Mindfulness Skills4Life

About Mindfulness Skills4Life

We are a local company that offer a range of mindfulness-based courses or bespoke coaching solutions that support health and well being.

Mindfulness Skills4Life Description

We are a local company that offer a range of mindfulness-based courses or bespoke coaching solutions that support health and well being.



Fabulous Friday: we are 'oot'
Hi lovelies thanks for all your gorgeous 'likes, loves' and comments this week. You know they are received so warmly and I am grateful for the choice you make in reading and taking a moment to comment and share our posts. Thank you so much.
This Friday, we are taking a mindful break and heading to the beach. We've ditched the office and will be connected to all our senses in a day of being outdoors: aware of sounds, sights smells, tastes, textur...es too...and paying attention too, to how we relate to all our experiences, as they unfold (all the likes, dislikes, grumps, loves or avoids...)
As you journey through your Friday day, why not try a little mindfulness in daily life, just as I am, and press pause every now to really become aware of what's around you, bring those senses alive and laos what's going on, on the inside: the thoughts, feelings, how the body is.. There's nothing to change or fix, just observing things come and go - just the same way as you watch a wave move towards the shore and then ebb away...
Whatever you are doing today: go well, go kindly and go slowly. Love and huge thanks again, Sands x
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Thoughtful Thursday... you already have all the time you need! Watch out, I've a little personal video to share around this...coming soon <3


This could be a beautiful break that you are longing for. Hosted by a dear friend of mine, in her home in France....Not many places are left. Delighted if you could share far and wide. (I would be going but I am called for here).


Well-being Wednesday
Sharing here a very easy read on 10 ways in which mindfulness can help promote well-being: from reducing stress, curtailing anxiety, to boosting creative thinking and increasing compassion.
These are some of the components we too offer as part of our 8 week mindfulness foundation course for....guess what......ta dah, well-being!
... If you fancy joining our growing group, then you can find out more on our website. In just under a two weeks, me and new group will be taking a fresh look at ourselves with kind eyes and a compassionate heart and boos our own sense of wellness.
Enjoy the read, Sands xx
(If interested, you can find out about our mindfulness for well-being course here,): https://www.mindfulness-skills4life.co.uk /…/mindfulness-tra…
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Goodness me - it's Tuesday!
I'm loving these words and sentiments from Sharon Salzberg. "do the good that's in front of you, even if it is small".
Hmm, what could this 'doing good' look like for you in this day?
... - maybe taking a work colleague outside for a coffee or a lunchtime walk
- maybe snuggling in a little closer with your kids, abandoning all the busy doing and get into being with each other
- for yourself: ditching a household chore for a day, phoning (yes actually talking!) with a friend whom you've not connected with in a while
- if you are able, making a donation to a charity that you care about (doesn't need to be huge)
What good grows from your heart and wants to reach out to others?
And as your are doing and experiencing this act of doing good, notice how it feels, what the body senses, how your mood or facial expression is... just noticing, observing and becoming more aware of how giving out goodness feels. And don't worry if it's not the right time for your to try to connect with doing good, maybe you have other things going on that means that feels a little less accessible - that's absolutely fine, it just is how it is... and we can notice the detail, of that too, without giving ourselves a hard time.<3
Would love to hear of your act of doing good, go well friends! xx
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Mindful Monday: what do you need to bloom?
Sharing the gorgeous words of Alexander Den Heijer, which really is a metaphor for us as we live our lives... and has such power for us all. So we may find ourselves trying to compete with or fit in with others (personally or professionally), be thinner, be more intelligent, worry less... all of the stuff that through our STRIVING to be different from who and how we are, FIXING ourselves, causes us immense suffering and stress.
Maybe... you notice thoughts like 'what's wrong with me, why don't they 'like me', I never get invited to XXX. Or maybe 'thoughts of 'I'm not good enough' And one thought can so easly turn into another, and another until we can feel quite flat and emotional...This is hard and happens to many of us, but it's not all doom and gloom, no, no, no.
Here's what I love about mindfulness, we don't need to fix ourselves or strive to be any different from who and how we are. We can meet ourselves exactly where we are and start from there....
In mindfulness sessions, we learn to develop attitudes that support us when our internal environment doesn't feel like it's in bloom, like being kind, patient and understanding with ourselves. Developing trust that things can be different not through forceful and unhelpful ways but through self-care, love and compassion. And critically growing acceptance of who we are - warts and all.
And this is not wishy washy post, all hearts and flowers my lovelies, it is based on good solid, super-fancy cutting-edge neuroscience. When we practice all of these attitudes as part of our mindfulness training, we get good at them being our new norm, our brain remembers these as our default routes... and then we can begin to flourish.
Maybe learning to be a little more mindful is just what you need to help you bloom, and we'd love to help you along the way either through coming to one of our drop-in sessions, or trying one of our courses. Just ask <3
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Saying something kind this Sunday <3
I bought this card the other day for my lovely Andy. I was reflecting on all the things he does for us, on a daily basis, the routine stuff and the big stuff too. When I took the time to pause and see how much meaning and value he ad to our lives, so I thought I should tell him, in this little card. It's so eas for the doing of life to take over, especially when we are parenting, working, trying to do many things...
He was so delighted, to...uched and felt so cared for when he read those words. It was truly a lovely moment of connection, true appreciation, gratitude and loving kindness.
I also reflected how easy it is to say those words of kindness to others, compared to ourselves at times. But I have no doubt that when we sit down, and quietly reflect we too have some amazing qualities about us - we indeed are worth appreciating, worth giving value to, loving and saying words of kindness to ourselves.
The thing about kindness and love, is that if you practice offering it for others you can can also learn to turn that inwards towards ourselves. So what if it takes a little more effort and patience and practice - point is, it's doable.
So, here's your starter for 10... Read the card daily, make it your mindful intention, I am saying it to you, and your job is to say it to yourself. Celebrating those every day jobs you do so well, like getting up each day, like speaking to your family members, getting them dressed, making 21 meals a week (or more) , like doing the laundry, like sharing a hug... Start small and dream big (be kind in between).
Love to you and all your kinds of AWESOME <3
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Simply love this caption..! What do you make of it? Have a great Saturday folks....our is to be filled with swim lesson, pancakes for brekkie, crafting for little miss lilittle and who knows what else.
oh yeah, smiling and practicing thankfulness


