Tree Of Life, Integrated Health Centre, Hove

Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:30
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -

About Tree Of Life, Integrated Health Centre, Hove

The Tree of Life Centre provides high quality complementary therapies, courses and regular workshops from our modern and beautiful clinic in the heart of Hove, E. Sussex

Tree Of Life, Integrated Health Centre, Hove Description

The Tree of Life Centre is a leading provider of integrated healthcare. Our expert and caring team of practitioners provide a comprehensive range of therapies including osteopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, private GP consultations, nutritional therapy, shiatsu, massage, yoga, counselling, coaching and much more.



Healthy Living Club 6-week course starts this Thursday 7:15pm At the Tree of Life Centre with Donna Valaskova
Join our fun, easy-to-follow and highly effective Healthy Living club with Donna Valaskova.
... This tried and tested 6-week programme provides guidance every step of the way to achieve positive, sustainable changes.
Donna is a naturopathic nutritionist with a great passion for health and wellbeing who has created a healthy living programme that is easy-to-follow, achievable and enjoyable.
Starting this Thursday, 7:15pm at 30 The Drive, Hove, BN3 3JD at £60 for 6 weeks including weekly coaching and support, weekly recipes and handouts.
For full details and testimonials please visit club
Bookings and enquiries can be made by contacting Donna via the Centre on 01273 220159 /
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Post-natal Pilates Class Wednesdays 1:30-2:30pm 6 weeks for £72 at the Tree of Life Centre, Hove
This specialised Pilates class for new mums and their babies is designed as a safe and effective way to regain strength and fitness after birth.
... The classes are suitable from 6 weeks onwards post-natally. Led by osteopath and pilates teacher, Clare Hearsey, they offer a fun, friendly and inclusive class for all new mums.
For bookings and enquiries please contact Clare via the Centre on 01273 220159 /
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Lose Weight, Boost Energy and Feel Great! Join our Hove group today! Starts Thursday 6th September, 7:15pm
Make fantastic progress in 6 weeks with this deliciously easy Nutrition Coaching Programme:
... Drop stubborn pounds and supercharge energy levels, without fads or deprivation….
Does it sound familiar that trying to lose weight feels like:
- Always being on a diet, or being deprived of favourite foods? - Being punished with tough exercise routines? - Not seeing any real, long lasting results? - Finding it too confusing, tiring or just too hard?
The latest research proves that eating less or strict exercising can actually contribute to stubborn weight. It also shows that we’re significantly more successful in losing weight when we have support, accountability, and a bit of cheerleading along the way.
On this life-changing course there is the opportunity to discover the hidden reasons that may have been making it hard to lose weight; and what can be done to get things back on track; from hormone imbalances and food sensitivities, to chronic stress and bacterial imbalances in the gut. Created by an experienced and un-faddy nutritionist, the programme explains amazing things about the body, provides tailor-made eating plans to suit each person, and creates a pathway to reaching long-term goals…
Ready to begin? Join us!
Expert naturopathic nutritionist Donna Valaskova has created a programme packed with proven strategies that have helped hundreds of people, offering expert secrets and delicious food creations that will help create weight loss easily and sustainably, while gaining new levels of health and energy. The best news? There is no need to radically change lifestyle, or give up all the tasty foods and treats.
About the Programme
Gain practical weight loss strategies, meal plans and fascinating insights about your body, within an uplifting, supportive group to help:
- Identify the hidden blockages to weight loss that have held you back in the past, and overcome them - Set and accomplish goals in a way that is empowering and exciting - Learn how to lose weight sustainably, without it all piling back on months later - Understand the science behind cravings, and succeed in reducing them - Supercharge energy levels - Feel great in both body and mind - Enjoy exciting new foods as well as familiar, comforting ones - Gain the confidence to create a perfect life
INVESTMENT: 6 consecutive weeks at £60 (just £10 per session). This includes one hour a week coaching and support, weekly recipes and handouts
WHEN: Course starts at 7:15pm on Thursday 6th September and then every Thursday at 7:15pm thereafter
LOCATION: Tree of Life Centre, 30 The Drive, Hove, BN3 3JD
To book or ask for further details please contact Donna on 01273 220 159 or
