
About Balamory

Balamory is a Reception Class at The Fulbridge Academy.



We've just set off on our way home.


We had great fun on the deer Safari!


We've arrived safe and sound!


We're on our way to Snettisham Park Farm. Yippee!


We've just set off for Snettisham Park Farm. We're looking forward to a brilliant day in glorious sunshine. The children are all very excited!


Our caterpillars made cocoons and turned into butterflies. We let them go on the field so that they could find some food.


Eid Mubarak to those families celebrating today!


We have been working out which words rhyme because they have the same pattern of sounds at the end.


All the children in Balamory took part in Fulbridge Academy's one minute silence, at 11.00am today, in memory of the people that lost their lives in Manchester earlier this week.


Your child was given a letter about Reception's Sports Day today. It will take place from 9.30am - 11.30am on Friday 9th June. Please can you bring your child to school at the usual time of 8.30am on that day, dressed in sports wear. It would be really helpful if they could wear a green t-shirt as the children will be representing Wilberforce House on that day. If everyone in Balamory wears green it will be easy to spot the children we want to cheer on! Please do come and support your child on the day.


We hope you'll all enjoy the Easter holidays and we're looking forward to seeing you all back at school on Wednesday 26th April!


Last week we wrote letters to ask a dog to come and visit us at school. On Thursday of this week, Jarvis the dog came to see us! He was very friendly and the children in Balamory enjoyed feeding him dog biscuits and playing running games with him on the field.


Don't forget to bring the whole family to visit our Spring Fayre tomorrow between 12.00 and 4.00pm. There will be lots of fun activities and stalls to buy things from. It should be a great day for the Fulbridge Community!


Thank you so much for supporting Red Nose Day. The children in Balamory raised £32.96.


The children have been working independently to make pictures of zoo animals on an iPad app called Educreations.


Some of the boys built a zoo for the animals today.


We've just set off on our way back to school. We've had a fantastic day and the children have talked non-stop about all the animals they've seen.

More about Balamory

Balamory is located at The Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Road, PE1 3JQ Peterborough