Rosalind Smith

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Rosalind Smith

International Medium & Spiritual Lifestyle Coach

Rosalind Smith Description

Healing from your emotional pain is the key to true freedom, health and happiness.

Hi there, I'm Rosalind, I empower professional women to free themselves of the anxiety, emotional pain and weight that bog them down so they can be truly happy, healthy and confident.

Happiness can become your middle name

Imagine just for a moment feeling happier, being more productive and enjoying meaningful relationships, all of this is waiting for you! !

Very often we neglect our own needs and wants, I will show you how to regain your personal power and enjoy living a life that is meaningful, satisfying and rewarding.

After healing my own inner 'demons' around weight gain plus spending years finding it painfully challenging to be as positive as I thought I should be, I now live a life I could have only ever dreamt of.

Since 2003 I have been teaching and working with clients internationally to change their life's so they they can lead a positively, healthier and rewarding life.

Are you ready yet?



I love granola so thought I’d make my own, so delicious 😋💓
Recipe: This is made in bulk so only have no more than 50g per serving.
... 4 Cups Rice Krispies (if gluten free have those instead) 1/2 cup chopped almonds 1/2 cup chopped walnuts 1 cup chopped pecans 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds 2 tsp olive oil 1/4 maple syrup 1 tbsp agave 1/4 cup water Sprinkle sea salt 3/4 cup dried half cranberries
Preheat oven to 180C.
Combine Rice Krispies, almonds, walnuts, pecans and pumpkin seeds in a large bowl.
Combine olive oil, maple syrup, agave, water and salt in a small saucepan. Heat for a couple of mins whilst continuing to stir.
Pour the syrup mixture over the granola, mix to make sure all mixture is well coated, evenly spread a mixture in the baking parchment and pop in the oven for 10 mins.
Remove and stir, reduce heat to 150C baking for a further 30 mins.
Stir in cranberries and enjoy!!! . . . . . . #lovegranola #homecooking #loveforfood #gluten-free #dairyfree #happysoul
@ Rosalind Smith
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You’re not meant to fit in, what you are meant to be is yourself, the right people will gravitate towards you! . . . .... . . #authenticity #enjoyingbeingme #loveyourself #healing #happysoul #spirituallifestylecoach #timeforchange #itsoktobeme #idontneedtofitin
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Start to see things differently and see how everything changes 🙏 . . . .... #lettinggo #happysoul #trustingtheprocess #timeforchange
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Once you stop over analysing, you become unstoppable 💫🔥


All the time for me, I must say though it took some time for me to trust the process, now I do, I love the synchronicity of how things just show up! what about you? . . . .... #iloveprayer #trustingtheprocess #lettinggo #happysoul
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Weeding done, now looking forward to planting these little beauties 🌞🌸


Wow!! Wow!!! Wow!!! I can’t put these books down, it’s a total eyeopener 👁💖🙏 . . . .... . #knowledgeispower #healing #juicing #cleansing #selfhelpbooks #wisdom #medicalmedium #timeforchange
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Are you being around people that make you feel less of a person? If so, it’s time for change, the first thing is to know that you are worth so much more. This doesn’t mean feeling better than anyone else, it does mean that you know you’re worth so much more. . . . .... . . . #selfworth #healing #happysoul #timeforchange #findingme #movingforward #livingjoyfully #transformation
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Having a fabulous time celebrating another birthday 💃🏿🎈 . . . .... #allabouthavingfun #birthdaygirl
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This is has been one of the hardest lessons I have learnt to date, understanding that I have harboured belief systems that have held me back was the easy bit, letting them go has been something else.
Everything in our life is a reflection of our beliefs, if you believe you’ll never better yourself, you won’t it really is that simple. . .... . . #beliefsystem #changemybeliefs #healing #lettinggo #movingforward #livingjoyfully #findingme #happysoul #happiness #mindbodyspirit
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I’ve learnt that it doesn’t matter what others think of me, what it is about, is being true to who I really am at soul level. To be honest I didn’t know what being true to me really meant, I lived in unhappiness which left me feeling unfulfilled, so I dug deep and found who I am, this has encouraged me to stop hiding and live a life of integrity and joy. . . . .... . #livingjoyfully #happysoul #healing #findingme #mindbodyspirit
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Grab your Friends! 🥂🍾👫👭👬🔮 For a night of laughter, messages and friendship with a Reading Party!
NEW Slots for Reading Parties Available!... Wednesday 5th June 2019 Thursday 20th June 2019 Thursday 4th July 2019
Message below to book, and subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates and blog posts!
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2 weeks of birthday celebrations in the sun ☀️ has begun, I feel so blessed to have my husband, best friend and soul mate sharing all the fun in Tenerife 😎🛫👙🍹❤️


This is something I learned a long time ago, sometimes it’s easy to make comment or make a judgement about somebody else, but you see we don’t always know their story and even if I did I’m certainly not going to judge others to make me feel better. . . . .... . . #happysoul #neverjudge #livingjoyfully
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More about Rosalind Smith

Rosalind Smith is located at The Sanctuary, Corner Cottage, Sallie Bank Lane, Laughterton, LN1 2JY Lincoln, Lincolnshire
01522 718478 or 07789 294060
Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -