Thorpe Performance

Monday: 09:30 - 20:30
Tuesday: 09:30 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 20:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 19:00
Friday: 06:45 - 10:30
Saturday: 07:30 - 10:30
Sunday: -

About Thorpe Performance

Here at Thorpe Performance we are dedicated to the pursuit of peak performance for all of our members.

Thorpe Performance Description

We help people upgrade their physique, performance and brain by providing strategy, logic & accountability through the education of sound, applicable principles of nutrition and training for long term success.



#Repost pretty funny, you know you've done this.......... .. ūüėāūüĎČ@immortalbarbell ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ Sometimes 45lbs plates look like 10lbs plates.ūü§∑‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūü§∑... .. . . . . #immortalbarbell #comics #webcomic #cute #funny #motivated #motivation #fitness #fit #fitfam #fitnesslife #gym #diet #nutrition #swole #powerlifting #powerlifter #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #weightlifting #weights #squat #bench #deadlift #workout #crossfit #gymmemes #fml #oops #run
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"I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was." . Muhammad Ali 'ūü•äūü•ä . A message, unless it is imediately rejected as a lie, will have the same effect on the associative system regardless of it's reliability; whether the story is true, or believable, matters not, if at all.'... ūüĆü Set lofty goals! . ūüĆü "The aversion to failure of not reaching the goal is much stronger than the desire to reach it". Daniel kahneman. ūüôĄ So, "Fake it till you make it".ūüźļūüźĎūüôĄ Or # As @amycuddy tell us and (previously #Aristotle ūüôĄ)in her famous Ted talk.....ūüĎČ "Fake it till you become it" . . Take advantage of the psychological cliche; . "when you pretend to be powerful, you are also more likely to feel powerful" ūüí™ūü¶ćūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ . Amy Cuddy‚Äôs mantra is, ‚ÄúOur bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes.‚ÄĚ . She goes on to discuss power poses (something i take quite serious and %100 apply ūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüôĆūü¶ć) but I'll encourage you to give her Ted talks (one of my all time favorites) a watch and see if you don't pick up something useful! . ūüĎćūüėéūüĎĆ Don't wait for things to feel easier or come to you, go out and chase it down, chase down those things that kinda scare you, act like you're a pro already, condition yourself to the uncomfortable bit by bit and do it over and over and over again.
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One week to go until our December boxing taster sessions! For those who joined us in November, expect a step up in pad work and a whole lot more sweat! All abilities welcome. ūü•ä
SUNDAY 09 DECEMBER | BOXING SKILLS SESSIONS | AT THORPE PERFORMANCE | BOOKING ESSENTIAL ūüĎäūüŹĽ 9:00am - 10:00am | Mixed Session ūüĎäūüŹĽ 10:15am - 11:15am | Women's Only Session
... Once again, these sessions are open to Thorpe Performance members and non members alike and will cost £7.00 to all, which can be paid by cash or card in person on the day. Booking is essential.
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public service announcement ūüéÖūüéÖūüéÖūüéÖūüéÖūüéÖūüéÖūüéÖūüéÖūüéÖū üéÖūüéÖ . Just be very wary and question any infographics on social media (yes even mine). .... Dont take them as gospel, for the author, although may be well meaning (or not) could just be mad as a box of frogs or an idiot. ūüéÖ Hence my yearly; . "its perfectly fine to drink your @cocacola post". . ūüéÖ #alwayscocacola #cokeadvert #cokelorry . ūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáūüéÖūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáūüĎáū üĎáūüĎá #Repost @thorpe.performance ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ A very important message this time of year..................................... ......... . ūü§ĒNo, the amount of sugar in a coke won't make you vomit. . ūüĎČYour liver won't turn any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. . ūüôąI've not tried heroin, but I've a hunch it's nothing like coke. . ūüíĀ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹLike any other food or drink moderation is key, there's nothing sinister about the odd glass of coke, so take those daft infographics with a very big pinch of salt. . And what else am I gonna have my whisky with? ūü•Éūü•Éūü•Éūü•Éūü•Éūü•Éūü•Éūü•Éūü•Éūü•Éū ü•Éūü•É . Now when's that coke Christmas advert gonna be on? ūüéÖ‚õü‚õü‚õü‚õü‚õü‚õü‚õü . . . #coke #thorpeperformance #nutrition #christmas #holidaysarecoming #xmas #fatloss #weightlossThorpe.performance
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#Repost prompted by @bradschoenfeldphd new review... ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ Post workout Anabolic window of opportunity; . Supposedly "The hour post exercise where protein and carbs must be consumed to maximise the hypertrophic response."... . Ah that special time frame to enhance the gainz, from your last set of curls to the moment that protein shake is ingested. . ‚účWhoa wait.......that window?....Not quite as narrow as we once thought. . ūü§ĒDo we really need to go chugging a protein shake upon cessation of those last reps? Well that's what we thought, I was once bought into that idea.(gimme a break, I read T-nation and Poliquin like the rest of ya) . ūüíĀ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹBasically, It doest really make any difference if you consume a shake immediately post-workout or hang on a couple of hours until dinner. . Your gym session wasn't a waste of time if you forgot your protein shake so relax, your gains will hold out. . Taking care of your daily calories and daily total protein intake is far more lucrative to your progress than jumping through the "Anabolic window" . Take care of the important stuff, those #bigrocks and do what suits you and fits within your schedule. . Cheers bro ūüĎä . #nutrition #patience #commonsense #supplements #thorpeperformance #thor #onlinecoach #personaltrainer #nottinghamshire #leicestershire #bingham #cropwell #langar #cotgrave #onlinecoach #personaltrainer #focus #everythingnottingham #anabolicwindow #windowofopportunityThorpe.performance @ Thorpe Performance
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#Repost @thorpe.performance ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ūüĆěVitamin DūüĆě
Created by the body from cholesterol with an appropriate level of direct skin exposure to sunlight.
... from approximately March through to September it is possible to gain the sun exposure neccassary to create the vitamin D we require, alongside a small amount we can obtain from oily fish and red meat.
However during the winter not only do we see less sun making our way to and from work in darkness as day light hours are so short,
but also the sunlight in the UK doesn't contain enough UVB to enable our skin to make vitamin D.
This means levels are dropping from September through March.
Low levels are associated with ⬇SAD (seasonal affective disorder)⬇mood ⬇cognition ⬇bone health with true deficiency leading to a risk of ailments like rickets and cv disease.
Supplementing vitamin D can ⬆cognition⬆immune function⬆mood and well being ⬆bone health ⬆increased testosterone (if deficient)
Who should take?
Those who have; ‚Ė∂ vegans and vegatarian based diet. ‚Ė∂ limited sun exposure ‚Ė∂ live in areas with low UVB levels ‚Ė∂ darker skin ‚Ė∂ milk or dairy allergies ‚Ė∂ probably everyone, esspecially during winter
#vitamind #sunshine #nutrition #patience #commonsense #supplements #thorpeperformance #thor #onlinecoach #personaltrainer #nottinghamshire #leicestershire #bingham #cropwell #langar #cotgrave #onlinecoachThorpe.performance
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no need to sack off fat loss over chrimbo. use the half tracking method through December.


