Aimie Smith Personal Training - Move And Nourish

Monday: 06:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 18:30
Wednesday: 06:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Aimie Smith Personal Training - Move And Nourish

Hey Lovely People! Do you want to move more? Feel more open in your body? Fell calmer and happier? Have more fun? Let's do it!



Wow, what a few weeks!! We’ve moved back to Worcester from Sydney and I’ve been getting the studio back up and running! Today I’ve been working on creating fun effective ways to keep my wonderful clients moving!! Here’s a little snippet of one of the Mobility, Yoga and Pilates inspired programs I’ve sent to a client in isolation to keep up with their program. This person has had a lot of pain in the past and these moves work wonders with their body!
I feel so grateful that we... have all this technology while all of this is going on! Zoom, FaceTime etc. make it so easy to keep going and to keep moving. We all know how much movement positively effects us. When there is so much uncertainty we can feel better by having a few things we can be certain of to give us a sense of calm, strength or peace within.
For so many people exercise is really helping them to keep going right now! It’s something that can break up the day or start the day right, or a way to unwind!
One of the things I think exercise is so great for is the community you get from it, having amazing people who help keep you inspired and keep you going even on the days you don’t want to! It’s really amazing!!
I hope you are all safe and well!! If you are exercising and moving more during this time good for you!! If you are struggling that’s ok!! It won’t be like this forever!!
Stay safe!!üíñüíñüíñ
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This is by far my favourite move!!! It took me 16 weeks to get it when I first started pole! I was convinced I would fall off the pole or that the skin on my legs would rip open, but with the help, support and encouragement of @michelleshimmy and @chillirox I got it!!
Since moving to Australia Pole has become so much more than a hobby, I’ve met so many amazing friends through pole, I’ve experienced so much encouragement, kindness, support, acceptance and love from everyone at... @poledanceacademy and I cannot thank all of the girls enough!!
Thank you to @maddiesparkledancer and @michelleshimmy for having the most welcoming studio and being so lovely and inspiring and open and sharing their experiences!!
Thank you @chillirox for being such an amazing and fun instructor and making me feel like I belonged when I first started!!
And thank you to all the girls I see every week who make me feel part of the family!!
When we first moved to Sydney I felt so home sick and pole has become my second home!!üíñüíñüíñüíñüíñ
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Always remembering to be grateful and appreciate the movement we have right now, one day it might be better, another not so much... enjoy the present and just keep moving !!üíñüíñüíñüíñüíñ


Early morning pole session before a busy day!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


It‚Äôs time for a change in perspective!!üíñ‚ù§Ô∏èüß°üíõüíöüíôü íúüíñ


Stretching and moving with my Nan!! She is amazing! Always moving, playing bowls, gardening, cleaning and redecorating!! Just keep moving every day!! üíñüíñüíñüíñüíñ


You don’t stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing... 💛💛💛💛💛


Practice time!!üíõüíõüíõüíõüíõ


Practice time!!
If your not growing your dying!!
It can be a daunting thought that to keep mobile and well we need to keep moving and exercising for the rest of our lives. Or we can see it as an amazing gift, that at any age, at any weight and at any time we can choose to do something that gives us amazing joy, satisfaction and passion!! We can learn to dance, to ski, to skateboard, to sword fight... anything!! We just have to start!! üíñüíñüíñüíñüíñ


We can be so fixated on our appearance, feeling inadequate if we are not lean enough, or toned enough...
When I was 16, after years of being called names at school for my weight I lost 31 kg/ 5 stone... when this photo was taken I felt so proud of myself for my hard work and effort paying off. My 16 year old self would have been in awe of this picture, but the first thing I noticed was the cellulite on my legs.
After years of being criticised for my appearance I chose to be... proud of my achievements, these legs, these strong legs that help me move easily every day!!
Years ago I had a client who after multiple knee surgeries confided in me she would give anything to run again. She told me how she listened to so many women complaining about their legs and how they hated running, yet she would give anything to just run one more time! In that moment I decided to always feel grateful for my body, sometimes I forget and have to remind myself. It’s so easy to get caught up comparing ourselves to others... focus on all the good in you, what you can do that was once a struggle, what you’ve overcome and know that even on your worst day there is someone who would give everything to be in your shoes!
Have a beautiful day and while we are still breathing we can still achieve anything!!üíõüíõüíõüíõüíõ
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You are stronger than you think you are!!🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤


Find something that’s fun and challenging and it’s easy to keep doing it!!
Occasionally I get a PT client who will say ‘I should run’ or ‘I should do yoga’ so I always ask if they enjoy that thing they should do?
Most of the time the answer is no, so I alway encourage my clients that there are so many options to take care of your physical needs you don’t have to do something you hate!!
... If you find something you love or at least don’t mind to begin with you’ll continue to go back to it! Consistency is key! Start with once or twice a week and as you feel better you can add a bit more!
What sort of movement do you love?üíñüíñüíñüíñüíñ
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Take care of all of you!!üíñüíñüíñüíñüíñ


I've just spent the past 30 minutes rewatching video testimonials from my amazing, beautiful movement family back in Worcester and I want to thank you all so much for being so lovely! I miss you all very much and want to thank you all again for making Worcester so special! x x x Rachel Vann Catherine Morgan


I've just spent the past 30 minutes rewatching video testimonials from my amazing, beautiful movement family back in Worcester and I want to thank you all so much for being so lovely! I miss you all very much and want to thank you all again for making Worcester so special! x x x


Happy Friday!!
Believe in yourself!! You are stronger than you think!! Practice makes progress!!üíõüíõüíõüíõüíõ


Hey Beautiful People, here's a lovely little functional yoga session you can try at home! Do you move much at home?xx


Yes!!!!üí™üèΩüí™üèΩüí™üèΩüí™üèΩü í™üèΩ

More about Aimie Smith Personal Training - Move And Nourish

Aimie Smith Personal Training - Move And Nourish is located at St. Stephen's Street, WR3 7LG
Monday: 06:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 18:30
Wednesday: 06:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -