
Monday: 07:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 22:00
Friday: 07:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00



Just wanted to say what fab staff you have. A shout out goes to Nicky in the cafe. After the lift broke down and I was with both disabled parent and our shopping, Nicky went out of her way to help making several trips up/down stairs and lift to help me get them and the shopping back to the car. Mum forgot where she’s put the car � and so Nicky helped her to find it and load the car up with our shopping. Thankyou Nicky you are a star �


It is my favourite supermarket, it has everything you need and more, the service is great and everyone is polite and friendly and very willing to help. I love the home section and the clothes, my husband loves the cooked chicken counter best lol


Amazing service today after click and collect order went a bit wrong. Thank you Steven for sorting it out and doing a great job. Donut lady ������


My first time at this stores coffee shop although I use the shop all the time. The staff were friendly and helpful but I wasn't happy that if I wanted to order a breakfast, I would have to wait over half an hour. I wasn't prepared to wait that long so just had a Portuguese tart and a latte. They were tasty but not what I'd gone in for. Oh well, I'll maybe try when it's not so busy.


Went into Sainsburys today 7th December, i lose the will to live when i go to the Cafe, why do you have to be stood there for ages before you are served, and checking out, that is a complete farce, are you runnng short staffed to drive custom away, much more and i will take my money elsewhere


Like Sainsbury’s generally. Could be more vegan options and ranges available. Such as Goodfellas Vegan Pizzas.

Plus vegan options in your cafe!! No excuses! You have the food in store. Vegan breakfast. ? Margarine instead of butter? Vegan cheese.? No such options when went in with my mum. Very disappointed


It's a good store, good products, choice, reasonable prices. Staff are very friendly and helpful, but there are not enough of them. Busy Saturday afternoon, had to queue for the checkout, as five of them were closed, plus another one had a sign saying it was about to close! Need a little more focus on the customer, Sainsbury's.


What's happened to the fuel prices at your Sainsbury's, you were one of the cheapest in the Mansfield and Sutton Area. Begrudgingly I am having to go elsewhere in Mansfield as I can't afford your fuel prices.


Friday night at 7.30 and chaos at the check out! Queues at check outs, only one of the 2 bays of 6 express checkouts were open (as usual) and of the 6 that were open only 4 checkouts were working! Painful way to spend money. Sainsburys you need to get your act together and quick!


Why does it take more than 2 hours to exit the car park??? First and last time we will be here!


Visited yesterday, less than half the checkouts were open, including one full section of self service tills. Then took me 17 minutes to get out of the car park. Such a shame as it’s my nearest supermarket.


Today the car park is at grid lock. Staff not interested just say "oh really". Poor trolley lads having to deal with road rage and trying to direct people. Surely both stores need to deal with this situation instead of doing nothing. Very poor management at this store today. It's almost at the point where police traffic officers need to be called .


I've been breastfeeding for 2.5 years now with my two girls and I've had the odd comment or funny look but never have I been made to feel humiliated and reduced to tears like I did today in Sainsbury's (Mansfield, Nottinghamshire)

As most of you know I'm pro breastfeeding and proud to do so. I'll feed where ever my girls feel they are hungry. But on my terms. My choice. My discretion.

Today I went last minute holiday shopping to find a few bf friendly tops/dresses with Annabella (2 years) and Ariana (10 weeks). Half way round Annabella was getting grumpy and Ariana was screaming to be fed. I decided that as I had lots to try on I'd find a large cubical in the changing room to sit feed Ariana and chill out as I was feeling stressed with the situation before trying on the clothes.

I went in to the changing rooms the only suitable cubical was a 'disabled' style one. I went in but there was No where for me to sit. I kindly asked a member of staff if there was a seat to go in the cubical for me to sit and feed my daughter. She looked around the changing room uselessly so I pointed out there was a stool at the opening of the changing room that would be fine for me to out in the cubical. She replied that I wasn't allowed to use it. I said 'its ok it moves I can put it in the cubical' to which she replied sarcastically 'I can see that im! Im going to see if your actually allowed to move It' - seriously!??

She came back and said I wasn't allowed to move it. So I said well where am I expected to sit then to feed my daughter she shrugged her shoulders and said you can sit there pointing to the stool outside the changing rooms.

I was obviously stressed and now angry but had a screaming baby needing to be fed so just sat there and fed her.

Now I don't mind feeding in public. It's natural and beautiful. But when you are stressed and forced to sit in such an open busy space with men walking by to change I felt totally humiliated.

The amount of people that walked by giving me looks as if I was just being stubborn or proving a point that I breast feeding. I could see people looking at the changing room as if to say seriously you couldn't just have gone in there.

I know it's not right for people to make me feel like this but ultimately I'm absolutely in pieces right now because yes it does hurt to get 'looks'

And I'm fuming that Sainsburys staff feel it's ok to make me feel this way.

After I'd already fed the same girl came up to me and offered to get me a chair from upstairs. I replied no point now I'm finished.

I tried to complain to the 'manager' who passed me on to the clothing manager. Who to be honest wasn't helpful in the slightest and did nothing to make me feel in anyway better.

To make it even worse I was that up set and stressed I just chucked everything I had in my basket to try on on to the front desk to pay so I could just leave (without trying or checking the clothes) and ended up spending £230.60!!!!!! Again I was that upset I just paid it and walked out.

After walking away towards the doors the cashier muttered 'JESUS CHRIST' and rolled her eyes. Yes I saw you do this. And your added comments didn't help me at all.

To top it off my phone fell out the window as I drive off and an on coming car ran over it and smashed it to pieces.


I literally feel like the most harassed person ever. Today I went to this Sainsbury's to pick up some sweets after the cinema for a sleepover with my mates, I'm 13 by the way. A security guard followed us round the entire shop attempting to hide from us after we had noticed him, of course we thought nothing of it, but when the same man goes the the front desk framing me and my friend of shoplifting I am disgusted! We were stopped at the exit by a man who forced us to empty our pockets because we were 'shoplifting'. We exclaimed that we had payed for everything and you could see he wanted to get us in trouble after he said that we were on camera stealing sweets from the pick and mix isle. I'm not sure if I'll ever go to this Sainsbury's again after feeling so harassed and violated.


I hate this store, in particular I hate that you released my Fiance from his supposedly permanent contract on 23rd December 2016, just used him up until Christmas. Well thanks very much, now we are homeless thanks to this store's lies! It was my little boy's first Christmas, and it was ruined, he now has no home because we had to leave! Anyone getting employed by this store be careful they might just use you to, don't want this to happen to anyone else, utterly disgusted and devastated that Sainsbury's in Mansfield ruined everything for me and my family. Special thanks to the clothing manager Ceri Brown � not! Just wanted you to know that you have made a family homeless.


I cannot moan enough! You Need better cctv in Carpark as today someone crashed into my car but no cctv of the carpark area (apparently) just the cash points, and recycling area(cud this is obviously more important than the safety of people and there vehicles) the security guard basically shrugged his shoulders and asked what do u want me to do? Well as far as I'm concerned what a joke! The customer service skills of the staff was shocking! No care for people didn't even look bothered. Except for one young trolley pusher he was lovely he is the only person that had a heart!


Crap. Just been to this shop for the first time and bought these lovely potatoes. Won't be coming back any time soon!!!!


Car park is atrocious! Just sat for 20 minutes waiting to get out and no sign of anyone from the store to help. Sort it out Saintsbury's before the Xmas rush!!!!


Car park is a health and safety issue. Today completely gridlocked. If an ambulance needed to be called to your site then you would be held accountable. A solution needs to be found for the whole retail park. Poor planning on the part of businesses and council.


Just wanted to say what fab staff you have. A shout out goes to Nicky in the cafe. After the lift broke down and I was with both disabled parent and our shopping, Nicky went out of her way to help making several trips up/down stairs and lift to help me get them and the shopping back to the car. Mum forgot where she’s put the car � and so Nicky helped her to find it and load the car up with our shopping. Thankyou Nicky you are a star �


It is my favourite supermarket, it has everything you need and more, the service is great and everyone is polite and friendly and very willing to help. I love the home section and the clothes, my husband loves the cooked chicken counter best lol


Amazing service today after click and collect order went a bit wrong. Thank you Steven for sorting it out and doing a great job. Donut lady ������


My first time at this stores coffee shop although I use the shop all the time. The staff were friendly and helpful but I wasn't happy that if I wanted to order a breakfast, I would have to wait over half an hour. I wasn't prepared to wait that long so just had a Portuguese tart and a latte. They were tasty but not what I'd gone in for. Oh well, I'll maybe try when it's not so busy.


Went into Sainsburys today 7th December, i lose the will to live when i go to the Cafe, why do you have to be stood there for ages before you are served, and checking out, that is a complete farce, are you runnng short staffed to drive custom away, much more and i will take my money elsewhere


Like Sainsbury’s generally. Could be more vegan options and ranges available. Such as Goodfellas Vegan Pizzas.

Plus vegan options in your cafe!! No excuses! You have the food in store. Vegan breakfast. ? Margarine instead of butter? Vegan cheese.? No such options when went in with my mum. Very disappointed


It's a good store, good products, choice, reasonable prices. Staff are very friendly and helpful, but there are not enough of them. Busy Saturday afternoon, had to queue for the checkout, as five of them were closed, plus another one had a sign saying it was about to close! Need a little more focus on the customer, Sainsbury's.


What's happened to the fuel prices at your Sainsbury's, you were one of the cheapest in the Mansfield and Sutton Area. Begrudgingly I am having to go elsewhere in Mansfield as I can't afford your fuel prices.


Friday night at 7.30 and chaos at the check out! Queues at check outs, only one of the 2 bays of 6 express checkouts were open (as usual) and of the 6 that were open only 4 checkouts were working! Painful way to spend money. Sainsburys you need to get your act together and quick!


Why does it take more than 2 hours to exit the car park??? First and last time we will be here!


Visited yesterday, less than half the checkouts were open, including one full section of self service tills. Then took me 17 minutes to get out of the car park. Such a shame as it’s my nearest supermarket.


Today the car park is at grid lock. Staff not interested just say "oh really". Poor trolley lads having to deal with road rage and trying to direct people. Surely both stores need to deal with this situation instead of doing nothing. Very poor management at this store today. It's almost at the point where police traffic officers need to be called .


I've been breastfeeding for 2.5 years now with my two girls and I've had the odd comment or funny look but never have I been made to feel humiliated and reduced to tears like I did today in Sainsbury's (Mansfield, Nottinghamshire)

As most of you know I'm pro breastfeeding and proud to do so. I'll feed where ever my girls feel they are hungry. But on my terms. My choice. My discretion.

Today I went last minute holiday shopping to find a few bf friendly tops/dresses with Annabella (2 years) and Ariana (10 weeks). Half way round Annabella was getting grumpy and Ariana was screaming to be fed. I decided that as I had lots to try on I'd find a large cubical in the changing room to sit feed Ariana and chill out as I was feeling stressed with the situation before trying on the clothes.

I went in to the changing rooms the only suitable cubical was a 'disabled' style one. I went in but there was No where for me to sit. I kindly asked a member of staff if there was a seat to go in the cubical for me to sit and feed my daughter. She looked around the changing room uselessly so I pointed out there was a stool at the opening of the changing room that would be fine for me to out in the cubical. She replied that I wasn't allowed to use it. I said 'its ok it moves I can put it in the cubical' to which she replied sarcastically 'I can see that im! Im going to see if your actually allowed to move It' - seriously!??

She came back and said I wasn't allowed to move it. So I said well where am I expected to sit then to feed my daughter she shrugged her shoulders and said you can sit there pointing to the stool outside the changing rooms.

I was obviously stressed and now angry but had a screaming baby needing to be fed so just sat there and fed her.

Now I don't mind feeding in public. It's natural and beautiful. But when you are stressed and forced to sit in such an open busy space with men walking by to change I felt totally humiliated.

The amount of people that walked by giving me looks as if I was just being stubborn or proving a point that I breast feeding. I could see people looking at the changing room as if to say seriously you couldn't just have gone in there.

I know it's not right for people to make me feel like this but ultimately I'm absolutely in pieces right now because yes it does hurt to get 'looks'

And I'm fuming that Sainsburys staff feel it's ok to make me feel this way.

After I'd already fed the same girl came up to me and offered to get me a chair from upstairs. I replied no point now I'm finished.

I tried to complain to the 'manager' who passed me on to the clothing manager. Who to be honest wasn't helpful in the slightest and did nothing to make me feel in anyway better.

To make it even worse I was that up set and stressed I just chucked everything I had in my basket to try on on to the front desk to pay so I could just leave (without trying or checking the clothes) and ended up spending £230.60!!!!!! Again I was that upset I just paid it and walked out.

After walking away towards the doors the cashier muttered 'JESUS CHRIST' and rolled her eyes. Yes I saw you do this. And your added comments didn't help me at all.

To top it off my phone fell out the window as I drive off and an on coming car ran over it and smashed it to pieces.


I literally feel like the most harassed person ever. Today I went to this Sainsbury's to pick up some sweets after the cinema for a sleepover with my mates, I'm 13 by the way. A security guard followed us round the entire shop attempting to hide from us after we had noticed him, of course we thought nothing of it, but when the same man goes the the front desk framing me and my friend of shoplifting I am disgusted! We were stopped at the exit by a man who forced us to empty our pockets because we were 'shoplifting'. We exclaimed that we had payed for everything and you could see he wanted to get us in trouble after he said that we were on camera stealing sweets from the pick and mix isle. I'm not sure if I'll ever go to this Sainsbury's again after feeling so harassed and violated.


I hate this store, in particular I hate that you released my Fiance from his supposedly permanent contract on 23rd December 2016, just used him up until Christmas. Well thanks very much, now we are homeless thanks to this store's lies! It was my little boy's first Christmas, and it was ruined, he now has no home because we had to leave! Anyone getting employed by this store be careful they might just use you to, don't want this to happen to anyone else, utterly disgusted and devastated that Sainsbury's in Mansfield ruined everything for me and my family. Special thanks to the clothing manager Ceri Brown � not! Just wanted you to know that you have made a family homeless.


I cannot moan enough! You Need better cctv in Carpark as today someone crashed into my car but no cctv of the carpark area (apparently) just the cash points, and recycling area(cud this is obviously more important than the safety of people and there vehicles) the security guard basically shrugged his shoulders and asked what do u want me to do? Well as far as I'm concerned what a joke! The customer service skills of the staff was shocking! No care for people didn't even look bothered. Except for one young trolley pusher he was lovely he is the only person that had a heart!


Crap. Just been to this shop for the first time and bought these lovely potatoes. Won't be coming back any time soon!!!!


Car park is atrocious! Just sat for 20 minutes waiting to get out and no sign of anyone from the store to help. Sort it out Saintsbury's before the Xmas rush!!!!


Car park is a health and safety issue. Today completely gridlocked. If an ambulance needed to be called to your site then you would be held accountable. A solution needs to be found for the whole retail park. Poor planning on the part of businesses and council.

More about Sainsbury'S

Sainsbury'S is located at Nottingham Road, NG18 1BW Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
Monday: 07:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 22:00
Friday: 07:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00