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Free introduction to Mindfulness-based stress reduction Thursday 13th Sept at 7:30pm at the Tree of Life Centre No pre-booking required - all welcome
Discover the many benefits of mindfulness-based stress reduction at this free introductory evening with Annie and Carolyn.
... The full 8-week programme will begin on Thurs 20th September and you are welcome to come along to find out more.
For further information please go to sses or email Annie and Carolyn directly on
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Book Club for Body, Mind and Spirit in Hove
Next book: Conversations with God, Book 1, by By Neale Donald Walsh When: Monday 17th September, starts 6:30pm Where: Tree of Life Centre, 143 Portland Rd, Hove, BN3 5QJ... Refreshments provided - £2 donation welcome but not required.
The Centre's Body, Mind Spirit book club offers the chance to meet up with open-minded and friendly fellow-travellers on the journey of life to discuss books that aim to inspire, uplift and enlighten.
The group is led by Fi Feehan with everyone made to feel welcome and at home in this informal and positive gathering.
Please contact the Centre on 01273 220159 / if you would like to reserve your place or make any other enquiry
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Diving into Story - monthly writing workshops Next on Sunday 2nd September, 1:30-4:30pm (£27) With Sandra Jensen at the Tree of Life Centre, Hove
"What do we know, except what we've seen, felt, drunk, heard and touched. What else do we know?" ~ Farley Mowat
... This is the fourth “Diving into Story” workshop held at the Tree of Life. Once again, Sandra will use a variety of craft exercises and approaches to help participants open up to what 'wants to be written', encouraging work that is immediate and engaging -- for both writer and reader.
New participants always welcome - pre-booking required as participant numbers are limited to ensure individual attention.
What to bring: There will be tea and biscuits provided during a break, and please bring pen(s) and paper or a notebook. Please also bring a few sheets of plain A4 and something to press on!
For bookings and enquiries, please contact Sandra on
Sandra’s experience: Sandra has coached writers and led writing retreats in Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands and the U.S.A. She taught creative writing at The Galle Literary Festival, Sri Lanka and for the British Council in Colombo. Her own work is widely published in a variety of literary magazines and has won a number of awards. You can find out more here:
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NEW - High Intensity Pilates Class Saturdays 8 - 8:50am - with Rachel Attmere 6 weeks for £48 - try for £10 - starts 8th September
A dynamic form of pilates that combines the precision and focus of a traditional Pilates session with the energy of a high intensity workout.
... Each class combines core strength, balance and co-ordination with an energetic cardiovascular element. HIP Pilates is a 'feel good' workout.
A mat and a light pair of hand weights are provided.
Rachel Attmere originally trained as a dancer before qualifying in Body Control Pilates and achieving Level 4 membership on the Register of Exercise Professionals. Earlier in her career, Rachel specialised in teaching circuit training, aerobics and aqua aerobics and now brings her extensive experience for pilates, rehabilitation and fitness to these exciting and varied classes.
For bookings and enquiries please contact Rachel via the Centre on 01273 220159 / - or you can reach Rachel directly on 07941 092612
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Monthly Drum Circle - join us this weekend! Sundays 3pm - next on 26th August With Ruth Summers of Dao Natural Health Please pre-book via Ruth- Come along, drum and enjoy!
... Group drumming is something everyone can do regardless of drumming or musical experience, it's about having fun and connecting together through rhythm! All are welcome, even if you've never touched a drum before in your life!
The Bamana people of Mali in West Africa are cited as being the creators of the Djembe drum. Djembe translates as "everyone gather together in peace" which is what we do at our drumming circles.
Research into the health benefits of rhythmic drumming have shown to be physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It brings people together, improving listening and communication skills, communicating without words, improves confidence. It allows for the creative self-expression and the joy of improvisation.
Spaces are limited so booking is essential.
• £10 per session if you have your own drum to bring • £12 per session if you would like to borrow one of Ruth's drums
We have djembe and smaller frame drums available, there's plenty of percussion to experiment with too.
About Ruth Summers
Ruth is an experienced group leader and sound therapist who trained as a drum circle facilitator with the legendary Arthur Hull.
She is a tutor and course manager at The British Academy of Sound Therapy (BAST) and provides a wide range of therapies and classes as part of Dao Natural Health including Sound Therapy, Medical Qigong Energy Therapy, Indian Head Massage and Tai Chi Qigong.
Bookings and enquiries
Please contact or you can make contact via the Centre on 01273 220159 /
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NEW - Kids Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness Classes Choice of Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays after school For 5 - 12 year olds with Tika Hunt-Uribe and Charlie Nash
These lovely classes let children immerse themselves in the magical world of yoga while laughing, playing yoga games, learning meditation and mindfulness, and practising postures.
... Each class is varied, entertaining and specifically adapted to the needs and preferences of children in order to provide a well rounded introduction to yoga that is also lots of fun!
Imagine if every child could learn these wonderful skills to help on their journey through life! Well, now you can choose from 3 weekly classes on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays with each class running in blocks of 5 or 6 weeks alongside the school term:
- Mondays 4-5pm with Tika (6 for £36 - or try for £6)
- Wednesdays 4-5pm with Charlie (6 for £36 - or try for £7)
- Fridays 4:15-5pm with Charlie (6 for £30 - or try for £6)
Charlie Nash is a qualified school teacher with over ten years' experience working in education across the south east. She is qualified in teaching yoga to children, teens and adults through extensive training with Zenways, LiveLoveYoga and Children Do Yoga. Charlie loves every minute of her work with our next generation of yogis and looks forward to welcoming new students on her Wednesday and Friday classes.
Tika Hunt-Uribe is a passionate kids yoga teacher who qualified with Children Do Yoga. She is currently undertaking additional training to become an adult teacher of Vajrasati Yoga after switching from a glittering career in HR to the bliss-inducing world of yoga, including her Monday kids class.
We have a limited number of places on each course.
For bookings and enquiries, please contact the Centre on 01273 220159 /
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NEW Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class - Intermediate Level Thursdays 9:30 - 10:45am - 6 for £65 With Jess Wingate at the Tree of Life Centre, Hove
Take your yoga practice to the next level, with this wonderfully varied and enriching Vinyasa Flow Yoga class on Thursday mornings.
... Suitable for anyone who has already developed a basic yoga practice, this Vinyasa class is taught by Jess as yoga poses flow from one to another in co-ordination with the breath.
The class offers students an exciting, dynamic practice that will help to build your core strength and offers a more cardiovascular yoga session.
Pre-book your place on this new course which begins on 6th September by contacting Jess via the centre on 01273 220159 /
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Monthly Sound Bath in Hove - with Ruth Summers When: Sunday 19th August - 10am & 1:15pm starts available Where: Tree of Life Centre, 143 Portland Road, Hove, BN3 5QJ Cost: £12 per person- pre-booking required
... Here is your monthly opportunity to lay back and relax as the beautiful sounds and tones of Crystal Singing Bowls, Himalayan Singing Bowls, Gongs, rainsticks and other therapeutic percussion instruments wash over you whilst you rest on a comfortable yoga mat with cushions and blankets.
Therapuetic Sounds Baths are proven to relax on a deep level by lowering brainwaves to a level that is similar to meditation and encouraging your mind and body to rest.
The effect is that cortisone (i.e. the stress hormone) reduces, blood pressure and heart rates are lowered, potassium & sodium levels in the body are rebalanced and cellular regeneration can take place which, in turn, helps our autonomic nervous system to restore.
The session is led by Ruth Summers who has undergone the UK's leading sound therapy training at the British Academy of Sound Therapy (BAST). The BAST method works on all levels of our being- physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually for a deeply enriching and uplifting experience.
Attending a Sound Bath helps to create a space within which an individual may see themselves and their process more clearly, through reflection and enquiry. The sound initiates a 'conversation' with the system through the '5R's'; resonance, resistance, release, responsibility and reflection. The original BAST method has been shown to be, on average, 64% more relaxing than conventional relaxation methods (Cook 2009).
The cost is £12 per person and pre-booking is required. Suitable for all ages with comfortable chairs available for anyone who requires (or prefers) to sit instead of lying on a yoga mat.
For bookings and enquiries please contact the Centre on 01273 220159 /
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NEW Drum Journey group - this Sunday 19th August at 3pm Experience this ancient practice with Ruth Summers £10 per person - pre-booking required
Drum journeys are an ancient and sacred practice used by many cultures around the world as a way of creating a deeply peaceful state of consciousness similar to meditation or to that just before falling asleep.
... Relax to the rhythm of the drum to help create a kind of day dream or lucid dream allowing one to rest in a perhaps more unified state of being with greater potential for participants to see themselves and their process more clearly offering deep transformation, inspiration and insight.
Other benefits include stress hormone (cortisol) reduction, blood pressure and heart rate lower, potassium/sodium levels in the body can re-balance, cellular regeneration can take place and our autonomic nervous system can relax, offering the potential to find relief from physical pain, reduced stress and improvement in stress related symptoms, working on all levels of being, physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually, in a person centred way.
After the group Drum Journey, anyone who would like is able to share their experience with the group if they wish.
Yoga mats and blankets are provided but please do feel free to bring your own for your own comfort. Session length - approx 45 minutes.
For bookings please contact the Centre on 01273 220159 /
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Book Club for Body, Mind and Spirit in Hove
Next book: The Book of Joy, by the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu When: Monday 20th August, starts 6:30pm
... Where: Tree of Life Centre, 143 Portland Rd, Hove, BN3 5QJ Refreshments provided - £2 donation welcome but not required.
The Centre's Body, Mind Spirit book club offers the chance to meet up with open-minded and friendly fellow-travellers on the journey of life to discuss books that aim to inspire, uplift and enlighten.
The group is led by Fi Feehan with everyone made to feel welcome and at home in this informal and positive gathering.
Please contact the Centre on 01273 220159 / if you would like to reserve your place or make any other enquiry
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Monthly Sound Bath in Hove - with Ruth Summers When: Sunday 15th July - 10am, 11:30am & 1:15pm starts available Where: Tree of Life Centre, 143 Portland Road, Hove, BN3 5QJ Cost: £12 per person- pre-booking required
... Here is your monthly opportunity to lay back and relax as the beautiful sounds and tones of Crystal Singing Bowls, Himalayan Singing Bowls, Gongs, rainsticks and other therapeutic percussion instruments wash over you whilst you rest on a comfortable yoga mat with cushions and blankets.
Therapuetic Sounds Baths are proven to relax on a deep level by lowering brainwaves to a level that is similar to meditation and encouraging your mind and body to rest.
The effect is that cortisone (i.e. the stress hormone) reduces, blood pressure and heart rates are lowered, potassium & sodium levels in the body are rebalanced and cellular regeneration can take place which, in turn, helps our autonomic nervous system to restore.
The session is led by Ruth Summers who has undergone the UK's leading sound therapy training at the British Academy of Sound Therapy (BAST). The BAST method works on all levels of our being- physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually for a deeply enriching and uplifting experience.
Attending a Sound Bath helps to create a space within which an individual may see themselves and their process more clearly, through reflection and enquiry. The sound initiates a 'conversation' with the system through the '5R's'; resonance, resistance, release, responsibility and reflection. The original BAST method has been shown to be, on average, 64% more relaxing than conventional relaxation methods (Cook 2009).
The cost is £12 per person and pre-booking is required. Suitable for all ages with comfortable chairs available for anyone who requires (or prefers) to sit instead of lying on a yoga mat.
For bookings and enquiries please contact the Centre on 01273 220159 /
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Train as a Kids Yoga Teacher in Brighton, Bristol, Manchester An exciting training programme with Jess Wingate Full details at
Passionate about yoga? And motivated to help children find inner calm, increase their physical and emotional well-being, and thrive rather than survive through their school years? If so, then the Children Do Yoga teacher training programme is for you!
