
About Nibpa

NIBPA - Nottingham Indian Business and Professional Association
The NIBPA will be widely regarded as an important association promoting, developing and sup

Nibpa Description

The NIBPA was conceived / established in March 2014, by like minded business and professional people, in recognition of huge contribution Indian businesses and professionals make to Nottinghamshire economy. The NIBPA will be widely regarded as an important association promoting, developing and supporting the Indian businesses and professionals in Nottinghamshire. The NIBPA will be the channel for Indian businesses and professionals to connect with the community.

To provide a voice and raise profile of Nottinghamshire Indian businesses by representing their views to local and central government to influence policy decision.
To be recognised as professional and credible voice for the Nottinghamshire Indian businesses.
To provide and facilitate business networking events enabling companies and professionals to make new business connections and to enhance their business skills and competiveness.
To identify and support ways for business to access investment.
To offer mentoring and coaching to businesses and professionals
Promote Indian businesses in the local community.
To hold regular meetings, seminars for the benefits of the members.
To provide charitable service to the local Indian Community.