Mini Pacs

About Mini Pacs

Children's Community Performing Arts Sessions. £1. 50 per session. 5. 30 till 6. 30 aged 4-8



Just a quick reminder to parents that tonight there is no session (Transition month) but, we are back full time from next week!
All parents will be asked to check their child's records next week to make sure that all details are present and correct.
Thank you for your cooperation!


Mini PACS as part of their arts award will be making their own little film! If you are interested in your little ones taking part in the project, then please feel free to get in contact or come on down next week!
Ages 3 to 10 5.30 pm until 6.30 pm £1.50 per week


Don't forget that we are not here this week as we slowly transition the children into the new way of running!
keep an eye out this week for information on our next project ✨


We start back today! A nice fun session to start the new year with our new structure!
We are now introducing more sensory based learning and Arts Award to our sessions.
We look forward to seeing new and old members 🤩
... Monday @ Connexions Community Hub 5.30 - 6.30 £1.50 per week
See you there!
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Script work this evening! Our little show will be coming around sooner than we thought! Pictures from our dress rehearsals shall be coming up soon. 🤩


Mini PACS shall not be on this evening due to external commitments with the leaders. We shall return next week! 🎶


From January 2020 Mini PACS shall be opting for a more sensory based learning session where the children can learn about themselves, each other and the world through a variety of ways that will include play, song and dance.
A basic structure is as followed: - Circle time / Parachute - Song learning / dance and movement / Arts Award... - Story time / Nursery Rhymes - Relaxation Depending on the time of year and if they have any arts award will depend on the variety of the sessions. The sessions will be learner friendly and adaptable for the members we have as part of Mini PACS.
We are proud of all we have achieved over the previous years but, we feel strongly that in order to support our young members, we should embrace all we can with them and create a more dedicated session.
Keep an eye out over the coming months for our new posters and get your children signed up ready for the new year! ⭐️
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We have had a great script session getting ready for our Christmas show later in the year! Though this may be the last scripted piece we do for a little while, it is certainly a lot of fun! 🤩


Well September is officially here! Therefore we open our doors again this evening for old and new members!
See you all at 5.30pm 😊


One more session before we break up for summer!
22nd of July then MINI PACS shall be returning for weekly sessions on the 2nd of September. Where we shall be getting ready for our show 'JitterBug' and also their dance routine for our Halloween performance, where they shall be dancing to the bad guy song!
Plans have already started....July means we are close to October, right?!
... See you all soon 😉🤩
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Looking forward to tonight! Time to start preparing for our next challenge 🤩


Meet the leaders!
So for anyone who doesn't know.
My name is Bryony and I am the founder and lead for Mini PACS. I have been working with children in a variety of roles for the past 6 years and also hold a great passion for performing arts. As a leader for the older group, I wanted to create a transitional group for younger children before they move upto the original PACS group. Mini PACS was born!... I have worked in the performance industry for a long time. And although I would still class myself as an amateur, it is still so humbling to have little ones asking for advice and listening to all you have to teach.
Around a year ago, I brought someone else on board. Casey has worked with her own youth performance group in the past and has also worked alongside me for a number of years.
I am proud to have her as part of my team and so proud to have my amazing little group blossoming into beautiful performers.
Mini PACS is back on next Monday and then we have one further session before we have summer break!
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Good afternoon dear followers!
Mini PACS shall be running their next sessions on the 8th of July and the 22nd of July, before breaking up for August! This is down to work commitments throughout the fortnightly process.
We should hopefully know any summer performance dates by the next session in which Mini PACS shall get the chance to perform their two show pieces.
... Looking forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks. 😁🎭
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Good afternoon everyone!
Please remember that through June and July, Mini PACS shall be fortnightly. This means the next session is the 17th of June which will still be a drop off session :) Thankyou for the cooperation 🎈


Super proud of some of our older Mini PACS this evening who will be performing within our musical performances over the next few weeks! We can't wait to have you on board full time 😍💃
Make sure to come see them!

More about Mini Pacs

Mini Pacs is located at Connexions Hub, Church Street, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire