Ozzy Road Church

About Ozzy Road Church

We're a vibrant and diverse church community, sat in the heart of the City of Derby, and we're all about loving Jesus and loving people.

Ozzy Road Church Description

Vision & Values -

As a church family we are on a journey together, inspired by the vision and values of the church described in Acts chapter 2.

We see this journey characterised in many different ways, but always with distinct, 'urban' worship at the centre, which is open to where the Holy Spirit may take us. We try to accept people as they are, but see them as what they could become; offering care, generosity and a sense of belonging to people while they work out what they believe. We aim to make Jesus known by being a focal point within our local community, through relevance and being relatable. We also look to be creative in everything we do, exploring many different routes to worship, prayer, and teaching that can meet the needs of all learning styles. We may not always get it right but believe that we are on a journey heading in the right direction!


- We MEET together in small and large groups for fellowship, teaching, breaking bread, eating together, prayer, and praise.

- We PRAY for each other in small groups, offer prayer ministry as part of our Sunday meeting, or in a more confidential setting. Praying together in creative ways for the life of our church, our city, and our nation is a priority for us, and we often join with other churches across the city to do so.

- We are completely open to the way that God works in AWE AND WONDER, and hope to create more space for Him to move in this way amongst us.

- We try to SHARE what we have generously with each other as a family of believers, and also those who are in practical need outside of our church and in our local community. This stems from the inspiration we find in Acts 2, in the way that the first Christian believers shared everything.

- We are passionate about WORSHIP and see it as a way of life, as well as being wholeheartedly committed to seeing our musical worship encouraged and used as a vessel for bringing people into the presence of God.

- We seek to work in PARTNERSHIP with people and organisations who share our values and care for our local community, in the hope that we can serve people along side others.

- We have two core areas of OUTREACH, the first is through being able to bless local families through schools work, children's and youth clubs, and large family events. The second is through the way we work with others to address some of the practical needs of our local community in terms of debt, welfare, housing and addiction. We are constantly trying to support members of our church family as God calls them to serve their local communities, and we join with other churches in Derby to serve our city together.



Don't forget Love the Outside of Your Church tomorrow. 9:30 -1:00. Come for as long as you can. We've already made a start!


Surprise! Happy Birthday Wendy!

More about Ozzy Road Church

Ozzy Road Church is located at Charnwood Street, DE1 2GU Derby
01332 349468