Mandala Placenta Encapsulation

About Mandala Placenta Encapsulation

Fully Insured Placenta Remedy & Encapsulation services

We offer Placenta Encapsulation, tinctures, balms, creams, homeopathic remedies and more

Mandala Placenta Encapsulation Description

At Mandala Birthing we offer are delighted to offer you the chance to join the growing number of new mums who are capturing the benefits of consuming their placenta through smoothies, encapsulation, tinctures and homepathic remedies, to support you through the 4th trimester and beyond.

Mandala Birthing was established by Donna Taylor in 2017 following the birth of her 3rd child.

So impressed by the results she experienced taking her own placenta remedies, she felt passionate about making placenta remedies available to more women across Leicestershire and the East Midlands.

Donna is proud to be the owner of Leicester's first business to solely offer Placenta Encapsulation and Remedies.

We offer

Traditional Chinese Method of Placental Encapsulation

Raw Dehydrated Method of Placental Encapsulation

A placenta will yield anywhere between 90 – 250 capsules depending on the placenta

50 /50 Chinese Method and Raw Dehydrated Method

Face and Body Cream
Placenta Balm

Homeopathic Remedies for Mother and Child

Placenta Printing
Cord Keep Sake


Please contact us for prices and package deals and booking forms. .



It honestly is a logistical nightmare 😂Can anyone relate? It’s probably best to just carry round reusables in a bumbag so that they’re attached to you at all times! Image via Tots To Travel


It’s just so lovely to hear the Duchess of Cambridge speaking on the importance of maternal mental health 🙌
The black fog that can descend at times doesn’t care if you have help at home or are managing everything single-handedly and nobody should suffer in silence. We NEED to carry on these conversations to stamp out the stigma attached to mental health issues 💞


Did you know that having your Placenta Encapsulated following the birth of your baby can really aid your postnatal recovery? The process is simple and we provide you with everything you need. If you feel ready to take the next step with Placenta Encapsulation, do get in touch. We look forward to answering any questions you may have, and helping you during your postpartum journey. Visit our website or call us 07975918909 .... #mandalaplacentaencpasulation #placentapills #healing #restore #replenish #iron #vitamins #nutrition #hormones #nutrients #energy #placentaencapsulation
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I really like this - it’s a reassuring read!
In a world where pressure on mothers is immense - where mother judgement is rife.... Our children need us to slip up, they need to see us make mistakes and learn how to deal with them and they need us to be 'good enough' in order that we give them space to grow and develop independence.
You are enough as you are. It's OK to be good enough - real mothers aren't perfect, because perfect mothers aren't real.


We want to say a huge WELCOME BACK to our fabulous digital marketing manager @michaela_writer 💜 Michaela is back from her maternity leave after having gorgeous baby Margot in August and it’s absolutely fabulous to have her back on the team! Content on our pages will be going up a level or 10 now Michaela is once again taking over the reigns (I will of course still be posting too! ) Welcome back Lovely, you have been missed 💜💜💜 . . .... #digitialmarketing #digitalmums #digitalmarketingexpert #mandalaplacentaremedies #mandalaplacentaencapsulation #maternityleave #welcomeback #newbaby
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We are really looking forward to the Leicester Baby Show, will you be joining us?


I would encourage everyone living in Leicestershire to consider St Mary’s the care is exceptional and the extra distance you may find you have to travel is offset by being able to park pretty much right outside the door! I had the most amazing, empowering birth experience at St Mary’s with my second son, I stayed in for a few days to recover and if I’m honest the staff looked after me so well I didn’t really want to come home. If you have your baby at a different hospital, you can go there to recover and receive brilliant breastfeeding support. It’s certainly worth a visit while pregnant to weigh up your options


Being kind to ourselves and recognising where we are right now and being ok with that is all part of new parenthood and in fact parenthood in general! It’s ok if you aren’t planning to run marathon or if KonMari-Ing your house never gets further than a daydream 💜…/my-new-years-re solution-doesnt-invo…


This sounds like a great deal! I have always loved the idea of baby boxes that are so popular in Sweden. Has anyone got one or planning to get one? I’d love to see some real life pictures 💜…/ho w-your-hands-lidls-f…


Birth workshops with the fabulous Down To Earth Jackie Allatson


A busy day today, out delivering chiller packs. We provide these free to every client that books with us and either deliver them in person or by post. If you have ever wondered what inside, take a look.


Happy Monday!! Here’s a thought for the week ahead 💜


Are you considering Placenta Encapsulation? We have worked with most hospitals this means the midwives and consultants are familiar with our Placenta Collection Kit’s, making life so much easier for you and your birth partner. 💫


I’m incredibly excited about this workshop! If you are looking to take some time just for yourself come along! It will be amazing 💜


Here they are - the completed product. Many thousands of women are talking about the amazing benefits their Placenta Capsules have brought them during their postnatal recovery period, from avoidance of PND/ Baby Blues and feeling energised to fitting back into their pre-pregnancy clothes faster than they imagined. Get in touch and Find out how we support you in your 4th trimester! .


I personally know that the way we recover postnatally will impact us for years to come and so its always a very great honour to work with every single client, knowing I am making their recovery that little bit better or easier. I will always respect your space, your privacy and your birth. When I chose to train as a Placenta Remedy Specialist what drew me to train with IPEN was that the training was completely mother focused. I prepare every remedy safely with great love and the warmest of wishes. If you would like more information on on Placenta Encapsulation and how your amazing placenta can benefit you following your birth. Get in touch


Jackie Allatson, midwife and certified birth trauma therapist, has shared some information on birth trauma and the therapy she offers in our latest blog. It’s an important read. cult-subject-of-bi…


Very excited to have been invited to come along to the Huddersfield Midwifery Societies Placenta conference to talk about Placenta consumption - can't wait!

More about Mandala Placenta Encapsulation

Mandala Placenta Encapsulation is located at Glenfield, LE3 8JP Leicester, United Kingdom