Nottinghamshire County Council County Hall



County Hall shivering in the snow... 458313/


Bloodhound is here! und/


Car parking on Sunday 30 September 2012 County Hall car park will be open from 7am on 30 September for those attending the Robin Hood Half Marathon. However, please be aware that due to the Nottingham Forest v Derby County match taking place on the same day, the usual matchday parking charge of £5 per car will apply.


Paralympic gold medallist Richard Whitehead's open top bus tour of south Notts takes place tomorrow, including a visit to County Hall! More details …/…/pressreleases/…


Back our campaign to widen the A453 -


It is imperative that you include Melanie Shaw’s evidence at the child abuse inquiry, it will be invaluable. Your web page on this subject is asking people to come forward. People can see what’s happening with her state incarceration and we are watching.


I have private messaged you regarding Melanie Shaw and that it is imperative that her evidence is heard at your child abuse inquiry, it will be invaluable!

At the moment she is state encarserated in prison, and a lot of people are watching to see justice is done.


The staff in the registration service was very good 5 star . However didn't think much to the reception staff not very friendly and to busy complaining about people up stairs and the care taking staff that shouldnt be done in front of customers . The caretakung staff very pleasant .


£70 parking ticket - reduced to £35 for parking in a loading bay opposite the Bell pub while carrying out emergency repairs to their cellar pump - ticketed just after 8am. Unsporting, unreasonable and despite contacting Nottingham council who couldn't be bothered to reply.


Quite concerned about a lorry I seen with cracked bold tyres that pulled up next to me at traffic lights ! do they not get checked anymore ? Lack of funding to keep heavy work lorry’s safe now ?? SHOCKED!! Pitty I can’t share pictures on here.


Nottinghamshire county council PAEDOPHILES AND CHILD SNATCHERS!!!

Public Uprising Against The Criminal Activities Of The Corrupt UK Child "Protection" System!

More than 7 000 000 parents are ready to take down the current UK government that's violating human rights of families in the UK!


Nottinghamshire and now UK wide overseas social workers many are disgusting African crooks doing untold damage on everyone. The good professional social worker to the victims of these people children and families, I have at least 200 Ghana, Zambia and Nigeria bogus names or even private child care company set ups with family, it has to stop and HCPC will have to do something. Nottinghamshire are a disgrace along with east London going on the evidence I have. That's why I must fight the ...whole system until it rights its self, there are too many victims. Fostering companies one director has 51 companies? not right is it. Another one Director of children services for a local council but has 5 or 6 different child care companies using different names its believed, and his very own council he works for, pay large amounts of money into his private company for his services, that's fraud big time. But there is not one Police department you can trust to take this evidence to, That is sad UK today.

Social Services £1.2 billion child snatch fraud!

Unbelievably, social services staff and solicitors are milking £1.2 billion nationally from our council tax and legal aid, by snatching 4,500 children annually from their parents on false pretexts they need to be adopted.

They pick healthy children, under the age of 4 because they can’t remember their addresses to return home. Each year, 2,000 of these are under one year old.

The resulting court battles, council specialists and consultants are then able to stretch out the custody, care, foster and adoption procedures for a year or more, pocketing up to a million per child.

Wrecking young lives

All this is our taxes, used to wreck innocent children’s lives and devastating the lives of parents, all for private profit and political dogma.

The racket begins when social service officers identify poor or defenceless parents, preferably a single mother. They then snatch her child or children, quoting a false deficiency in her parenting.

The next step is to call in consultants, either themselves or their associates, to prepare expensive, falsified psychiatric reports on both the children and the mother, for which they pay themselves as much as £25,000 a month in additional fees. They call in solicitors they work with, one to represent social services, one for the child. Except the one purporting to represent the child is actually working with social services too.

Solicitors from hell

The two sets of solicitors then work together against the interest of the mother and child, dragging out the affair for as long as possible, demanding more psychiatric reports, often taking the mother in to care too. The solicitors’ bills can grow to hundreds of thousands of pounds, more with deliberate delays and adjournments; the social services staff make fortunes out of the consultancy, and by providing housing at up to £800pw per child.

The trauma the mother goes though is unbelievable; the trauma the children suffer with the separation and moving around inside the ghastly council care system, where many of them are abused, can be with them for life. None of that matters: there’s an average of £270,000 to be shared between social services staff and solicitors.

Common Purpose is complicit

This exploitation is enabled via the EU’s Common Purpose, a criminal organisation that manipulates our legal and local government systems for private profit, using members operating inside and outside government.

If social workers need a firm of solicitors to act corruptly, the Common Purpose network has solicitors as members. If they need to shut up parents or grandparents, the CP network has members in the police, including the Chief Constables of entire forces, who will arrest them on trumped up charges. If they need external psychiatrists to falsify reports, CP has them. It has magistrates and judges as members.

Training in trauma and brutality

The creation of massive “trauma through injustice,” the snatching of children for forced adoption, is just one of over 200 Frankfurt School subversion techniques implemented in Britain by the EU since the 1950’s, with Common Purpose and the Freemasons implementing at the local level.

There are two objectives:

1. Trauma makes people live in fear of government; it controls them and makes them comply.

2. It trains local leaders, like social services, councils and courts, to rule with the brutality a dictatorship like the EU will need to stay in power.

The result is some parents commit suicide, most are damaged mentally, which Social Services then callously use in court to further justify their case.

Our corrupt legal profession

The former Chairman of the Law Society, Janet Paraskewa, is in Common Purpose, which may explain why corrupt lawyers are protected, instead of being struck off. The Law Society did not act when firms of solicitors scammed £800 million from the government’s compensation for miners. The Serious Fraud Office had to be called in to solicitors like Beresfords. Its is almost impossible for a parent to find an honest firm of family court solicitors to represent them.

Perjury in secret courts

In secret family courts, social workers and solicitors routinely commit perjury to pervert the course of justice. Instead of sentencing them to time in jail, our corrupt freemasonry judges, who are acting criminally, protect them.

With nearly all our judges Freemasons, implementing the freemasonry agenda of trauma through injustice, and playing their part to bring about the EU police state, a fair trial is now a rare exception. If solicitors or judges are exposed, they furiously threaten newspapers and individuals alike with injunctions and arrests. They appear to see perjury as their automatic right.

British justice is now utterly corrupt at all levels.

Each year 200 parents and grandparents, who attempt to expose this miscarriage of justice are sentenced by freemasonry judges to up to six months on false charges of contempt of court to shut them up.

Governments figures for kids in care are approx. 69,000, so why are there 100s of agencies throughout the country all making huge amounts of money and the employment also runs into millions all from around 69.000 kids, and most of the agencies are owned by social workers or ex social workers, many S/W are from third world and any one can buy a CV for a few pounds , then we have untold S/W employed by the SS with many S/W who have their own businesses registered at companies house, most companies are for assessments, or housing, so the S/W take the children on false allegations get paid by the SS get a back hander from the agency then use their own registered companies to do assessments. Many legal people and judges have shares in the agencies, many kids in care are down as ADHD and there is no such thing as ADHD but these kids are prescribed Ritalin which is registered as equal to cocaine, then we have the clinical social workers, another big fiddle, as you know kids in care are used for drug experiments, S/W who have their own property companies registered are used to house the kids from care, 3 years ago I went undercover to register a foster agency and was told most foster agencies are owned by ex or S/W, but the whole point is how can millions be made from 69.000 kids.


I have a few questions:

Firstly I am a small business owner who's business is suffering due to the roadworks that have surrounded my business for the past few months, I have wrote articles about this injustice , emailed countless officials, had meetings with officials responsible for the works yet no one will take any responsibility for ruining my little business, why is that?

If my business folds my partner, my 2 year old boy and my four year old daughter will be jobless and homeless not to mention broke as we, with my business partner Lynn Hawkridge have invested our life's savings, why does not one of these elected officials care?

We were made a community asset by the council a few weeks ago, is it common practice to make a business a community asset and at the same time surround it with works so even if you approached us on foot you would be confused on how to access our business?

As you can probably tell we are very upset with what has taken place, we took out a three year lease on the property and not until the works began did anyone have the curtesy to visit us, to prepare us for what you were planning. We had to complain to the workmen who contacted a liaison officer, surely a visit in the 13 months leading up to the project would of been more sensible.

I really do believe that you do not care about small businesses any more and I am also sure that tesco across the road who have had minimal disruption have had plenty of visits and chats.

I have lost faith in the council, all you say is that you have no legal responsibility, how about a moral responsibility to me, my family and my guests.

Maybe if this was an election year we might or got a bit more support.

Please share everybody to see if we get a response that helps. — with Lynn Hawkridge and Louise Hartill at Station hotel.


