Stop Smoking Leic

About Stop Smoking Leic

The Leicester Stop Smoking Service. If you have the balls to stop smoking, visit our website - http://www. ballstostop. co. uk - or get in touch here.



🗣️ | "The change in not smoking is dramatic; I feel a sense of freedom as well as wellbeing."
Read Sue's success story in full below - a great source of inspiration during #Stoptober.


On average, 1,000 smokers quit every day - that's one every 80 seconds!
Find the most effective way to #QuitSmoking in just three easy steps with Stoptober’s new Personal Quit Plan 👇


Are you sticking to your Stoptober plan? If so, you’ve just reached the two-week mark – congratulations!
There’s still work to be done though, so feel free to get in touch on 0116 454 4000 if you need some advice on blocking out those cravings. #Stoptober


Studies show that if you can make it to 28 days #SmokeFree, you’re five times more likely to quit for good.
Stoptober has supported over 1.7 million people on their quit journey, and we’re here to make sure you’re successful too. Call 0116 454 4000.


Looking for an alternative to cigarettes this Stoptober?
#ECigarettes are a great way to fight cravings – and they carry a small fraction of the risk of cigarettes.
Get in touch for your free starter pack on 0116 454 4000.
... #VapingSavesLives
See More


Congratulations on reaching the Stoptober one-week mark! 👏
In need of some motivation? The average smoker has 13 cigarettes a day, which works out as 364 cigarettes a month. That's ÂŁ141 a month and ÂŁ1,696 a year that you could be saving by not smoking.


5️⃣️ | If you’re five days into Stoptober, we’d love to know how you’re getting on.
Let us know in the comments section, and get in touch on 0116 454 4000 if you need some expert #StopSmoking advice and support.


After 72 hours of not smoking, breathing becomes easier as bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase.
If you’re taking part in Stoptober, you’ll be reaching this stage today.
Like this post if you’re feeling the benefits already…
... #Stoptober
See More


🗣️ | "Stopping #smoking has been the best thing I've ever done with my life, and I'm now able to give people real advice on how to give up."
Terri started smoking when she was 15 and used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day. Watch her inspirational success story at


#Stoptober 2018 is here!
We want it to be a month where you feel healthier and save money, so grab your FREE personal quit plan by visiting Stoptober’s website at


Tomorrow’s the day – it’s the return of Stoptober!
Visit to read more about this year’s campaign and to download the #Stoptober app📱
Remember, we’re here to help you every step of the way.


3️⃣ ️| Just three days remain until the start of Stoptober!
Are you ready for a #SmokeFree month?
We’re here for make sure you’re fully prepared – so visit or call 0116 454 4000 to speak to one of our friendly advisors. #Stoptober


IT'S BACK! | With Stoptober just around the corner, we're urging smokers in #Leicester to back this year's campaign - and to get in touch if our free support is required.
Get your free personal quit plan and download the #Stoptober app by visiting


HERE TO HELP | Evidence shows that using specialist support from a local #StopSmoking Service gives you the best chance of quitting successfully.
Make the most of our FREE service by calling 0116 454 4000 or visiting our website at


📞 📧 | Trying to #QuitSmoking on your own but struggling to overcome the cravings?
Don't struggle alone - get in touch with us, via phone or email, and we'll be able to offer some vital support and advice.
Call 0116 454 4000 or visit


VIDEO 🎥 | #Smoking during #pregnancy is a huge gamble.
The video below highlights the risks associated with smoking whilst pregnant, and outlines the help available to women who wish to quit after discovering they’re pregnant. hw


GET ACTIVE | Studies have shown that exercise can cut #cravings and help your brain produce anti-craving chemicals.
Get in touch on 0116 454 4000 for some more #StopSmoking advice and support.

More about Stop Smoking Leic

Stop Smoking Leic is located at Leicester, United Kingdom
0116 454 4000