Wild Yogi

About Wild Yogi

Wild Yogi is a page for all yoga lovers. Wendy will be sharing tips on how to practice yoga from your core and live your life from your place of truth.

Wild Yogi Description

Wild Yogi is a page for all yoga lovers. Wendy will be sharing tips on how to practice yoga from your core and live your life from your place of truth.



Happy Thursday, lovely wild yogis and yoginis. Come and learn to connect to the earth and core in order to move freely and safely with me on the mat at FlowMotion.Life in one of these classes today: 10:30-11:30 am Mum & Baby Yoga
6:15-7:15 pm Pregnancy Yoga
... 7:30-9:00 pm Wild Core Flow Yoga
See you later. Have a brilliant day.
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Good morning, lovely wild yogis and yoginis. Hope that you are all having a fab week so far. As for me, I'm still full of cold but I'm starting to feel a little more grounded, a little more settled! Phew...hahahaha...so we will continue with our theme of getting grounded. On the mat,, we often talk about getting connected to the earth and to the core before we flow. That is because if we don't we would fall down. A bit like building a house - you would always lay the fo...undation down first and then build up. Decorating would definitely be the last thing! How you express a pose is decoration. The foundation, the breath and core are the main structure. When we have a strong connection to the earth and the core, we can express our poses gracefully, and safely. Off the mat, the connection to the earth and the core is our connection to reality and to our true self. If we can clearly see our current reality and we truly know our true self, the expression is effortless and graceful. If we deny our reality and we try to be someone we are not, we are likely to get hurt!
Join me in one of these at FlowMotion.Life to learn to really connect to the earth and the core in order to express our poses gracefully, safely and (almost) effortlessly!
9:30-10:30 am Wild Core Flow Yoga, a fun flow class for those who enjoy a bit of a challenge
6:00-7:00o pm Yoga for Sports, mixed abilities
Keep your feet on the earth even as you rise and reach to the stars. Have a wonderful day and see you later.
#yoga #earthtocore #earthcoreflow #vinyasa #yogaforsport #matlock #sugarcanepose
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Good morning, beautiful wild yogis and yoginis. My classes are all on throughout the Easter holiday. If you want to bring your kids along, please do as long as they are happy to join in or to sit quietly. We will continue with the theme of being grounded and finding our roots. See you at FlowMotion.Life in one of these classes:
9:45-10:45 am Hatha Yoga (I'm covering for Jane)
5:45-6:45 pm Hatha Yoga
... Have a beautiful stay and remember to stay grounded while reaching for the stars.
#yoga #findyourroots #getgrounded #matlock
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Good morning, beautiful wild yogis and yoginis. I don't know about you but this year has already turned out to be totally full on for me. I feel like I'm in need of some self nurturing time and also to be grounded a bit as I feel like I'm going so quickly that my feet are barely touching the ground. So, expect some grounding work to bring us all into the present moment. See you in one of these at FlowMotion.Life today:
9:45-10:45 am Wild Women Wellness Yoga, a gentle cla...ss for ladies of all ages and abilities
6:00-7:30 pm Wild Core Flow Yoga, a fun flow class for those with some yoga experience who enjoy a little challenge
Remember to connect to your breath if you are feeling like everything is spinning so quickly. Stand up and ground your feet down - that can help too. See you in a bit. Have a lovely day.
#yoga #grounding #pigeonpose #corestrength #matlock
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Happy Thai New Year to you all, my lovely wild yogis and yoginis. Would have loved to celebrate it but I think it's a bit too cold here in England to be chucking water at each other! New Year, new day, new breath all equate new beginning! So let's celebrate each moment for the opportunity that it gives us.
if you know anyone recovering from injuries, illnesses or surgeries, anybody who struggle with balance, or anyone who finds it difficult to get down to or up from the ...floor, please tell them about our Gentle Chair Yoga class this morning at 11-12:00 at FlowMotion.Life. Thank you.
Have a fabulous day and a fab new year(ish!).
#yoga #songkran #thainewyear #newbeginning #matlock
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Happy Thursday, beautiful wild yogis and yoginis. We're going to continue with our theme of being ope to new possibilities and new beginnings. Sometimes all it takes is a change of perspective. Join me in class today as we explore how change of perspective can make hard endings and new beginnings a little easier to handle. See you in one of these (and don't worry the only class going upside down is the last class of the day!):
10:30-11:30 am Mum & Baby Yoga
6:15-7:15 pm ... Pregnancy Yoga
7:30-9:00 pm Wild Core Flow Yoga, some experience required
See you in a bit. Have a wonderful day.
#yoga #vinyasa #pregnancyyoga #babyyoga #matlock #pinchamayurasana
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Hello wonderful wild yogis and yoginis. Let's keep being open to possibilities and new beginnings. Sometimes it is so scary to let go of the stuff we are used to but nothing can ever remain the same forever so we may as well embrace each new beginning. Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity. It makes new beginnings more exciting and less scary! Yes, it is much easier said than done. Old things end. Old chapters end. New ones begin whatever our attitude. Life is a l...ittle easier if we flow with it a bit.
Come and be open to possibilities on the mat with me in one of these today at FlowMotion.Life:
9:30-10:30 am Wild Core Flow Yoga, for those with yoga experience
6:00-7:00 pm Yoga For Sports, for all in good health
Have a fabulous day and see you later.
#yoga #vinyasa #yogaforsports #matlock #dancerpose
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Good morning, beautiful wild yogis and yoginis. This week is all about new beginnings. Sometimes we want to start fresh and we do it. Sometimes we want things to stay just as they are, but life has a different plan. The point is that we can never stay the same because nothing does. Things change. Something ends, something else begins. It is the way of life. We do have a choice in how we react to this. We can choose to be curious about our new beginnings and we can ch...oose to try to resist and be stressed out. Let's all learn to let go of what needs to be let go off and embrace our new beginnings. Every breath is a new beginning. Let's start with a great attitude and keep living each moment to the fullest. Be open to new breath, new beginnings.
See you at FlowMotion.Life in our Hatha class this evening at 5:45-6:45 pm. The class is suitable for all including complete beginners. So, if you know anyone who would like to start yoga, send them my way please. Thank you.
Have a fab day.
#yoga #newbeginning #beopen #letgo #startfresh #matlock
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Good morning, fabulous wild yogis and yoginis, hope you've had a fab weekend. I had the pleasure of teaching yoga to a hen group. How exciting for the bride-to-be to be embarking on a new life - a new chapter in her book.
i love new beginnings. I love Spring because it is all about new beginnings. Some new beginnings come after a rough ending of the last chapter. While still at the end of the chapter, we could feel sad, mad, and lose hope. If you are at that place rig...ht now, please remember that the end of one chapter is the start of the next. Focus on the new chapter. Turn that page and get living.
See you in one of these at FlowMotion.Life today:
9:45-10:45 am Wild Women Wellness Yoga
6:00-7:30 pm Wild Core Flow Yoga
Have a wonderful new day, new week and maybe for some, a whole new chapter of your life. Much love.
#yoga #newbeginnings #spring #matlock #vinyasa
