going to run a COMPETITION today. All you have to do is tell me your thoughts on the new designs, favourites or???...this is my first batch, so any feedback would be welcome. 4 prizes of two each flavour,. One go only, drawn at 11am tomorrow. Feel free to share as these will beрҹ’•рҹ’• Valentinesрҹ’•рҹ’• range, got some gorgeous boxes for these to go in....your other half might see this and take the hint!!рҹҳ…рҹҳүрҹҳҚ


Sneak peak at whats been brewingрҹҚ«рҹҚ«....although slowly...рҹҳ…рҹҳ…..at Lovlies.....my NEW designer range of "caramel filled" choccies.рҹҚ«рҹҚ« Hopefully will manage to finish them tomorrow. Excited to show you lovlies the finished chocs and test them of courseрҹӨ—рҹӨ©рҹҳҚ. Note to oneself...wear gloves next time!!


Happy new year my Lovlies. Hope you had a great time. So this going to be my world for the next few weeks.рҹӨ’рҹӨ’ Crutches, fluffy socks n feet up whilst i recover from a hip op!! Just to keep me going for a few months longer before the total replacement. рҹҳһрҹҳһ Valentines рҹ’ңрҹҚ«and EasterрҹҚ«рҹҗ° designs in the pipeline...but slower than usual workingрҹҳ…рҹҳ…. Trish. рҹҳҚрҹҳҚ


Some very nice feedback from some customers over the past few days. Thanks so much.рҹҳҚрҹҳҚрҹҚ«. Mucho рҹҚ«рҹ’ңрҹ’ң....
Had a sprout cake yesterday tastes as good as it looks. Without doubt the best chocolates IвҖҷve ever tasted Thank you for the truffles they were the best I've had dairy free.... Received buttons. Thank you so much they are great! The truffles are amazing omg! I will definitely need to order some of them
Thanks for taking the time my LovliesрҹҳҚрҹҳҚ Working on some exciting designs for Valentine'sрҹ’ңрҹ’ң n easterрҹҗ°рҹҗҘ!!
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Limited edition...only 6...Liccle baby sprout рҹҚ«рҹҚ«truffles my lovlies. Had a wee bit of green paste left over. Formed around toffeeрҹҚҺ apple truffles...special price ВЈ1 each. рҹҢ№Rose truffles ВЈ2 each. Box of truffles animals ВЈ4.50. Not many truffles left....normal and dairy free. Decorated boxes available or crackers too. рҹҺ…рҹҚ«рҹҺ….


Dairy gluten wheat free christmasрҹҺ…рҹҺ… cakes....one for us...plus large mince pies with choc рҹҚ«drops and appleрҹҚҺ cinnamon brown sugar topping. Yummy....hurry up n cool off!! So 3 mini ones spare and shorter loaf tin topped with pecans spare.. .and so long as i can keep hubby off the mince pies...sparesрҹҳ…рҹҳ…


Morning my lovlies. Nearly there!!рҹҚ«рҹҚ«рҹҚ«рҹҺ…рҹҺ… Boxes of animal truffles and two single large roseрҹҢ№рҹҢ№ truffles. Boxes of 3 animalsрҹҗ·рҹҗёрҹҗҳрҹҗІрҹҰ–One with unicorn SOLD.... ВЈ5 each box. SOLD..One box only of 4 unicornsрҹҰ„рҹҰ„ are ВЈ6 the box. Large rose truffle ВЈ3рҹҢ№рҹҢ№ each. Any takers? Will christmaseyрҹҺ…рҹҺ… them up for you too!! This is all i have left in animal trufflesрҹҳҠрҹҳҠ


New selection of рҹҚ«DAIRY FREE trufflesрҹҚ« using MOO FREE choc, SOYA CREAM and flav. Irish cream. Boozy cherry brandyрҹҚ’рҹҚ’ and mint. Get em whilst you can my dairy free lovlies as I'm just about out of df choc now!! Still a couple of each of the other batch left...but no raspberry ripple.рҹҳҠрҹҳӣ


Another 41 choccie truffleрҹҚ«рҹҚ« brussel sprouts done. Might have a few spare once boxed up!! Plus something for you old romantics out there...вҷҘпёҸрҹҺүрҹҺүred sparkly roseрҹҢ№рҹҢ№ huge truffle.рҹҚ«рҹҚ« This idea can be also be made round a normal size truffleрҹҚ« too. You choose the flavour/s and i'll make them into roses.рҹҢ№рҹҚ«рҹҢ№рҹҚ«.


Animals truffles my Lovlies!!...piggies,рҹҗ· elephants,рҹҗҳ рҹҗІdragon/dinosaurрҹҰ– andрҹҗё frog. What do you think.рҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җ....any favs? Contains a white cornish ice cream truffle. Triple the size of a normal truffle.рҹҚ«рҹҚ«рҹҚ«


FLUFFLY CLOUD MARSHMALLOW ALERT!!! Oh er...Eton mess...testedрҹҳӣ.....Parma violet...tested.рҹҳӣ...Candyfloss..tested рҹҳӣ too...making more tomorrow...any suggestions my LovliesрҹҳҠрҹҳҠ


More filling boxes,рҹҺ…рҹҺ…рҹҚ«рҹҚ« typing menus, wrapping teachers gifts.....cute handbags or square boxes wrapped in cello. ВЈ3.50 each. TrufflesрҹҚ«рҹҚ« are going down my Lovlies......one less rhubarb n gin...quality control my Lovliesрҹҳ…рҹҳ…keep safe n warm рҹҢЁрҹҢЁрҹҺ…рҹҺ…


Phew my Lovlies....what a busy day todayрҹҚ«рҹҚ«рҹҚ«рҹҺ…рҹҺ…рҹҺ…soooo many choccies....so many boxes, typing of menus!! More to do tomorrow and next week fluffy вҳҒпёҸвҳҒпёҸвҳҒпёҸmallows and more sprouts!! (Need a sprout emoji)рҹҳ„.Have a fabulous weekendрҹҺ…рҹҺ…рҹҳҚрҹҳҚ


Its been "B DAY" today....Brussels рҹҚ«рҹҚ«and boxes...been busy making more BrusselsрҹҚ«рҹҚ«....rush job for pick up tomorrow and decorating рҹҺ…рҹҺ…boxes ready for filling in the next couple of days....like i said my Lovlies BDAY!!!рҹҳ…рҹҳ…


Here at "SPROUT TOWERS " this morning рҹҳ…рҹҳ…рҹҳ…we're busy boxing up... and yes moreрҹҚ«рҹҚ« truffle making ready for fill all those boxes in the next couple of days рҹҺ…рҹҺ…рҹҚ«рҹҚ«рҹҳҠрҹҳҠ


Went for the 3 hour gluten and dairy free cooking tutorial today. Trish is a great host. Giving just enough advice, tips and guidance that you feel confident that everything will taste fantastic and it does. Everything is well set out and lots of choice for flavouring and options of what to bake. Will definitely be back for a savoury course.


The truffles are just amazing, the amaretto pralines are too scrumptious for words! marsh mallows are so light and fluffy, they make fab xmas,gifts, lovely decorated boxes and bags, you really wont be disappointed!


Gluten & dairy free course today. Well planned with thorough accompanying information. Helpful tips throughout brought out the best in all of us. A great variety of flavours to personalise our goodies. Huge thumbs up from my taste testers at home, so now IвҖҷm really looking forward to the savoury course.

More about Lovlies

Lovlies is located at 4 charnwood Road, LE9 8FJ Barwell