I am extremely frustrated at the lack of care taken of the public places the council is responsible for keeping neat and tidy. There is a public footpath leading from Nearsby Drive and coming out in Tewksbury Close. It goes between two primary schools and is used by at least half of either school pupils, twice a day every weekday. The nettles are as tall as my seven year old and she narrowly avoided getting hit in the eye by one this morning!! I have tried to call the council but the phone line is down and cuts you off before even ringing! Suppose that will be how they manage complaints?


It is imperative that you include Melanie Shaw’s evidence at the child abuse inquiry, it will be invaluable. Your web page on this subject is asking people to come forward. People can see what’s happening with her state incarceration and we are watching.


I have private messaged you regarding Melanie Shaw and that it is imperative that her evidence is heard at your child abuse inquiry, it will be invaluable!

At the moment she is state encarserated in prison, and a lot of people are watching to see justice is done.


The staff in the registration service was very good 5 star . However didn't think much to the reception staff not very friendly and to busy complaining about people up stairs and the care taking staff that shouldnt be done in front of customers . The caretakung staff very pleasant .


£70 parking ticket - reduced to £35 for parking in a loading bay opposite the Bell pub while carrying out emergency repairs to their cellar pump - ticketed just after 8am. Unsporting, unreasonable and despite contacting Nottingham council who couldn't be bothered to reply.


Quite concerned about a lorry I seen with cracked bold tyres that pulled up next to me at traffic lights ! do they not get checked anymore ? Lack of funding to keep heavy work lorry’s safe now ?? SHOCKED!! Pitty I can’t share pictures on here.


Nottinghamshire county council PAEDOPHILES AND CHILD SNATCHERS!!!

Public Uprising Against The Criminal Activities Of The Corrupt UK Child "Protection" System!

More than 7 000 000 parents are ready to take down the current UK government that's violating human rights of families in the UK!


Nottinghamshire and now UK wide overseas social workers many are disgusting African crooks doing untold damage on everyone. The good professional social worker to the victims of these people children and families, I have at least 200 Ghana, Zambia and Nigeria bogus names or even private child care company set ups with family, it has to stop and HCPC will have to do something. Nottinghamshire are a disgrace along with east London going on the evidence I have. That's why I must fight the ...whole system until it rights its self, there are too many victims. Fostering companies one director has 51 companies? not right is it. Another one Director of children services for a local council but has 5 or 6 different child care companies using different names its believed, and his very own council he works for, pay large amounts of money into his private company for his services, that's fraud big time. But there is not one Police department you can trust to take this evidence to, That is sad UK today.

Social Services £1.2 billion child snatch fraud!

Unbelievably, social services staff and solicitors are milking £1.2 billion nationally from our council tax and legal aid, by snatching 4,500 children annually from their parents on false pretexts they need to be adopted.

They pick healthy children, under the age of 4 because they can’t remember their addresses to return home. Each year, 2,000 of these are under one year old.

The resulting court battles, council specialists and consultants are then able to stretch out the custody, care, foster and adoption procedures for a year or more, pocketing up to a million per child.

Wrecking young lives

All this is our taxes, used to wreck innocent children’s lives and devastating the lives of parents, all for private profit and political dogma.

The racket begins when social service officers identify poor or defenceless parents, preferably a single mother. They then snatch her child or children, quoting a false deficiency in her parenting.

The next step is to call in consultants, either themselves or their associates, to prepare expensive, falsified psychiatric reports on both the children and the mother, for which they pay themselves as much as £25,000 a month in additional fees. They call in solicitors they work with, one to represent social services, one for the child. Except the one purporting to represent the child is actually working with social services too.

Solicitors from hell

The two sets of solicitors then work together against the interest of the mother and child, dragging out the affair for as long as possible, demanding more psychiatric reports, often taking the mother in to care too. The solicitors’ bills can grow to hundreds of thousands of pounds, more with deliberate delays and adjournments; the social services staff make fortunes out of the consultancy, and by providing housing at up to £800pw per child.

The trauma the mother goes though is unbelievable; the trauma the children suffer with the separation and moving around inside the ghastly council care system, where many of them are abused, can be with them for life. None of that matters: there’s an average of £270,000 to be shared between social services staff and solicitors.

Common Purpose is complicit

This exploitation is enabled via the EU’s Common Purpose, a criminal organisation that manipulates our legal and local government systems for private profit, using members operating inside and outside government.

