
About Tlclinic

Soft Tissue & Sports Massage Therapist

Tlclinic Description

Soft Tissue & Sports Massage Therapy is for everyone, from professional and recreational athletes to the sedentary desk bound professional – it can benefit us all. Although sport is a common factor for musculoskeletal pain or dysfunction, it can be caused by any of life’s stresses.

Soft Tissue & Sports Massage Therapy is one of the most effective ways at treating muscle injuries and pain by working with the soft tissues of the body. It involves a range of techniques including general massage, soft tissue release, muscle energy techniques, neuromuscular techniques and connective tissue /fascial release.

Benefits of a Soft Tissue & Sports Massage treatment:

• Restore balance to the musculoskeletal system
• Aid in the prevention of injuries
• Relieve pain and discomfort
• Improve postural awareness
• Improve joint range of movement
• Help to prepare for an event
• Enhance the recovery process after an event
• Breakdown of scar tissue & adhesions
• General relaxation both physically and psychologically.

A little bit about me. .

I have always had a passion for sport and being generally active. Having gained a Level 3 qualification in Swedish Massage quite a few years ago, the plan was to head into the sports massage field. Life took over and plans got put on hold until the summer of 2016 when I took the step to get my qualification. My qualification was achieved through the ISRM (Institute of Sports & Remedial Massage) and is a Level 5 Diploma in Soft Tissue Therapy. There are a lot of courses around labelled as Sports Massage at a level 3 or 4 standard which all have their role to play but, doing some research I knew I wanted more – I wanted to help people with more than a general ‘rub down’.

The Level 5 Diploma with The ISRM & OSSM, I believe, is the best course of its kind and has given me such a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the human body. I have been trained to a high standard - from working with professional athletes at Wycombe Wanderers Football Club, the recreational runners of the local community, office staff experience discomfort but also helping those with medical conditions such as Osteoarthritis and MS.

I am passionate about and love what I do – and I would love to help you. . .

Member of the Sports Massage Association - www.
Student member and BTEC Level 5 Diploma through The Institute of Sport & Remedial Massage - www.
Training provided by The Oxford School of Sports Massage - www. ossm. co. uk