Om Shanti. Yoga, Meditation & Energy Healing

About Om Shanti. Yoga, Meditation & Energy Healing

Increase your awareness, concentration, mental & spiritual health. Calm your mind & find peace when you most need it. Heal your mind & soul.
Group & private Yoga workshops, collective & individual energy healing sessions.

Om Shanti. Yoga, Meditation & Energy Healing Description

Increase your awareness, concentration, mental & spiritual health. Calm your mind & find peace when you most need it. Heal your mind & soul.
Group & private Yoga workshops, collective & individual energy healing sessions.



Wishing you all around the globe, a Healing New year. 2020 bring it on!


Last Wednesday we closed the year at the studio with some of my more frequent and very special friends & students. A year of bringing awareness & encouraging each of you to become more conscious, every day, little by little, step by step.
♥️ I hope you all have taken the best of our sessions to make it part of your life. To everyone who came to our last and maybe most special workshop of the year and to all my students through 2019 that weren’t there, I have personally seen t...he process some of you have gone through, you guys all have taken an amaizing step towards a better/more mindful and empowered being, no doubt you should all be very proud of your achievements, in a spiritual, physical & mental level.
Without more preamble: Merry Christmas to you all! 💫 Let the gift of awareness fill your life today and ever!
P.s. I would have loved to share a picture of all of you at the studio, but this is the prove that most of our mindful moments will never be recorded. Instead I have picked this one to share 👁
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October is here to Increase your interest in “The must experience world” Meditation opens, once you understand the main principals of its practice. Distraction, uncomfortable sensaciones and boredom, during meditation, are some of the topics we will work on, in our fortnight dates this following month.
Allow yourself time to implement healthy habits, to take a close look to your mental and emotional health & come to join our awareness party!. Even if it is the last step you take towards a better and more peaceful you for what is left of this year.


The use of audio tones and vibrational frequencies to repair damaged tissues and cells within the body is call Sound Healing, and it works on the idea that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies, and sickness, disease, depression, and stress cause human beings to vibrate at a lower frequency. Healing through sounds, help the body to tune back into the right frecuency.…/ studies-show-we-can…/


Amazing approach to mental and phisycal illnesses. Highly recommended.


September is for excellence the month for resolutions. Have you got yours?
Contents, techniques and classes:
... 🍃 SLOW FLOW Slow movements cordinated with breathing techniques, will take you through a tension relief journey.
🕯 CANDLE YOGA Gentle practice focus on relaxation while immerse in a candle lighted athmosphere.
💫 ACTIVE MEDITATION Mix of micro yogi exercises & ancestral meditation techniques.
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August arrives with new contents!


1ro de Agosto. Limpia con Palo Santo tu ambiente más frecuentado.
El Palo Santo es una especie de árbol de la familia de las Burseraceae que crecen principalmente en la zona pacífica de América del Sur. La madera del Palo Santo tiene un aroma que evoca a la espiritualidad y su aceite esencial es de tonalidad cítrica, siendo muy utilizada en la fabricación de perfumes.
... Desde tiempos ancestrales los chamanes de los pueblos indígenas sudamericanos, consideraban al Palo Santo como un árbol sagrado, por lo que quemaban trozos de Palo Santo para alejar los malos espíritus y para la purificación. Esa sabiduría milenaria sigue hoy vigente y el Palo Santo es una de las herramientas más usadas en la magia para limpieza y purificación.
La quema del Palo Santo y su humo transforma cualquier espacio y purifica a quienes están alrededor. Entre sus propiedades destacan:
•Limpia toda energía negativa o sensación de pesadez. •Atrae energías sanadoras del cuerpo, alma y espíritu. •Limpia cualquier espacio después de haber albergado a alguien enfermo. •Es un aroma que promueve la meditación. •Es tranquilizante, calma los nervios y anima a las personas deprimidas. •Promueve las relaciones armoniosas entre los miembros de una familia o lugar de trabajo.
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El Poder de las Plantas 🌱 Por que nuestros ancestros no conocieron la industria farmacéutica y aunque más “enfermos” que antes, aun aquí seguimos. bas-medicinales-p…/


Surya Namaskar, is an energising sequence ideal for the morning to awake the body, to harmonise, to move the energy.
Good morning 🌍 ☀️


The power of fasting…/…/2 0/the-power-of-fasting/


Happy International Yoga day to everyone from this side of the world! 🇦🇺 To all the ones who consciousness increase day by day through its practice, to all the ones who have found in this philosophy a style of life and to all the ones who have benefit through it. Every day should be the Awareness/Yoga day and what a better way to celebrate than committing to dedicate quality time to yourself.
Shake the cold away, bury the winter excuses, & put that time a side for you! ... Come and join us for some magic in our July weekly restorative nights.
🧘‍♀️ ❄️ 🧘‍♂️
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Close to our block of sessions focused on the intuition & the Ajna 🔮👁🔮 energetic point. Here and article that explains the importance of understanding something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning and the connection it actually has with what we know as intelligence.
It is not a secret by now, that we live in materialistic world in which we have silenced any other sense apart of the 5 we have been always taught we have. But the reality is that our intuition n...eeds to be given the importance it deserves, it needs to be listened with attention, and we have to learn to recognise when it talks to us, specially nowadays where consciousness is massively expanding.
Enjoy my attempt to awake yours 🙏
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We have a date 📿


May is here with new contents, classes and collective dates. Book your mat! 🧘‍♂️