Organised Chaos

About Organised Chaos

Have you tried repeatedly to declutter and always given up? Holistic decluttering also considers the emotions, habits, and belief systems that got you to this point. By going deeper the results are long lasting and profound. Are you ready for change?

Organised Chaos Description

I work holistically which means my focus is not just on your excess 'stuff'. I know from experience that if you want a long lasting solution to clutter you have to go deeper than just a tidying exercise.

Chances are you've tried to declutter on multiple occasions and always stalled. You might tell yourself you don't have enough time, you're too busy, or you're waiting to sell it all on e-bay one day soon. Deep down you know you are stuck and just can't face the emotions that are connected to whatever you have hung onto against all logic.

My approach is gentle and not in the least bossy! I do not want to layer on more trauma. Any session goes at your pace. However, I do ask a few questions as we go along, all intended to boost your self-awareness. Once you know the real reasons you've kept stuff then you can begin to make choices.

I'm not necessarily in favour of ultra-minimalism. From time to time I have my own clutter and even then I don't push myself! I know that each of my clients will naturally find their own level of how much space they want and how many things they can part with.

There's nothing wrong with keeping things out of sentiment in my view, but sometimes this habit can get out of control. I help you learn to be selective in a way that feels good.

Are you self-employed or running a small business? Do you feel disconnected from your office function? Would you like to be more organised and less stressed? I have experience of working with creative people and therapists who really don't want to engage with routine admin. I've helped them declutter irrelevant paperwork and other stuff from their office (often the back bedroom) as well as coming up with intuitive straightforward systems that suit their individual style. Even in a small business situation emotions can be key to resolving clutter issues. After all, becoming self-employed is a big leap of faith.



This definitely applies to decluttering!
What first step can you take today?


You made a great start with your decluttering but now you've run out of steam. The job's not finished, you know there's more to do - but motivation is thin on the ground.
What can you do to get going again?
I would love to get your questions and feedback on this subject. Just add to the comments below and I'll get back to you, especially if you tag me!


I'll be Live here at 7.30pm when I'll be tackling the question of "how can I maintain decluttering momentum?"
If you made a great start with decluttering a while ago and then lost your oomph, do join me!


Does anyone have good quality cuddly toys to declutter?
My sister Amanda Ball runs the shopmobility service in Market Harborough and your unwanted cuddly toys could help them raise vital funds.
If you are local-ish to Daventry I am happy to take them off your hands.


If you are open to it, the decluttering process offers you the opportunity to learn a lot about yourself.
Regular visitors to this page will know that I constantly go on about the value of self-awareness. Here I am doing it again!
Nobody wants to turn into the person that is constantly and forever decluttering. There are more enthralling ways to pass the time, I'm sure, so don't get stuck in that loop.
... Many clients are surprised to find that they have kept umpteen versions of the same item. They never used the first one, so why did they continue to buy such things? This could be anything, by the way! Notepads are a common one, especially if they have pretty covers.
It would be quite easy to declutter excess notepads but not gain any awareness about how you are drawn to over purchase these items. Well done for decluttering, but don't miss this second 'awareness' stage.
Even if you get no further than stopping yourself next time you see a pretty notebook, it's still progress! You might then begin to wonder what part of you is attracted to these notepads and why they have such allure for you.
I encourage you to be curious about your own habits. There's always a reason you act the way you do. If you can uncover it, then you have better understanding of yourself PLUS, no more of that kind of clutter.
That's what I call a win-win!
What are your habitual (but unused) purchases?
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You want to declutter - but there's never enough time! Does this sound like you?
If this thought frequently occupies your mind, you need to be aware that this is a trap from which it is hard to escape.
If you wish to make a thorough job of decluttering then you need to really apply yourself to the task. You need to allocate time in your diary and make it a priority.
... If you don't - then it will likely never happen.
You can tell yourself that you would do it, if only you had the time. You might logically convince yourself this is your reality.
The thing is though, until you set aside time and make decluttering a priority, chances are you will continue to add to your clutter and feel the worse for it.
Bring to mind all those other tasks that you factor into your life, like dental check-ups, putting out the rubbish, food shopping and laundry. None of these is exactly "fun" but they all get done one way and another.
It is possible to find time to declutter!
If you would like some help getting focused on your decluttering then please get in touch. The 28 Day Declutter Toolkit starts 16th March and will help you gain control.
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What are your thoughts regarding collectors and clutter?
Apparently about a third of people at some point in life decide that they want to collect something. I'm sure it is possible to be a collector of anything! dolls, books, stamps, postcards, concert programmes, tickets, clocks, anything relating to a specific football club and so on, ad infinitum!
I'm sure you can see that it is a fine line between having a large collection of something that is special - to having a hous...e full of specialised clutter and no room for much else.
If you own a collection that is getting out of hand you need to ask yourself some tough questions. What is it about constantly acquiring items for your collection that gives you satisfaction?
What is the attraction of having a large number of related objects gathered together in this way?
Are you seeking to fill some kind of emotional void, perhaps? How might you feel if you had to give up your collection? The answer to this last question might give you some understanding of what is driving your need to build the collection. If you can honestly recognise some kind of obsessive behaviour in connection with your collected items then it might be time for some introspection.
Try not to let a collection rule your life.
The best way to manage the amount of items you have is to be super selective. If you've been collecting for a long period it might be that your tastes have changed, or that things you added initially are not as valuable to you as more recent acquisitions. Perhaps you could make your collection even more specialised to reduce the amount you are housing?
How do you keep your collection in check?
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Here's what Caroline had to say about her recent experience as a participant of this programme:
"Thank you Judith for all your support and positivity over the last 28 days.
I have enjoyed learning new routines and skills which have helped me flex those decluttering muscles more effectively and efficiently.
... I became very quickly aware of my different emotions associated with clutter and how that was holding me back in some areas. I’m now able to employ strategies to deal with the more difficult clutter.
There’s been a lot of decluttering, throwing, recycling, donating and organising and I am really enjoying the spaces that are completed."
Why not try it for yourself?
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What have you done recently that gave you a sense of liberation?
If you can't remember the last time you had that feeling, here's a hint.
Holistic decluttering - is hugely liberating!


This is the funniest thing I have seen in ages!
Not just funny, but very clever also - watch out for some of the words that are rhymed in this brilliant rap. Oh, and the topic is the one that is on everyone's lips right now.
Let me know if it puts a smile on your face . . . .


Spring is traditionally the time to have a really good clear out.
Not sure if you can handle it? Don't know where to start? Message me for more details about the forthcoming 28 Day Declutter Toolkit. Find out if it could work for you.


This isn't a roses and chocolates kind of Valentine's Day post.
Rather than waiting anxiously for tokens of love via your front door I invite you to treat yourself to some self-love.
If you watched my FB Live last night you will appreciate that decluttering is one of many ways you can foster love for yourself.
... If you didn't catch the Live, then you can still find it on this page.
Self love brings with it a feeling of worth and value that is not dependent on validation from others. In that space you don't settle for second best with a romantic partner. You know you deserve better and you are happy to wait in the knowledge you will attract the right person. Any sense of being needy or desperate takes a back seat and ultimately disappears.
Over the years I have had many clients who have been single and of course there have been stories of divorce and ill treatment. As you probably know, I am convinced that it is a state of overwhelm which prompts the accumulation of clutter. Having a painful relationship come to an end must be pretty high on the list of stressful life events.
Does this resonate with you at all?
My brand of holistic decluttering can help you tackle the emotional aspect of your clutter as well as the litteral physical stuff you wish to part with.
Your home may contain a number of items related to previous relationships that no longer serve you at an energetic level. Just think how liberating it would feel to clear your space of all the sadness that has gone before. Imagine feeling calmer, more relaxed and more energised.
If you just don't know where to start with this process you might be interested in my forthcoming 28 Day Declutter Toolkit which starts on 16th March. Does it have your name on it, I wonder?
Contact me for more details and an informal chat, 07850 580802.
Please consider sharing this post so those who might benefit most get to see it.
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An opportunity to love your space more than your unread books, perhaps?


I'm jumping on the Valentine's Day bandwagon ahead of time!
In this Live I will be considering self-love rather than romantic love and why I think it is so important.
Also, what is it about decluttering that makes it an act of self-love?
... What do you think? You are welcome to comment and ask any questions.
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I'm Live here at 7.30pm this evening (Wednesday 13th Feb) with "Holistic decluttering, an act of self-love".
A nod to Valentine's Day with a bit of a twist!
I'll be asking, "why is self-love important?"... "Why is self-love so difficult?", and "What is it about decluttering that constitutes self-love?"
I do hope you can join me for what I hope will be some lively dialogue with other viewers?
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Next time you are tempted into shopoholic mode, or find it hard to declutter, just remember this quote.
Self-awareness is absolutely key to the holistic decluttering process.
What emotions are likely to prompt you into mindless shopping mode?


If you consider yourself to be creative either with work or hobbies, how do you manage your creative space?
There is a generalisation that creative people are always cluttered/messy/untidy and that's how their brains are wired. It is assumed that they will always be like this and that if they attempt to change then their creativity will be damped down. They will feel restrained in some way.
Nothing is ever black and white is what I would say!
... There is always a sliding scale for any of these kind of statements. There will be extremes at both ends. The artist whose studio looks like a bomb has gone off, or the photographer who has everything neatly organised on her desk.
Of course the majority will be somewhere between the two!
The message I want to convey is that just because you are creative doesn't mean that clutter and chaos does not have a detrimental impact on you.
The trick is to find a degree of organisation that suits the creative mind. It needs to contain the chaos and give a feeling of spaciousness. It also needs to not be obsessively tidy or regimented as this will hinder creativity. It can be a fine line to tread.
The main thing to remember is that you need to make sure your personality is able to shine through into your creative space. It would probably not work to make your creative space look like an office!
The good news is that your subconcious knows what would work best for you, it's just a case of accessing that information, teasing it out.
If you're not sure how to do that, then this is where I come in! The next 28 Day Declutter Toolkit starts on 16th March. You would be surprised how many creative people have been through this process and achieved great things!
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When did you last burst into song?
If you belong to a choir and have to practice, I'm sorry but that doesn't count!
I need you to know I am not in the least bit musical and my voice could probably crack glass at fifty paces. However, any time I read an article about how to increase your feel good factor it always mentions singing. That was a problem as I have been practically allergic to that activity for most of my life!
... I do struggle sometimes with low mood so I really wanted to give it a try. I decided to have a go at singing in the shower. I just tried a bit of "la-la-la" at varying volumes and pitches (eek) to see if I could raise my mood without shattering the bathroom window.
Well, it kind of worked. It struck me mid la-la-la that this was a ludicrous situation. I had tried some high notes, also some very low notes, and I just got the giggles.
So, I commend this practice to you! What do they say, sing as though nobody is listening? In my case I really hoped nobody could hear! I hasten to add that this has not been a mere one-off experiment. If I need a laugh before breakfast, I know just what to do.
You will either end up like me, laughing in a helpless fashion, or you will charm yourself with your angelic tones. Either way, you will release good hormones into your body and you will soon be ready to face some decluttering!
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You know you want to declutter, you've tried and you always get stopped in your tracks.
Does that sound like you?
Do you need to set goals?... Do you need to be held accountable? Would it help to have someone to ask when you get stuck?
The Declutter Nudge is an email support package that can be tailored to your needs. In fact, it's so flexible it's bespoke, and it costs less than you might think.
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I've just completed Judith's 28 day Declutter programme.....a bargain!

It was a thoroughly worthwhile and liberating experience. Although I’m fairly vigilant about not letting stuff accumulate there are always those things that one walks past on a daily basis muttering mañana!

With Judith’s encouragement throughout the 28 Days I’ve been motivated to look those things straight in the eye! I’ve managed to rid myself of all sorts of curiosities around the house, garage, garden and allotments, including six cast iron wheels, gratefully received by Lamport Hall Museum of Rural Life for use in refurbishing exhibits…..they tell me they’re extremely difficult to find these days!

The support of other members of the F/B group was also a bonus.

Even my partner, who has finally confessed to being a hoarder, has mucked in and this has motivated him to monitor his habit.

I’m still on a roll!


I'm not sure why I was embarrassed when I first picked up the phone to speak to Judith I suppose its one of those things that you don't want to talk about!! after all we're talking clutter here! but it's amazing how it can get a hold of you and stop you from moving forward .. anyway I needn't have worried, Judith was great and helped me look at it in a different light and my surroundings started to change quite quickly from then on and just recently I completed the 28 day toolkit which came at just the right time .. sounds corny but sharing our thoughts on the fb page and finding out I wasn't the only one was also a bonus! Highly recommend


I recently used the 28 Day Toolkit and was surprised by how motivated I felt to clear some clutter!! I especially enjoyed sharing progress and support on the private FB page. I'm still amazed by how we managed to even have a laugh (kindly) at some of our own habits and make changes for the long term. Judith stepped in with some well observed and gentle suggestions, as well as practical advice along the way. Brilliant!!

More about Organised Chaos

Organised Chaos is located at Ashby Road, NN11 9QD Daventry, Northamptonshire