Z.A.P Coaching

Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -

About Z.A.P Coaching

www. zap-coaching. co. uk

Turning people into Athletes
And Athletes into Champions

- Online Coaching
- 1 to 1 Personal Training
- Tailored training plans
* Free advice & information



ONLY £20 for the rest of the month 👀💪🏽


Here’s a shot from Dan Sage’s 12 week Home training transformation! He was looking to pack on some muscle & bring his body fat percentage down slightly. I concentrated on building his muscle mass which in turn gives his body the natural ability to burn more calories, making fat burning a whole lot easier for him!
Been an absolute pleasure working with you mate, never met somebody who can make me laugh as much as you bro 😂 gonna miss Zak & Dans muscle maxout madness!
Feel lik...e a mother lion letting him now go into the wilderness of the gym🤷🏽‍♂️😂
Good work buddy, looking forward to coffee mornings as friends now 🤔😂
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Monday’s, Wednesday’s & Friday’s from 6:00pm - 6:45pm
The BEST fat loss, full body toning, quad & booty building Bootcamp in the area!
... Using the latest & most effective fat burning protocols for fast & sustainable results!
⁃ Weekly Weigh-Ins! ⁃ Monthly Measurements! ⁃ Monthly Progress Photos! ⁃ Daily Advice and Motivation Through The BODYHIIT Whatsapp Group! ⁃ Weight Loss Plans & Nutritional Supplements! ⁃ Fun, Friendly Atmosphere
But most of all; GUARANTEED RESULTS!
If you’ve been watching my clients & thinking ‘I need that kind motivation & change in my life but can’t afford 1 to 1 sessions’ then look no further!
For more information & monthly package breakdown hit the like button or drop me through a message!
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Would you believe this girl has also had a kid in between these photos? - Going back earlier this year Laura couldn’t do star jumps without needing the toilet due to a weak pelvic floor from pregnancy & her core was super weak. Now she’s a damn machine! -... Would you believe most of this is through using only her own bodyweight? - Keep up the good work Laura 🤙🏼🤙🏼 -
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The best part of being a personal trainer is the friendships you create, and then helping that friend become the best, healthiest version of themselves they can be. - This guy has gone from 23stone7lbs to 19stone11lbs in 5 months. So today I decided to strap just half of that loss to his back & get the first ever power walk we did together. - It’s mental to actually feel how much weight you actually carry that your body doesn’t need!


Monday’s, Wednesday’s & Friday’s from 6:00pm - 6:45pm
... The BEST fat loss, full body toning, quad & booty building Bootcamp in the area!
Using the latest & most effective fat burning protocols for fast & sustainable results!
⁃ Weekly Weigh-Ins! ⁃ Monthly Measurements! ⁃ Monthly Progress Photos! ⁃ Daily Advice and Motivation Through The BODYHIIT Whatsapp Group! ⁃ Weight Loss Plans & Nutritional Supplements! ⁃ Fun, Friendly Atmosphere But most of all - GUARANTEED RESULTS!
If you’ve been watching my clients & thinking ‘I need that kind motivation & change in my life but can’t afford 1 to 1 sessions’ then look no further!
For more information & monthly package breakdown hit the like button or drop me through a message!
Let’s get you looking all kinds of sexy! 💪🏽
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Monday morning. Who’s not feeling it & struggling to get out of bed? Who’s going through a shitty time or a rough patch & needs that little boost just to remind them that are special & are worth more than where they currently are?!
I started watching these when I was washing cars for a living & taking drugs in my spare time...
... They really gave me the boost I needed & continue to do so
I watch at LEAST one a day!
Watch this as soon as you’re awake as that’s when the brain is most receptive, if you look at negative stuff I.e the news, peoples problems on social media you WILL have a bad day. If you feed your brain with positivity upon waking or even throughout the day you WILL have a better day & you WILL be happier & more successful.
Peace ✌🏻💚
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Sleep is SUPER important for many many reasons, it helps us to regenerate, repair, focus more, feel better & ultimately is one of the reasons many of us can NOT seem to shed those last few pounds no matter what we try.
Did you know?
... - Having less than 7 hours of sleep per night can completely undo the benefits of dieting & exercise? - Being sleep deprived for a consecutive number of days reduces the effectiveness of the hormone ‘insulin’ which is essentially responsible for putting fat where it’s supposed to be. Without it we would end up with a diseased liver, diabetes & super super fat! - When you have less then 6 hours sleep more of the hunger hormone ‘ghrelin’ is produced which in turn causes you to be - well... hungrier 🤷🏽‍♂️ - Sleep deprivation causes the stress hormone ‘cortisol’ to shoot up. We’ve all heard that this little blighter can lead to fat gain whilst also making ya feel super agitated. What you might not of known is that this hormone also activates the reward centres of your brain that make you want food. This in itself is a recipe for distaster! (Pun intended 😎) - Combining the two together, increased ghrelin & cortisol will shut down the part of your brain that leaves you feeling full... which may be why people ‘comfort eat’ when experiencing periods of stress. - Lack of sleep also leaves us feeling somewhat drunk, unable to make the correct decisions especially with dietary choices.
OK! So this is all well & good but how on Earth are we supposed to increase our quality of sleep?
Well here I offer you some simple solutions in what I find works for me.
- Put down your phones & other backlit devices... e.g tablets, televisions etc a good hour before getting in bed & relaxing. Otherwise if you’re a phone addict then go into your phones settings & pop night mode on. - Try not to eat a huge meal before going to bed, your digestive system is active therefore your body never really gets chance to get into the deep rest that it’s designed to be in. - No alcohol or caffeine before bed! Alcohol & caffeine are stimulants & will completely mess up your quality of sleep leading to big fat gains! - Using self meditation or self hypnosis videos before sleep to bring your racing mind to a halt - and relax. Below I’ll post a link to the guy I use regularly to get myself into that deep sleep state.
So that’s sleep & why you might be holding onto pounds of fat you can shed with a few simple changes.
For more information on this post or anything else fitness, health or life related shoot me through a message
Peace ✌🏻
https://m.youtube.com/user/MichaelSealey< br> See More


From a girl to a woman...
Koren started with a really difficult body shape, her structure wasn’t your average ‘pear shape’ or ‘hourglass’ that some girls are blessed with.
Doesn’t mean we couldn’t work with what we had...
... Now look at her, and this is just the beginning 👀
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Boot Camp; - Weekly Weigh Ins & Monthly Measurements to ensure you’re moving towards your desired goals. - Nutrition plan INCLUDING a tailored diet plan with supplements.... - Group chat with constant feedback & advice. - From 1 - 3 sessions a week with optional ‘homework’ to really reap those results.
Hit the like button or send me through a message if interested! ✌🏻
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I am currently looking to motivate & guide both male & female clients to take their body back into their own hands with the 12 Week Summer Shred Challenge.
Bronze Package; 1 x Home or Gym PT session per week 1 x HIIT class per week... 1 x Workout plan to further aid your training Access to the mobile app allowing you to log everything you do & allowing me to keep a close eye to ensure everything is going as planned
Silver Package; 2 x Home or Gym PT sessions per week 1 x HIIT class per week 1 x Workout plan to further aid your training 1 x Nutrition Plan to give your diet structure & aid fat loss & muscle growth Access to the mobile app allowing you to log everything you do & allowing me to keep a close eye to ensure everything is going as planned
Gold Package; 3 x Home or Gym PT sessions per week Unlimited HIIT class usage 1 x Workout plan to further aid your training 1 x Nutrition Plan to give your diet structure & aid fat loss & muscle growth Access to the mobile app allowing you to log everything you do & allowing me to keep a close eye to ensure everything is going as planned
REQUIREMENTS: A Physical Body - ✅ Dedication - ✅ Between Certain Ages - ❌ Certain Level of Fitness - ❌ Knowledge of Health & Fitness - ❌
Message me NOW for any queries, information & prices!
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When we eat salt, the sodium in there causes the body to store water. Especially under the skin! ... So that layer of fat you can't get rid of, ever thought it might just be water?
How do we stop this?
- Always ALWAYS check your food labels, 90% of the time pre packaged, pre tinned, infact anything pre prepared usually is high in salt. - Keep salt to below 3g a day (half of the 6g recommended) - Drink plenty of water, this way you flush out the excess water! - Potatoes, bananas & anything high in potassium can help to balance sodium in the body thus helping prevent water retention!
Give it a try guys!
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We’ve been through tears, smiles, rebellion, laughter, sweaty 5:30am starts to sleepy 9pm finishes.
I’ve seen this girl grow into the most incredible woman over the past year. I’ve stood by her through thick & thin & been there to motivate her through her hardest times as she has with me.
... It is now time for her to move on and, with her new knowledge & confidence, begin her solo journey into health & fitness.
Thank you so much for helping me become the trainer & person I am today.
Always here for you 🙂
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More about Z.A.P Coaching

Z.A.P Coaching is located at Whitegates, de5 9qd Derby
Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -