Royal Air Force

About Royal Air Force

This is the official Royal Air Force Facebook page.



On Sunday, at the Yorkshire Air Museum, an event was held recognising the contribution of women to the Armed Forces. The Salute was taken by a special guest, 97-year-old Barbra Weatherall, a veteran of the Auxiliary Territorial Service and included a flypast by the Dakota from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (Official).
To read more about the event and women in the RAF click here: omen-in-the-raf


100 STUDENTS have completed a special five-day national residential course held at Royal Air Force Cosford, the home of RAF Engineering.
The girls had the opportunity to work alongside RAF technicians and were able to get hands-on with aircraft used for repairs at the RAF’s School of Technical Training.
Spending the week living in RAF barrack blocks, the students were put through an exciting programme of engineering & science challenges including writing code to operate robots and completing a glider build project. 🤖


Thank you to everyone who came to see us at the #RAF100 Aircraft Tour in Newcastle, Northern Ireland. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
We’re going to be busy packing up and moving on to our next stop on the tour, Birmingham, on 25-27 August.
Visit -aircraft-tour/ for more information.


Today is your last chance to visit the #RAF100 Aircraft Tour in Northern Ireland’s beautiful Newcastle, County Down.
The crowds over the last few days have been amazing and there's been opportunities for all age groups to chat and be inspired.
This unique free event is open now until 6pm. Visit…/wh…/raf100-a ircraft-tour-newcastle/ for more info.


Lots of young visitors to the RAF100 Aircraft Tour's Northern Ireland site, in Newcastle, enjoyed learning from the activities in the STEM tent, such as designing tracks for robots to follow and a virtual reality flying experience.
Amongst the visitors was Air Marshal Sean Reynolds who is soon to take up the post of Air Officer Northern Ireland. He believes using outreach events like the tour are essential to capture the attention of teens and younger and to show that science and engineering is an exciting door to push at.
We open again on Sunday at 9:00am. Visit…/wh…/raf100-a ircraft-tour-newcastle/ for more info.


We had a great day meeting public and veterans at the #RAF100 Aircraft Tour in Newcastle, Northern Ireland.
We're open again today from 9:00am, visit…/wh…/raf100-a ircraft-tour-newcastle/ for more information


"This week has helped me to figure out what I want to do when I grow up" - inspirational words from one of the one hundred students who took part in a five-day science and engineering course at Royal Air Force Cosford


This time last month we were flying over London celebrating #RAF100!
What was your favourite part of the display?


The RAF has a rich history in Northern Ireland and from 11:00 today, and all weekend, you can learn more about some of our iconic aircraft at the #RAF100 Aircraft Tour in Donard Park, Newcastle, County Down.
Visit…/wh…/raf100-a ircraft-tour-newcastle/ for more info.


Final preparations for the #RAF100 Aircraft Tour in Northern Ireland are underway. RAF veteran Bob Calvert got a sneak peak of the aircraft at the foot of the Mountains of Mourne in County Down.
The 93-year-old, who was a wireless operator in WWII, even got to sit in the Hawk. Come to Newcastle’s Donard Park from Friday to Sunday for this unique and free event. More info here…/wh…/raf100-a ircraft-tour-newcastle/


In the lead up to the #RAF100 Aircraft Tour in Newcastle, Northern Ireland, this weekend, we met up with one of the country’s best-known test pilots Alan ‘Paddy’ Crowther.
He is extremely proud of the links between Northern Ireland and aviation and had some great advice for those who are interested in the RAF.


100 years ago today, 100,000 Allied soldiers advanced over a 14 mile front at the Battle of Amiens. They were supported by 1,900 RAF and Armée de l'air aircraft. This campaign led to the end of World War one.
Read more about air power and the Battle here:…/how-airpower-helpe d-the-allies-win-the…


Despite there being no conscription in Northern Ireland during World War Two, over 12,000 people volunteered to join the Royal Air Force.
One of these, Bill Eames, was a Stirling bomber pilot. As the #RAF100 Aircraft Tour rolls into the province 95-year-old Bill describes his experiences from D-Day to Arnhem.


The next stop on the #RAF100 Aircraft Tour is Newcastle, Northern Ireland, from 10-12 August.
Get up close to these iconic aircraft and get interactive in our STEM zone. It's open to the public and it's FREE!
Visit…/wh…/raf100-a ircraft-tour-newcastle/ for more information


It has been three years since the Vulcan last flew but here is your chance to watch it grace the skies once more through the #RAF100 Flypast App.
Capture and collect aircraft as well as create your own flypasts. Also, learn about the history and technology of each aircraft.
Find out more info about the app here:…/n…/download- the-raf100-flypast-app/

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