If social workers need a firm of solicitors to act corruptly, the Common Purpose network has solicitors as members. If they need to shut up parents or grandparents, the CP network has members in the police, including the Chief Constables of entire forces, who will arrest them on trumped up charges. If they need external psychiatrists to falsify reports, CP has them. It has magistrates and judges as members.

Training in trauma and brutality

The creation of massive “trauma through injustice,” the snatching of children for forced adoption, is just one of over 200 Frankfurt School subversion techniques implemented in Britain by the EU since the 1950’s, with Common Purpose and the Freemasons implementing at the local level.

There are two objectives:

1. Trauma makes people live in fear of government; it controls them and makes them comply.

2. It trains local leaders, like social services, councils and courts, to rule with the brutality a dictatorship like the EU will need to stay in power.

The result is some parents commit suicide, most are damaged mentally, which Social Services then callously use in court to further justify their case.

Our corrupt legal profession

The former Chairman of the Law Society, Janet Paraskewa, is in Common Purpose, which may explain why corrupt lawyers are protected, instead of being struck off. The Law Society did not act when firms of solicitors scammed £800 million from the government’s compensation for miners. The Serious Fraud Office had to be called in to solicitors like Beresfords. Its is almost impossible for a parent to find an honest firm of family court solicitors to represent them.

Perjury in secret courts

In secret family courts, social workers and solicitors routinely commit perjury to pervert the course of justice. Instead of sentencing them to time in jail, our corrupt freemasonry judges, who are acting criminally, protect them.

With nearly all our judges Freemasons, implementing the freemasonry agenda of trauma through injustice, and playing their part to bring about the EU police state, a fair trial is now a rare exception. If solicitors or judges are exposed, they furiously threaten newspapers and individuals alike with injunctions and arrests. They appear to see perjury as their automatic right.

British justice is now utterly corrupt at all levels.

Each year 200 parents and grandparents, who attempt to expose this miscarriage of justice are sentenced by freemasonry judges to up to six months on false charges of contempt of court to shut them up.

Governments figures for kids in care are approx. 69,000, so why are there 100s of agencies throughout the country all making huge amounts of money and the employment also runs into millions all from around 69.000 kids, and most of the agencies are owned by social workers or ex social workers, many S/W are from third world and any one can buy a CV for a few pounds , then we have untold S/W employed by the SS with many S/W who have their own businesses registered at companies house, most companies are for assessments, or housing, so the S/W take the children on false allegations get paid by the SS get a back hander from the agency then use their own registered companies to do assessments. Many legal people and judges have shares in the agencies, many kids in care are down as ADHD and there is no such thing as ADHD but these kids are prescribed Ritalin which is registered as equal to cocaine, then we have the clinical social workers, another big fiddle, as you know kids in care are used for drug experiments, S/W who have their own property companies registered are used to house the kids from care, 3 years ago I went undercover to register a foster agency and was told most foster agencies are owned by ex or S/W, but the whole point is how can millions be made from 69.000 kids.


I have a few questions:

Firstly I am a small business owner who's business is suffering due to the roadworks that have surrounded my business for the past few months, I have wrote articles about this injustice , emailed countless officials, had meetings with officials responsible for the works yet no one will take any responsibility for ruining my little business, why is that?

If my business folds my partner, my 2 year old boy and my four year old daughter will be jobless and homeless not to mention broke as we, with my business partner Lynn Hawkridge have invested our life's savings, why does not one of these elected officials care?

We were made a community asset by the council a few weeks ago, is it common practice to make a business a community asset and at the same time surround it with works so even if you approached us on foot you would be confused on how to access our business?

As you can probably tell we are very upset with what has taken place, we took out a three year lease on the property and not until the works began did anyone have the curtesy to visit us, to prepare us for what you were planning. We had to complain to the workmen who contacted a liaison officer, surely a visit in the 13 months leading up to the project would of been more sensible.

I really do believe that you do not care about small businesses any more and I am also sure that tesco across the road who have had minimal disruption have had plenty of visits and chats.

I have lost faith in the council, all you say is that you have no legal responsibility, how about a moral responsibility to me, my family and my guests.

Maybe if this was an election year we might or got a bit more support.

Please share everybody to see if we get a response that helps. — with Lynn Hawkridge and Louise Hartill at Station hotel.


I am extremely frustrated at the lack of care taken of the public places the council is responsible for keeping neat and tidy. There is a public footpath leading from Nearsby Drive and coming out in Tewksbury Close. It goes between two primary schools and is used by at least half of either school pupils, twice a day every weekday. The nettles are as tall as my seven year old and she narrowly avoided getting hit in the eye by one this morning!! I have tried to call the council but the phone line is down and cuts you off before even ringing! Suppose that will be how they manage complaints?


It is imperative that you include Melanie Shaw’s evidence at the child abuse inquiry, it will be invaluable. Your web page on this subject is asking people to come forward. People can see what’s happening with her state incarceration and we are watching.


I have private messaged you regarding Melanie Shaw and that it is imperative that her evidence is heard at your child abuse inquiry, it will be invaluable!

At the moment she is state encarserated in prison, and a lot of people are watching to see justice is done.


The staff in the registration service was very good 5 star . However didn't think much to the reception staff not very friendly and to busy complaining about people up stairs and the care taking staff that shouldnt be done in front of customers . The caretakung staff very pleasant .


£70 parking ticket - reduced to £35 for parking in a loading bay opposite the Bell pub while carrying out emergency repairs to their cellar pump - ticketed just after 8am. Unsporting, unreasonable and despite contacting Nottingham council who couldn't be bothered to reply.


Quite concerned about a lorry I seen with cracked bold tyres that pulled up next to me at traffic lights ! do they not get checked anymore ? Lack of funding to keep heavy work lorry’s safe now ?? SHOCKED!! Pitty I can’t share pictures on here.


Nottinghamshire county council PAEDOPHILES AND CHILD SNATCHERS!!!

Public Uprising Against The Criminal Activities Of The Corrupt UK Child "Protection" System!

More than 7 000 000 parents are ready to take down the current UK government that's violating human rights of families in the UK!


Nottinghamshire and now UK wide overseas social workers many are disgusting African crooks doing untold damage on everyone. The good professional social worker to the victims of these people children and families, I have at least 200 Ghana, Zambia and Nigeria bogus names or even private child care company set ups with family, it has to stop and HCPC will have to do something. Nottinghamshire are a disgrace along with east London going on the evidence I have. That's why I must fight the ...whole system until it rights its self, there are too many victims. Fostering companies one director has 51 companies? not right is it. Another one Director of children services for a local council but has 5 or 6 different child care companies using different names its believed, and his very own council he works for, pay large amounts of money into his private company for his services, that's fraud big time. But there is not one Police department you can trust to take this evidence to, That is sad UK today.

Social Services £1.2 billion child snatch fraud!

Unbelievably, social services staff and solicitors are milking £1.2 billion nationally from our council tax and legal aid, by snatching 4,500 children annually from their parents on false pretexts they need to be adopted.

They pick healthy children, under the age of 4 because they can’t remember their addresses to return home. Each year, 2,000 of these are under one year old.

The resulting court battles, council specialists and consultants are then able to stretch out the custody, care, foster and adoption procedures for a year or more, pocketing up to a million per child.

Wrecking young lives

All this is our taxes, used to wreck innocent children’s lives and devastating the lives of parents, all for private profit and political dogma.

The racket begins when social service officers identify poor or defenceless parents, preferably a single mother. They then snatch her child or children, quoting a false deficiency in her parenting.

The next step is to call in consultants, either themselves or their associates, to prepare expensive, falsified psychiatric reports on both the children and the mother, for which they pay themselves as much as £25,000 a month in additional fees. They call in solicitors they work with, one to represent social services, one for the child. Except the one purporting to represent the child is actually working with social services too.

Solicitors from hell

The two sets of solicitors then work together against the interest of the mother and child, dragging out the affair for as long as possible, demanding more psychiatric reports, often taking the mother in to care too. The solicitors’ bills can grow to hundreds of thousands of pounds, more with deliberate delays and adjournments; the social services staff make fortunes out of the consultancy, and by providing housing at up to £800pw per child.

The trauma the mother goes though is unbelievable; the trauma the children suffer with the separation and moving around inside the ghastly council care system, where many of them are abused, can be with them for life. None of that matters: there’s an average of £270,000 to be shared between social services staff and solicitors.

Common Purpose is complicit

This exploitation is enabled via the EU’s Common Purpose, a criminal organisation that manipulates our legal and local government systems for private profit, using members operating inside and outside government.

If social workers need a firm of solicitors to act corruptly, the Common Purpose network has solicitors as members. If they need to shut up parents or grandparents, the CP network has members in the police, including the Chief Constables of entire forces, who will arrest them on trumped up charges. If they need external psychiatrists to falsify reports, CP has them. It has magistrates and judges as members.

