Watson Now

About Watson Now

An instant digital platform that allows users to save money and to discover places within Nottingham.

Watson Now Description

WATSon is based on the self-evident fact that new students are inherently interested in extracurricular activities, particularly in anything fun related. Often, such fun related activities are restricted by monetary considerations and, consequently, there is a need for a guide to inexpensive places which provide the maximum amount of fun.

What we do
WATSon is specifically designed to cater to students' crucial requirement. We give students the information they need, in order for them to choose from all the options available to them on any particular day and time, without it actually costing them anything.

We have the ability to find events, shows, performances, festivals, trips, sport events and extracurricular activities based on your location and preferences.

We focus on local activity and a time window that only displays information about events a week in advance, with the main focus on today /now.

Apart from being split into the categories above, the main page of WATSon - now shows hot and trending activities that are happening right at the moment you open the App.

- It means that offers and activities which are happening right now are given priority and you can get exclusive deals on them.

- Moreover, you can take advantage of other exclusive discounts in addition to the ones described earlier and therefore save money.