Nottinghamshire County Council

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Nottinghamshire County Council

The Official Facebook Page of Nottinghamshire County Council
www. nottinghamshire. gov. uk or tweet us @nottscc

Nottinghamshire County Council Description

The Official Facebook Page of Nottinghamshire County Council
www. nottinghamshire. gov. uk or tweet us @nottscc



🏢🎉| Exciting plans for the new Orchard School and Newark Day Centre on schedule
The £15m scheme to build the new Orchard Special School and Newark Day Centre is on schedule to open in April 2020.
The current Orchard Special School is split between two sites, the new premises will allow everyone to be together. The designs being submitted are for a 140-place school, with capacity for expansion to 170 places in the future. Learn more ➡️


👴 Don't miss out 👵
Last chance to book onto exercise classes for over 55s in Ashfield.
Classes run each Tuesday from 18 September.
... Book now: 📞 0300 005 0092 📧
More information ➡️
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👼| No plans for the weekend? Why not join our Chairman, Cllr Sue Saddington for a hog roast this Saturday to support the #BIGAppeal for Nottingham Children's Hospital ! Find out more at ➡️
➡️ Date: September 15, 2018 ➡️Time: 7:00 pm ➡️Venue: Muskham Rural Community Centre, Newark, NG23 6HL


📣 💰 | Calling all talented athletes in Nottinghamshire - new grants available! Apply today!
If you have represented your country at competitions in the last 12 months or you’re nationally ranked within the top five in your age group, apply today for Talented Athletes funding.
Grants of up to £400 are available to help with travel, training, accommodation, competition fees, coaching and kit costs.
... Local sports heroes including Sam Oldham, Becky Downey, Ollie Hynd, Richard Whitehead, and Sophie Wells are all previous recipients of financial support from the Council.
Find out more here ➡️
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🚗| Pre-driver training for 15 to 17-year-olds. Book now ➡️
The training session includes: ➡️two hours in car training ➡️live action demonstrations... ➡️advice on learning to drive ➡️workshops
Date: 30 October Location: Minster School, Southwell
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🚴| We went bigger and better this year and the turnout was amazing for the penultimate stage of Tour of Britain... here is another chance to revisit the day... let us know your favourite moments 😊


🚴| It's only been few days since the biggest free-to-attend sporting event, Tour of Britain, arrived to our beautiful county but we miss it already - catch the highlights from the day. The #bestdressed competition is still open so submit your entries ➡️


🚌| School travel passes If your child does not have a bus pass they will still be able to use the dedicated school bus service to get to school, however it is advisable that they have the journey fare just in case the bus driver requests it, particularly on local bus services.


😇| Need a flexible job that fits around your #studies? Personal assistants help people who need #SocialCare and #HealthCare support.
Working as a personal assistant can be:
☑️ rewarding ... ☑️ challenging ☑️ varied ☑️ flexible
Apply to become a PA and get accredited in the process ➡️
What makes a good PA ➡️
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👨‍💻| Jobs@NottsCC Our latest #jobs 💼 email bulletin is out now. Get all the latest jobs straight to your inbox every Monday, sign up today➡️ #beintheknow #nottsccjobs


🚴‍♀️| The race may be over but we are still receiving submissions from you for the #bestdressed - Villagers at Norwell transformed an 18th Grade 2-listed historical enclosure,which was formerly used for keeping stray animals years ago, into an eye-catching bicycle wheel!☺️


🚌| We are actively processing applications and posting out bus passes 1st class as quickly as we can, where necessary we have issued temporary passes.
We are not able to provide any specific information relating to a child’s application over the phone.


📆 | Get Up and Go Events taking place across Nottinghamshire
During September and October we’re hosting a number of Get Up and Go and NHS Falls advisory events to help raise awareness on how to stay steady and handy exercises to try at home to help improve co-ordination and balance. Please see the event dates below, pop down any time between 9am – 4pm and have a chat with our friendly team. 🙂
Please tag and share this post with others that would find the information useful.
... For more info visit ➡️
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☎| There are currently high waiting times in our call centre. Opening times are 8am-6pm.
Alternative ways to contact us ➡️
✅Applying for a secondary school➡️ ✅Renewing a Blue badge ➡️
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🧸👼| Our Chairman, Cllr Sue Saddington is hosting a hog roast this Saturday to support the #BIGAppeal for Nottingham Children's Hospital this year and would love you to join her! Find out more at ➡️ … …


