Northamptonshire Healthcare Nhs Foundation Trust

About Northamptonshire Healthcare Nhs Foundation Trust

Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust provides mental health, learning disability, sexual health and a variety of community services for people in Northamptonshire.



Brilliant news! Team NHFT has been shortlisted at the national and prestigious @CIPD awards for our employee engagement initiatives!


It’s time to TAKE NOTICE.
We are on to our third of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing and this week we’re making a conscious effort to take notice.
Taking notice doesn’t just have to be of your surroundings, it could be of social situations you find yourself in daily.
... When you take notice, you can recognise social cues from friends, family and colleagues who might be struggling, and you can be there for them. This in turn helps them be there for you when you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and struggling with your mental wellbeing.
How do you take notice? Let us know in the comments below or take five minutes to head to and take #mywellbeingpledge and share your top tips with our Northants community.
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Have you seen our latest roadmap for adult mental health services which includes new service provisions and highlights journeys patients and service users may take when accessing our services. Find out more by visiting: #weareNHFT


June is #MensHealthMonth. 30% of men experience depression, yet only 1 in 4 actually talk about it. Look after your mental wellbeing and speak up - if you haven’t got someone to talk to, support is available: #HelpUsHelpYou


We’re on to the third of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing and this week is all about Taking Notice.
So, how often do you take notice of your surroundings? Spend five minutes thinking about this and you might realise it’s a whole lot less than you would like it to be.
... Taking the time to understand what is going on around us can be very beneficial to mental wellbeing, but it is something we are all guilty of not doing. Life can be hectic and busy; you might be full time mum or dad, work shifts, or have a really full social life but making the time to appreciate what is happening around us can help us reflect, refocus and re-energise our efforts into something more productive, creative and unique.
Want some motivation about how to take notice more, visit:, take the #mywellbeingpledge and get inspired.
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The second of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing is: Be Active.
In Northamptonshire we are lucky enough to have some beautiful country parks, fantastic public footpaths and some brilliant sporting opportunities to join in with. However, adding activity into our lives can seem difficult if you don’t know where to start or find your fitness levels somewhere near zero. This can have an adverse effect on your mental wellbeing and can lead to higher levels of anxiety and depression.
... We want to help, so we are inviting people to pledge to look after their mental wellbeing using the 5 Ways to Wellbeing as their guide. On the website you can find examples from others in your local community about how they got started with getting active as well as the other Ways to Wellbeing.
Click through for more information on how you can get started with your pledge and make a positive change to your mental wellbeing today.
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Have you got school exams coming up that are causing you to worry orfeel stressed? Our school nurses are only a text away and can offer help and advice. Text them today on 07507 329600 (Mon-Fri 8am-4.30pm).
The service is available to anyone between the ages of 11 and 19 years old.


The second of our 5 Ways to Wellbeing is BE ACTIVE.
Don’t worry you don’t have to start running 5ks each and every day, instead be active is about adding activity that you enjoy and that suits you into your routine.
This can be as big or as small as you want: from starting a kickboxing session at your local gym to parking in the space furthest away from the shops when you do your weekly food shop.
... Adding regular activity is associated with lower rates of depression and anxiety across all age groups and can positively impact your mental wellbeing.
What do you like to do when you want to get active? Join in the conversation by using the hashtag #mywellbeingpledge or head to the website and make your own wellbeing pledge today!
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The Northamptonshire Health and Care Partnership is recruiting for a Communications Officer to join the team!
Could it be you? Find out more info and apply online today:


CONNECT! The first of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing.
We know that positive relationships are important for our mental wellbeing, whether it be with family, friends or our wider communities. Making and building connections with people and starting conversations can help in making you feel better and can give you a resource when you need to talk.
Building relationships with others can be done in so many different ways – from heading round to your neighbour’s for a cuppa or joining on social events around the county. There are many opportunities to connect with others that could be right on your doorstep.
What do you do to connect with those around you? Let us know in the comment below, and don’t forget to take a look at the 5 Ways to Wellbeing and pledge to making a change to your mental wellbeing. #mywellbeingpledge
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We’re looking at the first of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing which is CONNECT.
The importance of making and building connections is not one to be underestimated, and the positive impact connecting with others can have on your mental wellbeing should make this one of your top priorities.
Connecting with people doesn’t mean you have to put yourself out there and make new friends if don’t feel ready for that, instead it can mean picking up the phone to talk to a family member, friend o...r even a colleague you feel comfortable with.
Find out how others in our Northamptonshire community connect with people around them by clicking on the website and pledging to the 5 Ways to Wellbeing today. #mywellbeingpledge
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This Mental Health Awareness Week we are inviting you to pledge to look after your mental wellbeing with 5 Ways to Wellbeing. Join other members of our Northamptonshire community in pledging to add five simple ways into your everyday life which have been shown to have a positive impact on mental wellbeing.
Connect: with those around you Be active: in a way that suits you and that you enjoy Take notice: and be mindful of your surroundings... Keep learning: new skills and developing you Give: what you can whether it is your time or simply a random act of kindness
Find out more by clicking the link below or copying the link into your browser:
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An update from NHFT and Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust -


Our organisation has signed up to pledge to make a difference to our staff's mental wellbeing with the #mywellbeingpledge initiative using the 5 Ways to Wellbeing. Find out more here #mentalhealthawarenessweek #mhaw2019


Our school nurses are on hand to help and support young people 11-19years with any health or wellbeing needs, including exam worries and stress and much more. The texting service is available on 07507 329600 Mon-Fri, 8am-4.30pm and is completely confidential.

More about Northamptonshire Healthcare Nhs Foundation Trust

01604 682682