Training in trauma and brutality

The creation of massive “trauma through injustice,” the snatching of children for forced adoption, is just one of over 200 Frankfurt School subversion techniques implemented in Britain by the EU since the 1950’s, with Common Purpose and the Freemasons implementing at the local level.

There are two objectives:

1. Trauma makes people live in fear of government; it controls them and makes them comply.

2. It trains local leaders, like social services, councils and courts, to rule with the brutality a dictatorship like the EU will need to stay in power.

The result is some parents commit suicide, most are damaged mentally, which Social Services then callously use in court to further justify their case.

Our corrupt legal profession

The former Chairman of the Law Society, Janet Paraskewa, is in Common Purpose, which may explain why corrupt lawyers are protected, instead of being struck off. The Law Society did not act when firms of solicitors scammed £800 million from the government’s compensation for miners. The Serious Fraud Office had to be called in to solicitors like Beresfords. Its is almost impossible for a parent to find an honest firm of family court solicitors to represent them.

Perjury in secret courts

In secret family courts, social workers and solicitors routinely commit perjury to pervert the course of justice. Instead of sentencing them to time in jail, our corrupt freemasonry judges, who are acting criminally, protect them.

With nearly all our judges Freemasons, implementing the freemasonry agenda of trauma through injustice, and playing their part to bring about the EU police state, a fair trial is now a rare exception. If solicitors or judges are exposed, they furiously threaten newspapers and individuals alike with injunctions and arrests. They appear to see perjury as their automatic right.

British justice is now utterly corrupt at all levels.

Each year 200 parents and grandparents, who attempt to expose this miscarriage of justice are sentenced by freemasonry judges to up to six months on false charges of contempt of court to shut them up.

Governments figures for kids in care are approx. 69,000, so why are there 100s of agencies throughout the country all making huge amounts of money and the employment also runs into millions all from around 69.000 kids, and most of the agencies are owned by social workers or ex social workers, many S/W are from third world and any one can buy a CV for a few pounds , then we have untold S/W employed by the SS with many S/W who have their own businesses registered at companies house, most companies are for assessments, or housing, so the S/W take the children on false allegations get paid by the SS get a back hander from the agency then use their own registered companies to do assessments. Many legal people and judges have shares in the agencies, many kids in care are down as ADHD and there is no such thing as ADHD but these kids are prescribed Ritalin which is registered as equal to cocaine, then we have the clinical social workers, another big fiddle, as you know kids in care are used for drug experiments, S/W who have their own property companies registered are used to house the kids from care, 3 years ago I went undercover to register a foster agency and was told most foster agencies are owned by ex or S/W, but the whole point is how can millions be made from 69.000 kids.


I have a few questions:

Firstly I am a small business owner who's business is suffering due to the roadworks that have surrounded my business for the past few months, I have wrote articles about this injustice , emailed countless officials, had meetings with officials responsible for the works yet no one will take any responsibility for ruining my little business, why is that?

If my business folds my partner, my 2 year old boy and my four year old daughter will be jobless and homeless not to mention broke as we, with my business partner Lynn Hawkridge have invested our life's savings, why does not one of these elected officials care?

We were made a community asset by the council a few weeks ago, is it common practice to make a business a community asset and at the same time surround it with works so even if you approached us on foot you would be confused on how to access our business?

As you can probably tell we are very upset with what has taken place, we took out a three year lease on the property and not until the works began did anyone have the curtesy to visit us, to prepare us for what you were planning. We had to complain to the workmen who contacted a liaison officer, surely a visit in the 13 months leading up to the project would of been more sensible.

I really do believe that you do not care about small businesses any more and I am also sure that tesco across the road who have had minimal disruption have had plenty of visits and chats.

I have lost faith in the council, all you say is that you have no legal responsibility, how about a moral responsibility to me, my family and my guests.

Maybe if this was an election year we might or got a bit more support.

Please share everybody to see if we get a response that helps. — with Lynn Hawkridge and Louise Hartill at Station hotel.


I am extremely frustrated at the lack of care taken of the public places the council is responsible for keeping neat and tidy. There is a public footpath leading from Nearsby Drive and coming out in Tewksbury Close. It goes between two primary schools and is used by at least half of either school pupils, twice a day every weekday. The nettles are as tall as my seven year old and she narrowly avoided getting hit in the eye by one this morning!! I have tried to call the council but the phone line is down and cuts you off before even ringing! Suppose that will be how they manage complaints?


