
About Wellbeing4Life

Wellbeing4Life helps you to become your best self. Our impactful, real and evidence-based programmes help you to achieve wellbeing through eating well, getting active, and developing a healthy, resilient mind. For individuals and businesses: for life!



Wellbeing isn’t about the one big thing that can change your life.
Instead, wellbeing is about those small, sustainable steps you take on a regular basis to make a lifelong difference.
That’s where our Happy Hub comes in- a monthly meeting with like-minded women that guides you through small, realistic steps. No stress, no overwhelm, no gimmicks, just real support, individualised to the person you are!
... Our Happy Hub is for you if:
If you’re looking for something a little different.
If you’re seeking more energy, joy and purpose in life.
For more information and to book your place please email hello@wellbeing-4-life.com or call Sharon on 07842 775880.
https://www.facebook.com/events/712933435 767304/?ti=icl
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The secret to a healthy brain? Just keep moving!
https://www.theguardian.com/…/household -chores-keep-brain-y…


Our flagship, transformational event has launched!
Come join us on retreat.....you won’t regret it!


Don’t believe all you read on the internet!
Sleep is just one of the many areas where false claims, fads and gimmicks exist.
If you struggle to sleep then you’ll know how completely debilitating it can be which is why you deserve real information based on real evidence.
... We take our work here at Wellbeing4life very seriously....never a fad, never a gimmick!
We’ll be running a 4 week sleep programme beginning in September where we’ll show you strategies and techniques to achieve restful, restorative sleep without a gimmick in sight.
To register your interest please drop us a message or email hello@wellbeing-4-life.com and do look out for further information coming soon.
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Not long now until we delve into the fascinating world of the gut!
Just ONE place left....if you’d like it to be yours please get in touch.


Beautiful views rewarded our campers this morning at Bradgate Park Bootcamp! I know I say if often but really? Why would you not choose to train with this view? 😁 Every Saturday 9.30am.


Proud to be crazy!


Lovely training session in the beautiful Spring sunshine this morning at Rothley Court Hotel! Earned a few Easter eggs today 😬


Let's stop Parkinson's Disease in its tracks. Please like and share to raise awareness of the seriousness of this debilitating disease.
And then let's focus on action; what can be done through fund raising to support research and by supporting those living with the disease to manage symptoms including through healthy, balanced lifestyle choices.
We look forward to working with Parkinson's UK to do just that.


Here's an updated schedule of regular Boot Camp, Personal and Group Training and Laughter Yoga Sessions. First session of Boot Camp and Laughter Yoga is FREE so what are you waiting for?! Get involved and start your wellbeing journey today x


Easter holidays are upon us and you may be wondering how you can manage to get your own exercise fix whilst taking care of the kids and attempting to get them active and outdoors! We hear ya!
Well fear not, we have it covered! This Easter school holidays we invite you to bring the children with you on Monday 15th April 9:30am-10:30am at Rothley Court Hotel for their very own Kids boot Camp with the fabulous children's fitness instructor Sarah Volans-Seymour from Team:Fit F...un!
You will be close by but getting your own hour of 'me time' for exercise. Parents and kids will leave feeling happy, chilled and ready for a day of fun!
If you'd like to come along please comment below or message to book your place - please note places are limited so places must be booked in advance.
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Here it is.... Did you know that today is Parkinson’s Awareness Day? Here at Wellbeing4Life it’s a cause close to our hearts and it's one that affects 1 in every 350 people; that’s 145,000 people in the UK.
What we know is that it can affect anyone of any age and the symptoms include slowness of movement, tremor and muscle stiffness. Those affected and their loved ones can feel helpless as they watch symptoms progress.
... But guess what? We also know that a healthy, balanced lifestyle can have a significant impact on the progress of this debilitating disease which can put suffers back in control.
Yet again, research shows that eating well, exercising and managing stress through self-care is the key as it is for so many illnesses and that gets us fired up! We CAN make small changes to improve our quality of life and we’re Passionate about helping everybody to do just that.
That’s why we are beyond excited to announce that Wellbeing4Life will be working with Parkinson’s UK to deliver an innovative and brand new holistic wellbeing course for those suffering with Parkinson’s Disease to put them back in control!
Watch this space… but if Parkinson’s Disease affects you and you’d like to be kept posted on this exciting new initiative then drop us a message with your e-mail address.
We are also supporting Parkinson’s UK with their ‘Parkinson’s IS’ campaign which aims to help increase understanding of Parkinson's as a serious condition and will be sharing their posts – please help us by pressing share!
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Who’s coming to play?!


🌟🌟Announcement Alert!! 🌟🌟 We are super excited to be making an announcement tomorrow about a brand new wellbeing programme we are running in collaboration with a fabulous charity!! We will say no more for now but look out for our post tomorrow!


What’s the purpose of your diary?
A pretty accessory?
A reminder of where you should be and when?
... A way to ensure special people get remembered on birthdays?
Whatever it’s main purpose, a diary is supposed to serve as a useful tool...something to serve you.
But what if that diary is so full that it no longer serves you but instead overwhelms you?
If your diary is so full that there’s no space for ‘you’ then we’d suggest that your diary is not serving you.
Ask yourself....why is the diary so full? Do you really need to be that busy or is it that the busyness somehow serves another purpose....go on, be honest ( and gentle with yourself).
Sometimes we create a busyness in order to give us value as if we, in our own unique ways, are not of value in our own right.
So, set aside some time in your diary to take a look at what the next fortnight has in store for you. What is vital and what can be taken out? If you took something out, how could you make better use of that time in a way that really serves you?
Self-care doesn’t just happen, you’ve got to make time for it.
Don’t use ‘busyness’ as a reason for not taking care of your number one asset...you! If a dental appointment is in the diary, it happens. In the same way, schedule in some ‘you’ time- you’ll reap so many more rewards than running round being a slave to the diary.
This is an area so many struggle in so do please share how you get on so others can also benefit.
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We’ve got just ONE place left on this fascinating workshop.
To make it yours, please get in touch to book your place.


As a Health Coach, I’m generally not a fan of supplements. I’d much rather support clients in learning how to gain great nutrition through diet (and other lifestyle factors).
This is a really interesting article which explains why supplementation is generally not the answer and summed up by one of its contributors with this:
‘I don’t think you can undo the effects of a bad diet by taking supplements ‘
... https://www.nbcnews.com/…/certain-nutri ents-can-help-people…
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Laugh your way to wellbeing and have a whole lot of fun as you go!


When was the last time you had a great big belly laugh...you know the kind of laughter that gets you thrown out of a nice restaurant?
Charlie Chaplin said 'a day without laughter is a day wasted' and he had a great point! Research shows that laughter has so many physical and mental health benefits and yet we don't always feel in the mood for laughter.
This is where Laughter Yoga comes in!
... Laughter Yoga is a unique concept where we laugh for no reason....no comedy, no jokes, no humour just laughter for laughters sake. It doesn't matter if that laughter is real or fake because the body can't tell the difference...those many wonderful health benefits are yours regardless.
So what are those health benefits?
• Increased immunity • Reduced stress • Improved mental health • Better sleep • Enhanced relationships •Increased focus, concentration and motivation • Greater creativity • Increased muscle tone • Anti-ageing • Exam stress relief
Laughter Yoga isn't about laughing in downward dog position- the 'yoga' bit refers to the deep pranayamic type deep breathing asscoiated with traditional yoga, which we do in between laughter 'exercises'.
Laughter Yoga is a great way to enhance wellbeing so why not come along and give it a go?!
Laughter Yoga is suitable for all ages from 15 years upwards and all abilities. Laughter exercises can be done in a seated position for those who are less mobile.
Our next term begins on Tuesday 7th May 6.30-7.30pm in The Green Room at Mountsorrel memorial Centre and meets weekly. See dates for full details.
Free parking available on site.
Cost: Signing up to a termly membership is the preferred option and saves you money! Termly membership is £30. Pay as go is available at £5 per session or £35 for the term.
Any questions please do drop us a message or email hello@wellbeing-4-life.com or call Sharon on 07842 775880.
In celebration of International Laughter Day we shall be offering a FREE Joy and Laughter session on Thursday 2nd May 7pm - 8.30pm. Pop along for a free laughter yoga taster session and to find out how you can increase the joy in your life- please contact us to book your place.
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This Wellbeing for life has been the best thing i have ever done x Sharon and Elain were proffeshional in every way, helping us all to think about how we could change our life style, to promote health and wellbeing in our everyday lives. We all suffer from stress, make unhealth decisions about food, sometimes resulting in illness and always too busy to put ourselves first. This retreat gives you advise in making right decisions, in helping you alone make good positive choices, not for just now but for life. If you go on this Health and Wellbeing retreat for life, you will not regret it and go home happier and healthier as i have.


My first ever retreat with Wellbeing4Life and it surpassed all of my expectations.

I was very apprehensive but shouldn’t have been, the content, food, location and agenda was fantastic.

The hosts Elaine and Sharon were amazing, supportive, friendly and genuinely lovely people.

I have come away with actions to take that I am sure will improve my overall health and well-being.

Highly recommended!!


I have been attending two boot camps a week with Elain for about 5 weeks and I'm absolutely loving it! I've definitely toned up but I also feel lighter on my feet, more agile and on the whole much healthier than I have in a long time. I was really nervous about going but Elain completely makes sure you work at your own individual level and there's a real sense of fun when you're doing it. Elain gently pushes us each week to keep improving and she's really motivating. There's no way I'd work anywhere near as hard on my own and whereas before I'd done some running on my own and was glad when it was over I now really look forward to Elains sessions! I'd thoroughly recommend train4life to anyone.


I attended a health and wellness retreat arranged by Sharon and Elain and would recommend the experience to anyone. Brilliantly organised, fantastic location, amazing food and lots of inspirational tips, advice and information. Thanks so much ladies x


Fantastic bootcamp at Rothley Court hotel - a really glorious setting and the sun was shining down on us making it that much easier!! Elain is really motivational with just the right balance between encouragement and pushing you just that bit further - perfect. Thank you Elain, I feel I have turned a corner in my fitness regime and, with your help, will continue along the right road.


Fab session thank you! Great group of ladies. See you next week�


Elain has been my personal trainer for the last few years and I can not recommend her highly enough. I love the fact that her workouts are outside in Bradgate Park or Swithland woods as it really clears my head after a day in the office. She has also given me invaluable advice on eating healthily and making me love my body again. I have also attended Sharon and Elain’s Well Being Retreat in France.....WOW is all I can say. It was amazing! We all need to invest some time in ourselves and the retreat really taught me how to do this. I would highly recommend the retreat to anybody that is considering it.

More about Wellbeing4Life

Wellbeing4Life is located at Leicester, United Kingdom