Northants Falcons Flyball Team

About Northants Falcons Flyball Team

Flyball team based in Northamptonshire.

Northants Falcons Flyball Team Description

The club was established in 2006, which was founded by a small group of experienced flyballers.
Any breed of dog can take part and compete, please take a look through our album to meet our dogs.
We are all very proud of our dogs.
Everybody chips in and helps with setting up the equipment and the training of our dogs.
Our aim is to train, compete, have fun and it socialises us and our dogs.

Flyball is very highly strung and it gets your adrenalin pumping!



Northants Hurricanes were delighted to be invited to attend crufts 2020 flyball competition. We found ourselves competing on Thursday with a difficult draw, however with experience (couple of little hiccups) we looked amazing and won and qualified to the semi finals on Saturday. Saturday saw us with another difficult draw and we knew it would be tough racing for us. Again we looked awesome but didn’t quite manage the win and found ourselves out of the competition. However, N...orthants Hurricanes were and are just amazing. The laughs, fun and professionalism are truly fantastic. Congratulations to everyone of you,
Also three of our juniors joined Phoenix Fledglings for their first experience on the green carpet. Sophie & Izzy handled canine friends Nia & Pippa like pro's and Sienna was ball collector. Your Falcon family are very proud of all three of you. Thank you Robyn for giving them the opportunity and making memories for life.
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How about this. This is the crowd queuing to watch us this afternoon. We are going out live on Channel 4 at 3.50.


We have just had our interview with commentator Jim Rosenthal. A really nice bloke who is genuinely interested in Flyball.


Roxie, Ellie, Pippa & Riggs ♡♡♡♡


I have no idea who these "celebrities" are but this is what happens, they want to be associated with winners !


Well done to our Crufts team you did yourselves proud today. Enjoy tomorrow then do your best in the semi finals.


CRUFTS !! The good news is we're through to Saturday's semi finals. Race 1 all good, ran clean with 16:48. Race two, we won - just lol. It was an absolute blast, eventful, hot and some more lessons have been learnt for this unique event. Welldone to everyone who raced today & good luck to those racing tomorrow. Looking forward to Saturday's racing & watching three Falcon juniors who will have their first experience of racing at Crufts in the YKC ring with Phoenix Fledglings.


Northants have had a busy, proactive, fun and right proud weekend. Not a comp in sight but we still managed to spend hours together. Saturday a few Falcons went off to ring party training, they thoroughly enjoyed it and came back wiser, more confident and qualified 🥳
Saturday evening our very own Claire organised and performed along side some very talented people - including her partnerJohn (Falcon supporter) to raise funds for the Falcons. The evening was a fabulous family f...riendly event with music from all genres. We had a laugh, danced, and beamed with pride as Claire sang on that stage. The evening was a huge success and cannot wait for the next one.
Sunday we went to Junior park run, they flew round this week. Wolf run 🐺 here we come
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I've been rubbish recently at posting about our comps 🙈 sometimes life outside of flyball takes over. 19th Jan we competed at Ryton with 4 teams, kites came 3rd, hawks 5th, Raptors were nfc and our amazing LL team - Northants chicks came 1st. 9th Feb - Ross peers, Falcons won div 1 with a respectful 16.57 and our hawks were nfc. It's really nice to get back to training and continue doing what we all love. The dogs (&handlers) are all improving, see you all soon. Our next adventure is Crufts. Here's a video of our Chicks, milo who is almost 11, radley, pickle & honey.


The Falcons were back at Park Run this morning at Northampton parkrun. Everyone was amazing and we are definitely fitter! Only 4 months until the Wolf Run!


Owners of Flyball dogs will really understand this.


Falcons were out at Park Run again this morning - this time trying out the relatively new one at Salcey Forest. We all got very muddy but had lots of fun!


The Falcon Kings were out in force this weekend at Northampton Parkrun in training for their June 2020 Wolf Run. PBs were flying everywhere but it was the Falcon Chicks who were particularly awesome. Luke, age 13, was running with Mat and Harper and showed us all how it’s done, running a new PB of 26.48. Eden, our youngest runner at 6 years old running with her Mum, Abbie, and Pippa , was running her 10th parkrun (the first milestone for the juniors) and celebrated by smashin...g out a PB of 38.04. Isobel, aged 9, and Tarran were running as pacers for Katie and Riot aiming for a sub 35 minute run and Izzy brought them home with a new PB of 31.36 and Sienna, aged 7, completed her 2nd Parkrun. As for the adults, Alan, running for the first time with Mishka, was round in a speedy 27.14, Holly and Ellie improved on their last Parkrun with a 37.37 and Nicola and Chloe both saw significant improvements on their last runs. Look out in the new year for our sponsorship link but training is going well!
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Sunday at the Military Tattoo, the one you can hear is the yappy cocker 😂😍


Saturday we raced at Newark, wow it was cold when we got there but soon warmed up once we got moving.
The Falcons came 4th with a new club record of 16.24 and even a 16.36 with new girl Lola.
Northants Raptors smashed their time with a 17.88 and came 3rd !! Zak ran in the blue lane 💪 Harp got a new pb of 4.11, Riot at 11 holds his own, Sarge 4.34 on the clock and Laurie having the time of his life, coming back to flyball after his stroke.
... Northants Harriers, stalwarts Tyson, Milo & Mishka were joined by babies Toby & Cooper- they were amazing & came 2nd ♡
Honey is ready to move on from pc🤗 Tarren almost got the ball over 2 jumps and Lady rocked her run backs.
Thank you Junkyard for a super smooth ran comp & the early finish.
Time to get back to training, see you all in the new year x
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A fabulous start to the day for the Falcons at Newark - the club record broken in the first race in spectacular style. 16.24 - Roxie, Ellie, Pippa and Riggs 🥰🐶🐶🐶🐶


Birmingham Military Tattoo
Such an awesome weekend, Falcons you truly are amazing. This is our 6th year here and we love it. This year we had some first timers and although there was a couple of hiccups on Saturday, it went really well. The cheering was a whole new experience for these guys. By Sunday we had none (much to the crowds disappointment) they love the bloopers. This is the first time in a few years we've had the man power to perform this solely on our own, could no...t be prouder. There was 6,800 people on Saturday and over 9,000 on sunday. We performed along side marching bands, the Royal Navy, Marines, the Army & dance acts. Team Hurricanes -Toby, Mishka, Ellie, Pippa & Laurie. The Spitfires - Riot, Harper, Zak & Milo. Thank you Simon, Butch & John for your support and Dave for loaning us your box, very much appreciated- you all helped out so much.
Also celebrated Mr.T's 60th, what a way to spend the weekend ♡
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More about Northants Falcons Flyball Team

Northants Falcons Flyball Team is located at Cogenhoe, NN7 1NB Northampton, Northamptonshire