St Jude'S Church, Mapperley

About St Jude'S Church, Mapperley

Everyone is welcome! https://live. stjudes. church
Sunday Services: 10am Morning Worship / 7pm Contemplative Service

St Jude'S Church, Mapperley Description

Welcome to our Facebook page!

We're a friendly community of Christians, based a couple of miles outside of Nottingham's city centre. We're a really good mix of people and our passion is to know God more deeply, to love each other, and to serve people's needs.

We'd love to meet you. Our Sunday services are at 8: 45 and 10: 30. On special occasions - Christmas, Easter, Remembrance Day, and so on - we have a slightly different pattern, but we'll post changes on this page.

If you want to know more, please leave a comment on this page!

If you'd like to enquire about booking the halls for an event, please e-mail the office on office@stjudes. church



The wonderful Paula speaking about fostering.


Come and join us as we look at the first Easter through games, crafts, music and food! Something for all ages!


Mothering Sunday is this Sunday. Come along and share God's word (and love) with the church family in our Traditional service at 9:15am or All Age Worship service at 11am. All Welcome.


"When the time came, he set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, became human! Having become human, he stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn't claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death - and the worst kind of at that - a crucifixion"
Come along to our 9:15am tradtional or 11am relaxed morning worship services to hear more.
Messy Church (for parents / c...arers and primary(ish) age children) is on this Sunday from 3pm with a meal included.
All welcome.
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This Sunday we will be looking at Psalm 1. The Message version says 'Instead you thrill to God's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. You're a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, never dropping a leaf, always in blossom' (v2-3).
Jesus studied the Scriptures, and we must too, to really learn who God and grow in our relationship with him.
We will be having 1 service, starting at 10:30 so that we can have our AGM afterwards, followed by a bring and lunch afterwards.
See you Sunday ☺
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"God, your name is eternal, God, you'll never be out-of-date. God stands up for his people, God holds the hands of his people." Psalm 135v13-14 (The Message).
... This Sunday we are starting a new series about what we believe, focusing on We Believe in One God.
Come along to our services to find out more:
9:15am traditional 11am relaxed morning worship
All Welcome.
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A delicious breakfast and talk from a Christian working in Prison Education called 'Life and Faith on the Inside, Why Education Matters'.
If you plan on attending please contact


Tea, coffee, cakes and a chance to win an Easter Egg as well as fair trade products for sale.


This Sunday is our All Age Service and we are looking at Jesus breaking the Law. Luke 6v9 says: 'The Jesus addressed them, "Let me ask you something: What kind of action suits the Sabbath best? Doing good or doing evil? Helping people or leaving them helpless?" '
We will be exploring the theme of loving people rather than just the law. This can be summed up in Romans 13v8b: 'When you love others, you complete what the law has been after all along.' Both verses taken fro...m The Message.
Services this Sunday: 9:15am Traditional, 11am All Age, 6:30pm Prayer Meeting
All welcome.
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This is a key time for many of our children and young people, and we're making some important decisions about how the work is resourced and staffed over the next few weeks. Come and pray for children and young people's work. Sunday 3rd March, 6:30pm.
"We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done." Ps 78:4


Looking for something to do this Saturday? Come along to our family fun afternoon. Starts at 3pm, with food at 5pm. You're welcome anytime.
There will be an inflatable bouncy slide, indoor and outdoor play (Weather permitting), competition games and more.
Please bring a plate of food to share. No charge for the event.


They asked him, "John's disciples are well-known for keeping fasts and saying prayers. Also the Pharisees. But you seem to spend most of your time at parties. Why?" Jesus said, "When you're celebrating a wedding, you don't skimp on the cake and wine. You feast. Later you may need to pull in your belt, but this isn't the time. As long as the bride and groom are with you, you have a good time. When the groom is gone, the fasting can begin. No one throws cold water on a f...riendly bonfire. This is Kingdom Come!" Luke 5v33-35 The Message.
Come along on Sunday to our 9:15am traditional or 11am relaxed morning worship to hear more about Jesus partying with sinners.
All welcome
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Forgiveness is something we crave (whether we realise it or not) and Jesus wants us to come to him for forgiveness. Come along to our 9:15am traditional or 11am relaxed morning worship to hear more about Forgiveness.


We're renewing our Electoral Roll at the moment - contact the Office if you'd like to be on it!


"One day in one of the villages there was a man covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus he fell down before in prayer and said, 'If you want to, you can cleanse me.' Jesus put out his hand, touched him, and said, 'I want to. Be clean.'
Luke 5v12-13 (The Message).
... Come along to our services on Sunday and find out more about Jesus touching the unclean.
9:15am Traditional 11am Relaxed Morning Worship.
All welcome.
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This is a critical time in the life of our nation, and we need to pray. Come and pray for our nation. This Sunday, 6:30pm, St Jude's Church, NG3 5HE. All welcome.


This Sunday our focus is on Jesus calling the Unworthy - looking at the passage where Jesus said to Simon "There is nothing to fear. From now on you'll be fishing for men and women." (Luke 5v10 The Message).
Come along to hear more about our calling to spread the message.
9:15am Traditional... 11am Relaxed All Age Worship 6:30pm Prayer Meeting
All Welcome.
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Come along and enjoy playing a board game or two with your family / friends / neighbours / anyone this Saturday afternoon.
There will be a selection of board games, challenges and other games available to play, plus an area for toddlers to play in.
Food will be served at 5pm. All we ask is for you to bring a plate of food to share. Examples include: sandwiches, sausage rolls, crisps, salad, fruit, cakes, soft drinks....
... We hope to see you there.
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More about St Jude'S Church, Mapperley

St Jude'S Church, Mapperley is located at 405 Woodborough Road, NG3 5HE Nottingham, United Kingdom