
About Relaxit

Relaxit® is a 5ml prefilled micro enema formulation designed to provide fast relief against constipation. Suitable for all ages.



It's Friday! Have a great weekend. If you feel constipated don't let it ruin your weekend! BUY Relaxit here…/relax it-12-microenemas-5ml


The biggest spenders (per person, per year) on mental health according to BBC News are: 2
South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw £220.63 Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly £207.97 North Central London £205.11
... #IAmSuprahealthy #mentalhealth #supra #relaxit #drapolene
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No thank you!!! don-48264319 This is horrid enough a topic, but in a maternity ward? here are a few little facts about the little creatures: Unlike mosquitoes who fly, and ticks who live on their hosts, bed bugs have developed another way to spread and get to their food source. They find their way into objects which we carry around, such as bags, wallets you name it. When they have found a suitable host they will try and establish a colony in little cracks, anywhere safe to hide. One single expecting female can create a colony...easy to spread. #dontletthebugsbite #suprahealth #bedbugs #IAmSupraHealthy


Ever been bothered with spam emails? This TED talk will make you cry laughing. Very funny and what a better way to get your weekend started with a smile. Jo #supra #healthyhumour #funnyvideo


Improve your mind and body health! Ever wondered the 6 habits of happy people, listen to this short podcast. guess what getting enough sleep is one of them!…/hurdlemome nt-6-h…/id1330434098… #supra #healthyhabits #relaxit #healthyou


This month is National Walking Month. Why not take a walk after lunch or diner today? Even a short walk, will help with digestion and even help you sleep better.


When you loose weight, where does it all go? How does it gets out of our body? Most people do not know the answer. It's all in the maths and the physics. This video covers this incredibly well. If you did not know it the formula for human fat is C55H104O6!!! I am impressed if you knew. aE #supra #relaxit #weightloss #healthyou


Top 10 food to include in your diet on a regular basis! Score 1 point for every food you currently consume, and see how you score out of 10. then try and improve on that score. The key is sustainability, make a change that you can sustain and easily integrate in your diet. dM #relaxit #eathealthy


You've heard it before, it's 5 a day. But what does that mean? We found this simple video which explains it all very simply to help you eat those five portions of fruit and vegs a day. Healthy eating makes for a happy digestion! YE#action=share #relaxit #healthyeating #happysaturday


calculate your BMI with the FAT scale. In case you missed it this week on BBC news health. know where you fit on the scale compared to others of 391 a similar age and living in the same geographical area. #relaxit #weightmanagement #eathealthy


Unusual medical fact! Unusual allergy. Yes, some people are allergic to exercise, and not in a 'can't get myself motivated to do any exercise' way. No truly, this can be a life threatening condition. It's called exercise-induced anaphylaxis and urticaria. An extremely rare and severe allergic reaction caused by exercise, with symptoms including a breakout of hives, gastrointestinal problems and even anaphylaxis.


This doctor is amazing. You will actually want to watch this and learn about how we 'poop' and all that the guts do. She is very funny and fascinating. TA #relaxit #healthyguts


Stroke? Do you know the symptoms? Think F.A.S.T
Face: can the person smile, had their face fallen on one side? Arms: Can the person raise both arms and keep them there? Speech problems: Can the person speak, understand you, is their speech slurred?... Time: If you see these symptoms, it's time to call 999.
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Today is the start of National Walking Month! Walking just 25 minutes a day contributes towards your weekly exercise needs. Walk to work, walk to school, take the stairs, walk with friends,have a walking meeting! Yes, walking meetings are the new thing and why not! #supraenterprises #relaxit #walkingmonth


Today is the start of National Walking Month! Walking just 25 minutes a day contributes towards your weekly exercise needs. Walk to work, walk to school, take the stairs, walk with friends,have a walking meeting! Yes, walking meetings are the new thing and why not! #supraenterprises #relaxit #walkingmonth

More about Relaxit

Relaxit is located at 2 Watergate Lane, The Green Warehouse, Leicester, United Kingdom
0116 222 2555