St Giles Church Matlock

About St Giles Church Matlock

Saint Giles is the ancient parish church of Matlock. Please see our website for calendar and details of services. Main Sunday Service 0930 Holy Eucharist.

St Giles Church Matlock Description

Saint Giles is the ancient parish church of Matlock. Our church life is centred on the Sunday morning Sung Eucharist where, within the Anglican liturgy, we aim to combine the traditional and modern, the formal and relaxed, drawing worshippers of all ages. We aim to make the beauty and symbolism of our sacramental tradition available to a new generation. By our regular weekday celebrations of Holy Communion and our care for our much loved church building we provide a place where the Word of God may be heard in stillness and peace. Through our service in the local community, our social life and works of witness, we aim to be a channel by which men and women may seek God. Please see our website www. stgilesmatlock. co. uk for the calendar and details of services.



Photos from the Nightingale Service at Christ Church Holloway on Saturday 11th May.


Why not join us for the the contemplative service of Benediction on Sunday 19th May at 6.30 pm? And in the morning we celebrate the Eucharist at 8 am and 9.30 am and 11 am at Christ Church.


Do join us for Godly Play at 5.30 pm on Wednesday 15th May. We will be thinking about the Easter Candle. Then it will be tea time.


Everyone welcome to join us on Saturday for the Nightingale Service at Christ Church, Holloway, at 11 am. The Derby Hospitals Choir will be singing and the address will be given by Professor Mark Radford, Deputy Chief Nursing Officer, NHS Improvement. Among the guests will be Colonel John Wilson, Vice Lord Lieutenant, and Lord Burlington, High Sheriff.


The window in the north aisle of Saint Giles depicting the Good Shepherd. In the gospel on Sunday 12th May Jesus says ‘My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. No one will snatch them out of my hand.’ Eucharists at 8 am and 9.30 at Saint Giles. Family Service at Holloway Chapel at 11 am. Evensong at Christ Church at 6.30 pm. Everyone welcome.


A celebration of the life of Florence Nightingale is being held at Christ Church, Holloway, the village where her family lived, at 11 am on Saturday 11th May. The Derby Hospitals Choir will be singing during this service. Do join us.


The gospel story on Sunday 5th May is about the Risen Jesus making breakfast for his disciples. Emily Brailsford is talking about this story at the Family Eucharist at 9.30 am. There is also Morning Prayer and Holy Communion at Dethick at 11 am (Dethick window pictured below). And an earlier Eucharist at 8 am at Saint Giles. Everyone welcome.


Sunday 28th April is the second Sunday of Easter. Many of the Easter decorations are still in church. Do join us in our continued celebration of the resurrection. Eucharist at 8 am, Sung Eucharist and Baptism at 9.30 am, Eucharist at Christ Church at 11 am. And a chance to be still and enjoy the silence at Breathing Space at 6.30 pm.


Lighting of the Easter Fire and singing of the Exsultet


Our churches are ready for Easter Sunday. Do celebrate the Resurrection with us at 8am or 9.30am or at Holloway at 11am, and Dethick at 6.30 pm.


Don’t forget to stay behind after tonight’s 7.30 pm Easter Vigil as we will be breaking our Lent Fast together with a glass of wine


The Paschal Candles for our three churches ready for the Easter Vigil beginning at 7.30 pm on Holy Saturday 20th April. Do join us for the blessing of the Easter fire, the vigil and the first Mass of Easter. Afterwards we will break our Lenten fast with a glass of wine in the north aisle.


The Altar has been stripped towards the end of the Maundy Thursday Eucharist to express the desolation of our Lord’s arrest. The crucifix, covered with a veil, awaits the moving ceremony of the veneration of the Cross on Good Friday. Good Friday services at 11 am at Christ Church and 2 pm at Saint Giles. Do come.


The Altar of Repose where we kept watch till midnight in union with our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane. On the way home l saw the Passover moon. ‘You shall keep this day as a day of remembrance, and make it a pilgrim-feast, a festival of the Lord; you shall keep it generation after generation as a rule for all time.’ Exodus 12:14


This evening, our three churches rang their bells at 7pm for Notre Dame, before our Eucharists of Maundy Thursday. This was the view from Dethick Church.

More about St Giles Church Matlock

St Giles Church Matlock is located at 116 Church Street, DE4 3BZ Matlock, Derbyshire