ūüĎČBlack Friday bonus!ūüĎą
What if I was to say you can be fitter, leaner, stronger by the end of Christmas and start 2019 with your best physique to date ūü§Ē. . Yes and you can still have mince pies, Christmas pudding, and drink beer.... . Let me and my team show you how. . Train with us for 3 sessions per week for the whole of December ** and January. . We'll take care of everything, we'll keep it simple and show you what you need to focus on. . And still party! ūüēļūüíÉ . . ūüĎČAll diet set ups and nutrition advice. ūüĎČAccountability to your own coach. ūüĎČAccess to the Thorpe performance members group. ūüĎČthe very renowned and absolute awesome atmosphere. ūüĎČwe're big enough to make a big impact and small enough to help you personally.
It will cost you £90 (ps it's worth well over £200...say whaat) to be leaner, fitter, faster, stronger by the time 2019 has even begun.
ūüíĀ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹIt's a deal, it's a steal, it's sale of the f#@*$n century. . No contracts, no joining fee, just hard training and dedicated coaches here to help you.
Shredded over Christmas?
Why the flip not ūüėé
Drop us a message and quote
‚ėĚÔłŹhit the link in my bio ūü§≥direct message ūüď≤facebook ūüíĽwebsite
#Teamthorpe #THORPEPERFORMANCE #binghammarketplace #everythingnottingham #Bingham #fatloss #MUSCLEGAIN
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Good points here from @phillearney
Not saying you can't or shouldn't drink, that's completely up to you. I know I like a drink too.
But remember it contains calories, a fair amount, so just be mindful if you have certain goals or just like to maintain a healthy weight/lifestyle.
... Read @phillearney points below; ----------------------------------------- -------------- With the festive period upon us, for many alcohol and indulgent food will play a role. . Let‚Äôs take a look at what would happen if we traded those often neglected or ‚Äėunconsidered‚Äô liquid calories for some of the more indulgent foods. . #xmas #alcohol #calories #fatloss #weightloss #health
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#TEAMTHORPE episode something.
Moustache edition.


Like ūüėéūüĎČ#Repost @drnadolsky ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ When patients BUY IN, they get results. It‚Äôs my job along with the coach to help with that though. If a patient comes to me already completely bought in, I don‚Äôt really have to do anything. - Don‚Äôt say you‚Äôre weighing your food if you‚Äôre not. Estimating and improving dietary quality will work for some, but others will need to be precise with their weighing and tracking because they are just so far off with estimating portions.... - Anyway... science... it works! - By the way this doesn‚Äôt mean you‚Äôll have to weigh and track all of your food forever. It may not even mean you have to do in the beginning if you haven‚Äôt started. But if you‚Äôre struggling, you may want to do this. Because if you‚Äôre not losing weight, you‚Äôre just getting too many calories in. #weightlossjourney #weightloss #calories #iifym #cico #energybalance
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Just a heads up with #chrimbo round the corner. we are probs gonna have all sorts of random "diet come cookbooks" pushed at us. . Use a little critical thinking before you purchase or drop us a message and ask us what our thoughts areūüėĀ.
Read below;... ----------------------------------------- ------------ Pretty Sure we've hammered this in by now?ūü§Ē. ūüĎĹ ūü§ďThe principle via how we lose fat is always the same for each and every one of us every single time.(you are not an alien...i think) ūüĎĹ ūüďĖ These books merely provide a different set of tactics (some good and some, a little shady) by which to achieve that same principle despite what it says on the front cover and whether the author actually knows it or not. #awks ūüĎĀ But what's for certain is; ūüĎČIt's not a lack of dopamine. ūüĎČIt's not #gluten fault. ūüĎČIt's not #carbs fault. ūüĎČIt's not #sugars fault. ūüĎČIt's not even #alcohols fault. ūüĎČNope it's not #sweeteners. ūüĎČNot #toxins. ūüĎČNot "dirty foods"(however that is classified ūü§Ē. ūü§Ē What principle dictates weight change? . I can't even say it any more. ūüėé You know the answer don't you?
#illgiveyouaclue #itsnotmagic #notketo #notcarbs #youguessedit #caloriedeficit #sorryitsnotanythingmorefancy . *YOU'RE FFS . . . . . . #fatloss #MUSCLEGAIN #iifym #flexiblefieting #instagood #fitness #thorpeperformance #teamthorpe #Bingham #binghammarketplace #everythingnottingham #notts #PROWLER #sledpushes #thorpeperformance #teamthorpe #Bingham #binghammarketplace #everythingnottingham
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"Imperfect action always beats perfect inaction" ‚ėĚÔłŹ "Say Yes - then learn how to do it later" ūüĎČ"Don't sweat the details, just get busy" ūüĎČ"If you wait until you're ready it's almost certainly too late" ... ūüĎČ"Just do it" ūüĎČ "Get shit done"
Notice a theme?
Don't wait until you're ready, even doing something riddled with a series of unfortunate events will yield more results than doing nothing at all.
#training#nutrition #patience #commonsense #carbs #sugar #weightloss #fatloss #muscle #nottinghamshire #leicestershire #bingham #cropwell #langar #cotgrave #onlinecoach #personaltrainer #focus #everythingnottingham #thorpeperformance #thor #lemonysnicket #repostappThorpe.performance
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Strength on Saturdays.
Great session from the crew with some new Pb's
@bigfatfilms hitting a big 140kgx10 on pinpress for a new pb! ... Phil hitting a 115kg pinpress pb. Coach @caitlindrabble hitting a 295kg prowler pb. Let me know if I missed any....i rarely do!
Here's the sessions.
Upper strength;
#Pinpress up to a heavy triple.
Lower strength;
#deadlift work the crew had individualized reps and sets to work through.
15 mins AMRAP
alternating Db push press x8 per side. 35 hard farmers walk Battle rope SLAMS x 20.
15 min legger
#Broadjump - length of studio in as little jumps as poss. (2.5 to 6 jumps) #kbsquat x 10 #walkinglunges x 2 lengths #prowler x 2 lengths
#THORPEPERFORMANCE #Teamthorpe #Bingham #binghammarketplace #everythingnottingham #notts #PROWLER #sledpushes #battleropes #fitness #instagood #binghammarketplace #everythingnottingham #notts #PROWLER #sledpushes #battleropes #fitness #instagood #binghammarketplace
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You can have all The science, equipment, software etc but if The simple things aren't there it doesn't matter ūüĎćūüėé@phillearney ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ ‚ÄĘ Often business is simply about the people, remember that....... - #gym #fitness #coaching #training


Brilliant turn out yesterday. Adam and I had such a wonderful time working with you all. We were very impressed by the skills on show! So much so that we would like to announce the date for our December Sunday sessions. SUNDAY 09 DECEMBER | BOXING SKILLS SESSIONS | AT THORPE PERFORMANCE | BOOKING ESSENTIAL ūüĎäūüŹĽ 9:00am - 10:00am | Mixed Session ūüĎäūüŹĽ 10:15am - 11:15am | Women's Only Session Once again, these sessions are open to Thorpe Performance members and non members alike and ...will cost ¬£7.00 to all, which can be paid by cash or card in person on the day. Booking is essential. Book here: We aim to run a Sunday session once a month. But, after hearing your amazing feedback yesterday, I'll be announcing a separate six week small group training programme with a boxing focus very soon. Watch this space for that! Comment below if you want to find out more! ūü•ä
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Sunday is fast approaching! You ladies have been ON IT - the women's only session is fully booked! But there's still plenty of places up for grabs in the mixed session. Not to be missed! ūü•ä THIS SUNDAY 04 NOVEMBER | BOXING SKILLS TASTER SESSIONS | AT THORPE PERFORMANCE | BOOKING ESSENTIAL ūüĎäūüŹĽ 9:00am - 10:00am | Mixed Session ūüĎäūüŹĽ 10:15am - 11:15am | Women's Only - FULLY BOOKED Join me (PT at Thorpe Performance) and qualified boxing coach and former boxer Adam Parnaby for an hour ...of skills-based boxing training. Using pad work, bag work and footwork drills Adam and I will help you to hone your boxing technique, whether you're a total beginner or no stranger to a pair of boxing gloves. These sessions are open to Thorpe Performance members and non members alike and will cost ¬£7.00 to all, which can be paid by cash or card in person at the session. ūüĎäūüŹĽ BOOK YOUR PLACE HERE:
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Wednesday night was a ghoulish workout....ūüėí Something different for Halloween.....but still including the basics.
5 different sectors.
1. Push
... Pins vs dumbells 2. Upper pull and single leg.
#bodyrows vs #bulgariansplitsquat ūüĎąif you aching it might be these.
3. Bro corner
#Tris #bis #delts 4. Hips vs core
#hypers vs #plankslides
5. The #cubeset
#secretsauce We employed some trick or treat on the #Thorpeperformance #cubeset Which meant burpees got done in one of my sessions for the first time EVER....but it's ok you've got ūüĎČ@caitlindrabble to thank for them ūüėĀ. So technically not my fault ūüôĄ. On the plus side I got @frostie700 doing actual exercise on film ūüĎŹ..............(he does actually work very very hard, plus some unreal results ūüĎŹūüĎŹūüĎŹI just rock up filming when he's in recovery position)
#Teamthorpe #THORPEPERFORMANCE #haloweenspecial #thecube #trickortreat #Bingham #binghammarketplace #everythingnottingham #notts #PROWLER #sledpushes #battleropes #fitness #instagood #binghammarketplace #everythingnottingham #notts #PROWLER
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Join #Teamthorpe coach ūüĎČ@caitlindrabble
9:00am - 10:00am | Mixed Session
... 10:15am - 11:15am | Women's Only Session
Join me (personal trainer at @thorpe.performance ) and qualified boxing coach and former boxer @adamparnaby for an hour of skills-based boxing training. Using pad work, bag work and footwork drills Adam and I will help you to hone your boxing technique, whether you're a total beginner or no stranger to a pair of boxing gloves. These sessions are open to Thorpe Performance members and non members alike and will cost ¬£7.00 to all, which can be paid by cash or card in person at the session. ūüĎäūüŹĽ BOOK YOUR PLACE HERE USING THE LINK IN MY BIO!
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fantastic place! everyone is so friendly and all encourage eachother. Never been to a gym thats this good!


