Steve Sheppard Transformation Coaching

Monday: 06:00 - 19:30
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 19:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 19:30
Friday: 06:00 - 15:30
Saturday: 06:00 - 09:30
Sunday: -

About Steve Sheppard Transformation Coaching

✅Performance 360 is all about performing beyond what you ever thought possible. It doesn’t matter if you are a mum of 3, a busy business owner or a professional athlete. We will make you better in every way!



ūüí•Motivation Mondayūüí•
Check out our super mum Christie Portman post from the London marathon yesterday ūüí™ūüŹĽūüí™ūüŹĽūüí™ūüŹĽūüí™ūüŹĽūüí™ūüŹĽū üí™ūüŹĽūüí™ūüŹĽūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľ ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹÉūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ


Super pumped for our super mum Christie Portman who runs the London Marathon this weekend. Christie has such amazing work ethic, and she’s certainly put in the hard work for this event. She’s does this not only by attending our group training sessions, but also doing her own training as well as bringing up her lovely children Charlie and Georgie who isn’t even 1 yet.
You‚Äôve got this ūüí™ūüŹĽ
... If you can sponsor Christie for this great charity it would be very much appreciated.
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ūüí•Great post from our personal nutritionist Shane J Nugent MSc.
ūüĎĆūüŹĽShane provides all our clients with daily content to support them with all things nutrition.
ūüí•We only provide the highest standards for our clients and Shane certainly delivers


On May 19th, 2019 - members and clients in association with Steve Sheppard Transformation Centre will be participating in the Tough Mudder event in order to raise funds for the John Eastwood Hospice and the NUH Cystic Fibrosis Centre.
Both charities are very close to a number of our members' hearts, and we will do our utmost to make a substantial contribution. The Tough Mudder event itself will be mentally and physically challenging for all involved, but the motivation of co...mpleting the course for such a worthy cause will make every second worthwhile.
That being said, on the morning of Saturday May 11th we will be hosting a fundraising event at Steve Sheppard Transformation Centre to raise money for this great cause. This event will be opened up to the public and people who are not members of the gym - all we ask is that you generously donate to our worthwhile cause. The morning will be filled with exercise challenges, workouts, leg waxing, plunge pool challenges, eating challenges, raffles and competitions. Food and alcoholic beverages will be supplied for all attendees if you needed anymore incentive to join us on this activity-packed morning.
All donations will be greatly much appreciated, we cannot do this without you! We look forward to seeing you there!
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ūüĒėIt‚Äôs a pleasure to announce that we have now teamed up with expert nutritionist Shane J Nugent MSc. Shane is qualified at international Olympic committee level ūüĎĆūüŹĽ
ūüĒėHe will be providing daily nutritional support for our clients.
ūüĒėI‚Äôm a keen believer in working with only the best in the industry and Shane certainly ticks that box.


ūüďćDid you know each month we test our clients in a number of lifts and fitness tests.
ūüďćThis is a great opportunity for our clients to realmy test themselves and try and beat their old personal bests.
... ūüďćDid you also know that EVERY SINGLE CLIENT has always got at least 3 personal bests each month since we started.
ūüďćWe love this week, the atmosphere in the gym is buzzing and the sense of community and support is unreal. One of the many reasons why our clients come to us ūüí™ūüŹĽ
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ūüĒėIf you want a personal trainer that just beasts you for an hour, then go to your bog standard gym and you will find plenty.
ūüĒėHowever, if you want to change your life then you need a coach, 2 very different things.
ūüĒėWe are in the business of changing people lives. Julie is now in her 3rd week of training and has progressed more that she ever thought possible. Her history with training has only ever lead to injuries and loss of faith in trainers.
... ūüĒėYou shouldn‚Äôt judge your sessions on how hard your trainer can beast you, any old monkey can make some one tired. What it should be judged on is, have you left that session better than you came in?
Have you increased your Strength Fitness Mobility Skill set Knowledge and understanding Do you feel a sense of achievement and are already buzzing for your next session?
ūüĒėWe should be looking at longevity with clients.
ūüĒėJulie only lifted 30kg on her first session, she‚Äôs now hitting 60kg for 8 reps with great form and no back issues, that‚Äôs called coaching.
ūüĒėSo take a minute and ask yourself ‚Äúam I being coached or just beasted?‚ÄĚ
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ūüĒėHow many of you train correctly and train hard enough?
ūüĒėThe amount of people I see in gyms sat on their phones, not even in the moment of training, taking selfies, not engaging the muscle correctly and just wasting their time is crazy.
... ūüĒė Your training session should be hard, it should push you and actually at times make you want to stop. How many of you have felt that deep burn of a muscle or pushed that hard on a rower you can‚Äôt catch your breath? You ask any of our clients and they all experience this. Now I‚Äôm not saying you should smash yourself every session but we must train with purpose and intensity. One of the great reasons why our clients see results both physically and mentally. We coach them how to do this!
ūüĒėSo put your phone away, and actually train, or put yourself in an environment that will test you, educate and support you.
ūüĒėWell done Dave Goff and Kate Goff for pushing hard ūüí™ūüŹĽ
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ūüí•Carbs are your friendūüí•
ūüí•Pre-work out push fuel ūüí•
ūüĒėSo here are my overnight oats ingredients:... Oats Protein powder Half banana Raspberries Spoon of Peanut butter Dash of low cal choc shot
ūüĒėNow if anyone says you shouldn‚Äôt eat carbs, you should eat ‚Äústeak lard and a bullet proof coffee.‚ÄĚ Kindly smile and carry on with your day.
ūüĒėGetting your carbs in and around your workout window is a clever way to use them optimally. Remember, we need to be fuelled for our workouts not depleted and low on energy. Now because I‚Äôm on a little cut (dropping body fat for my holiday) I will then ease off carbs for the rest of the day, not completely just not as much as I normally would. Around 3000 cals for the day. So if you‚Äôre looking at fat loss or strength, try the above before you hit the gym.
ūüĒėAlso remember to track your calories and macros for optimal results and you can then still enjoy the nice things and be adherent to your diet which is the number one rule for diet success.
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ūüí•Nutritional adviceūüí•
ūüďćIf you go low carb then we must make sure we increase our fat content. But still remain in our calorie deficit. Remember fat has the most calories per gram (9 calories per gram) so it can be easy to over consume if not tracked.
... ūüďćAnother important reason to increase fats when we reduce carbs is to help with hormone function especially in females. Don‚Äôt go zero carbs as the likelihood of you sustaining this is pretty slim. Think long term adherence.
ūüďćCrunch do a brilliant low carb breakfast box.
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ūüí•Motivation Monday ūüí•
Love the process
Love the pain
... Love the little wins
Love the big wins
Love improving each day
Love healthy food
Love being out of your comfort zone
Love being in a supportive environment
Love the change you see in the mirror
Love the change you feel mentally
Learn to love the process and it will all be worth it
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It‚Äôs an oldie but still a good one ūüĎćūüŹĽ
Let’s stop listening to your friend Karen, she’s not trained to give you health advise. Listen to the pros.


ūüĒėNo bro reps here.
‚úÖDid you know that the best way to build muscle is to put the muscle under tension?
ūüĒėTime under tension is simply moving the weight from point A to point B in a certain time. For example this mornings session with Darren Dennis we performed 4 sets of bicep curls with a tempo of 3021. This means we took 3 seconds to lower the weight, (eccentric ) 0 pause at the bottom, 2 seconds to lift the weight (concentric ) then a 1 second contraction at the top.
... ūüĒėNotice we are not lifting heavy weights, but by the 3rd/4th set those dumbbells will feel like a tonne. So if you want to build muscle, stop trying to throw the weights around you can‚Äôt control and put the muscle under tension.
‚úÖCheck out that pump ūüí™ūüŹĽ
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ūüĒėWho loves cardio???
ūüĒėNow for me I believe it plays a vital role in your overall health. Let‚Äôs take a typical body builder, they have the appearance of fitness but when it actually comes down to it, they struggle to walk on the treadmill for 30 mins and would probably have a heart attack if I asked them to run.
ūüĒėI think we should all have a good level of cardiovascular fitness, it‚Äôs ok looking buff but what can you actually do with it? Look at the Pro CrossFit athletes, those... guys and girls have great physiques but also amazing cardio.
ūüĒėNo one wants to spend an hour on a treadmill, I couldn‚Äôt think of anything worse. So make your cardio fun. We like to use the rower, Skierg and assault bike. So make sure you get some form good cardio in your workouts. It will benefit you so much.
‚úÖTry this cheeky one!!!!
500m row Rest 1min 400m row Rest 1 min 300m row Rest 1 min 200m row Rest 1 min 100m row
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ūüí•are you being beasted or are you being coached ? There‚Äôs a massive difference.


All of our team know this feeling ūüėā
It‚Äôs all worth it long term ūüôĆūüŹĽ
Get comfortable being uncomfortable ūüí™ūüŹĽ


A bit of throw back Thursday ūüí™ūüŹĽ such fun to see much we‚Äôve come on.


ūüí•I love Mondays ūüí•
The perfect day to start moving our clients forward both physically and mentally. This week is testing week, where clients try and beat all their personal bests in a number of lifts and fitness based movements.
... Starting the day off with John taking 10 seconds off his 500m row time. Its all about trusting the process.
What does your Monday look like?
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Another superb week of training for our clients.
Here are just a few of our highlights
Brent Lane 200kg trap bar deadlift
... Karl Angell 200kg trap bar deadlift
Dave Robinson 9lbs down in his 2 weeks of training
Claire Sheppard straight bar deadlift PB 55kg
Christie Portman back in the swing of things and marathon training well underway
Jono Edwards with dropping body fat and cm
Alison Corbett really improving her strength and body composition, look at that back !
Alison Louise Smith new trap bar deadlift 102.5kg
Jessica Louise Smith-Launay new trap bar deadlift 102.5kg
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Steve is such a motivating individual who pushes you to get results. I saw fantastic results when I attended his classes regularly. Wish I could do it more !!!!


Steve is so supportive and encouraging and has made such a difference to my commitment. So happy at the changes I've made. Thanks Steve ÔŅĹÔŅĹ x


Steve is one of the most naturally motivational people I've met. He has a thirst for the positive side of things and clearly a great passion for all he works with to do well. This is felt in every training session I attend.

The sessions are upbeat and great fun. I feel physically and mentally better after every one!

Steve has a great knowledge about good diet regimes that are realistic which I think is important to the sustainability of a good healthy diet!

100% would recommend Steve to anyone.


Steve is a great trainer with lots of knowledge and experience. Since joining his Bootfit group I've totally changed how I view exercise and food. The group are an amazing group of people who support and help each other, no matter what level of ability. I would highly recommend Steve.


Steve is a fantastic trainer, I have achieved amazing results since going to his classes. He as taught me loads and is passionate about what he does. There is a lovely group of people there and it's always a happy environment to be in


My first ever session was a killer but I'm 18months into my journey with Steve and I won't ever look back. Nearly 3 stone lighter and so much stronger and fitter. Steve is passionate, and as a trainer is always learning and changing it up to keep each session interesting. He pushes you to your limits and beyond. The whole group and support is second to none! Give it a try. You'll never look back!


Keeping me motivated when complacency kicks in! I look forward to each and every session and can't thank you enough Steve.


I’ve never liked exercise but this is different. Feeling loads better, stronger and confident. Steve is someone who cares about what you want and won’t stop helping you until you get it!

Do it!


If you want genuine sustainable results with all the support you need, even when you're not in the gym, talk to Steve.

There is no one else in this area offering this level of dedication to YOUR health and well being.


I've never done any serious exercise in my life until I started attending Steve's group sessions 18 months ago. I've learned so much about nutrition and made massive improvements to my fitness and figure. Steve knows exactly how far to push his clients,no screaming in your face,and every session is different so there's no boredom. V v happy!


I have nothing but thanks to Steve. Came across his page because I was fed up of what I looked like. And thanks to his continual support I have managed to drop down 3 nearly 4 dress sizes. If you want results you want Steve sheppard


I have loved attending the Bodyfit Group alongside my normal gym sessions. Steve has made sure no session is ever the same and always makes it enjoyable. I Never thought I would say I found exercise enjoyable.


I go to the group sessions 3 times a week. The encouragement and support is amazing ÔŅĹ. The guidance on nutrition has changed the way I eat and I feel 100% more energised.


I can’t urge people enough to give Steve a try. A great guy, who listens and gives achievable advice. The training sessions are hard but great fun, I never thought I would look forward to exercise! The results are incredible. I feel fitter, more trim and he has made me more conscious of what I consume and also how to achieve simple goals in weight loss. His taste in 90s rave as training music is my only negative.....


I came yesterday for a personal training session with Jordan and I absolutely LOVED IT! The whole vibe of the place is incredible and weirdly I felt I worked harder than I ever have. The space and equipment are brilliant and Steve was so welcoming and friendly. I didn‚Äôt feel out of place at all, just super relaxed and motivated. Can‚Äôt wait to go back again! It‚Äôs always made me feel utterly out of my comfort zone going into gyms or classes but yesterday I felt fabulous! See you guys again soon and thanks so much. Mega grateful ÔŅĹ cannot recommend enough, it‚Äôs the whole package of a session that is tailored to you from exercise through to nutrition through to your mindset. See you soon ÔŅĹ


I attend body fit 360 3 times a week and love every session,because every session is different working different parts of my body and muscles,Steve always pushes me to my limit and he always knows how to get that last little bit out of me,he always targets my problem areas too,fantastic trainer,and all he wants is to help people to get fitter and feel good about them selfs,


Great session this morning with Shep... Pushed me to my limits! Fantastic facility and the equipment is top quality. Will definitely be returning


Great attitude towards his business, prioritises clients health and wellbeing rather than just the vanity side. Would recommend to anyone.


Fantastic. Steve is very good at what he does and I feel stronger and fitter already


Excellent trainer, I did one of the 12 week programs and I loved it. I learned so much that I will continue to put into practice. Steve is a really encouraging, motivating trainer with so much knowledge about diet and exercise. I would recommend Steve to anybody wanting to learn the correct way to get fit and healthy.


Can't thank Steve enough for how he has helped me change my attitude toward nutrition and exercise. I contacted him when I reached my heaviest ever weight and within 3 months I'd lost a good amount of weight, changed my eating habits and attitude towards food, felt the strongest I've ever felt, and made some good friends. The help and support I've had from other members has been brill, they have all been supportive and push me hard during the sessions. I've still got a long way to go to be where I want to be - but I know I'm in the right place to do it ÔŅĹ


Brilliant. If you want to change your body then book with this guy. His efforts are second to none. Stop putting it off book in and change your life. Be the person you want to be.


Been having PT sessions for about a month now and loving it ÔŅĹ

Gives his undivided attention and always at the end of a message for support and advice.


Steve is such a motivating individual who pushes you to get results. I saw fantastic results when I attended his classes regularly. Wish I could do it more !!!!


Steve is so supportive and encouraging and has made such a difference to my commitment. So happy at the changes I've made. Thanks Steve ÔŅĹÔŅĹ x


Steve is one of the most naturally motivational people I've met. He has a thirst for the positive side of things and clearly a great passion for all he works with to do well. This is felt in every training session I attend.

The sessions are upbeat and great fun. I feel physically and mentally better after every one!

Steve has a great knowledge about good diet regimes that are realistic which I think is important to the sustainability of a good healthy diet!

100% would recommend Steve to anyone.


Steve is a great trainer with lots of knowledge and experience. Since joining his Bootfit group I've totally changed how I view exercise and food. The group are an amazing group of people who support and help each other, no matter what level of ability. I would highly recommend Steve.


Steve is a fantastic trainer, I have achieved amazing results since going to his classes. He as taught me loads and is passionate about what he does. There is a lovely group of people there and it's always a happy environment to be in


My first ever session was a killer but I'm 18months into my journey with Steve and I won't ever look back. Nearly 3 stone lighter and so much stronger and fitter. Steve is passionate, and as a trainer is always learning and changing it up to keep each session interesting. He pushes you to your limits and beyond. The whole group and support is second to none! Give it a try. You'll never look back!


Keeping me motivated when complacency kicks in! I look forward to each and every session and can't thank you enough Steve.


I’ve never liked exercise but this is different. Feeling loads better, stronger and confident. Steve is someone who cares about what you want and won’t stop helping you until you get it!

Do it!


If you want genuine sustainable results with all the support you need, even when you're not in the gym, talk to Steve.

There is no one else in this area offering this level of dedication to YOUR health and well being.


I've never done any serious exercise in my life until I started attending Steve's group sessions 18 months ago. I've learned so much about nutrition and made massive improvements to my fitness and figure. Steve knows exactly how far to push his clients,no screaming in your face,and every session is different so there's no boredom. V v happy!


I have nothing but thanks to Steve. Came across his page because I was fed up of what I looked like. And thanks to his continual support I have managed to drop down 3 nearly 4 dress sizes. If you want results you want Steve sheppard


I have loved attending the Bodyfit Group alongside my normal gym sessions. Steve has made sure no session is ever the same and always makes it enjoyable. I Never thought I would say I found exercise enjoyable.


I go to the group sessions 3 times a week. The encouragement and support is amazing ÔŅĹ. The guidance on nutrition has changed the way I eat and I feel 100% more energised.


I can’t urge people enough to give Steve a try. A great guy, who listens and gives achievable advice. The training sessions are hard but great fun, I never thought I would look forward to exercise! The results are incredible. I feel fitter, more trim and he has made me more conscious of what I consume and also how to achieve simple goals in weight loss. His taste in 90s rave as training music is my only negative.....


I came yesterday for a personal training session with Jordan and I absolutely LOVED IT! The whole vibe of the place is incredible and weirdly I felt I worked harder than I ever have. The space and equipment are brilliant and Steve was so welcoming and friendly. I didn‚Äôt feel out of place at all, just super relaxed and motivated. Can‚Äôt wait to go back again! It‚Äôs always made me feel utterly out of my comfort zone going into gyms or classes but yesterday I felt fabulous! See you guys again soon and thanks so much. Mega grateful ÔŅĹ cannot recommend enough, it‚Äôs the whole package of a session that is tailored to you from exercise through to nutrition through to your mindset. See you soon ÔŅĹ


I attend body fit 360 3 times a week and love every session,because every session is different working different parts of my body and muscles,Steve always pushes me to my limit and he always knows how to get that last little bit out of me,he always targets my problem areas too,fantastic trainer,and all he wants is to help people to get fitter and feel good about them selfs,


Great session this morning with Shep... Pushed me to my limits! Fantastic facility and the equipment is top quality. Will definitely be returning


Great attitude towards his business, prioritises clients health and wellbeing rather than just the vanity side. Would recommend to anyone.


Fantastic. Steve is very good at what he does and I feel stronger and fitter already


Excellent trainer, I did one of the 12 week programs and I loved it. I learned so much that I will continue to put into practice. Steve is a really encouraging, motivating trainer with so much knowledge about diet and exercise. I would recommend Steve to anybody wanting to learn the correct way to get fit and healthy.


Can't thank Steve enough for how he has helped me change my attitude toward nutrition and exercise. I contacted him when I reached my heaviest ever weight and within 3 months I'd lost a good amount of weight, changed my eating habits and attitude towards food, felt the strongest I've ever felt, and made some good friends. The help and support I've had from other members has been brill, they have all been supportive and push me hard during the sessions. I've still got a long way to go to be where I want to be - but I know I'm in the right place to do it ÔŅĹ


Brilliant. If you want to change your body then book with this guy. His efforts are second to none. Stop putting it off book in and change your life. Be the person you want to be.


Been having PT sessions for about a month now and loving it ÔŅĹ

Gives his undivided attention and always at the end of a message for support and advice.

More about Steve Sheppard Transformation Coaching

Steve Sheppard Transformation Coaching is located at Crow Hill Drive, NG19 7AE Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
Monday: 06:00 - 19:30
Tuesday: 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 19:30
Thursday: 06:00 - 19:30
Friday: 06:00 - 15:30
Saturday: 06:00 - 09:30
Sunday: -