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Good morning, beautiful wild yogis and yoginis, I have really enjoyed sharing with you the meaning of namaste and anjali mudra. From my heart straight to yours and with my hands in anjali mudra, thank you. Here is something I want to leave with you. We are all one. All beings, the whole earth, we are all connected. Treat each other with love, respect and compassion. Not just humans but animals too. All sentient beings all love and all fear. No life is less or more imp...ortant than another. Make it your mission to live as kindly and respectfully of others as you can. Namaste.
I am teaching the Gentle Chair Yoga class at 11-12:00 today at FlowMotion.Life. If you know anyone who could benefit from a gentle class, please do send them my way. Thank you. Have a fabulous day.
Oh, if you haven't heard, we still have a few places at our Gong Bath with Gongs by Julia this Sunday, April 7th at 2-3:30. You just need to lie down and let the healing vibrational sounds of gongs relax you. If you'd like to join us, please click on this link to book and pay online. https://flowmotion.life/defau…/gong-bat h-with-gongs-by-julia
Thank you.
#yoga #gongbath #weareone #alllivesmatter #livekindly
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Happy Thursday, lovely wild yogis and yoginis. Namaste to you all. We will continue with the theme of oneness through the story behind Anjali mudra (hand gesture in which the palms are together in prayer). We will explore using Anjali mudra not just during chanting, breathing work and meditation but also in our physical practice to draw into centre and to express our poses from our heart centre. Anjali mudra is normally performed with the hands held at the heart centre when... we say hello, thank you or sorry. It signifies that these words come straight from our heart and is aimed at the receiver's heart, creating connection. In fact, we are all connected. All made of the same stardust. Anjali mudra helps to remind us of our connection to each other and to all beings. It is often accompanied by the word namaste (see meaning below). Join me on the mat in one of these classes at FlowMotion.Life to remember our connection to all beings and to the earth:
10:30-11:30 am Mum & Baby Yoga, babies from 6 weeks to crawling
6:15-7:15 pm Pregnancy Yoga, 15+ weeks to birth
7:30-9:00 pm Wild Core Flow Yoga, a strong flow class for those with some yoga experience
Have a wonderful day and may you feel connected, supported and loved. May you connect, support and love all beings too. Namaste.
#yoga #namaste #anjalimudra #vinyasa #pregnancyyoga #babyyoga #postnatalyoga #weareone #matlock
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Good morning, beautiful wild yogis and yoginis. Join me for the story behind the prayer hands or Anjali mudra. Anjali means divine gift. In Thailand, we use this hand gesture (with the hands placed at our heart) when we say hello, good bye, thank you and sorry. This is to show that these words are felt in our heart and they connect the heart of the speaker to the heart of the listener. Don't forget to get to one of these classes at FlowMotion.Life for the fabulous story ...behind the gesture:
9:30-10:30 am Wild Core Flow Yoga, for those with some experience
6:00-7:00 pm Yoga for Sports, mixed abilities in good health
Have a wonderful day and namaste.
#yoga #yogaeverydamnday #anjalimudra #vinyasa #yogaforsports #matlock
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Namaste beautiful wild yogis and yoginis. you know I don't normally use a lot of sanskrit in class. Not because I don't love the language but because I give lots of cues and sanskrit names would just take up too much time! Every now and then though I like to share one or two words that touch me. Namaste is one of them. Normally we bring our palms together in Anjali mudras (prayer hands), bow our head and say namaste. I'm sure most of you have heard this word. The meaning is so deep and I just love it. Anjali mudras is held at the heart. So we speak namaste, we speak it from our heart. Join me in our Hatha Yoga class at FlowMotion.Life this evening at 5:45-6:45 pm to learn all about Anjali Mudra.
Namaste, yogis. The divine in me honours the divine in you! Have a lovely day.
#yoga #divinity #namaste #anjali #flomo #matlock


