
About Mum&Mia

Mum& Mia is a Slimming & Exercise Club designed especially for new mums. Baby friendly exercise classes, optional weekly weigh ins, dietary advice .

Mum&Mia Description

Mum and Mia is a slimming club designed especially for new mums. Our facebook page offers postnatal advice and tips for weight loss, health & wellbeing for mummy and baby.



Awesome session in the park with this lovely lot this morning 😎
Well done ladies, you smashed it! Thank you all for coming ❤️
#quorn #fitmums #mumandbabyfitness


Idea for a new class 😂


When you spend the afternoon making Muffins with two excited little girls and then realise you leant your muffin tin to your mum 🙈
Oh well - Lasagne dish it is! God knows how this will turn out...some sort of flat dry banana bread probably. 😂


My little Easter helper loving her job giving out stickers and chocolate to all the little ones in classes this week (the ones that are big enough for chocolate of course😀) ❤️


STARTING 1ST JUNE 2019 - WEEKLY FITNESS CLASS INCLUDED (you can bring your little one along too!)
Hi everyone,
I'm starting this 30 day challenge for Leicester mums who would like some motivation and support to shape up ready for Summer? Let me know if you have any questions and please do share it to anyone who may be interested. Price is £19.99 including weekly class xx
... What you get:
✅ Classes on Mondays or Fridays at Markfield Community Centre at 10.30am throughout June.
✅ Weekly weigh in to help keep you accountable
✅ Fitness test at the beginning and end of the challenge to monitor your progress. If you choose the online only option, you can do this at home and submit results online.
✅DAILY EMAIL with your follow along 10 Minute Home Workout (No equipment needed).
✅SIMPLE & REALISTIC recipes & snacks designed not only to help you lose weight but to also give you a sustained release of energy to get you through those tiring days.
✅QUICK, HEALTHY meals (most take just 10 minutes prep) and are family friendly.
✅Private Facebook community.
Find out more and register at lenge
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10 Minute Low Impact HIIT Cardio Session
Great for newer mums and beginners.
After having a baby you still have the hormone 'Relaxin' in your system for up to 6 months. This is the hormone that helps your muscles and joints to loosen and stretch to make space for your baby and for the birth itself.
... As it's still in your system your joints and muscles can be more susceptible to injury but that doesn't mean you can't do any exercise, there are lots of low impact exercises that you can do.
Here's an example of a 10 minute low impact HIIT session that you can do in your own home. This is also a good workout to start with if you are just getting back into exercise and want to build up your fitness gradually.
40 seconds exercise / 20 seconds rest
👉Elbow to Knee
👉Shuffle Touches
👉Squat Punches
👉Knee Repeaters
👉Mountain Climbers
#postnatalfitness #newmum #beginnerworkout #lowimpact #exercise #fitness
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5 Dinners That Could Help You Lose Belly Fat!