Hi guys, this is a great and important post....never fixing. This is a key life skill and when practised as part of our mindfulness training really help to lessen the strain and suffering associated with difficult experiences. Don't ever be afraid to ask for someone to come and be with you, to hear your words, to simply listen. never be afraid to ask for help. who knows what a healing journey may be like, but recognising you need help is a great first step.... a step I'm glad I took. ... love to you. sands xx


Thoughtful Thursday <3
We are Mindfulness Skills4Life: It's all in the strapline AWARENESS CHOICE... WELL-BEING
Hope you enjoy this little beaut of a clip! And of course, we'd be delighted to answer any questions you have about mindfulness, self-compassion training for yourself, your organisation or school.
Go well lovelies, Sands x
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wowee Wednesday,
hmm I've awoken with a tired mind this morning, my body wants to stay in bed after a restless night. and of course my kids have awoken with energies powered by a small nuclear power station. It would be easy for sneaky attitudes to be present, one with a voice of tiredness or apathy.
Indeed that's the feeling that's present right now. I'm glad I've noticed this! it is awareness of my mood, MINDFULNESS, that's detected this mood state, because if I wasn't a...ware of it, it could easy go unchecked and grow into something further....even an unwanted, full-on mama grump that could miss out on the joys of the next moment or cloud the unfolding happiness of the day.
So, I'm going to take a little pause to unfold myself more slowly. I know my kids are safe, so I'm giving a few minutes to myself in a separate place to breath slowly, focusing as much of my attention on the feel of the in and out breath. I'm acknowledging and breathing with what's here (that grumps, tirednss, listlessness) and connecting with some tender self-compassion, inviting in patience, kindness and appreciation for the day as it opens out.
Funny how our attitudes can really shape our experience...now, I'm ready to try and connect with what life has to offer, even in the presence of tiredness.By simply acknowledging what is truly here, I am able to allow it and still get on with the next moments of my day.
Hoping you guys have some kind, happy, funny or joyful moments in your day.Or even being kind to yourself when things feel tricky love, sands xx
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<3 F L A S H SUMMER S A L E <3 We are stepping into summer with light feet, with a vibrant smile, like this gorgeous sunflower, and a happy heart.
As part of our summer glow, we are offering ** 7 places** for our mindfulness day retreat at a reduced cost.
... YIP, that's right. you can join us for a day of mindfulness practice, relaxation, creativity and summer chill for only £40.00. The event is fully catered for too!
Use the code CALM40 to book your place for only £40.00 The sale is on from today until 23rd April, after then it will move back to the full price of £50.00
Don't miss out on this fab summer offer and please don't keep it to to yourself , we'd be grateful if you can care and share <3
BOOK you cup of calm here: https://www.mindfulness-skills4life.co.uk /courses-and-se…/…/
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Time for your mind Tuesday!
You know this already, but for those who are new to our page, I spent some 18 years as a career scientist, working in a lab, and ultimately heading up my own research group.
For me, as I teach and practice mindfulness, the evidence base which describes how mindfulness takes effect, what happens in the brain and body of those who train in mindfulness meditation, is really important.
... Speaking simply, mindfulness 'WORKS' by altering the structure and function of our malleable brain... this in turn helps make changes in our mind, body and attitudes. . Read on to see how mindfulness can help your health. Mindfulness...what have you got to gain?
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Mindful care Monday
Sharing this gem of a find from a lovely friend. One of the most incredible things that enhanced, changed my mindfulness practice and experience as a imperfect person is self-compassion. This is a combination of knowing that we are struggling and then finding ways so we don't make it worse. often when we are having a tough time we can be unkind, critical or lack understanding towards ourselves.
So, if you find yourself in the midst of something, then why... not try something different, why not try a healthy and helpful dose of self-compassion.