It is imperative that you include Melanie Shaw’s evidence at the child abuse inquiry, it will be invaluable. Your web page on this subject is asking people to come forward. People can see what’s happening with her state incarceration and we are watching.


I have private messaged you regarding Melanie Shaw and that it is imperative that her evidence is heard at your child abuse inquiry, it will be invaluable!

At the moment she is state encarserated in prison, and a lot of people are watching to see justice is done.


The staff in the registration service was very good 5 star . However didn't think much to the reception staff not very friendly and to busy complaining about people up stairs and the care taking staff that shouldnt be done in front of customers . The caretakung staff very pleasant .


£70 parking ticket - reduced to £35 for parking in a loading bay opposite the Bell pub while carrying out emergency repairs to their cellar pump - ticketed just after 8am. Unsporting, unreasonable and despite contacting Nottingham council who couldn't be bothered to reply.


Quite concerned about a lorry I seen with cracked bold tyres that pulled up next to me at traffic lights ! do they not get checked anymore ? Lack of funding to keep heavy work lorry’s safe now ?? SHOCKED!! Pitty I can’t share pictures on here.


Nottinghamshire county council PAEDOPHILES AND CHILD SNATCHERS!!!

Public Uprising Against The Criminal Activities Of The Corrupt UK Child "Protection" System!

More than 7 000 000 parents are ready to take down the current UK government that's violating human rights of families in the UK!


Nottinghamshire and now UK wide overseas social workers many are disgusting African crooks doing untold damage on everyone. The good professional social worker to the victims of these people children and families, I have at least 200 Ghana, Zambia and Nigeria bogus names or even private child care company set ups with family, it has to stop and HCPC will have to do something. Nottinghamshire are a disgrace along with east London going on the evidence I have. That's why I must fight the ...whole system until it rights its self, there are too many victims. Fostering companies one director has 51 companies? not right is it. Another one Director of children services for a local council but has 5 or 6 different child care companies using different names its believed, and his very own council he works for, pay large amounts of money into his private company for his services, that's fraud big time. But there is not one Police department you can trust to take this evidence to, That is sad UK today.

Social Services £1.2 billion child snatch fraud!

Unbelievably, social services staff and solicitors are milking £1.2 billion nationally from our council tax and legal aid, by snatching 4,500 children annually from their parents on false pretexts they need to be adopted.

They pick healthy children, under the age of 4 because they can’t remember their addresses to return home. Each year, 2,000 of these are under one year old.

The resulting court battles, council specialists and consultants are then able to stretch out the custody, care, foster and adoption procedures for a year or more, pocketing up to a million per child.

Wrecking young lives

All this is our taxes, used to wreck innocent children’s lives and devastating the lives of parents, all for private profit and political dogma.

The racket begins when social service officers identify poor or defenceless parents, preferably a single mother. They then snatch her child or children, quoting a false deficiency in her parenting.

The next step is to call in consultants, either themselves or their associates, to prepare expensive, falsified psychiatric reports on both the children and the mother, for which they pay themselves as much as £25,000 a month in additional fees. They call in solicitors they work with, one to represent social services, one for the child. Except the one purporting to represent the child is actually working with social services too.

Solicitors from hell

The two sets of solicitors then work together against the interest of the mother and child, dragging out the affair for as long as possible, demanding more psychiatric reports, often taking the mother in to care too. The solicitors’ bills can grow to hundreds of thousands of pounds, more with deliberate delays and adjournments; the social services staff make fortunes out of the consultancy, and by providing housing at up to £800pw per child.

The trauma the mother goes though is unbelievable; the trauma the children suffer with the separation and moving around inside the ghastly council care system, where many of them are abused, can be with them for life. None of that matters: there’s an average of £270,000 to be shared between social services staff and solicitors.

Common Purpose is complicit

This exploitation is enabled via the EU’s Common Purpose, a criminal organisation that manipulates our legal and local government systems for private profit, using members operating inside and outside government.

If social workers need a firm of solicitors to act corruptly, the Common Purpose network has solicitors as members. If they need to shut up parents or grandparents, the CP network has members in the police, including the Chief Constables of entire forces, who will arrest them on trumped up charges. If they need external psychiatrists to falsify reports, CP has them. It has magistrates and judges as members.

Training in trauma and brutality

The creation of massive “trauma through injustice,” the snatching of children for forced adoption, is just one of over 200 Frankfurt School subversion techniques implemented in Britain by the EU since the 1950’s, with Common Purpose and the Freemasons implementing at the local level.

