Poss+Abilities Dance And Fitness Group

About Poss+Abilities Dance And Fitness Group

Poss + Abilities Dance and Fitness Group
“Where Anything is Possible”

for people with special needs and disabilities

Poss+Abilities Dance And Fitness Group Description

Poss + Abilities Dance and Fitness Group
“Where Anything is Possible”


Cost: £7. 50 per session
Age: 18 + - our oldest member is 75!

The group has been running for just over two years and has gone from strength to strength, starting with eight and quickly building up to an overall membership of 32. We meet three times weekly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday – 11. 00 – 2. 30 pm. The sessions are open access and anyone interested can come and join us for a taster session.

We offer a Summer Programme running throughout August that is open access. This has proved very popular with college students unable to attend during term time.

The group first started in April 2013 as a result of cuts, and in some cases the loss of budgets available to people with special needs and disabilities. Our members found they could no longer afford the increasing costs of other similar provisions and were concerned that they would be left with nothing to do. After a discussion with them it was decided that we would ‘give it a go’ with me facilitating and see how things developed. Over the months membership significantly increased and the programme expanded to include fitness training and healthy eating.

This truly is a ‘whole group’ experience with coaches, peer coaches and members working together to choose music, work out dance and fitness routines and identify areas to develop or change. All dances are choreographed by the whole group working together, this ensures that all members, regardless of ability, can take an active role and fully participate in everything we offer. Shortly after the group started the Head Coach at the Merlin Centre, where we meet, asked if they would like him to show them some non-contact boxing skills, this proved to be a big hit and quickly became an integral and much loved part of each session.

The group love to perform and show off their skills, we undertake an increasing number of public performances throughout the year.

They are also very actively involved in fundraising activities and have recently raised a staggering £720 for Birmingham Children’s Hospital and performed in a show raising funds for Crohn’s Disease. Raising money for others is something this group feel very strongly about and their chosen charity for this year is Headway.

Two of our members have now taken on the role of Assistant Coaches, every dance routine has a peer Lead Dancer and fitness routines are peer led. This ensures that all members have real ownership of the group and the programme.

The main aim of the group has always been to have FUN and along the way get fit, socialise with friends, meet new people and learn new skills. We have seen significant progress in all our members – improved co-ordination, communication, problem- solving and negotiation skills. They are working with new people and coping with change. They are fitter, losing weight and are stronger emotionally, mentally and physically. The difference in all our member’s confidence and self-esteem is apparent and parents /carers have all commented on this.

Weight is an ongoing and serious health issue with many of our members and to date the response to our healthy eating programme has been excellent. One of our members has now lost 73lbs, another 61lbs, another 54lbs with many others reaching and maintaining an ideal individual weight. Overall group loss is currently nearing 400lbs this includes those who are working to gain weight. All weight loss /gain is controlled and monitored and we work closely with parents and carers to ensure this. Members are encouraged to make small, healthy changes to their daily diets and routines. Through the keeping of weekly food diaries there has also been a significant improvement in member’s literacy and numeracy skills. This aspect of our work has been so successful that other similar groups in Derby are now following our lead.

Following the success of our senior group, and by increasing demand, a junior session is now being developed. Two peer coaches from the senior session will help run this group. This will be held on Monday evenings 5. 30 – 7. 00 pm.

From time to time we are asked to undertake disability and special needs awareness training with local organisations and groups. These sessions are fully interactive and informative with members participating in the delivery of individually designed and targeted programmes.

Morning session:
Get together – chat and drink as members arrive (usually 10. 30 – 11. 00 am)
Warm up
Lunch and review of diaries

Elements making up our afternoon sessions:
Dance /performance rehearsals
Bag work
One to one peer coaching
Group coaching
Gym games
Personal and social education e. g. assertiveness, personal space, dealing with conflict etc.

Warm down
Session evaluation

Lorraine Bhatti

More about Poss+Abilities Dance And Fitness Group

Poss+Abilities Dance And Fitness Group is located at 226A Osmaston Road, DE23 8JX Derby