Akara Enyes

About Akara Enyes

I am here to help you gain greater control over your emotions and your actions so that you can remain in a greater position of power within your life.

Akara Enyes Description

Wellness guide Akara Enyes.
www. wellnessguideakara.com



Why I don't believe in mental illness.


It's all about persistence. Weather it's fitness or any other skill you wish to master it's all about showing up day after day and putting in the work. Whether that means showing up to the mat, showing up to the meditation cushion or showing up to the next page of your sketchbook. Stick at it no matter what because that's what it takes to get there. Forget about how far you are, forget about the fact you haven't shown up for the past 2 days and just take it one day at a time. Show up today. 💗


Don't know all the people in this picture? Read this - 6 Super Empowering Female Rappers and their most empowering tracks.
https://www.wellnessguideakara.com/6-supe r-empowering-fema…/


You are an integral part of the universe. You are more important than your realise so be kind to yourself and take care of you. If something makes you happy, no matter how frivolous it seems, make time for it because you deserve it. You deserve whatever you want and giving to yourself will only help you to grow and to be of better service to the universe. It's never selfish to take good care of yourself, you are worth it!


Absolutely loving this piece ' Loosing my identity' that I found in a little gallery near Yoxford. Such a fantastic expression of concept!
I'm only recently beginning to truly appreciate the importance of artwork. Art inspires. Art connects you. Art allows you to see ordinary things in new ways. 💗


For me bath time is essential! I cleanse both my body and my mind and always find myself falling into the most blissful and completely accidental meditation 💗 Anyone else get that? ☺️


My morning routine part 1:
Lately I'm finding half an hour of reading in bed when I wake up to be the absolute perfect way to start my day.
I get my brain ticking and still get an extra few minutes lying in bed. Then by the time I get out of bed I'm already fully awake and ready for action.
... Put a book by your bed if there isn't one already, set your alarm a little earlier and give it a try when you wake up tomorrow. Rule your world and rule your day. Truly worth it 💗
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Cut all my hair off and got wigs! I love both my wigs and my natural hair. Never thought I would wear wigs but now I'm really feeling it. Do what feels right for you and don't be afraid to make a change. 💗


Meet Kay Wheatley, our amazing Egyptian dance teacher who'll be taking the Egyptian dance with veils session at Wake Up Wellbeing Day! I just cannot wait to give this a go and I'm sure you can't either. 💗
For more info search 'Wake Up Wellbeing Day' or follow the link in my comment below.


Improve your intuition and psychic abilities.
Learn how to dance Egyptian style.
Gain greater awareness about the body's energy centres.
... Create your own unique tea blend.
And have one the best days ever!
Our Wake Up Wellbeing Day is not far away now. Time to get your tickets if you haven't already. 💗
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From now on I'll be selecting a crystal at the start of each month. This is the stone I think will be most helpful to us all at this time and the stone I will personally be carrying more often than any other. Everyone purchasing a physical product will have this crystal included in their package totally free as a little gift to lift your spirits.
This month's crystal is Blue Kyanite. A gorgeous sky blue stone that carries a whole lot of possibility. Blue kyanite will help yo...u find your purpose and align you with it.
Connected to the higher realms of the spiritual it allows you to access more of your higher consciousness, opening up your third eye and strengthening your gift of intuition, which is your ability to access powerful subconscious information. It aids dream recall and helps you to connect with your spirit guides both consciously and subconsciously, all allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of where you need to be to move forward.
Blue kyanite cuts through the bullshit. We have tendencies to put what we really want and need to one side instead of embracing it. We come up with all sorts of justifications for why it may not be the right way to go, why it can't be a priority right now and why everything else that feels safer is more important. Blue kyanite will cut through this kind of mental bullshitting and let's you see the truth about what's really important for you and what truly deserves to be a priority.
Not only will it bring you to realise this truth but it will help you to speak your truth as well. It will allow you to speak from the heart, to speak from your true beliefs and to articulate those things clearly in a way others can understand and relate.
Blue kyanite is a stone that will truly push you forward in life.
Akara xx
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Watch this video if you're someone who experiences social anxiety 💗


NEW VIDEO: Our subconscious beliefs impact both our actions and our moods, but it's only when we make them conscious that we are able to examine them and change them if they are not serving us. So how do we do that? How do we make our subconscious conscious?


It always feels so good just to sit and do something creative and expressive 💗


How I stay motivated in my work and how you can too! 💗


Watch out world, my online program is coming out TODAY!!! 💗😁🎉


i loved my crystal package and love my tea


OutsideUnder test review - Your Personal Wellness Bundle


Akara is a beam of sunshine on a cloudy day. She is calm, patient and enthusiastic about helping you be the best you. I went to her Well-being release day and I released a lot. The day was well planned, lovely venue, safe environment to share, gorgeous vegetarian and vegan food provided, her amazing home blends organic teas and great variety of therapy’s. She even made up a goodie bag and gave us all a crystal at the end. A beautiful being inside and out ��� I look forward to seeing you again


i loved my crystal package and love my tea


OutsideUnder test review - Your Personal Wellness Bundle


Akara is a beam of sunshine on a cloudy day. She is calm, patient and enthusiastic about helping you be the best you. I went to her Well-being release day and I released a lot. The day was well planned, lovely venue, safe environment to share, gorgeous vegetarian and vegan food provided, her amazing home blends organic teas and great variety of therapy’s. She even made up a goodie bag and gave us all a crystal at the end. A beautiful being inside and out ��� I look forward to seeing you again


i loved my crystal package and love my tea


OutsideUnder test review - Your Personal Wellness Bundle


Akara is a beam of sunshine on a cloudy day. She is calm, patient and enthusiastic about helping you be the best you. I went to her Well-being release day and I released a lot. The day was well planned, lovely venue, safe environment to share, gorgeous vegetarian and vegan food provided, her amazing home blends organic teas and great variety of therapy’s. She even made up a goodie bag and gave us all a crystal at the end. A beautiful being inside and out ��� I look forward to seeing you again

More about Akara Enyes

Akara Enyes is located at Hill Top, Rosedale crescent,, NR14BH Norwich, Norfolk
+44 7561 876836