Good morning, lovely wild yogis and yoginis. Hope you are excited about this new week, this new day and each new moment, each new breath. To those of you celebrating Mother's Day yesterday, I hope you had a wonderful day. If, like me, you found it tough, I hope you had a moment to grieve and that you eventually found peace. Yoga is the answer for me. Not necessarily the physical practice but definitely the breath - using the breath to connect to the place of peace and to... calm the mind. I did a lot of that yesterday! Here are our classes at FlowMotion.Life today:
9:45-10:45 am Wild Women Wellness Yoga, a gentle class for ladies of all ages and abilities
6:00-7:30 pm Wild Core Flow Yoga, a challenging flow class for those with some yoga experience.
Please don't forget that i'm running a Yoga At Your Desk workshop on May 4th at 9:30-11:30. It is perfect for those of you who work at a desk a lot or for those of you with limited space. Please see link below for details and to book and pay online. Do please share with friends or family members who might benefit from this. Thank you.
Have a lovely day and see you in a bit.
#yoga #vinyasa #womenshealth #officeyoga #deskyoga #chairyoga #destressatwork #matlock
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Good morning, fabulous wild yogis and yoginis. Another beautiful and gloriously sunny day in Matlock! The sunshine makes me extra happy. The quote today is another one of my favourite Buddha quotes. So often when we are in pain (physical or emotional), we add an extra layer of suffering by playing the victim. Why me? What if, instead of suffering the suffering, we become curious? Instead of why me, we ask what we can learn from this pain? Turn it into an opportunity f...or change and growth? Easy? No but enlightening and so worth it. Give it a go. Replace victim mentality with curiosity. By doing so, you take back the control and you stop suffering the suffering. We might not be able to change the situation that is causing us pain but we can change our attitude to be one of acceptance. Even in surrender, we learn and grow!
My Gentle Chair Yoga class is on at FlowMotion.Life at 11:00-12:00 today.
Have a fab day and enjoy the sunshine.
#yoga #chairyoga #buddha #sufferingthesuffering #matlock
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Happy Thursday, beautiful wild yogis and yoginis. I so love this quote by the Buddha: "Praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and sorrow come and go like the wind. To be happy, rest like a giant tree in the midst of them all." A tree that survives strong wind doesn't stand rigid and break. It doesn't move too much that it topples over. It is firmly rooted into the earth while it's branches move and sway with the wind. When life tries to throw us off our centre, we too... need to stay rooted in our truth but we can be adapt and flow with life without losing who we are. Join me on the mat today at FlowMotion.Life to learn to root down into our centre so that we too can bend and sway without breaking.
10:30-11:30 am Mum & Baby Yoga, babies from 6 weeks to crawling
6:15-7:15 pm Pregnancy Yoga, 15+ weeks to birth
7:30-9:00 pm Wild Core Flow Yoga, a fun flow class for those with some yoga experience
Have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine. See you soon.
#yoga #yogaeverydamnday #treepose #vrksasana #vinyasa #pregnancyyoga #babyyoga
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Good morning, beautiful wild yogis and yoginis. My amazing partner, Ian Watson, and I are teaming up again with Alison House Hotel for another Yoga and Trail Run Derbyshire Dales Weekend 2019 on 18-20 October this year. I hope you can come and join us for lots of yoga and trail running, or just yoga, or just running, or just for the fabulousness of Derbyshire Dales and the yummiliciousness of the 100% plant-based meals! Please check out our website for the itinerary and pr...ices. Please share too.
I hope to see many of you in one of these classes at FlowMotion.Life today:
9:30-10:30 am Wild Core Flow Yoga, a challenging flow class for those with at least a year of yoga/dance experience
6:00-7:00 pm Yoga for Sports, suitable for all in good health
See you later. Have a wonderful day.
#yoga #vinyasa #trailrunning #running #vegan #veganyogi #veganrunner #yogaretreat #veganholiday #runningholiday #derbyshire #peakdistrict
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Ian Watson, my amazing partner, and I are teaming up again, for the 3rd year, to bring you a fantastic weekend of running, yoga and delicious and nutritious 100% plant-based meals at the beautiful Alison House Hotel this October.
Our last two retreats were a huge success and we have been asked by many to do it again. As our weekend is a little earlier in the year this time, we have the opportunity to enjoy the fabulous Matlock Bath Illumination and Fireworks too!
Please se...e our website for the itinerary and prices and to request a booking form. http://www.wildyogi.com/yoga--trail-run-w eekend.html
To book your place, £100 deposit is required. The balance is to be paid up by the end of July. FAB NEWS: If you book and pay the full amount by the end of May, or if you are a returner, you get 5% discount!
This is going to be super fun so don't miss out!
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More about Wild Yogi

Wild Yogi is located at FlowMotion.Life, Unit 4 Olde English Rd, DE4 3RR Matlock, Derbyshire