May be one of these phrases are just for you, and the beauty of even saying these with a gentle voice, kinder attitude will make a difference to our brains and how we relate to future difficulties.
Happy practicing. xx Thanks Richard Leven for this post.
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Saying THANKS Sunday
To everyone who keeps coming to our drops-in session, booking our courses, sharing our posts, photos, musings and blog, telling others about the work we do, want to be our friends either virtually or the ones we share a cuppa with.
To the ones who are shining brightly from their experience of mindfulness. Thank YOU: I am so grateful for all the good and great things you do and the great people that you are.
... Thanks for enriching my offering and more so my life <3
#justsaying #minbdfulnessskills4life
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PAUSE: try a mindfulness practice now
This is one of my FAVE songs at the minute. I'm singing it all the time, not entirely in tune either (and that's OK), as I simply love the words, meaning and way it makes me come alive. Would you believe that I also use it as a mindfulness practice, yip, sure do, singing at the top of my lungs and feeling it's inspiration and positivity.
Do you fancy trying it too as a little mindfulness practice?
... Here's how: *Listen as best as you can to this track, if you get distracted simply start again with the intent listening
*See how the words and notes feel as you hear
* Notice thoughts as they come and go, but choose just to watch them and come back to listening
* if you are swaying or moving - feel the movement of the body
PRESS PLAY: and do it, give it all your attention, all 4 minutes or so, I will be joining you <3
Reflect: What did you notice? Did you get distracted? Were you able to just start again?
This beautiful breath, it keeps us alive. "If you are breathing, you are doing more right than you are wrong" wise words from Jon Kabat-Zinn) So, in that sense perhaps we can let go, like the words of this song say, and enjoy many things. Even the simplicity of this pause?? Find your light dear ones <3 xx
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feelings Friday-woodland learning.
We've been playing in the beautiful haven of Willow Glade in Skellingthorpe (created by the selfless Ian Callaghan and Skellycycle). We collected and gathered woodland swag, pine cones, twigs and charcoal.
Our gang were exploring emotions thru play, finding words for expressions and feelings. What was brilliant was that there was just my two at first then, we were glad to be joined by some other kids, unknown to us at first but soon 'fores...t friend's'.
We figured out some amazing things: - some emotions are made of more than 1 feeling and this can make it tricky to say how things are for us!
- our feelings affect what we do and say!
- sometimes us little ones don't know what the feeling word is but we can feel something in our bodies i.e. a fizziness or a dizziness, a rushing or whooshy feel, and we may make noises.
Amazing learning around developing AWARENESS of how tings are and emotional intelligence in our wee woodland group., whilst feeling textures, hearing sounds around us and reflecting on the fun we all had. That in a nutshell (or a pine cone) is mindfulness in action.
mindful minis rule ok! Give us a shout if you fancy a visit from us at your pre-school or school.
#mindfulnessskills4life #mindfulnessskills4littlelives
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Thoughtful Thursday
oh this us a good one. Curious about how and our day would be if we loose a little to expectation of ourselves, colleagues at work, the in between situations we experience I.eI.e. the smooth flow of traffic on our commute, the ease of getting organised with kids out the door.
What if we turned towards the feeling of appreciation for whatever comes our way? maybe accepti thing as they are could also release a little tension around our experiences too?
... Hmmm pause for thought. so right now, in this moment as you read this post, what could you appreciate?
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School run, a chance to practice being mindful, feeling each footstep on the ground, slowing down the breathing, feeling the wind on my face, hearing sounds, exchanging conversation with my kids...
It's not just about sitting quietly on a meditation cushion. it's about enjoy and experiencing the moment you are in, no matter what it is.... and being ok with it too.
As well as experiencing the joy more fully, like of these ones . xx


Sandras teaching style is inclusive engaging and very informative. I highly recommend her �


Sandra is an incredible teacher, always helping everyone to feel at ease when coming across new territory. She is open and honest and offers up her own experiences readily and with a large dose of humility.

The course was structured in a careful and highly thoughtful manner and flowed with the group. The manuals are beautiful with inspirational poems and prose as well as helpful examples and suggestions.

Having a place, time and group of people dedicated to practice each week is so helpful and really encouraged me to maintain my practice throughout the week and in daily life. It was a lovely pocket of time to practice together and to get to know one another too.

All in all a wonderful experience and highly recommended!

Thank You Sandra �


I've had the privilege to co-teach with Sandra on a few occasions and from the heart can truly say that she is one of the most genuine, kind and compassionate people I know. Her teaching is warm, authentic and comes from a deep place of experience and knowing that life can be both beautiful and challenging. Her extensive and deep knowledge of mindfulness and compassion combined with her grounded humanity make her the ideal teacher to navigate the path of mindfulness with. Kindest Wishes, Gillian x


I did the mindfulness 8 week foundation course with Sandra and loved it. My purpose was to move towards enabling my mind to stay focused in the present ( at the very least in precious moments and experiences with little people )...as my mind tends to habitually wander (as my husband will attest to).

....But less of my story .. and focus on the course �! The foundation course was really really interesting and definitely helpful. I learned a lot about myself ...and how I can train myself to change habits. It doesn’t need to be a drastic change .. small changes and ‘practices’ can make a huge difference and can be so beneficial.

The course was eye-opening for me ... and delivered by Sandra ..it was also a warm, compassionate, safe environment to be enlightened within. Sandra is so enthusiastic about Mindfulness and its benefits ... you can’t help but be ‘engaged’ and want to learn more. She delivers the course with an empathic, interesting, intelligent, warm and delightful style. Her knowledge is broad and her exuberance infectious.

If you have small children, or grandchildren and you want to heighten the quality of your time and enjoyment with them ... this course is a road to that goal. Be in the moment, smell the roses...and enjoy the journey.�

More about Mindfulness Skills4Life

Mindfulness Skills4Life is located at 6 Monson Park, LN6 5UE Skellingthorpe, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 7765691560