Angela Rayner

About Angela Rayner

I am the Labour Member of Parliament for Ashton-under-Lyne, Droylsden and Failsworth. Deputy leader of the Labour Party.

If you need help or have a question please email me at or call on 0161 342 5800.



The gamekeeper at a Scottish grouse-shooting estate illegally killed buzzards, goshawks, badgers, a peregrine falcon and an otter in what a wildlife official described as the вАЬbiggest cull of protected speciesвАЭ they had ever seen. A truly sick individual, we must always remain vigilant against those that want to destroy our precious wildlife.вА¶/gamekee per-killed-buzzards-вА¶


Forget the depressing news that Boris Johnson has become PM, instead let's give massive respect to Ann Clwyd MP (Cynon Valley) who came straight from hospital with help from the staff at Saint ThomasвАЩs to speak in the House of Commons today. Ann spoke from her wheelchair in her adjournment debate on lower limb wound care. Ann has got more courage and determination in her little finger than the dreadful Boris Johnson will ever have in his entire lifetime вЬКпЄП


I welcome this report from the University and College Union because it reminds us that education is about more than numbers вАУ itвАЩs about the people like me whose lives have been transformed by learning. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for my local college giving me a second chance at education. LabourвАЩs National Education Service will invest more in colleges&support them to give people from all walks of life the power to take control over their own future and thrive.вА¶/Report-calls-f or-colleges-to-be-puвА¶


One of BritainвАЩs last wartime Spitfire pilots has told his amazing story - as he turns 100. Flight Sgt Jan IwanowskiвАЩs epic tale of survival against the odds began in the autumn of 1939 as a soldier in the Polish Army. Some of my Polish constituents asked me to highlight Polish Spitfire pilot Jan's remarkable achievement, and lam very happy to do so, happy 100th birthday Jan! рЯСПвА¶/spitfire-pil ot-100-reveals-amaziвА¶


The Tories have created a crisis in teacher recruitment and retention, and todayвАЩs announcement will not reverse nearly a decade of real terms pay cuts for teachers and school support staff. This announcement has been made after schools have submitted their budgets for next year, and school leaders and teachers continue to face destabilising uncertainty about their budgets in the years ahead.
If there is no additional funding from the Treasury, Ministers must be honest about which parts of the Department for EducationвАЩs budget will be cut to pay for todayвАЩs announcement. The next Labour government will invest in our schools, including centrally funding a real pay rise for teachers and support staff.вА¶/schools-c utbacks-pay-rise-teaвА¶


Backstage at the Tolpuddle festival with the boss and some great comrades just before l spoke on the main stage today, last day of the Tolpuddle festival it's been a fantastic event вЬКпЄП


I send my deepest condolences to the family and friends on the loss of a wonderful and dedicated police officer PC Shazad Saddique. PC Saddique was heavily involved in outreach work with youths in Tameside including many young people from my constituency, he enabled youngsters to experience outdoor activities in the countryside, he will be sadly missed by all who knew him.в А¶/tributes-paid-rolвА¶


Warming up the crowd in Fringe tent telling them about my ASLEF water bottle which has been a real help at the Tolpuddle festival, it was ahead of my talk and Q&A session on Labour National Education Service with the great Jo Kaye regional secretary of Unison South-West, a really engaged crowd in the fringe tent рЯСН


A fantastic first day at the Tolpuddle festival in Dorset yesterday, now looking forward to day two. l am in conversation with Unison's fantastic South West regional secretary and fellow ginger Jo Kaye later and will be catching up with my friends in the Trade Unions too вЬКпЄП


I hope you have had a wonderful Diamond Jubilee celebration so far at St Stephen's church in Droylsden, with a wonderful Anniversary mass and celebration at St StephenвАЩs Catholic club afterwards with the Bishop in attendance. I am so sorry l cannot be be with you all on this special occasion but l send all my good wishes on this important occasion and look forward to visiting you all soon.


Arrived at the Tolpuddle festival in Dorset and already at my first event. Pleased to be in the fringe tent and I am speaking on Arts Education. My fellow panel members include Hannah Packham Chair (Pictured) who is also the NEU Regional Secretary, Michele Gregson General Secretary of the National Society for Education in Art & Design (NSEAD) and studio artists Bob&Roberta Smith. Photo credit to Labour Cllr Phil Bialyk (Leader of Exeter City Council) рЯШБ


Fantastic win for Kim McGuinness the Labour Party candidate in the Police and Crime Commissioner election for Northumbria. Kim will be a hands on Police and Crime Commissioner working hard for local communities. Pictured Kim at the count delivering her acceptance speech. рЯМє#LabourWin


Just under three hours left to vote for the fantastic Kim McGuinness. DonвАЩt forget to get to a polling station near you and vote Kim McGuinness, your vote doesn't count unless it's in the ballot box, vote for Kim to be your next Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, she is a real grafter and is a grassroots politician, she will make a massive difference if elected as PCC #VoteLabour рЯМє


On this day in 1992 John Smith is elected leader of the Labour Party. John was elected with 91% of the vote, he claims 'today we begin a journey to eliminate poverty, injustice and homelessness'. He warns of the 'social unrest' caused by 'a hesitant and divided Tory Party'. He says as part of his acceptance speech, "I look around and in every part of the country, in every walk of life, in our schools, at work, in our streets and towns, I see opportunity denied, potential unfulfilled and talent unused." Those words are as poignant today as they were then, and today's Tories have much in common as their predecessors did in 1992....


Today is Polling Day to elect NorthumbriaвАЩs Police and Crime Commissioner. You can vote up to 10pm tonight. If you have a postal vote and havenвАЩt returned it yet, you can take it in person to your local polling station. Please support our fantastic Labour Party candidate Cllr Kim McGuinness рЯМє


Today l stood shoulder to shoulder outside parliament with civilian Rail, Maritime and Transport Union seafarer members to support their Fair Pay campaign for Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) seafarers. The value of RMT seafarer members pay has fallen well behind inflation over the past decade, whilst the public sector pay cap has been lifted for Royal Navy colleagues.
The Ministry of Defence cannot endlessly hold down pay in the RFA without serious consequences, including for rec...ruitment and retention of the skilled civilian crews they need to operate the RFA fleets of today and tomorrow. Industrial relations in the RFA have implications for the strategic reach of the Royal Navy.
The RMT and their members have shown me tremendous support before and since becoming an MP, l had the honour of opening their annual conference recently in Manchester, today my turn to support them and their members вЬКпЄП
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The day has finally arrived when the failed PM attends her last Prime Ministers Questions in the commons, she leaves behind a toxic legacy of Tory failure and austerity fuelled misery for millions. The PM has been a disaster like her predecessor Cameron and her successor (probably Johnson) will carry on in the same way, clueless and inept!


On front bench duty today in parliament responding to the government on the urgent question regarding Relationships and Sex Education from colleague Emma Hardy MP (Hull West and Hessle). I was proud to march with the Terrence Higgins Trust at London Pride a few weeks ago and faced a backlash for supporting LGBT inclusive lessons. We will not go back to the days of Section 28. Every child has the right to inclusive education. Ministers have the backing of the commons and lords to go further and support schools. I do not believe that the issues that are coming up are about consultation. It's about LGBT and the misinformation and bigotry, we must stand united. #RSE

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