Your Vasectomy Reversal Clinic

About Your Vasectomy Reversal Clinic

Your Vasectomy Reversal Clinic is a very busy vasectomy reversal clinic run by Duncan Harriss DM FRCS (Urol) providing a fixed price package of care with payment options:
https://www. thevasectomyreversalcentre. co. uk /vasectomy-reversal-cost /

Your Vasectomy Reversal Clinic Description

Most people come to Mr Harriss's clinic for their vasectomy reversal in the UK. This number of cases makes Duncan Harriss one of the most experienced and skilled vasectomy reversal surgeons in the UK.

For men who had their vasectomy 7 years or less, Mr Harriss's success rates are 98%

For men who had their vasectomy reversal 8 - 14 years, his success rate is 94% .

For men who had their vasectomy between 16 and 20 years ago, their chance of success is 84% .

For men who had their vasectomy 21 years ago or longer, their chance of success is 50% with Mr Harriss performing their vasectomy.

Many men visit the clinic, none are turned away because the vasectomy reversal can't be done. Men also vist the clinic to have re-do vasectomy reversals when they have been elsewhere.

Our testimonials indicate the high regard and high number of successes and pregnancies associated Mr Duncan Harriss's vasectomy reversals

For free information, visit his website.

For a non-judgmental consultation, please ring Catherine or Bev for an appointment on 0115 837 0300 or 0800 559 3922 evenings and weekends.



An update and some advice....
Hello team
This little man here is XXX, he has just celebrated his 4th birthday and is looking forward to full time school in September.
... Had my reversal done by Mr Harris about six years ago, we tried for over a year after the operation, we were not having any success in conceiving, but after our honeymoon to the Dom Rep in 2013 we found out that we were expecting, unfortunately we lost that baby about 7 weeks into the pregnancy!
We were crushed but, we caught once, and knew it would happen again, about 2 months later, we were pregnant again, and here is the end result!
Myself, my wife and big Sister are still thankful, and forever grateful to you for the miracle you performed on me 10 years after the original vasectomy!
Keep up the good work!
Thank you for sharing with us :-)
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Another arrival....
A big thank you to Mr Harris and the team.
I had my vasectomy at the age of 40 in 2010 having already had a wonderful daughter. My partner and I decided we would like children and so started discussions about how to go about this.
... I spent many hours at the computer/internet reading up on where to have a reversal done in the UK, costs, success rates and surgeon reputation. Mr Harris came out on top for me by a country mile and so at 46 in December 2016, I had a reversal.
As soon as my fiancee and I tried to get pregnant we did so well done team.
I am now 47 and my fiancee and I have just had our little boy (June 2018) and are thrilled. The whole reversal process was handled professionally and with great care.
A very simple process and we would definitely recommend to anyone thinking of having this done.
So grateful. Thanks again
Many congratulations!
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Another arrival....
I just wanted to email to say we had a baby daughter 8 weeks ago, happy and healthy. She was born a year and 5 days after my operation.
Please can you thank Mr Harriss for me. I had a great experience, and a great end result of course!
... Many congratulations!
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Another arrival:
Hi I just wanted to let you know 3 years after vasectomy Reversal that was over 17 years old we finally got to meet our beautiful baby boy can't thank Mr Harris and the team enough xxx born 29th may 2018 at a huge 8lb.
... Many congratulations, he's gorgeous!
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A lovely thank you...
Please can you forward this onto mr Harriss. Firstly I’d like to say how comfortable and calm mr Harriss and the team at the BMI hospital made me feel during my stay, I was made to feel at ease and was looked after really well. I’m really pleased that I did my research and found mr Harris rather than going with one of the first clinics I came across.
... Fingers crossed for a positive result.
Many thanks
Thank you for your kind words
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Another pregnancy....
I had the reversal operation at aged 46 having had a vasectomy 2 years previously.
Myself and my wife decided that we would in fact like to have another child and after lots of research we chose Mr Harriss’ clinic based mainly on testimonials like this one!
... After the operation we decided that we would try for a baby in the spring and after just one attempt my wife is pregnant.
Mr Harriss and his team were fantastic and the information that I was given both in terms of the procedure and recovery was exactly as it was in practice which is very rare.
Thoroughly recommended.
Thank you and congratulations!
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Another arrival....
Hello again we are proud to announce the arrival of our amazing baby boy XXX born at 7:54 on Wednesday the 13th at 6 pound 14 oz.
We would like to again give our thanks to Dr Harris and his team. There are not enough words to explain how thankful and grateful we are for the blessing you have given us after so many years of doctors telling us there would be no way we could have a baby and it would be pointless to try.
... Dr Harris gave us hope and has helped us achieve our dream we love our boy so much and our life is now complete thanks to you. We are so over the moon and in shear bliss thank you again so much.
Many congratulations!
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This article was published in the Sun today?
Low quality information is our biggest problem. The NHS site reports data from when having a reversal was possible on the NHS, and reversals were performed by junior doctors and without a microscope.
With Mr Harriss, you receive a Consultant service from a specialist who performs many hundreds of vasectomy reversals every year and always with a high powered microscope.
... It's really sad for us to see incorrect information perpetuated as somebody somewhere will read this and think that the chance of having a child is not possible as it seems too low.
Our experience is very different.…/reverse-vase ctomy-cost-success-…/
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Another arrival (first posted in our FB group):
Well exactly 2 years ago tomorrow on 15th June 2016 my partner had his vasectomy reversal with Mr Harris, and we finally met our Beautiful princess Ruby today on 14th June 2018
Many congratulations!


Another pregnancy....
💜💜DUE 13TH NOVEMBER 2018💜💜 Well after 19 and a half years i decided to have a reversal, i chose mr harriss after plenty of research and reading his reviews and after having this done and following his instructions to the letter as you can see my partner and i are expecting a beautiful bouncy baby girl well worth the money and the pain all the staff were great with me and my partner when we stayed at the hospital and now we have so much to look forward to...o with this bundle of joy!!💜💜
Many congratulations!
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A couple of arrivals from our group. Here's the first:
Finally got there our little Miracle. Grace Born on 10/6/18.
... Many congratulations! She's a sweetheart!
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Another pregnancy...
I just wanted to let you and Mr Harriss know of our amazing news, XXX and I are expecting a baby in November, we are so happy and can't thank you enough for the giving us the chance to start a family together!
Many congratulations!


Another arrival...
It has been nearly two years since my vasectomy reversal. However I am please to inform you that on the 6th Feb 2018 my partner and I had a little baby girl, XXX, I wish to thank you for your work and the successful operation. I attach a photo of little XXX.
She's gorgeous! Many congratulations!


We have new day-case lists available on our booking system:
June 17th, July 15th, 19th and August, 27th (Bank Holiday Monday).
All start at 7am. All will enable you to leave for home around 5pm.
... We've also had a few enquiries today about Christmas dates. These are not available yet but we will add them here on Facebook as soon as they are.
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Another pregnancy...
13 weeks today! My fiance had his reversal 7 years after his vasectomy. You made this possible and we are very thankful for that!
Many congratulations!


Another pregnancy, within first three months:
Quick question.....due to have my 3 month analysis on Wed 30 May.
Just found out my wife is pregnant, is it worth cancelling?
... Kindest regards
Interesting question: it is entirely up to you ❤️
Many congratulations!
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Another very happy reversal❤️
Can you please pass on my warmest thanks to Doctor Harris, and everybody whom "had a hand in" my reversal and subsequent testing.
Procreation was successful on first entry, so to speak. Baby is growing well, currently 1cm longer than average after 10 weeks!!! and my partner is cursing the constant nausea and tiredness ;) That said, I feel great and haven't suffered morning sickness one bit, so far, so great times ahead.
... Best Wishes and Thanks
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Another arrival, 6 years after vasectomy:
Hi all is well thank you we have had a little boy called XXX all went well we cant thank you and mr Harriss and all the staff for everything you have made possible our little boy is Amazing.
He's gorgeous! Many congratulations!


This is great news ❤️
We just wanted to let you and Dr Harriss know that whilst we did follow through with an initial consultation with Care in Sheffield, XXX fell pregnant naturally in December and we are due to have a baby in September.
As you can imagine we are both thrilled and in spite of the initial tests being negative after the reversal, it worked in the end.
... Please pass on our huge gratitude and thanks to Dr Harriss and we are pleased to say that you can mark me down as another successful operation.
Thanks again
Many congratulations!
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We have men who come to us because their vasectomy causes them pain or they feel different in some way. This gentleman is very happy with his outcome:
Dear Mr Harriss
I wanted to send you a personal message, to thank you for what you have done for me
... I knew very soon after having my vasectomy that something changed in me, and it had a horrible effect on me psychologically.
It was very reassuring meeting you and finding out that I wasn't the only person to go through this
The morning after the reversal I woke up in hospital with a smile on my face, for the first time in 6 months I didn't wake up with regret, I was already feeling better about myself and have woke up every morning since with a smile on my face
I thank you so much for this and for giving me my life back
Having a vasectomy was the biggest mistake I have ever made, I felt like I was trapped in a nightmare, like my life had been put on hold and I couldn't move forward, all this also had an effect on the people around me, they all noticed a change in me, but I am so pleased to say I already feel back to my old self, so
Thank You Mr Harris
From myself and my family for what you have done
Many Regards
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we have just got back from vasectomy reversal that was done lastnight. I must say a big thankyou to Dr Harris and his team. My husband was looked after so well, made at ease, comfortable and felt very welcome and so did I. everything was explained including aftercare. It is a fantastic hospital and we cant thankyou enough for your services and accomendation. I stayed with him and paid extra to do this and was very impressed with how we were treated and the large amount of respect and care. as we were leaving this morning Mr Harris and his team had emailed us about how the surgery went. the email put us at ease. we will keep you updated and will be back for a sperm test in 3 months time. heres to you all at BMI Nottingham and so many thanks. defentily recommend you to anyone xx

My husband says you have helped him feel like a real man already. for someone to have a vasectomy and then a reversal makes a lot of difference to the inside and makes him feel so much better and cant thank you all enough. Especially Mr Harris.

Thankyou so much

The Sharmans


Went to have my vasectomy reversal last Wednesday on 15th June 2016 (after 8+ years past vasectomy) it all went perfect.. Like to thank dr harriss and his team for looking after me. Will be in touch when me and my partner have big news :) thank you!


We now have our baby girl! The reversal journey from start to finish was superb. May 2017 we had our appointment booked for the surgery, and never in a million years did i think May 2018 i would have this beautiful baby girl. This dream seemed so far away when i first enquired however the team, the hospital and Dr Harriss are all professional, caring and quite frankly miricle workers.

I highly recommend this doctor!!!!! Thank you all again,


We had our op January 2015 and didn't start trying till March 2015 and I found out I was pregnant start of June 15!!!! Amazing how quick it worked after 7 and half years after having the vasectomy, and being told we had a very very low sperm count but it still worked and I am due February 2016 absolutely overwhelmed!! Thanks to Mr Harris and his team xxx


We cannot thank you enough for your hospitality, friendliness and professionalism!!! My husband is American and we travelled from Romania to see dr Hariss with a 10 year old vasectomy ,it was worth every pound we managed to save over a year. He got the best treatment and had an amazing experience at BMI Hospital. Thank you for making our dream come true and we cannot wait to be able to start the baby dance and send you some good news!!


Very good ... communication is excellent with no question to much for an answer ask just catherine lol operation went smoothly recovery took longer than expected (everyone is different) so don't rush it up to 4 weeks nearly for sex drive,wound to heal (infection) and discomfort to subside so from my experience don't rush a recovery or expectations.Even falling off a horse or bike can take a while to get back on it time is key.Thank you to all staff and Dr.Harriss


Thinking about vasectomy reversals?

Then this is your place. And I sincerely advise you do not waist your time and money searching for another place. Dr. Harriss is your guy


My partner went into Mr Harris's clinic on Monday for his vasectomy reversal and I stayed overnight with him so I'm writing this review as a person staying with the patient.

We were both treated excellently, made very welcomed and comfortable and I was given a room not far from my partner at a small extra cost and it was as nice as a room you can ask for in a hospital. It came with a tv with freeview and facilities to freshen up in the morning eg. Shower etc. I was able to order a meal to eat in my partners room so we could stay together and even had a breakfast ordered. Anyone thinking of going along with there partner to stay overnight will be very comfortable.


My partner had his reversal September 2015, 7 years after his vasectomy and by January 2016 I was pregnant. The care and service during and after the procedure could not be faulted. Mr Harriss was extremely friendly and makes you feel very much at ease. We now have a beautiful baby girl who was born in October 2016. Would highly recommend Mr Harriss!!


My partner had his operation on Monday 11th April 2016 and we were both really happy with all the staff at park hospital. The operation all went well and mr Harris was happy with the results so we are just hoping we get a positive result when we go back in 12 weeks. I would 100% recommend mr Harris to anybody that is looking at having a vasectomy reversal.


My husband had his surgery yeaterday. The op went brilliant as it could and now time will tell...I would like to thank Mr Harriss and his team for taking fantastic care of him. The staff are amazing as well as supportive. Thank you for everything and hopefully our dreams will be achieved now.


My husband had his VR done on Sunday (day case) ... we had our consult with Mr Harriss prior to this from the start he was lovely, put us at ease straight away... on arrival we were showed to our room promptly, we expected to be there for quite a few hours but just after we settled in Mr Harriss arrived to tell us they would come and fetch him in half an hour!! Operation went smoothly and was extremely quick... Whilst my husband was coming round Mr Harriss came to see me personally to explain how it went (lovely touch) and my husband was back in the room half an hour after... care was fantastic lovely nurses and food was good... I would definitely recommend Mr Harriss and his team absolutely outstanding, hubbys healing well so exciting times ahead...

Thank you so much

The Hancocks


My hubby had his reversal done by Mr Harriss 8 years ago and we’ve gone on to have 3 beautiful babies since then. We cannot thank Mr Harriss and his team enough!


Mr Harriss is AMAZING my husband had the vasectomy 3 years before he had the vasectomy reversal which was last October 2016, we are now expecting our first baby � together, 5 months later. we are sooo delighted, Had our 3 months scan today. Highly recommend all reversals to Mr Harriss, quick recovery, home same day after OP and we came all the way from Cornwall!! Hardly any scarring and no infection.

We had a 98% chance in conceiving after 3 years. We still can not believe what a miracle our baby is ���� Thanks again Mr Harriss top surgeon �


If you are thinking about a vasectomy reversal don't go anywhere else Mr harriss is the best. I had a vasectomy 13 years ago and now due to Mr harriss me and my fiance are expecting are first child on the 30th august 2014. Thank you Mr harriss for giving us a chance to start a family. Update 10 -8-16 myself and now wife had our second little girl 4 months ago we could not be happier. Mr Harris is the best full stop thank you Mr Harris for giving us our little family . I have since had a sperm count and still have a count of over 30 million. Fingers crossed our family can get a little bigger.


I had my reversal in February 2012 after nearly 17 years. Thanks to the expertise of Dr Harris and his team we now have a gorgeous addition to the family. We are feeling very blessed. I had found it very hard to research success rates for this procedure and found the personal testimonies together with the published success rates very useful in helping to make a decision.

We hope that this review will be helpful to others.

Thank you.


Excellent service Mr Harriss was brilliant and so was the rest of his team. Comfortable stay from start to finish. This is the person to go to if you want a VR not only for his skills but the price is very reasonable. So thank you again Mr Harriss

Fingers crossed now.


A year ago since my partners reversal and we have our 12 week old baby boy � Sonny.

Can't thank you enough for our little bundle of joy.

My partner had the opp in January and we were pregnant in the February!!! Absolutely fantastic and couldn't recommend Dr Harris enough.


12 years+ post vasectomy.

I cannot praise Mr Harriss enough.

He explained the procedure very clearly and put both me and my fiancee at ease.

After the operation we followed his instructions and recovery was fine.

We are now expecting our first baby, to arrive just 9 months after the operation!!

The only downside to the operation being so good, was that my fiancee got pregnant on our first go after the op!

I didn't even get time to practice! :-)

Thanks Mr. Harris, to you and team.

More about Your Vasectomy Reversal Clinic

Your Vasectomy Reversal Clinic is located at The BMI Park Hospital, Sherwood Lodge Drive, Burntstump Country Park, NG5 8RX Nottingham, United Kingdom
0115 837 0300