... Available as a one-weekend course in Manchester, Brighton, Bristol and Birmingham, this pioneering training is provided by leading childrens’ yoga teacher and author, Jessica Wingate, that will enable you to become a professional, fully insured yoga teacher for kids.
With adaptable course materials and ongoing support, the programme guides you on how to prepare fun and engaging classes using a range of more than thirty yoga poses, games, flashcards and two beautifully illustrated yoga books for children that are supplied for future use.
Mindfulness, meditation techniques and breathing practices are also taught so that children can leave each session feeling calm, alert and focused.
Dates, fees & bookings:
Each course is held on a Saturday & Sunday between 9-5pm with registration at 8:45am on day 1
BRIGHTON: 13th & 14th October 2018 At Jury's Inn City Centre (1min to Brighton Station- with accommodation available)
BRISTOL: 24th & 25th November 2018 At the Future Inns, Bond Street, Brustol City Centre (with accommodation available)
For all UK dates please visit
You will benefit from a friendly, supportive and well structured training programme where you will quickly overcome any worries that you might have about the course.
Places are available for £425, with a special Facebook discount to £375 (save £50) for bookings made using code "CDY18" at least 6 weeks before the scheduled course date.
Full details about the course including case studies of previous students and the early bird rate deadlines are available at
For bookings & enquiries please contact Jess Wingate or Simon Fuller at the Tree of Life Centre on 01273 855833 |
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Learn Rehab Pilates - no previous experience required At the Tree of Life Centre, Hove Mondays 5:15-6:15pm - with Gaby Rose
This friendly, small group class helps people to overcome injuries and reduce pain by learning pilates with highly experienced pilates instructor and personal trainer, Gaby Rose.
... Each class is personalised to help recovery from sports injuries, back pain, a wide range of health conditions and recovery after surgery, together with people who need to improve their strength, flexibility and posture to reduce pain, increase fitness and create ease within the body.
For bookings and enquiries about whether the class is suitable, please contact Gaby via the centre on 01273 220159 /
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Pilates - General Level 6 week course When: Fridays 12:15-1:15pm - next starts 29th June With: Emily Wilson - £57 for 6 weeks Where: Tree of Life Centre, 143 Portland Rd, Hove, BN3 5QJ
... This is the perfect opportunity to join one of Brighton's best loved pilates teachers, Emily Wilson, for a general level pilates class designed to increase core strength, improve body toning, reduce back pain and improve posture as part of a gentle and safe way to exercise and improve fitness.
We have 2 spaces remaining - please book early to avoid disappointment!
For bookings or to have a chat with Emily please contact the Centre on 01273 220159 /
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Acupuncture clinic - receive treatment today! At Brighton & Hove's leading drop-in acupuncture clinic Pay what you can afford between £15 - £35
Each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday you can join a highly experienced team of acupuncturists at the Tree of Life Centre in Hove to receive the wide ranging benefits of this traditional and highly effective treatment.
... Suitable for people of all ages and backgrounds, including during pregnancy, the Hove Community Acupuncture project has brought the benefits of acupuncture to thousands of local people over many years.
This special multi-bed clinic runs from a beautifully appointed yoga studio offering affordable acupuncture to several people at the same time in a calm, peaceful and private environment.
The opening times of the drop-in clinic are-
- Tuesdays 11:15am - 6:15pm (arrive by 5:15pm) - Thursdays 2 - 6pm (arrive by 5pm) - Saturdays 1:30 - 5:30pm (arrive by 4:30pm)
There is no need to pre-book, you are welcome to turn up and receive treatment at the Tree of Life Centre, 143 Portland Road, Hove, BN3 5QJ.
The centre also offers a wide range of individual pre-booked acupuncture sessions throughout the week with prices from £45 per session.
For questions or general enquiries please contact the Centre on 01273 220159 /
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Enjoy a virtual visit to the Tree of Life, Integrated Health Centre, Hove
A beautiful oasis of calm and wellbeing offering osteopathy, cranial osteopathy, acupuncture, massage, nutrition and talking therapies alongside 40+ weekly classes in yoga, pilates and more
For bookings and enquiries please contact 01273 220159 /, or visit
... vel46235/index.html
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absolutely amazing! Friendly, professional, caring and just really fantastic therapists. I reccomend it to anyone :) x


What an amazing experience, surrounded by lovely people!

My soul starts smiling again! Xx


This place has changed my life! If ur in pain and doctors and hospitals haven't done enough for u then try the tree of life and start yourself on a journey to help yourself heal from the outside in, mind, body and soul. Give it time and things can change / get better and this is a great place to start! Go for it! ;-)


My family and I have been supported by TOL for over two years now and are incredibly grateful for the clinic and practitioners - all consistently wonderful and generous.


Just had an amazing massage with Emma after doing the 10k on Sunday and numerous other races and feeling very ache she has made me feel better again ThAnkyou and I’ll be back again many thanks Daz


I've been coming to the Tree of Life formerly Acupuncture Clinic for 9 years it is such a great local resource with fabulous classes treatments and always a friendly welcome


I just wanted to write to say thank you to Yana for my abdominal-sacral massage. It has been one of the most powerful massage experiences I have had and I felt very held and well looked after by you. It is very rare for me to be able to really let go in front of someone I've only just met so this is a real credit to you for your skill and your gentle, caring way of being. I will recommend you highly to others in the future.


I have visited a couple of times for acupuncture to assist with periodic pain attributed to lower back injury. ToL have such a lovely, knowledgeable and caring team. The acupuncture treatment I receive reduces pain dramatically and allows me a much swifter recovery. Thankyou. The payment structure is very fair and allows those on a low income to benefit from great treatment and for those able to be more generous to pay more. Strongly recommend.


I had an amazing Healing session with Jana and I thoroughly recommend her. She was very professional yet so intuitive and seemed to know exactly where the healing was needed. I can honestly say it's the best healing session I've ever had. I felt so calm and centred afterwards with a clear mind and clearer vision of my life path as she also offered me intuitive guidance too. Tree of Life is the most friendly and radiant holistic health centre I have visited with the warmest of staff and such beautiful decor. A highly recommended day out with something for everyone...


I had a wonderful abdominal sacral massage with Yana last night. She has a lovely calming energy and I felt that I was in a very safe, nurturing environment. I will visit her again. Thankyou so much Yana.


I had a session with Bradley Carr for a gut issue that I had experienced a couple of times, and started again. Regular doctors in the US had done all kinds of tests without finding anything. Had also seen a good alternative health practitioner who couldn't seem to get to the cause.

Bradley did -- lovely healer, really listened and explained. It was a food intolerance, told me what to do, and showed me a helpful technique to use when I feel stressed. Thrilled and very grateful.


I don't live in Brighton, but if I did I'd be here every day! It would become an essential part of my self care practices. As soon as you walk into the Tree of Life Centre, you feel welcomed and nourished by its atmosphere of serenity and light. Lucky people of Brighton to have a sanctuary and hub for every kind of healing and therapeutic treatment, yoga, meditation and workshops. This is a really special, really wonderful and powerfully nourishing space with a great community. The pretty little garden is a jewel - a peaceful sanctuary in which to sit or hang out with like minded friends. What an incredible blessing for Brighton.


Having just moved to Hove, I feel so lucky to have such an amazing centre near. Thank you � every detail is 5*


Having been bedridden,in intense pain for 15 weeks,being given different diagnosis ranging from spd,bulging disc to baby on my sciatic nerve,constant use of super strong painkillers, treatment from a chiropractor,acupuncturist and a physio,none of which had much affect saw Rex yesterday and in 1 treatment I am almost completely pain free!!!! I cannot express just how good I feel and what an amazing man Rex is!!! Would recommend him to anyone


Experienced my first sound bath this morning, beautiful sounds, amazing vibrations, complete relaxation for mind and body.

Feeling rejuvenated.

Thankyou Ruth, hope to see you again in March.


Cannot recommend Jade enough! Amazing massage and overall experience was so relaxing and such a help to all my tense muscles! I loved it!


