Psoriasis Association

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Psoriasis Association

The leading national membership organisation for people affected by psoriasis in the UK.

Our Aims:

To support people who have psoriasis.
To raise awareness about psoriasis.
To fund research into the causes, treatments and care of psoriasis.



Imagine having to endure a persistent itch, day in, day out. This is what life is like for many people with #psoriasis, yet itch is often overlooked.
Can you watch our short video through to the end without needing to scratch? #LifesanItch


Our PsoTeen website is a great source of information and support for teenagers and young adults who are living with #psoriasis.
Recently, we've added a new section with some real-life stories too. You can have a read here:


TREATMENT UPDATE - The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has draft-approved the biologic medication, certolizumab pegol (Cimzia), for the treatment of severe #psoriasis in adults in England and Wales.
However, tildrakizumab (Ilumetri) has been rejected by NICE.
Find out more here:


So here it is... Introducing #PsoriasisTop10 priority number 1: Do lifestyle factors such as diet, dietary supplements, alcohol, smoking, weight loss and exercise play a part in treating psoriasis?
Are you pleased to see this identified as the number one #psoriasis research priority? What are your thoughts about the role of these different lifestyle factors in the treatment of psoriasis?
You can find the full 'Top Ten' list of psoriasis research priorities here:


Malaga resident, Eleanor, has discovered a passion for running over the last 18 months.
As she has lived with #psoriasis since her teenage years, Eleanor has generously decided to run the Malaga Half Marathon this December in support of the Psoriasis Association!
You can find her fundraising page here:


Today is International Volunteers Day! It's a chance for us to say a BIG thank you to everyone who has volunteered their time to help our work this year - From sharing your stories for our '50 for 50' project to helping us find the #PsoriasisTop10 research priorities - Thank you!


Introducing #PsoriasisTop10 priority number 2: Does treating psoriasis early (or proactively) reduce the severity of the disease, make it more likely to go into remission, or stop other health conditions developing?
You can find the full 'Top Ten' list of #psoriasis research priorities here:


The 29th story in our '50 for 50' series comes from Jess (of The Weekend Tourist), who was diagnosed with #psoriasis at four years of age.
Read about her experiences, from body bandages and midnight baths as a child, to dealing with stress-induced flare ups in later life:


1978 saw the introduction of the Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) - a method of measuring the severity of #psoriasis.
Discover more important milestones from the past half a century in our 50th Anniversary video:


Do you have Palmo-Plantar Pustulosis (PPP) - Pustular #psoriasis of the palms of the hands and/or soles of the feet?
You might be particularly interested in the research of our current PhD student, Thanos Niaouris, on the genetic causes of the condition.
Find out more about Thanos' project in our short video.


Introducing #PsoriasisTop10 priority number 3: What factors predict how well psoriasis will respond to a treatment?
You can find the full 'Top Ten' list of #psoriasis research priorities here:


A researcher at The University of Sheffield is looking for people with #psoriasis who are aged 18 or over to take an online survey on how people respond to their psoriasis, and how this affects it.
The researcher is conducting the survey as part of her doctorate in clinical psychology.
You can take the survey here:


Did you know that we feature opportunities to get involved in #psoriasis and #psoriaticarthritis initiatives, projects and awareness raising on our website?
Check out what's going on here:


Introducing #PsoriasisTop10 priority number 4: What is the best way to treat the symptoms of psoriasis: itching, burning, redness, scaling and flaking?
You can find the full 'Top Ten' list of #psoriasis research priorities here:


Next up as part of our '50 for 50' project, have a read of Alice's journey, from first developing #psoriasis aged 13, through her teenage years to the present, as she's learned how to deal with the condition all over her body, including on her face:


The APRICOT palmo-plantar pustulosis (PPP) trial is open at centres in 15 different locations across the UK, with 6 more centres due to open soon.
The study is currently recruiting new participants!
If you have PPP and would be interested in taking part in the study, you can register your interest here:


TREATMENT UPDATE - The most commonly prescribed biologic medication for #psoriasis, Humira (Adalimumab), comes off patent.
This paves the way for a number of 'biosimilar' treatments to become available on the NHS from December 2018.
Find out more about what this means here:


Introducing #PsoriasisTop10 priority number 5: How well do psychological and educational interventions work for adults and children with psoriasis?
Have you had access to any psychological support to help with the impact of psoriasis on your life? Is this something that you feel is important?
You can find the full 'Top Ten' list of #psoriasis research priorities here:


So here they are... The #PsoriasisTop10 research priorities as identified by the #psoriasis Priority Setting Partnership (PSP)!
These priorities will help ensure that future psoriasis research focuses on answering questions that are truly important to people with psoriasis!
You can find out more about the PSP process that led us to this point here: #psoaware


Thank u for yr help and advice and information xxx


Some great advise out there. Different creams salt ect to use or even questions to ask the doctor


Now I have to contend with this please don't judge me or anyone with it. I'm glad there are others to talk to as i've just been diagnosed at 49. I have other health problems but they aren't visible, that's why I feel ugly xx


Just had the most amazing help and advice over the phone.

Got loads of info coming in the post, thank you


I’ve had psoriasis for over 10 years and recently found that drinking 5 pints of water a day helps with the psoriasis on my face however not the rest of my body


I’m hoping it’s ok to ask a question . I have psoriasis on my feet and at the moment it really bad, the itching is the worst I’m on anti hysterim but it doesn’t really help does anyone else have this and do you find anything that helps


Its comforting to know I'm not alone. I was diagnosed age 9. I'm now 25. 80%+ of my body has been covered but i recently started a course of methotrexate and it has almost cleared. I even went for a lingerie shoot on saturday! If anybody needs any help or advice just ask :) much luv fellow P sufferers xxxx


I've had this since the age of 5 , when I started school, I'm now 62, I've had every treatment going I think but only one thing works , that's the sun .


I like knowing I'm not alone in this. Since I was eight I have been teased and ridiculed for have psoriasis.


Hey guys im i japan now, for 6 konths working at bakery then for 1week i see patches of red on my cheeks, how can i lessen the redness of my psoriasis on face, please helo me guys, sometimes i thinked that i dont want to live anymore because of the people staring at you like your a dirty person, guys please help please howmto remedy the redness of it


Got my Psoriasis Association membership pack through the door! Lots of information, stories from others, a free pen... and I know my donation is going to help others that suffer with this horrible disease!


Amazing support for the Global Psoriais community. Keep it Up! #Psoriasiyans.


To Samantha and others suffering from Psoriasis, I highly recommend checking Finiti, Propectin, Luminesce and Reserve on line.

These products are new and actually have the ability to repair the DNA in the cell, including the immune system.

The LUMINESCE is a line of facial and body creams based on stem cell technology and are condenced with groth factors that are able to recognize defective cells and repair them.

The Finiti (tblts) extend short telomers in the cells and renew them in addition to balancing the blood circulation and increasing the metabolizm.

This profuct got the noble prize.

Please do check these products, they truly are life altering!

There is lots of information available on youtube too.

Wishing you all good health and joyful life!!


Psoriasis could be controlled by using herbs. I'm also a patient of rain drop psoriasis. My local 'baiddhya' ( person knows about traditional herbs for treatment particular disease ) had treated me well than cosmetics, tablet, injection, creams and other industrial medicines. So respect your local herbs & ayurveda that'll help you Much more . I am healed 95%.


I've had it since as long as I can remember. I've used all sorts of things and I was a lucky one to try a trial of Humira and it has worked miracle almost completely clear! It would be amazing if the prices were lowered and insurance covered it. Sadly my trial ended and I'm getting covered all over again. My support to this association !! Very helpful tips and notes with certain products .


I've had about 5 flare ups and they're gradually getting worse each time. I was referred for light therapy last year and the doctor laughed at me and asked if if ever seen a 'bad case' of psoriasis before. I was horrified, baring in mind one patch covered a quarter of my lower leg and spots all over my arms and legs. That was a bad case for me! So I refuse to go back to the doctors and the steroid creams do y work. I'm so upset x


I need help!! I just got pshricious and going to though the mentapause and it's like if I even step in the sun I'm on fire I'm not wearing shorts or selves that show my arms and legs bc I'm so imbarrised can someone help me


I like it cuz this association represent a familly for us, people who understand nd help. Thank u


CONTROLLED PSORIASIS: I hope that this is a wonderful association . I have this disorder in 2003 with in a year 50% of my body has been taken by this disorder despite of meds i was taking.

Than some one told me about if u bath in cold sulfur spring u ll b okay without wasting time i went @shastradhara ,dehradun,INDIA.

Stayed there for few days Miracle happened my p stopped &started reducing . I came back to my home ,within a year my p vanished.

Now i m living freely without meds.



Thank u for yr help and advice and information xxx


Some great advise out there. Different creams salt ect to use or even questions to ask the doctor


Now I have to contend with this please don't judge me or anyone with it. I'm glad there are others to talk to as i've just been diagnosed at 49. I have other health problems but they aren't visible, that's why I feel ugly xx


Just had the most amazing help and advice over the phone.

Got loads of info coming in the post, thank you


I’ve had psoriasis for over 10 years and recently found that drinking 5 pints of water a day helps with the psoriasis on my face however not the rest of my body


I’m hoping it’s ok to ask a question . I have psoriasis on my feet and at the moment it really bad, the itching is the worst I’m on anti hysterim but it doesn’t really help does anyone else have this and do you find anything that helps


Its comforting to know I'm not alone. I was diagnosed age 9. I'm now 25. 80%+ of my body has been covered but i recently started a course of methotrexate and it has almost cleared. I even went for a lingerie shoot on saturday! If anybody needs any help or advice just ask :) much luv fellow P sufferers xxxx


I've had this since the age of 5 , when I started school, I'm now 62, I've had every treatment going I think but only one thing works , that's the sun .


I like knowing I'm not alone in this. Since I was eight I have been teased and ridiculed for have psoriasis.


Hey guys im i japan now, for 6 konths working at bakery then for 1week i see patches of red on my cheeks, how can i lessen the redness of my psoriasis on face, please helo me guys, sometimes i thinked that i dont want to live anymore because of the people staring at you like your a dirty person, guys please help please howmto remedy the redness of it


Got my Psoriasis Association membership pack through the door! Lots of information, stories from others, a free pen... and I know my donation is going to help others that suffer with this horrible disease!


Amazing support for the Global Psoriais community. Keep it Up! #Psoriasiyans.


To Samantha and others suffering from Psoriasis, I highly recommend checking Finiti, Propectin, Luminesce and Reserve on line.

These products are new and actually have the ability to repair the DNA in the cell, including the immune system.

The LUMINESCE is a line of facial and body creams based on stem cell technology and are condenced with groth factors that are able to recognize defective cells and repair them.

The Finiti (tblts) extend short telomers in the cells and renew them in addition to balancing the blood circulation and increasing the metabolizm.

This profuct got the noble prize.

Please do check these products, they truly are life altering!

There is lots of information available on youtube too.

Wishing you all good health and joyful life!!


Psoriasis could be controlled by using herbs. I'm also a patient of rain drop psoriasis. My local 'baiddhya' ( person knows about traditional herbs for treatment particular disease ) had treated me well than cosmetics, tablet, injection, creams and other industrial medicines. So respect your local herbs & ayurveda that'll help you Much more . I am healed 95%.


I've had it since as long as I can remember. I've used all sorts of things and I was a lucky one to try a trial of Humira and it has worked miracle almost completely clear! It would be amazing if the prices were lowered and insurance covered it. Sadly my trial ended and I'm getting covered all over again. My support to this association !! Very helpful tips and notes with certain products .


I've had about 5 flare ups and they're gradually getting worse each time. I was referred for light therapy last year and the doctor laughed at me and asked if if ever seen a 'bad case' of psoriasis before. I was horrified, baring in mind one patch covered a quarter of my lower leg and spots all over my arms and legs. That was a bad case for me! So I refuse to go back to the doctors and the steroid creams do y work. I'm so upset x


I need help!! I just got pshricious and going to though the mentapause and it's like if I even step in the sun I'm on fire I'm not wearing shorts or selves that show my arms and legs bc I'm so imbarrised can someone help me


I like it cuz this association represent a familly for us, people who understand nd help. Thank u


CONTROLLED PSORIASIS: I hope that this is a wonderful association . I have this disorder in 2003 with in a year 50% of my body has been taken by this disorder despite of meds i was taking.

Than some one told me about if u bath in cold sulfur spring u ll b okay without wasting time i went @shastradhara ,dehradun,INDIA.

Stayed there for few days Miracle happened my p stopped &started reducing . I came back to my home ,within a year my p vanished.

Now i m living freely without meds.


More about Psoriasis Association

Psoriasis Association is located at Dick Coles House, 2 Queensbridge, NN4 7BF Northampton, Northamptonshire
01604 251 620
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -