
Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 00:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 11:00 - 15:00

About Reikiamazonite

I provide a range of holistic therapies Past Life Regression, Face and Foot massages, Ear Candling, Reiki with talk therapy, Crystal therapy, Childrens Reiki, Guided Meditations, Remote Healing. Hypnotherapy, Chakra balancing.

Reikiamazonite Description

Hello Everyone

My name is Patricia, I am a qualified Reiki Practitioner and offer
one to one Reiki Therapy in a safe and calm environment.
I also offer Distant Reiki /head massage /crystal therapy /

Message me /call /email for a consultation form.



When your are ungrounded your Root Chakra is unbalanced. When your grounded you feel more postive, like everything is going to be okay, a sense of, I can do anythingx
Grounding is so important for our Health and wellbeing. Are you ungrounded?
... Feeling your brain is foggy? Struggle to concentrate on one thing? half starting a project then leaving it, starting another project then leaving it? Feel spacey? Questioning things more than usual? Difficulty with communication? Craving fresh air? Tired more than usual? Light headed? Fearful? Worrying more than normal?Craving sweet foods? Loss of interest?
Spring is here, flowers are starting to bloom, this is a great time to get out in nature, and breath. Walking or running which ever suits you. Check your food intake, make sure you are eating 3 meals a day, and including grounding foods such as potatoes, pasta, Rice. Practice mindfulness. Feel the chair you are sitting on, put your feet on the ground. Become aware of you how you are feeling? what are you wearing, this helps put you in the here and now. Listen, what can you hear? Purchase a bunch of flowers, taking in the way they look, smell, every detail. Stamp your feet. Put an elastic band on your wrist and pull it when you feel zoned out.
Grounding is so important. do you suffer from anxiety? or have flashbacks from past memories? have nightmares? caught up in strong emotions? over whelmed?
Reiki is a great therapy for aligning all your chakras. and changing the way we think and feel in time. Book reiki sessions/crystal therapy to get yourself balanced. Or Meditation session. Contact me for details Through face book. call or textx
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Holding on to past grief, anger and pain, constantly blaming ourselves, prevents us from living a free and whole life in the present. We simply exist in the present whilst reliving past hurt and frustrations which only serves to drain us of our life-energy, keeps us stuck, feeling unhappy and existing in a constant negative space. We are only existing, we go through our days in fog, feel angry, frustrated, blame others, become ill, we use control as our weapon. Holding all t...hat negativity in, has to show it self somewhere. we develope more colds, constantly feel exausted, aches pains and more. Over time Reiki is a great tool for helping us see things more clear, to accept what has happenend, remember we cannot change it, but we can accept it, and eventually let it go. The immense feeling of calm and release is only something you will experience when you truly realise this cannot go on.
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If you want to improve something Look inside of you.If you want to improve something Look inside of you.


My clients often comment on how Reiki has changed their outlook on life.
Reiki has made me feel happier with myself. It has allowed me to explore feelings, I don't think I would have touched because I would not have known how to handle it. I feel safe now that I have an anchor to rely on.
... Since receiving Reiki I found the innermost core of my being, something I have not experienced before. I suddenly knew me, and also that nobody could take that away again.
Whenever I receive Reiki I run better, feel alive, feel more. life is moving on in the right direction.
I have learnt to cope with my stress in a more positive way, I built up the courage to retire from a very stressful job.
I am astonished how Reiki has changed the way I think and feel, even down to food choices.
I was skeptical, but I cannot deny the changes I feel.
I am calmer my intuition is sharper, and when I see the world it looks so much brighter. may sound silly but flowers, trees etc are more intense than I ever realized.
I finally feel focused and grounded, my anxiety levels have dropped, and if they do rear, I have the tools to deal with it now.
I could not accept my mother had left this earth, now I know she is in a good place, I miss her, but it does not ache anymore, it is more of a acceptance and calmness around me.
I am at peace.
The pain I held in my left shoulder, has gone, I was holding on to a past event.
Please visit my website for testimonals and information Thank youx
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Although most common in women, migraine headaches can affect people of any age, gender or background.
They are often debilitating, causing the sufferer to take time off work, take care of his or her daily responsibilities or even get out of bed during the attack.
Although many different treatments exist for migraines, complete cures of this condition are rare. However, many migraine sufferers have reported an improvement of symptoms through Reiki.
... Understanding Migraines.
Migraine attacks are typically characterized by extreme throbbing or pulsating pain in the head, usually concentrated on one side.
Many people suffering from a migraine attack also experience nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound.
These attacks can last for hours or even days, leaving the individual virtually helpless. For many people, the only way to find relief is to lie quietly in a dark room until the attack passes.
Certain medications may reduce the frequency and/or severity of migraine attacks. In addition, doctors often encourage patients with a history of migraines to avoid triggers, which may include stress, certain smells, certain foods or other environmental factors.
How Reiki Helps.
Reiki is a non-invasive therapeutic technique that may reduce the frequency of migraines, reduce the severity of migraines or alleviate pain during an active migraine attack.
Some of the effects of Reiki that may benefit migraine sufferers include:
Reduction in feelings of stress.
Stress is a precursor to headaches for many people who suffer with migraines.
Reducing stress as much as possible prevents stress-related migraines from occurring.
Studies have shown that Reiki reduces stress and induces feelings of relaxation, which may be highly beneficial for individuals who are prone to migraines.
Less severe pain.
Studies have also shown that people with various painful conditions are likely to report feeling less pain after participating in Reiki sessions.
Because pain is the defining characteristic of migraines, it stands to reason that reduced pain sensations would be beneficial for migraine sufferers.
Improved mood.
Migraine headaches and depression often go hand-in-hand.
Reiki may boost the mood of people who are prone to migraines, which may in turn reduce the likelihood of future migraine attacks.
As with all holistic therapies/results will vary.
There are many reasons to use Reiki as a therapy for your health and wellbeing.
Please note : Please do not stop taking medication, unless agreed by your doctor/consultant. call/text 07927537902 facebook Thank you
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The most important gift you can give to yourself is to love youx Without loving yourself first, you are denying yourself freedom. Until you can, feel comfortable in your own shoes, you will continuously look for someone or something to make you feel good. A relationship is about loving and caring for each other yes, but if you are always looking to them for reassurance, for that buzz, to make you feel high, or the age old question "does my bum look big in this" then please s...tart looking within yourself, ask you, what is it I love about me? my eyes? my hair? my stretch marks after having my beautiful children? and for the men that spare tyre, losing your hair, not feeling manly enough etc., Lets be honest here, we all have stuff we dislike about ourselves, but honestly, look again whatever it is, it is apart of you, it shows your journey to where you are now. It is not big headed to love yourself, as people have stated. and that is absolutely fine, if they chose to believe that. How many times have you bought that new dress, or something for the home, when you have been feeling down about yourself? The next day or sooner that excitement has gone, and your feeling down about yourself again. Your Bank balance will thank you. When you can learn to love and accept who you are, learn to trust yourself, learn to be more honest with yourself, It really does not matter if you don't agree with someone's opinion, don't be afraid to speak your truth, push your boundaries go on I dare youxx You soo deserve this.
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An Angel's greatest gift is Presence in the Presentx
Isn't it strange, how we are often unhappy no matter what we already have? Materially, we desire the lifestyle of others, their wealth or possessions, which we think will make our lives better.
Attachment to wanting is what creates human suffering.
... Remember that the past has already gone, and is now history. The future is unknown and remains a mystery. That is why the gift is in the present.
Sit quietly and draw your attention to nothing, but your breathing. As you breath in deeply and then exhale, feel the air on the inside of your nostrils.
Don't think of anything else but the air and your slow breathing in and out. Do this for five minutes at first, gradually increasing to fifteen minutes.
Practice regularly, you will develop the Zen technique of being 'in the now'
Enjoy your presentxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Reiki Balances the mind and emotions, stress reduction and relaxation, inner peace and harmony, speeds up recovery from illness, relief during emotional stress and sorrow, improves physical wellbeing, and more. Relaxation, assists in the body's natural healing process, and develops emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
If you would like to book an appointment? or have a chat? Please go to my website for more information.... Message through facebook Text or call 07927537902 Thank you Triciax
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This works, you just have to be openxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Pregnancy is one of life’s most beautiful and spiritual experiences. However pregnancy can also be accompanied by a number of different stresses on the mind, body and soul. Reiki offers healing energy not only to mothers-to-be, but also to their unborn babies.
Already widely used in hospitals as a vital care component, Reiki is increasingly accepted for amazing benefits during pregnancy. Recent research from USA Connecticut’s Hartford Hospital determined that pregnant women ...who use Reiki on a regular basis experience a 94 percent reduction in stress and anxiety; a 78 percent reduction in pain; and an 80 percent reduction in morning sickness. Pregnant Reiki recipients also enjoy an 86 percent improvement in quality of sleep.
Reiki is guided by gentle life force energy and your body intuitively understands its own energy needs. Your own body is in charge and takes it in as needed and where it is needed the most.
While Reiki’s effects vary from recipient to recipient, most pregnant women who receive Reiki report feeling more relaxed, balanced and radiant after treatments. Reiki also help you let go of any fears, anxieties or negative feelings you may be experiencing during your pregnancy.
Even better? Your growing baby will also enjoy the soothing benefits of this complementary therapy which is passed from you to your unborn child during the session.
Beyond Pregnancy But Reiki isn’t only healthy during pregnancy. It can also be used for everything from treating anxiety to easing labour, delivery and recovery.
Triciax Reiki Practitioner, Crystal therapy, Crystal Reflexology.
Call/Text 07927537902 Email; Visit my website
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We all need to start taking a little care of ourselves, why not? Ignoring our problems, only makes them resurface, days, weeks, months or years later.
We all have a given right to put ourselves firstx
Do you feel you need to find an anchor to rely on, to assist in helping you to deal with the challenges of life.
... Reiki provides Physical, Mental and Emotional relief.
Reiki is appropriate for adults, teenagers and babies alike.
To relax you when you are stressed. Centers you when you are scattered. Energizes you when you are drained. Calms you when you are frightened. Focuses your mind and helps you to solve problems. Relieves pain. Accelerates natural healing of wounds. Improves health. Relieves chronic problems. Releases emotional wounds. Helps change conditioning and damaging behavior. Alleviates the side effects of medicines. Assists with grieve, relationship problems and more: Assists with confidence issues. Anger issues. and more.
Or why not try one of my other therapies.
Crystal Reflexology Face massage/targeting Acupuncture points. Crystal Therapy. Hopi Ear Candling Foot Massage with pure oil.
If you would like to find out more and book a consultation/session Please contact Tricia on 07927537902/text/call Through my website Message through facebook.
Thank you.
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Feeling gratefulx


"Reiki Pun" Life in a pickle, Ketchup with Tricia, and Lettuce work through it together, So you can relish life once again. x"Reiki Pun" Life in a pickle, Ketchup with Tricia, and Lettuce work through it together, So you can relish life once again. x


Give yourself time to heal, there are no quick fixes in life. Look after yourself first, this is not selfish, this is a given right. Remember everyone of us, deserves to be happy and have a future we can look forward to. x


I would recommend Reikiamazonite/Tricia/ to anyone wishing to experience Reiki to help relax and calm themselves. You will be treated with kindness and honesty, you will feel calm and comfortable. I have felt changes in my body whilst having reiki and following advice given by Tricia, I have made positive changes in my life.
Sophie Harrison


Yesterday I got to have mini reflexology treatment, this was amazing ,I left feeling so relaxed. This lady has magic hands. Everyone needs to experience this and a bargain at £21. Highly recommended x


I would highly recommend Patricia. I always look forward to my visits and feel they’ve been a great success. Thank you for all you have done.


I would highly recommend Patricia as a practitioner. She takes the time to learn about you and what you want from the sessions. I hope and I'm sure, her business will be a great success.

Thank you for all you have done for me.


I wasn't sure if I could relax enough for the session but Patricia made me feel so relaxed, it was a wonderful experience and will recommend her to all my friends and family, I wish her all the success for her business, I'm sure it will go from strength to strength.


Highly recommend

I wasn’t sure what to expect and never thought I’d be able to relax. But Tricia’s calm, warmth and professionalism instantly put me at ease.

Reiki sessions with her will leave you feeling completely relaxed and rebalanced as she treats you on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level, i always walk away with a spring in my step full of positive energy ready to face my week ahead.

Since seeing Tricia my confidence is returning, my head is lifted and am more able to speak up.


Brilliant Customer Service .Recommended...............!

More about Reikiamazonite

Reikiamazonite is located at Northampton, Northamptonshire
Monday: 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 00:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 11:00 - 15:00