Brilliant cranial osteopathy services for babies and mums.


absolutely amazing! Friendly, professional, caring and just really fantastic therapists. I reccomend it to anyone :) x


What an amazing experience, surrounded by lovely people!

My soul starts smiling again! Xx


This place has changed my life! If ur in pain and doctors and hospitals haven't done enough for u then try the tree of life and start yourself on a journey to help yourself heal from the outside in, mind, body and soul. Give it time and things can change / get better and this is a great place to start! Go for it! ;-)


My family and I have been supported by TOL for over two years now and are incredibly grateful for the clinic and practitioners - all consistently wonderful and generous.


Just had an amazing massage with Emma after doing the 10k on Sunday and numerous other races and feeling very ache she has made me feel better again ThAnkyou and I’ll be back again many thanks Daz


I've been coming to the Tree of Life formerly Acupuncture Clinic for 9 years it is such a great local resource with fabulous classes treatments and always a friendly welcome


I just wanted to write to say thank you to Yana for my abdominal-sacral massage. It has been one of the most powerful massage experiences I have had and I felt very held and well looked after by you. It is very rare for me to be able to really let go in front of someone I've only just met so this is a real credit to you for your skill and your gentle, caring way of being. I will recommend you highly to others in the future.


I have visited a couple of times for acupuncture to assist with periodic pain attributed to lower back injury. ToL have such a lovely, knowledgeable and caring team. The acupuncture treatment I receive reduces pain dramatically and allows me a much swifter recovery. Thankyou. The payment structure is very fair and allows those on a low income to benefit from great treatment and for those able to be more generous to pay more. Strongly recommend.


I had an amazing Healing session with Jana and I thoroughly recommend her. She was very professional yet so intuitive and seemed to know exactly where the healing was needed. I can honestly say it's the best healing session I've ever had. I felt so calm and centred afterwards with a clear mind and clearer vision of my life path as she also offered me intuitive guidance too. Tree of Life is the most friendly and radiant holistic health centre I have visited with the warmest of staff and such beautiful decor. A highly recommended day out with something for everyone...


I had a wonderful abdominal sacral massage with Yana last night. She has a lovely calming energy and I felt that I was in a very safe, nurturing environment. I will visit her again. Thankyou so much Yana.


I had a session with Bradley Carr for a gut issue that I had experienced a couple of times, and started again. Regular doctors in the US had done all kinds of tests without finding anything. Had also seen a good alternative health practitioner who couldn't seem to get to the cause.

Bradley did -- lovely healer, really listened and explained. It was a food intolerance, told me what to do, and showed me a helpful technique to use when I feel stressed. Thrilled and very grateful.


I don't live in Brighton, but if I did I'd be here every day! It would become an essential part of my self care practices. As soon as you walk into the Tree of Life Centre, you feel welcomed and nourished by its atmosphere of serenity and light. Lucky people of Brighton to have a sanctuary and hub for every kind of healing and therapeutic treatment, yoga, meditation and workshops. This is a really special, really wonderful and powerfully nourishing space with a great community. The pretty little garden is a jewel - a peaceful sanctuary in which to sit or hang out with like minded friends. What an incredible blessing for Brighton.


Having just moved to Hove, I feel so lucky to have such an amazing centre near. Thank you � every detail is 5*


Having been bedridden,in intense pain for 15 weeks,being given different diagnosis ranging from spd,bulging disc to baby on my sciatic nerve,constant use of super strong painkillers, treatment from a chiropractor,acupuncturist and a physio,none of which had much affect saw Rex yesterday and in 1 treatment I am almost completely pain free!!!! I cannot express just how good I feel and what an amazing man Rex is!!! Would recommend him to anyone


Experienced my first sound bath this morning, beautiful sounds, amazing vibrations, complete relaxation for mind and body.

Feeling rejuvenated.

Thankyou Ruth, hope to see you again in March.


Cannot recommend Jade enough! Amazing massage and overall experience was so relaxing and such a help to all my tense muscles! I loved it!


Brilliant cranial osteopathy services for babies and mums.


absolutely amazing! Friendly, professional, caring and just really fantastic therapists. I reccomend it to anyone :) x


What an amazing experience, surrounded by lovely people!

My soul starts smiling again! Xx


This place has changed my life! If ur in pain and doctors and hospitals haven't done enough for u then try the tree of life and start yourself on a journey to help yourself heal from the outside in, mind, body and soul. Give it time and things can change / get better and this is a great place to start! Go for it! ;-)


My family and I have been supported by TOL for over two years now and are incredibly grateful for the clinic and practitioners - all consistently wonderful and generous.


Just had an amazing massage with Emma after doing the 10k on Sunday and numerous other races and feeling very ache she has made me feel better again ThAnkyou and I’ll be back again many thanks Daz


I've been coming to the Tree of Life formerly Acupuncture Clinic for 9 years it is such a great local resource with fabulous classes treatments and always a friendly welcome


I just wanted to write to say thank you to Yana for my abdominal-sacral massage. It has been one of the most powerful massage experiences I have had and I felt very held and well looked after by you. It is very rare for me to be able to really let go in front of someone I've only just met so this is a real credit to you for your skill and your gentle, caring way of being. I will recommend you highly to others in the future.


I have visited a couple of times for acupuncture to assist with periodic pain attributed to lower back injury. ToL have such a lovely, knowledgeable and caring team. The acupuncture treatment I receive reduces pain dramatically and allows me a much swifter recovery. Thankyou. The payment structure is very fair and allows those on a low income to benefit from great treatment and for those able to be more generous to pay more. Strongly recommend.


I had an amazing Healing session with Jana and I thoroughly recommend her. She was very professional yet so intuitive and seemed to know exactly where the healing was needed. I can honestly say it's the best healing session I've ever had. I felt so calm and centred afterwards with a clear mind and clearer vision of my life path as she also offered me intuitive guidance too. Tree of Life is the most friendly and radiant holistic health centre I have visited with the warmest of staff and such beautiful decor. A highly recommended day out with something for everyone...


I had a wonderful abdominal sacral massage with Yana last night. She has a lovely calming energy and I felt that I was in a very safe, nurturing environment. I will visit her again. Thankyou so much Yana.


I had a session with Bradley Carr for a gut issue that I had experienced a couple of times, and started again. Regular doctors in the US had done all kinds of tests without finding anything. Had also seen a good alternative health practitioner who couldn't seem to get to the cause.

Bradley did -- lovely healer, really listened and explained. It was a food intolerance, told me what to do, and showed me a helpful technique to use when I feel stressed. Thrilled and very grateful.


I don't live in Brighton, but if I did I'd be here every day! It would become an essential part of my self care practices. As soon as you walk into the Tree of Life Centre, you feel welcomed and nourished by its atmosphere of serenity and light. Lucky people of Brighton to have a sanctuary and hub for every kind of healing and therapeutic treatment, yoga, meditation and workshops. This is a really special, really wonderful and powerfully nourishing space with a great community. The pretty little garden is a jewel - a peaceful sanctuary in which to sit or hang out with like minded friends. What an incredible blessing for Brighton.


Having just moved to Hove, I feel so lucky to have such an amazing centre near. Thank you � every detail is 5*


Having been bedridden,in intense pain for 15 weeks,being given different diagnosis ranging from spd,bulging disc to baby on my sciatic nerve,constant use of super strong painkillers, treatment from a chiropractor,acupuncturist and a physio,none of which had much affect saw Rex yesterday and in 1 treatment I am almost completely pain free!!!! I cannot express just how good I feel and what an amazing man Rex is!!! Would recommend him to anyone


Experienced my first sound bath this morning, beautiful sounds, amazing vibrations, complete relaxation for mind and body.

Feeling rejuvenated.

Thankyou Ruth, hope to see you again in March.


Cannot recommend Jade enough! Amazing massage and overall experience was so relaxing and such a help to all my tense muscles! I loved it!


Brilliant cranial osteopathy services for babies and mums.

More about Tree Of Life, Integrated Health Centre, Hove

Tree Of Life, Integrated Health Centre, Hove is located at 143 Portland Road, BN3 5QJ Hove
(01273) 220159
Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:30
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -