Madni Masjid

About Madni Masjid

Place of Worship. Community Centre. Education Centre.



Eid Mubarak to everyone


Eid Mubarak to Everyone Inshallah Eid will be celebrated tomorrow
1st Eid Prayer will be at: 8.45am 2nd Prayer will be at: 10.30am
... Eid Mubaarak Again from Madni Masjid
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Sorry for the Delay




Assalaamu Alaikum Due to the moon not being sighted today, Ramadan will Insha Allah be starting from Thursday 17th May 2018. Taraweeh prayer will Insha Allah be starting from tomorrow at 10.35pm after Isha prayers May Allah (subhanahu wata aala) give us all the ability to make the most out of this blessed month of Ramadan. Ameen... Jazakumullahu khairan Madni Masjid
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Just came across an article of when the Peace Makers Walk came to Madni Masjid


Our Brother Sajjad Hussain's son has got a major operation today, all brothers and sisters are requested to make Dua for him. May Allah (SWT) make his operation a success and give him shafaa'ah. AMEEN.


Alhamdulillah, what a beautiful Hadith Dars given by Molana Raza Ul Haq. Everyone is requested to join us next week in this blessed gathering. Jazakumullah


Alhamdulillah we have reached the sacred month of Rajab, and there is only the month of sha'baan left before Ramadan arrives. Those of us who where relaxing ourselves, its time to get up and start preparing ourselves spiritually for the arrival of the blessed month of Ramadan. May Allah give us all the ability to make the most out of these blessed months. AMEEN


Inshallah Every Week On Mondays After Maghrib there will be Dars e Hadith, where you can learn about the Sunnah and the Ways of our Beloved Prophet (SAW). It will be in English, All brothers are requested to participate Jazakumullah


Alhamdulillah had a beautiful program, even with the snowfall had a really good turnout. Jazakumullah to all those who attended and participated. And special Jazakumullah to all those who helped in making this program a success. May Allah (SWT) give all of you the best in this life and the hereafter. AMEEN.


Inshallah will be updating salaah timetables every month Jazakumullah


Very Clean Facility. Excellent facilities for ladies also.

More about Madni Masjid

Madni Masjid is located at 289 Gladstone St, NG7 6HX Nottingham, United Kingdom