Yoga In Pregnancy

About Yoga In Pregnancy

https://www. /antenatalyogainnottingham. I am a former Nurse-Midwife, experienced Birth Doula and British Wheel of Yoga teacher

Yoga In Pregnancy Description

Yoga in Pregnancy is a wonderful way for women to explore their changing bodies whilst strengthening muscles and relaxing tension. But many exercise classes could do that. Yoga works deeper. Yoga works on subtle levels too, helping the woman to gain insight into herself for more personal growth and profound birth experience.
A former Nurse-Midwife, I now work as a Doula (pronounced "doola")which is a Greek word meaning "woman servant or caregiver". It now refers to an experienced woman who offers emotional and practical support to a woman (or couple) before, during and after childbirth. Birth Doulas are trained and experienced in childbirth. They have good knowledge and awareness of female and birth physiology. Women must feel able to make decisions for themselves and their babies based on information gained during the pregnancy.

I believe that the antenatal period is extremely important, a time when women can explore their options to participate fully in this rite of passage towards motherhood.
My background gives me a holistic view of care of pregnant women, I network with local professionals so that if I don't know an answer I'll bet that I know someone who does.
See my facebook group at: https://www. /antenatalyogainnottingham

More about Yoga In Pregnancy

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