St. Anne'S Roman Catholic Church Radcliffe-On-Trent

About St. Anne'S Roman Catholic Church Radcliffe-On-Trent

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Prior to the 1960s Radcliffe-on-Trent, Bingham and district were part of the Catholic parish of the Holy Spirit in West Bridgford. The priest came out to Radcliffe-on-Trent each Sunday to offer Mass in a tin hut on lower Shelford Road.
St. Anne’s Chapel of Ease and Church Hall was designed as the First Phase in an ultimate development consisting of Church Hall, Church and Presbytery. The contract was commenced in January, 1962 and was opened by the late Bishop Ellis of Nottingham on July 26th, 1962 on the Feast Day of St. Anne.
The Church Hall accommodated about 170 people at that time. The Altar was of brick with an Ancaster Stone Altar Slab and the Altar Candles were obtained from an Italian designer by the Rev, Fr. Buckley. The car park held up to 30 cars on the site that was allotted for the future Church and Presbytery.
The area covered by St. Anne’s Parish stretches from Gamston to Bottesford and takes in about 28 villages as well as Radcliffe-on-Trent and Bingham town. Parishioners may travel 8-10 miles to celebrate Sunday Mass together and receive Jesus in Holy Communion.
In the 1980s extensions were made to St. Anne’s hall providing catering facilities, a meeting room and extra seating for weekend Masses. Later, in the 1990s, the presbytery was extended, adding an office and a small reception room. A new sacristy was also built on to the hall. It was only on 26th July 2002, on the 40th anniversary of it’s opening, that St. Anne’s was consecrated as a Church by the present Bishop, Rt. Rev. Malcolm McMahon O. P.



CARDINAL CORMAC MURPHY O'CONNOR, has died at the age of 85. He became the 10th Archbishop of Westminster in March 2000. His genial warmth, pastoral concern and genuine love for those in his care will be missed, but also celebrated with thanks. May his good soul rest in peace and rise in glory.


THE FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING. ‘That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in Heaven, on earth and under the earth: And that every tongue should confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father.’ Philippians 2:10-11
Next Sunday is THE FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT year A. Advent is a season observed in many Western Christian churches as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. The term is a version of the Latin word meaning ‘coming’.


Remembrance Sunday is held on the Sunday closest to November 11th. It is the day when we remember the men and women who lost their lives during two World Wars, and other conflicts over the years to the present day.
Lord God, our Heavenly Father, at this special time of remembrance we think about those of the past who gave their lives serving our Country in two World Wars. We also remember those who have lost their lives in other war torn areas of the World over the years. We ...pray for those who have been maimed during wars, and now have to adjust to new and sometimes difficult ways of life. We ask that you will be near them in times of difficulty and pain. At this time we pray for the families of Service men and women who cope at home while their loved ones are involved in war in other parts of the World. We pray that people will show love and respect for one another and learn to live in peace. We pray too that your Kingdom may come here on earth, and through the power of your Holy Spirit our prayers will be granted in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
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Mother Teresa has been declared a saint by Pope Francis during a mass attended by hundreds of thousands of people at the Vatican. Just 19 years after her death the nun becomes the first saint to have been awarded the Noble Peace Prize. Applause erupted around St Peter's Square even before Francis finished pronouncing the rite of canonisation at the start of the Mass at the Vatican. The service was live streamed to Kolkata in India, where Mother Teresa famously worked with the poor.…/…/Mother- Teresa-declared-a-saint


Fr. Anthony thanks everyone for the many cards & prayers offerred for his recovery.


DID YOU KNOW that Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, a title he holds ex officio as Bishop of Rome, and Sovereign of the Vatican City. He chose Francis as his papal name in honour of Saint Francis of Assisi. Francis is the first Jesuit pope, the first from the Americas, the first from the Southern Hemisphere and the first non-European pope since the Syrian Gregory III, who died in 741.


Come and join us for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursday evenings - you will be made very welcome.


Forty Days for Life /nottingham/


There are several reasons why it was fitting for John to baptize Jesus at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. Jesus was about to embark on His great work, and it was appropriate that He be recognized publicly by His forerunner. John was the 'voice crying in the wilderness' prophesied by Isaiah, calling people to repentance in preparation for their Messiah. By baptizing Him, John was declaring to all that here was the One they had been waiting for, the Son of God, the One he had predicted would baptize 'with the Holy Spirit and fire’.


Bishop Patrick spent the weekend at St. Anne's. We very much enjoyed his visit and prayers.


We warmly welcomed Bishop Patrick to St. Anne's for Confirmations.

More about St. Anne'S Roman Catholic Church Radcliffe-On-Trent

St. Anne'S Roman Catholic Church Radcliffe-On-Trent is located at 6 New Road, NG12 2AJ Nottingham, United Kingdom
+44 115 933 2738