Research has shown that reducing carbohydrates, particularly refined carbohydrates such as obvious sugary snacks but also white bread, white rice, white pasta can help you lose more belly fat. However you may need to take it quite low to less than 50g per day, which many may find extremely difficult and you certainly would if you have a new baby and are feeling tired.
... But don't worry because other research suggest that simply swapping all refined carbs like white bread, pasta etc for less processed versions can improve metabolic health and reduce belly fat too.
I have days when I really crave carbs so I have them but some days I find not eating many carbs reasonably easy and my day may look something like this...
Breakfast - Yoghurt, berries and nuts Lunch - Buddha Bowl - Salad leaves, nuts, carrots, hummus, tomatoes with some protein like chicken or tuna. Dinner - Chicken curry (homemade) with Cauliflower Rice
(I then usually have something sweet after dinner which is my downfall🙈, but I'd be miserable without it).
So if you are trying to shift some weight from your tummy don't feel like you have to go all out and cut your carb level super low, you could start by trying a few little changes and see how you get on.
Here's some yummy dinners that could help.
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Working out with friends is just so much better then than alone isn’t it?
I love joining in with the exercise with this lovely lot when I get a chance because working out with friends is just so much better than when you do it on your own.
It makes you work harder, it makes the time go quicker and it’s just more fun, plus you are much more likely to actually turn up and workout if you are meeting someone or are booked in somewhere! .
... So find yourself a workout buddy whether it’s a friend, a partner or even your kids😂 and book in some workouts together whether it’s a walk, run, class, home workout or even some form of games with the kids that give you some exercise, it will really help to keep you motivated plus you’ll likely enjoy it much more and carry on.
Well done today all those that smashed it 💪🏻
#fitmums #workouts #postnatal #mumandbabyexercise #hiit #postnatalexercise #newmum
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Hey lovely ladies. Hope you are all having a nice day. I wanted to have a quick chat with you all about how to successfully plan to achieve your goals.
I know many of you have goals that you are trying to achieve whether it be weight loss, improving fitness, toning up, reducing stress etc and I can give you healthy recipes ideas and fitness videos to follow to support this but to really have the BEST chance of long term success (at any goal...) you need to have your own plan that's personal to you. Only YOU know your own life...right?
It's so easy to lose motivation, lose focus, get off track etc with what you are doing, having a plan really helps you with this and will act as a great motivational tool and a reminder of exactly what you are trying to achieve and why.
So I have put together a 4 Step Guide on How to Plan to Achieve Your Weight Loss & Fitness Goals (sounds boring doesn't it 😂 but it really can help you).
It goes through the questions that you should ask yourself, what you can start doing, what you need to stop doing plus gets you thinking about how confident you are that you can make the changes that you want to make and about how to overcome any barriers.
So when you are sitting with your cuppa and have a spare 5 minutes, take a look and give it a go, it can really make a difference.
Here’s the link to get the guide rm
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10 Exercises to Tone the Tummy & Waist
It's a burner 🔥
While doing this workout make sure you engage your core muscles and ensure your back is pushed into the floor when your legs are raised to avoid straining your back.
... Quick reminder on core engagement...
👉Squeeze you pelvic floor (like stopping yourself having a wee)
👉Imagine there is a zip from your public bone to your ribs and try to gradually zip it up from the bottom up. (Be careful not to just suck your tummy in, you want to feel the muscles tighten)
👉Place your fingers just under your hip bones on either side and practice engaging your core and realising it. You should feel the muscles beneath the hip bone get harder to touch/tighten when you engage.
👉If you are not sure how it should fee when engaged, then try coughing or imagining that you are about to be punched in the tummy. You automatically engage your core (brace for impact). Thats how it should feel.
EXERCISES: 50 Seconds Each / 10 Secs Rest
1. Flutter Kicks - Make sure your back is pushed into the floor!
2. Alternate Oblique Reaches
3. Side Lying Hip Raises (Right)
4. Side Lying Hip Raises (Left)
5. Boat Twists (Use a weight to hold if you have one)
6. Feet Up Crunch
7. Plank Leg Raises
8. Reverse Plank Leg Raises
9. Toe Taps
10. Boat Pull Ins
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Need some motivation to run? Take your kids on their bikes!!!
So managed to get out for a run today, it’s been a while so thought I might struggle but with this little rascal to keep up with I had no choice, stopping wasn’t an option or risk him ending up in the river! Brilliant motivation to keep going even though my legs were killing 😂 . #running #runningmotivation #fitnessmotivation #fitmum #fitmums #fitnessmum #mumfitness #cardio #exercise #workout #run #mumlife #momlife #mum #mom #postnatal #postnatalfitness #healthylifestyle #health #healthy #family #son


After having a baby our posture can change in a number of ways, which leaves you with an arched back, rounded shoulders and butt sticking out, which can make us look tired, unconfident and like we have a bigger tummy than we actually do 😟. It's not just an aesthetic problem though, standing with this posture can create imbalances and can lead to other aches and pains throughout the body.
So take a look at your normal stance in the mirror and try to correct it by lifting and pulling back the chin slightly, pulling the shoulders back, and tilting the hips under. You will notice an immediate difference in how you look but practicing the adapted posture as much as possible throughout the day will help you to avoid things like back and hip pain too.


Does anyone else pick at food without thinking?
I shared this post with the private Facebook group last week but I wanted to share it wider as it really does make you think!
... Mindless eating! I had a picky day the other day, I'm normally quite good but not that day. I actually managed to briefly work out how many extra calories I'd had in food I hardly even realised passed my lips, like a piece of cheese when doing the kids sandwich, a few chips off of their plate after dinner, pinching a rolo from my Son's 'early' Eater Egg.
It worked out to around 150 calories and I hardly even registered I was doing it. If I did that every day of the week it would be equivalent of almost 1/3 of a pound a week. Meaning every 3 weeks I would put on almost a pound of weight if I did it all the time.
It's so easy to stack up the calories with this type of thing so for those of you trying to lose weight, every time you grab something just try to stop and I really need that before you eat it, is it worth the calories? It could really make a difference. ❤️
#healthylifestyle #weightloss #losebabyweight #snacking #mindlesseating #loseweight #realistic #smallchanges
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JAMIE OLIVER SUPER EASY BROCCOLI SOUP - 115 Kcal (250 with a round of wholemeal bread and low fat spread).
This is great as lunch or as a energy sustaining snack (without the bread).
This soup is fab! I'm a massive fan of broccoli, I love it and it has so many health benefits such as being a good source of fibre and protein, it contains iron, potassium, calcium, selenium and magnesium as well as the vitamins A, C, E, K and a good array of B vitamins including folic acid. ... So as you can see Broccoli is pretty great.
The even better thing about this soup though is that it's really quick to make....just 10 minutes prep and 10 minutes cooking, it's really low in calories and it you can make it in bulk and freeze it so that you can have it as lunch on busy days or even as a snack.😄
YUM. 😋 ⚡️Check out the recipe here www.⚡️< br> See More


I’ve really not been feeling it today, I’ve found it hard to get motivated with the weather being so miserable this morning and being super busy with work plus house, kids etc etc and that’s fine. As busy mums some days are going to be tougher than others to stick to your fitness and healthy eating plans and today was one of those days for me.
But rather than doing nothing at all I did something that I could motivate myself to do. I got a couple of weights, put on some mot...ivating music (which was 90s club classics playlist 😂) and just did 10 minutes work on my glutes, which for me is where I want to work the most.
I will go to bed now feeling like I have a least taken a little step toward my goal today even though it was small.
Our lives are so busy and we put so much pressure on ourselves and try to do everything so on those tougher days please don’t beat yourself up for having that extra biscuit (or 3🙈) or not managing to get out for a walk/run or not having chance to workout at home. It’s fine, yes of course, try your best to do something even if it is just 5 minutes but if not, it’s ok. Just carry on and try again the next day. Don’t completely give up on your goals because of’s not all or nothing! It’s REALISTIC and if you want long term results that’s what it needs to be and you should expect these days and accept them for what they are. 😘
#mumlife #momlife #busymum #fitness #realistic #goals #mums #moms #lifestyle #health #healthylifestyle #motivation #fitnessmotivation #real #exercisemotivation #losebabyweight #weightloss
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Trying to tone up your tummy? This workout focuses on the lower part of the abdominals, the muffin top, the bit we all hate the most after having a baby thats soooooo hard to get rid of.
It's just 5 different exercises repeated twice through. You will just need a mat or towel as it's floor based.
... Make sure you keep your lower back against the floor and your core muscles engaged throughout the exercises to avoid straining your back.
Unsure how to engage your core?
👉Squeeze you pelvic floor (like stopping yourself having a wee)
👉Imagine there is a zip from your public bone to your ribs and try to gradually zip it up from the bottom up. (Be careful not to just suck your tummy in, you want to feel the muscles tighten)
👉Place your fingers just under your hip bones on either side and practice engaging your core and realising it. You should feel the muscles beneath the hip bone get harder to touch/tighten when you engage.
👉If you are not sure how it should fee when engaged, then try coughing or imagining that you are about to be punched in the tummy. You automatically engage your core (brace for impact). Thats how it should feel.
40 secs exercise / 20 secs rest
💪Leg Bounce Right Leg - 40 secs (Modification - foot slides)
Rest - 20 Secs
💪Leg Bounce Left Leg - 40 Secs (Modification - foot slides)
Rest - 20 secs
💪Toe Taps - 40 Secs (Modification - foot lifts)
Rest - 20 Secs
💪Feet Up Boat with Arm Bounce (Modification one to both feet down)
Rest - 20 Secs
💪Single Leg Drops (Modification - Toe Tap)
Rest - 20 Secs
Repeat X 2
#homeworkout #exercise #abs #lowerabs #losebabybelly #tonetummy #abworkout #fitness #mums #mom #healthy #strong
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HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all of you amazing mums. Have a lovely day xx


👋 Hi everyone, welcome to the MUM&MIA Facebook page. I'm Sarah Oakley, founder of MUM&MIA, Postnatal Fitness Instructor and certified Nutrition & Behaviour Change Coach.
I have set up this page to support and motivate new mums with their weight loss, fitness and and other lifestyle goals. I'll be sharing tips and advice, weekly fitness videos, healthy energy sustaining recipes (maybe a few treats too), educational posts and lots more. Plus feel free to ask any questions and comment whenever you like.


These classes are great. I love how you can work out while your baby is with you in a safe environment. Sarah who runs the classes is very welcoming and knows her stuff. From what exercises are best to do after having a baby to giving you great tips on how to lose the extra baby pounds. You can have an optional weigh in when you arrive if you also wish. It’s a great mix of exercises which makes the class fun. Great way of also meeting new mums. So glad the classes are coming to my area.


Loved my taster hiit class today. Great support on all exercises and a great group of women made it really welcoming.


Loved loved loved my first HIIT class today , and it was a real hit with my 21month old daughter also ...

Perfect to be able to exercise while my little one played so no mummy guilt for leaving her and feeling much better for the workout. I will definitely be back �����


I’ve been going to Mum & Mia for the past 6 months and love it. It’s a great work out with a good variety of exercises. Sarah is so friendly and knowledgeable and it is a great way to meet other mums.


Fantastic classes. A real mix of strength, toning, weight loss and flexibility. Sarah is so knowledgeable and so lovely with all the babies and children too. She also plays the best music!! Dreading going back to work so I can’t attend these classes. I would highly recommend these classes to anyone, not just new mums.


Did my free HIIT trial yesterday and loved it- will definitely be booking in and going back next week!


Absolutely excellent class for new mums. Sarah is fantastic & really knowledgable as well as supportive in helping you with both diet & exercise. Excellent mix of cardio & core workouts for all levels of fitness. Would highly recommend this class to any new Mum!! X


A great class for new mums. This a fun workout with a good mixture of cardio and core exercises as well as optional weigh in and diet advice. Sarah is really knowledgeable and supportive and you can take the class at your own pace. It's lovely to be able to exercise with my baby and to meet other new mums at the same time. I would definitely recommend.

More about Mum&Mia

Mum&Mia is located at LE3 8HP Leicester, United Kingdom