There are two objectives:

1. Trauma makes people live in fear of government; it controls them and makes them comply.

2. It trains local leaders, like social services, councils and courts, to rule with the brutality a dictatorship like the EU will need to stay in power.

The result is some parents commit suicide, most are damaged mentally, which Social Services then callously use in court to further justify their case.

Our corrupt legal profession

The former Chairman of the Law Society, Janet Paraskewa, is in Common Purpose, which may explain why corrupt lawyers are protected, instead of being struck off. The Law Society did not act when firms of solicitors scammed £800 million from the government’s compensation for miners. The Serious Fraud Office had to be called in to solicitors like Beresfords. Its is almost impossible for a parent to find an honest firm of family court solicitors to represent them.

Perjury in secret courts

In secret family courts, social workers and solicitors routinely commit perjury to pervert the course of justice. Instead of sentencing them to time in jail, our corrupt freemasonry judges, who are acting criminally, protect them.

With nearly all our judges Freemasons, implementing the freemasonry agenda of trauma through injustice, and playing their part to bring about the EU police state, a fair trial is now a rare exception. If solicitors or judges are exposed, they furiously threaten newspapers and individuals alike with injunctions and arrests. They appear to see perjury as their automatic right.

British justice is now utterly corrupt at all levels.

Each year 200 parents and grandparents, who attempt to expose this miscarriage of justice are sentenced by freemasonry judges to up to six months on false charges of contempt of court to shut them up.

Governments figures for kids in care are approx. 69,000, so why are there 100s of agencies throughout the country all making huge amounts of money and the employment also runs into millions all from around 69.000 kids, and most of the agencies are owned by social workers or ex social workers, many S/W are from third world and any one can buy a CV for a few pounds , then we have untold S/W employed by the SS with many S/W who have their own businesses registered at companies house, most companies are for assessments, or housing, so the S/W take the children on false allegations get paid by the SS get a back hander from the agency then use their own registered companies to do assessments. Many legal people and judges have shares in the agencies, many kids in care are down as ADHD and there is no such thing as ADHD but these kids are prescribed Ritalin which is registered as equal to cocaine, then we have the clinical social workers, another big fiddle, as you know kids in care are used for drug experiments, S/W who have their own property companies registered are used to house the kids from care, 3 years ago I went undercover to register a foster agency and was told most foster agencies are owned by ex or S/W, but the whole point is how can millions be made from 69.000 kids.


I have a few questions:

Firstly I am a small business owner who's business is suffering due to the roadworks that have surrounded my business for the past few months, I have wrote articles about this injustice , emailed countless officials, had meetings with officials responsible for the works yet no one will take any responsibility for ruining my little business, why is that?

If my business folds my partner, my 2 year old boy and my four year old daughter will be jobless and homeless not to mention broke as we, with my business partner Lynn Hawkridge have invested our life's savings, why does not one of these elected officials care?

We were made a community asset by the council a few weeks ago, is it common practice to make a business a community asset and at the same time surround it with works so even if you approached us on foot you would be confused on how to access our business?

As you can probably tell we are very upset with what has taken place, we took out a three year lease on the property and not until the works began did anyone have the curtesy to visit us, to prepare us for what you were planning. We had to complain to the workmen who contacted a liaison officer, surely a visit in the 13 months leading up to the project would of been more sensible.

I really do believe that you do not care about small businesses any more and I am also sure that tesco across the road who have had minimal disruption have had plenty of visits and chats.

I have lost faith in the council, all you say is that you have no legal responsibility, how about a moral responsibility to me, my family and my guests.

Maybe if this was an election year we might or got a bit more support.

Please share everybody to see if we get a response that helps. — with Lynn Hawkridge and Louise Hartill at Station hotel.


I am extremely frustrated at the lack of care taken of the public places the council is responsible for keeping neat and tidy. There is a public footpath leading from Nearsby Drive and coming out in Tewksbury Close. It goes between two primary schools and is used by at least half of either school pupils, twice a day every weekday. The nettles are as tall as my seven year old and she narrowly avoided getting hit in the eye by one this morning!! I have tried to call the council but the phone line is down and cuts you off before even ringing! Suppose that will be how they manage complaints?

More about Nottinghamshire County Council County Hall

Nottinghamshire County Council County Hall is located at County Hall, NG27 Nottingham, United Kingdom
0115 982 3823