Is there a better trainer in the world!? Dan is great and the energy in the gym is always inspiring, if your serious about reaching your goals and bettering yourself then there really is no other place for you! Team TP


I've just had my third PT session with Dan. What can I say, other than he is THE Trainer. I always make the sessions (not like other gyms when I find excuses) because I know that it's not scary, I actually enjoy it. If you haven't been to Dan before, book now, you'll be sorry you left it so long!


Hey it's Dan aka creator/mastermind ;) of Thorpe Performance. Obviously I'm biased and i'm going to say its awesome! But seriously i can help. if you're struggling to make progress or just want faster results. whether that's in the gym or out, with weights, nutrition, weight loss or muscle gain I CAN HELP.


Have been made to feel extremely welcome. Dan and his team are encouraging, informative and really committed to helping you get results. Always on hand to help and give that little push that's sometimes needed. Highly recommend x


Dan is great giving exercise and nutrition advice. A great environment where everyone is accepted no matter if they are a new starter or a power lifter! X


Dan is a great coach, he is helpful, supportive and a mine of information related to fitness as well as nutrition. Since I have been training with Dan I have lost a lot of weight changed my body shape and increased my overall strength and fitness. I would definitely recommend him without hesitation!


Dan is a Fantastic, engaging and supportive coach. No screaming or shouting here just great focus! He will work with you and your goals and if you have or get injured he will work round it. A Fantastic personal set up highly recommend trying it out.


Dan and the team at Thorpe Performance are so supportive and encouraging to anyone who walks through their door. No matter what shape, size or condition you are in they will certainly help get you into shape and get fit! Such a great place and I can't recommend it enough X


Best place to train. Great environment not huge and daunting like a lot of gyms nowadays. Really close coaching and great help throughout workouts . Really couldn’t recommend this place enough .


fantastic place! everyone is so friendly and all encourage eachother. Never been to a gym thats this good!


Is there a better trainer in the world!? Dan is great and the energy in the gym is always inspiring, if your serious about reaching your goals and bettering yourself then there really is no other place for you! Team TP


I've just had my third PT session with Dan. What can I say, other than he is THE Trainer. I always make the sessions (not like other gyms when I find excuses) because I know that it's not scary, I actually enjoy it. If you haven't been to Dan before, book now, you'll be sorry you left it so long!


Hey it's Dan aka creator/mastermind ;) of Thorpe Performance. Obviously I'm biased and i'm going to say its awesome! But seriously i can help. if you're struggling to make progress or just want faster results. whether that's in the gym or out, with weights, nutrition, weight loss or muscle gain I CAN HELP.


Have been made to feel extremely welcome. Dan and his team are encouraging, informative and really committed to helping you get results. Always on hand to help and give that little push that's sometimes needed. Highly recommend x


Dan is great giving exercise and nutrition advice. A great environment where everyone is accepted no matter if they are a new starter or a power lifter! X


Dan is a great coach, he is helpful, supportive and a mine of information related to fitness as well as nutrition. Since I have been training with Dan I have lost a lot of weight changed my body shape and increased my overall strength and fitness. I would definitely recommend him without hesitation!


Dan is a Fantastic, engaging and supportive coach. No screaming or shouting here just great focus! He will work with you and your goals and if you have or get injured he will work round it. A Fantastic personal set up highly recommend trying it out.


Dan and the team at Thorpe Performance are so supportive and encouraging to anyone who walks through their door. No matter what shape, size or condition you are in they will certainly help get you into shape and get fit! Such a great place and I can't recommend it enough X


Best place to train. Great environment not huge and daunting like a lot of gyms nowadays. Really close coaching and great help throughout workouts . Really couldn’t recommend this place enough .

More about Thorpe Performance

Thorpe Performance is located at Farmeco Community Care Farm, Home Farm, Screveton, NG13 8JL Bingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:30 - 20:30
Tuesday: 09:30 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 20:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 19:00
Friday: 06:45 - 10:30
Saturday: 07:30 - 10:30
Sunday: -