❗ Long phone waiting times ❗
We are currently experiencing an extremely high-volume of incoming calls, which means waiting times are much longer than is usually the case. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Our school transport team are continuing to work through unprecedented levels of demand, and are sending out all school bus passes ASAP. We have spoken to local bus providers to advise them to give a two week grace period for the start of term while we process the ...passes.
If you need to renew a Blue Badge, you can do this online ➡️
If you are applying for a secondary school, the quickest way to do this is also online. You will also receive news of your child's school 2-3 days earlier using this method than if applying on the phone ➡️
Our call centre is open from 8am - 6pm. You can also submit any enquiry online ➡️
See More


🌟 Growing up in foster care 👨‍👩‍👦
Leon was eight years old when he was taken in to foster care and has stayed with the same foster family ever since. Now 22, Leon talks about how his foster parents helped support him, and what advice he would give to people who are thinking about fostering.
Watch Leon’s full story and find out more about fostering ➡ #FosterNotts


Exciting times ahead for Visit Sherwood Forest! 🌳
More detail on the £2.4m from the Heritage Lottery Fund, which will support a project to preserve and celebrate the iconic Sherwood Forest ➡️ RSPB Midlands


It is imperative that you include Melanie Shaw’s evidence at the child abuse inquiry, it will be invaluable. Your web page on this subject is asking people to come forward. People can see what’s happening with her state incarceration and we are watching.


����Please share ����

I am absolutely disgusted with nottingham county council, we have fighting for over a year to get our daughter into the right school setting i.e. A special school, We even had to prepare for a tribunal as they wanted to keep her in mainstream! The amount of stress and strain put on the family is ridiculous!

Now that she has started at her special school, the transport department of Nottinghamshire county council want me to drag our daughter to a collection point when she suffers with epilepsy and has 4 different types of seizures, as well as other problems. She has to be put in her wheelchair when she's had a seizure as she can't put one foot in front of the other!

They drive right past our house on the route so I really do not understand what the issue is, I'm currently taking her to and from school everyday and she's currently missing out on average about a hour per day, as I have 2 other special needs children at 2 different schools!

I have contacted you regarding this matter but not heard anything from you, all you have to do is email bridges transport to ask them to stop at our house, is this so difficult???

Shame on you, peoples life's are hard enough without this!!!!


Words can not describe how disgusted I am with the school application process. I can only assume the people making these decisions don't have children and have no idea about family life. This has made my family life even more stressful and hectic than it already was. Family's rushing around from one to school to another are going to cause accidents on the roads before to long. After loosing appeal i later find out a family have got a place who live out of catchment with no sibling. This is totally unfair and cannot be left. How this is a fairer system for siblings I do not know. I am totally fed up with this and something needs to be done for fairness.


Useless unless they want more money !

Useless unless they want to save time and effort !

The roads are the worst in the country !!

The repairs carried out to said roads are ridiculous at best !

And the local services (unless your in notts city itself)are not even there !!!

Not sure why we let these folks run our city might just start a campaign to get them ALL out it is up to us to get rid of crap that doesn’t do as it’s told by its employers.whos with me to remove this shower of s.,t


Thanks for issuing parking permits to people who don’t even live on my road so they can park outside my house and we have to park elsewhere whilst paying £25 for the privilege! Anyway to make a quick ££ hey? I guess the numerous resident letters, meetings and phone calls to express our concerns didn’t make a difference �


So my wife is just in the middle of our second week of trying to juggle 3 school and pre school drop offs each day which may not have been needed but for the wisdom of NCC changing its sibling priority policy on the strength of 3 comments received during its alleged consultation a few years ago.

Anyway my wife, Katherine, has dropped our oldest of at lambley primary school and then legally parked up outside Ernhale infants after a mad rush to get her there ( we lost out on appeal for her to attend her siblings school). Whilst she was queuing up to drop Imogen off the parents all heard a loud crash. Katherine returned to our car to find it badly damaged and the car parked behind written off after both stationary cars were hit from behind. The driver of the car required an Ambulance but thankfully was not too bad.

The irony here is that both the parked damaged cars were, in effect , outside Ernhale school as the children from both families could not attend the same school as their siblings. Surely the change in sibling priority by NCC will have increased the traffic volume with stressed parents driving their children around at the school pick off and drop of times trying to avoid lateness. Thankfully on this occasion no one was badly injured but what about the next time. Is there also an environmental issue here with the increased emissions produced with these extra journeys?

One of the reasons given for our appeal rejection was that Imogen's attendance at her brothers school would increase the traffic in the area and hence give rise to road safety issues! But our eldest is already being dropped off at Lambley and Imogen would simply have been dropped of with him in the same car therefore no extra traffic would have been generated.

This has become almost impossible for us so we may well be forced to home school her. Thanks NCC for truly representing and listening to the people it is supposed to provide and care for !!!!


Skips at Kirkby. Shite. Fucking useless.����������� ������������


One star seems too good for the ongoing sibling criteria change implemented by the council. Also their handling of the whole shambolic affair has left 3 children in one school and one having to be homeschooled till further notice. were also unable to get them in our catchment school due to not having availability. there unwillingness to help will only make the problem worse in future years. i truly wonder why we pay taxes for a such a service!


On the 14th June my car had an M O T and was failed by the garage. My car is 9 years old and l only do 2000 miles per year. The failure was a broken coil spring on the drivers side and when l asked what could have caused it l was told road humps or potholes. As l avoid the humps like the plague and luckily we don't have them where we live, that is at the moment it is obviously down to the enormous amount of potholes that haven't been repaired. Of all that l have had to pay out l don't suppose the council would care to contribute to the price of the repair which has needed doing due to their irresponsible way of dealing with the roads.


Notts county council education department is a joke had no choice but to take all my children out of their school due to my oldest daughter who has ADHD/ ASD she was permanent excluded from school one the 10/11/17 I took my other children to school on the 13/11/17 and was spoken to like crap by the head teacher I had to take my daughter with me on school run she was only 7 at the time the head teacher told me I had to leave her at home when bringing the others to school has he don't want her anywhere near the school my husband works so no way would I leave her at home on her own its just wrong he then went on saying he did not care about the other children its my problem not his and now I can't get my other children into a school near me every child by law has to have an education so this is a big joke and I'm fight and fight out local MP has also been contacted


I was given a hefty parking fine on a road in Newark that had misleading signage - after various attempts of contacting this company and giving a number of reasons that appealed against the fine, the appeal was still rejected.

As someone who always sticks to the rules on roads and gets worked up on these kind of things and takes things like this seriously, this company took over a month to respond to my concerns, and had to chase them several times for a response. The way the company handled my situation was just disgraceful.

Since my charges I have been left to feel robbed, like this council simply charge people for sport and prey on people who are unaware of restrictions simply for the fact that it gives them more money. People wouldn't park on restricted roads if they were aware that an area was prohibited - fact.

If you live in Newark - be very wary of where you park. This company will go to any length to charge you and take your money and give no amicable options to your situation - or empathy.


I wanted to speak to the Broadband dept, we don't have fibre and the service is appalling, I was advised from the website to call the only number given 03005008080.

Then was given only four options, So even though none relevant, I chose option 1, then while waiting was told "if urgent stay on the line, alternatively email"

I didn't want to email, I wanted to speak to someone. 9 minutes in, i get on to a agent, she took my details and then after six minutes of info confirmation, she tells me there is no number to put me through but someone will come back, wait for it ...within three working days!

Appalling, appalling appalling . You need to super fast fibre your departments get with the twenty first century and get telephones to your departments! Poor show NCC.


I am so furious and upset its untrue! Its bad enough that someone does a hit and run on your car and you are left with a £200 excess this close to christmas with 2 small children, but to then be hit with a parking ticket for parking your courtesy car outside your own house is just downright cruel!

There was no point calling to get a temporary permit for the courtesy car as it was only supposed to take a week and we would prob have our old car back before we received a temporary permit through the post - I am at work 3 days of the week therefore the car would not even be on the road much. In good faith I put a note on my courtesy car that explained my situation and asked that should parking here still be unacceptable then knock on my door and I will move it immediately - this has not happened we have not had a knock on our door!

I cannot believe someone would be so heartless to do such a thing when the note states I have 2 small children at home and its a struggle to move the car. Do you really expect me to park in the car park on the next road and pay or have to lug 2 children onto the next road every 2 hours to move my car or get a new ticket? not only that but whilst I am at work my mum takes care of the children so I would also be expected to drag the kids to the car park and also attempt to carry 2 car seats at the same time to put in my mums car? and if my one year old is in bed napping should I leave her in the house alone so that I can go get a new car park ticket in my car so i don't get a fine there as well, or am I supposed to wake her up and take her out in the rain with me? and don't even get me started on getting a weeks worth of food shopping into my house with the children, or the fact that my courtesy car is so small I can't even fit my pushchair in it so I would have to carry my 1 year old home along with any bags we have which having small children you to tend to resemble a donkey!

Clearly the heartless satan who works for you does not have children of their own and if they ever do I hope they don't have to deal with such utter pathetic money grabbing behaviour from people like I am clearly having to deal with!

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this!


I am extremely frustrated at the lack of care taken of the public places the council is responsible for keeping neat and tidy. There is a public footpath leading from Nearsby Drive and coming out in Tewksbury Close. It goes between two primary schools and is used by at least half of either school pupils, twice a day every weekday. The nettles are as tall as my seven year old and she narrowly avoided getting hit in the eye by one this morning!! I have tried to call the council but the phone line is down and cuts you off before even ringing! Suppose that will be how they manage complaints??


Gritters desperately needed on Pinxton Lane at 5.30pm! Police called as 2 cars off the road. One a foot away from going through my horses field!!! I have 10 horses in the fields and if they are let on the road deaths will occur!!! Furious that gritters were not contactable even by the Police!!


Appalled at Broxtowe Borough Council and their recycle waste centre agents Nottinghamshire County Council. They are obliging us to register a vehicle to use our local recycle centres - apparently to stop people from outside the area using the facilities. Bad enough that that means people without a car who rely on various friends or family to visit their recycle centre. But on phoning to register, I find they want to know name, address AND date of birth! I refused to give latter and so the girl said she cannot complete the registration as their system won't let her go further without dob! She says it is to verify my identity. She doesn't need to verify my identity when she has name & address and vehicle reg. DVLC will confirm vehicle registered address. Anyone could drive my vehicle with things to the recycle centre. . I've written to both my county councillor and local councillors asking them how I am to dispose of my recycle waste in future, but no doubt it will be general bin and landfill - how very green of you (not) Broxtowe BC & Notts CC


Absolutely appalled with the way Nottinghamshire county council is dealing with the large amounts of dog mess being left in the ally beside the entrance to Orchard Primary and Nursery School! Lots of parents have complained to both the school & council & still nothing has been done! Disgusting!


40+ years of child abuse in NCC ran homes, 40 years off cover ups, finally they pay out 2.7 million in hush money this year, if you live in Nottinghamshire this is where your council tax money is going.


1 star is way too much for you!

I hope that you can sleep well at night and are not letting your kids down, like hundreds of parents that are.

Changing the sibling criteria as got to be one of your worst moves ever. My son of 4 is sad and confused, because he won't be starting school Wednesday like he should be with all his friends, instead he will be going back to nursery, hoping that a school place becomes available.

Thanku for ruining what should be a happy day, into a shambles!


It is imperative that you include Melanie Shaw’s evidence at the child abuse inquiry, it will be invaluable. Your web page on this subject is asking people to come forward. People can see what’s happening with her state incarceration and we are watching.


����Please share ����

I am absolutely disgusted with nottingham county council, we have fighting for over a year to get our daughter into the right school setting i.e. A special school, We even had to prepare for a tribunal as they wanted to keep her in mainstream! The amount of stress and strain put on the family is ridiculous!

Now that she has started at her special school, the transport department of Nottinghamshire county council want me to drag our daughter to a collection point when she suffers with epilepsy and has 4 different types of seizures, as well as other problems. She has to be put in her wheelchair when she's had a seizure as she can't put one foot in front of the other!

They drive right past our house on the route so I really do not understand what the issue is, I'm currently taking her to and from school everyday and she's currently missing out on average about a hour per day, as I have 2 other special needs children at 2 different schools!

I have contacted you regarding this matter but not heard anything from you, all you have to do is email bridges transport to ask them to stop at our house, is this so difficult???

Shame on you, peoples life's are hard enough without this!!!!


Words can not describe how disgusted I am with the school application process. I can only assume the people making these decisions don't have children and have no idea about family life. This has made my family life even more stressful and hectic than it already was. Family's rushing around from one to school to another are going to cause accidents on the roads before to long. After loosing appeal i later find out a family have got a place who live out of catchment with no sibling. This is totally unfair and cannot be left. How this is a fairer system for siblings I do not know. I am totally fed up with this and something needs to be done for fairness.


Useless unless they want more money !

Useless unless they want to save time and effort !

The roads are the worst in the country !!

The repairs carried out to said roads are ridiculous at best !

And the local services (unless your in notts city itself)are not even there !!!

Not sure why we let these folks run our city might just start a campaign to get them ALL out it is up to us to get rid of crap that doesn’t do as it’s told by its employers.whos with me to remove this shower of s.,t


Thanks for issuing parking permits to people who don’t even live on my road so they can park outside my house and we have to park elsewhere whilst paying £25 for the privilege! Anyway to make a quick ££ hey? I guess the numerous resident letters, meetings and phone calls to express our concerns didn’t make a difference �


So my wife is just in the middle of our second week of trying to juggle 3 school and pre school drop offs each day which may not have been needed but for the wisdom of NCC changing its sibling priority policy on the strength of 3 comments received during its alleged consultation a few years ago.

Anyway my wife, Katherine, has dropped our oldest of at lambley primary school and then legally parked up outside Ernhale infants after a mad rush to get her there ( we lost out on appeal for her to attend her siblings school). Whilst she was queuing up to drop Imogen off the parents all heard a loud crash. Katherine returned to our car to find it badly damaged and the car parked behind written off after both stationary cars were hit from behind. The driver of the car required an Ambulance but thankfully was not too bad.

The irony here is that both the parked damaged cars were, in effect , outside Ernhale school as the children from both families could not attend the same school as their siblings. Surely the change in sibling priority by NCC will have increased the traffic volume with stressed parents driving their children around at the school pick off and drop of times trying to avoid lateness. Thankfully on this occasion no one was badly injured but what about the next time. Is there also an environmental issue here with the increased emissions produced with these extra journeys?

One of the reasons given for our appeal rejection was that Imogen's attendance at her brothers school would increase the traffic in the area and hence give rise to road safety issues! But our eldest is already being dropped off at Lambley and Imogen would simply have been dropped of with him in the same car therefore no extra traffic would have been generated.

This has become almost impossible for us so we may well be forced to home school her. Thanks NCC for truly representing and listening to the people it is supposed to provide and care for !!!!


Skips at Kirkby. Shite. Fucking useless.����������� ������������


One star seems too good for the ongoing sibling criteria change implemented by the council. Also their handling of the whole shambolic affair has left 3 children in one school and one having to be homeschooled till further notice. were also unable to get them in our catchment school due to not having availability. there unwillingness to help will only make the problem worse in future years. i truly wonder why we pay taxes for a such a service!


On the 14th June my car had an M O T and was failed by the garage. My car is 9 years old and l only do 2000 miles per year. The failure was a broken coil spring on the drivers side and when l asked what could have caused it l was told road humps or potholes. As l avoid the humps like the plague and luckily we don't have them where we live, that is at the moment it is obviously down to the enormous amount of potholes that haven't been repaired. Of all that l have had to pay out l don't suppose the council would care to contribute to the price of the repair which has needed doing due to their irresponsible way of dealing with the roads.


Notts county council education department is a joke had no choice but to take all my children out of their school due to my oldest daughter who has ADHD/ ASD she was permanent excluded from school one the 10/11/17 I took my other children to school on the 13/11/17 and was spoken to like crap by the head teacher I had to take my daughter with me on school run she was only 7 at the time the head teacher told me I had to leave her at home when bringing the others to school has he don't want her anywhere near the school my husband works so no way would I leave her at home on her own its just wrong he then went on saying he did not care about the other children its my problem not his and now I can't get my other children into a school near me every child by law has to have an education so this is a big joke and I'm fight and fight out local MP has also been contacted


I was given a hefty parking fine on a road in Newark that had misleading signage - after various attempts of contacting this company and giving a number of reasons that appealed against the fine, the appeal was still rejected.

As someone who always sticks to the rules on roads and gets worked up on these kind of things and takes things like this seriously, this company took over a month to respond to my concerns, and had to chase them several times for a response. The way the company handled my situation was just disgraceful.

Since my charges I have been left to feel robbed, like this council simply charge people for sport and prey on people who are unaware of restrictions simply for the fact that it gives them more money. People wouldn't park on restricted roads if they were aware that an area was prohibited - fact.

If you live in Newark - be very wary of where you park. This company will go to any length to charge you and take your money and give no amicable options to your situation - or empathy.


I wanted to speak to the Broadband dept, we don't have fibre and the service is appalling, I was advised from the website to call the only number given 03005008080.

Then was given only four options, So even though none relevant, I chose option 1, then while waiting was told "if urgent stay on the line, alternatively email"

I didn't want to email, I wanted to speak to someone. 9 minutes in, i get on to a agent, she took my details and then after six minutes of info confirmation, she tells me there is no number to put me through but someone will come back, wait for it ...within three working days!

Appalling, appalling appalling . You need to super fast fibre your departments get with the twenty first century and get telephones to your departments! Poor show NCC.


I am so furious and upset its untrue! Its bad enough that someone does a hit and run on your car and you are left with a £200 excess this close to christmas with 2 small children, but to then be hit with a parking ticket for parking your courtesy car outside your own house is just downright cruel!

There was no point calling to get a temporary permit for the courtesy car as it was only supposed to take a week and we would prob have our old car back before we received a temporary permit through the post - I am at work 3 days of the week therefore the car would not even be on the road much. In good faith I put a note on my courtesy car that explained my situation and asked that should parking here still be unacceptable then knock on my door and I will move it immediately - this has not happened we have not had a knock on our door!

I cannot believe someone would be so heartless to do such a thing when the note states I have 2 small children at home and its a struggle to move the car. Do you really expect me to park in the car park on the next road and pay or have to lug 2 children onto the next road every 2 hours to move my car or get a new ticket? not only that but whilst I am at work my mum takes care of the children so I would also be expected to drag the kids to the car park and also attempt to carry 2 car seats at the same time to put in my mums car? and if my one year old is in bed napping should I leave her in the house alone so that I can go get a new car park ticket in my car so i don't get a fine there as well, or am I supposed to wake her up and take her out in the rain with me? and don't even get me started on getting a weeks worth of food shopping into my house with the children, or the fact that my courtesy car is so small I can't even fit my pushchair in it so I would have to carry my 1 year old home along with any bags we have which having small children you to tend to resemble a donkey!

Clearly the heartless satan who works for you does not have children of their own and if they ever do I hope they don't have to deal with such utter pathetic money grabbing behaviour from people like I am clearly having to deal with!

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this!


I am extremely frustrated at the lack of care taken of the public places the council is responsible for keeping neat and tidy. There is a public footpath leading from Nearsby Drive and coming out in Tewksbury Close. It goes between two primary schools and is used by at least half of either school pupils, twice a day every weekday. The nettles are as tall as my seven year old and she narrowly avoided getting hit in the eye by one this morning!! I have tried to call the council but the phone line is down and cuts you off before even ringing! Suppose that will be how they manage complaints??


Gritters desperately needed on Pinxton Lane at 5.30pm! Police called as 2 cars off the road. One a foot away from going through my horses field!!! I have 10 horses in the fields and if they are let on the road deaths will occur!!! Furious that gritters were not contactable even by the Police!!


Appalled at Broxtowe Borough Council and their recycle waste centre agents Nottinghamshire County Council. They are obliging us to register a vehicle to use our local recycle centres - apparently to stop people from outside the area using the facilities. Bad enough that that means people without a car who rely on various friends or family to visit their recycle centre. But on phoning to register, I find they want to know name, address AND date of birth! I refused to give latter and so the girl said she cannot complete the registration as their system won't let her go further without dob! She says it is to verify my identity. She doesn't need to verify my identity when she has name & address and vehicle reg. DVLC will confirm vehicle registered address. Anyone could drive my vehicle with things to the recycle centre. . I've written to both my county councillor and local councillors asking them how I am to dispose of my recycle waste in future, but no doubt it will be general bin and landfill - how very green of you (not) Broxtowe BC & Notts CC


Absolutely appalled with the way Nottinghamshire county council is dealing with the large amounts of dog mess being left in the ally beside the entrance to Orchard Primary and Nursery School! Lots of parents have complained to both the school & council & still nothing has been done! Disgusting!


40+ years of child abuse in NCC ran homes, 40 years off cover ups, finally they pay out 2.7 million in hush money this year, if you live in Nottinghamshire this is where your council tax money is going.


1 star is way too much for you!

I hope that you can sleep well at night and are not letting your kids down, like hundreds of parents that are.

Changing the sibling criteria as got to be one of your worst moves ever. My son of 4 is sad and confused, because he won't be starting school Wednesday like he should be with all his friends, instead he will be going back to nursery, hoping that a school place becomes available.

Thanku for ruining what should be a happy day, into a shambles!


It is imperative that you include Melanie Shaw’s evidence at the child abuse inquiry, it will be invaluable. Your web page on this subject is asking people to come forward. People can see what’s happening with her state incarceration and we are watching.


����Please share ����

I am absolutely disgusted with nottingham county council, we have fighting for over a year to get our daughter into the right school setting i.e. A special school, We even had to prepare for a tribunal as they wanted to keep her in mainstream! The amount of stress and strain put on the family is ridiculous!

Now that she has started at her special school, the transport department of Nottinghamshire county council want me to drag our daughter to a collection point when she suffers with epilepsy and has 4 different types of seizures, as well as other problems. She has to be put in her wheelchair when she's had a seizure as she can't put one foot in front of the other!

They drive right past our house on the route so I really do not understand what the issue is, I'm currently taking her to and from school everyday and she's currently missing out on average about a hour per day, as I have 2 other special needs children at 2 different schools!

I have contacted you regarding this matter but not heard anything from you, all you have to do is email bridges transport to ask them to stop at our house, is this so difficult???

Shame on you, peoples life's are hard enough without this!!!!


Words can not describe how disgusted I am with the school application process. I can only assume the people making these decisions don't have children and have no idea about family life. This has made my family life even more stressful and hectic than it already was. Family's rushing around from one to school to another are going to cause accidents on the roads before to long. After loosing appeal i later find out a family have got a place who live out of catchment with no sibling. This is totally unfair and cannot be left. How this is a fairer system for siblings I do not know. I am totally fed up with this and something needs to be done for fairness.


Useless unless they want more money !

Useless unless they want to save time and effort !

The roads are the worst in the country !!

The repairs carried out to said roads are ridiculous at best !

And the local services (unless your in notts city itself)are not even there !!!

Not sure why we let these folks run our city might just start a campaign to get them ALL out it is up to us to get rid of crap that doesn’t do as it’s told by its employers.whos with me to remove this shower of s.,t


Thanks for issuing parking permits to people who don’t even live on my road so they can park outside my house and we have to park elsewhere whilst paying £25 for the privilege! Anyway to make a quick ££ hey? I guess the numerous resident letters, meetings and phone calls to express our concerns didn’t make a difference �


So my wife is just in the middle of our second week of trying to juggle 3 school and pre school drop offs each day which may not have been needed but for the wisdom of NCC changing its sibling priority policy on the strength of 3 comments received during its alleged consultation a few years ago.

Anyway my wife, Katherine, has dropped our oldest of at lambley primary school and then legally parked up outside Ernhale infants after a mad rush to get her there ( we lost out on appeal for her to attend her siblings school). Whilst she was queuing up to drop Imogen off the parents all heard a loud crash. Katherine returned to our car to find it badly damaged and the car parked behind written off after both stationary cars were hit from behind. The driver of the car required an Ambulance but thankfully was not too bad.

The irony here is that both the parked damaged cars were, in effect , outside Ernhale school as the children from both families could not attend the same school as their siblings. Surely the change in sibling priority by NCC will have increased the traffic volume with stressed parents driving their children around at the school pick off and drop of times trying to avoid lateness. Thankfully on this occasion no one was badly injured but what about the next time. Is there also an environmental issue here with the increased emissions produced with these extra journeys?

One of the reasons given for our appeal rejection was that Imogen's attendance at her brothers school would increase the traffic in the area and hence give rise to road safety issues! But our eldest is already being dropped off at Lambley and Imogen would simply have been dropped of with him in the same car therefore no extra traffic would have been generated.

This has become almost impossible for us so we may well be forced to home school her. Thanks NCC for truly representing and listening to the people it is supposed to provide and care for !!!!


Skips at Kirkby. Shite. Fucking useless.����������� ������������


One star seems too good for the ongoing sibling criteria change implemented by the council. Also their handling of the whole shambolic affair has left 3 children in one school and one having to be homeschooled till further notice. were also unable to get them in our catchment school due to not having availability. there unwillingness to help will only make the problem worse in future years. i truly wonder why we pay taxes for a such a service!


On the 14th June my car had an M O T and was failed by the garage. My car is 9 years old and l only do 2000 miles per year. The failure was a broken coil spring on the drivers side and when l asked what could have caused it l was told road humps or potholes. As l avoid the humps like the plague and luckily we don't have them where we live, that is at the moment it is obviously down to the enormous amount of potholes that haven't been repaired. Of all that l have had to pay out l don't suppose the council would care to contribute to the price of the repair which has needed doing due to their irresponsible way of dealing with the roads.


Notts county council education department is a joke had no choice but to take all my children out of their school due to my oldest daughter who has ADHD/ ASD she was permanent excluded from school one the 10/11/17 I took my other children to school on the 13/11/17 and was spoken to like crap by the head teacher I had to take my daughter with me on school run she was only 7 at the time the head teacher told me I had to leave her at home when bringing the others to school has he don't want her anywhere near the school my husband works so no way would I leave her at home on her own its just wrong he then went on saying he did not care about the other children its my problem not his and now I can't get my other children into a school near me every child by law has to have an education so this is a big joke and I'm fight and fight out local MP has also been contacted


I was given a hefty parking fine on a road in Newark that had misleading signage - after various attempts of contacting this company and giving a number of reasons that appealed against the fine, the appeal was still rejected.

As someone who always sticks to the rules on roads and gets worked up on these kind of things and takes things like this seriously, this company took over a month to respond to my concerns, and had to chase them several times for a response. The way the company handled my situation was just disgraceful.

Since my charges I have been left to feel robbed, like this council simply charge people for sport and prey on people who are unaware of restrictions simply for the fact that it gives them more money. People wouldn't park on restricted roads if they were aware that an area was prohibited - fact.

If you live in Newark - be very wary of where you park. This company will go to any length to charge you and take your money and give no amicable options to your situation - or empathy.


I wanted to speak to the Broadband dept, we don't have fibre and the service is appalling, I was advised from the website to call the only number given 03005008080.

Then was given only four options, So even though none relevant, I chose option 1, then while waiting was told "if urgent stay on the line, alternatively email"

I didn't want to email, I wanted to speak to someone. 9 minutes in, i get on to a agent, she took my details and then after six minutes of info confirmation, she tells me there is no number to put me through but someone will come back, wait for it ...within three working days!

Appalling, appalling appalling . You need to super fast fibre your departments get with the twenty first century and get telephones to your departments! Poor show NCC.


I am so furious and upset its untrue! Its bad enough that someone does a hit and run on your car and you are left with a £200 excess this close to christmas with 2 small children, but to then be hit with a parking ticket for parking your courtesy car outside your own house is just downright cruel!

There was no point calling to get a temporary permit for the courtesy car as it was only supposed to take a week and we would prob have our old car back before we received a temporary permit through the post - I am at work 3 days of the week therefore the car would not even be on the road much. In good faith I put a note on my courtesy car that explained my situation and asked that should parking here still be unacceptable then knock on my door and I will move it immediately - this has not happened we have not had a knock on our door!

I cannot believe someone would be so heartless to do such a thing when the note states I have 2 small children at home and its a struggle to move the car. Do you really expect me to park in the car park on the next road and pay or have to lug 2 children onto the next road every 2 hours to move my car or get a new ticket? not only that but whilst I am at work my mum takes care of the children so I would also be expected to drag the kids to the car park and also attempt to carry 2 car seats at the same time to put in my mums car? and if my one year old is in bed napping should I leave her in the house alone so that I can go get a new car park ticket in my car so i don't get a fine there as well, or am I supposed to wake her up and take her out in the rain with me? and don't even get me started on getting a weeks worth of food shopping into my house with the children, or the fact that my courtesy car is so small I can't even fit my pushchair in it so I would have to carry my 1 year old home along with any bags we have which having small children you to tend to resemble a donkey!

Clearly the heartless satan who works for you does not have children of their own and if they ever do I hope they don't have to deal with such utter pathetic money grabbing behaviour from people like I am clearly having to deal with!

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this!


I am extremely frustrated at the lack of care taken of the public places the council is responsible for keeping neat and tidy. There is a public footpath leading from Nearsby Drive and coming out in Tewksbury Close. It goes between two primary schools and is used by at least half of either school pupils, twice a day every weekday. The nettles are as tall as my seven year old and she narrowly avoided getting hit in the eye by one this morning!! I have tried to call the council but the phone line is down and cuts you off before even ringing! Suppose that will be how they manage complaints??


Gritters desperately needed on Pinxton Lane at 5.30pm! Police called as 2 cars off the road. One a foot away from going through my horses field!!! I have 10 horses in the fields and if they are let on the road deaths will occur!!! Furious that gritters were not contactable even by the Police!!


Appalled at Broxtowe Borough Council and their recycle waste centre agents Nottinghamshire County Council. They are obliging us to register a vehicle to use our local recycle centres - apparently to stop people from outside the area using the facilities. Bad enough that that means people without a car who rely on various friends or family to visit their recycle centre. But on phoning to register, I find they want to know name, address AND date of birth! I refused to give latter and so the girl said she cannot complete the registration as their system won't let her go further without dob! She says it is to verify my identity. She doesn't need to verify my identity when she has name & address and vehicle reg. DVLC will confirm vehicle registered address. Anyone could drive my vehicle with things to the recycle centre. . I've written to both my county councillor and local councillors asking them how I am to dispose of my recycle waste in future, but no doubt it will be general bin and landfill - how very green of you (not) Broxtowe BC & Notts CC


Absolutely appalled with the way Nottinghamshire county council is dealing with the large amounts of dog mess being left in the ally beside the entrance to Orchard Primary and Nursery School! Lots of parents have complained to both the school & council & still nothing has been done! Disgusting!


40+ years of child abuse in NCC ran homes, 40 years off cover ups, finally they pay out 2.7 million in hush money this year, if you live in Nottinghamshire this is where your council tax money is going.


1 star is way too much for you!

I hope that you can sleep well at night and are not letting your kids down, like hundreds of parents that are.

Changing the sibling criteria as got to be one of your worst moves ever. My son of 4 is sad and confused, because he won't be starting school Wednesday like he should be with all his friends, instead he will be going back to nursery, hoping that a school place becomes available.

Thanku for ruining what should be a happy day, into a shambles!

More about Nottinghamshire County Council

Nottinghamshire County Council is located at County Hall, NG5 6TA West Bridgford
0300 500 80 80
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -