Beccles Lido

About Beccles Lido

2019 Season: Saturday 25 May - Sunday 8 September

http://www. /uploads /2018 /05 /Beccles-Lido-6pp-2018-WEB-LO-RES. pdf

Beccles Lido Description

Despite a 3 year campaign to save the pool by the community, Waveney District Council shut it at the end of 2008. In 2009, the Friends of Beccles Open Air Swimming Pool persuaded the Council that the community should be given the chance to take over the repair and operation of the pool on a not-for-profit basis.

In just 18 months we raised ┬Ż300, 000, including ┬Ż150, 000 from British GasŌĆÖ Green Streets programme. With the help of over 100 volunteers and over 10, 000 volunteer hours, we saved the pool! In addition to the repair and restoration of the pool itself, we are now generating energy more efficiently as well as conserving energy, which has significantly reduced running costs and emissions.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels have been installed to both generate electricity as well as benefit from the GovernmentsŌĆÖ feed in tarriffs, which generate cash to offset against any remaining energy bills.

In 2010 we secured the freehold of the pool and re-opened as Beccles Lido. In our second summer season, 2011, we had 30, 000 visitors ŌĆō an all time record!


Becclesians had been swimming by the River Waveney for 150 years; and in 1959, Beccles had built an outdoor swimming pool which had been enjoyed by the community ever since.

But Beccles Open Air Swimming Pool had suffered from under investment for a number of years, with a consequent decline in use. Open for only 13 weeks in the summer, it was losing up to ┬Ż70, 000 each season. With the need for significant capital investment in the site and the expected continued need for significant revenue support, Waveney District Council could no longer afford to run the pool. At the end of the 2008 season, Waveney District Council announced that unless an alternative body stepped forward to manage the pool it would not open again. And yet even in 2008 it had been used by nearly 10, 000 swimmers, and remained a much loved community facility.

The community had already set up the Friends of Beccles Open Air Swimming Pool and we had campaigned to save the pool since 2006. Our view was that if a longer term plan was implemented the pool could not only be saved but improved, that visitors would increase and that the pool could be viable. We had been raising funds, at first on a small scale to fund small improvements to the pool, such as a giant inflatable. It soon became clear that the wider community in Waveney wanted to save the pool, and fund raising events and donations in 2008 topped ┬Ż5, 000.

The combination of the above led to us creating Beccles Lido Limited whose vision was to create a destination facility ŌĆō Beccles Lido, where local people, visitors and tourists would want to visit and where bathers could have fun, keep fit or just relax in the beautiful surroundings of the river Waveney. Beccles Lido Limited was set up as a company limited by guarantee (to protect its Directors) and is now a registered charity. During 2009 over ┬Ż40, 000 was raised, and all of a sudden it seemed that our vision might be able to be turned into a reality. Following several presentations to Waveney District Council, we convinced them that Beccles Lido Limited should be given the opportunity to prove that we could acquire and manage the pool.

There were several reasons why the number of swimmers, and with them revenue, had declined in recent years. One of the primary reasons was thought to be the general un-attractiveness of the site. A six foot high security fence immediately around the pool gave the impression of swimming in a cage and reduced the attractiveness of the entire site. The removal of the diving boards had taken away another reason for some to come to the pool. The inflexible opening hours, with closure at lunchtime at weekends and closure during warm sunny Septembers, certainly was not helping to entice people to the pool. Once in the pool, there was little by way of caf├® facilities to generate additional revenue or persuade them to stay beyond their swim.

This combined with the overall inefficiency of the site ŌĆō old heating plant and pumps, little insulation, leaking pipes and pool structure ŌĆō meant that the water cost too much to heat, expensively heated water then leaked away, meaning more water had to be paid for then heated again, expensively! The pool is 30 metres x 15 metres with a 4 metre deep end ŌĆō thatŌĆÖs big! And a lot of water to heat, then lose and re-heat again!

We formulated a plan to improve the site ŌĆō the location of the swimming pool on the banks of the River Waveney had never really been exploited; a derelict canoe shed and conifer hedge obscured views to the river; the security fence around the pool had to go! Could we restore the diving boards? Get a slide? But the plan also had to make the Lido more efficient, sustainable even! New boilers were required, maybe even renewable energy? The leaks had to be fixed. The pool needed a cover to retain the precious heat from the water. Could Solar PV generate the electricity that we needed?

But all of this needed lots of money! The Council had estimated maybe ┬Ż100, 000 just to repair the infrastructure! We set about applying for grants to raise what seemed like an extraordinary amount of money; but the reality was: we knew we would need even more! A lot more!

Then we chanced upon the British Gas Green Streets programme. Was this the answer we had been looking for? Cash beyond our dreams and we hoped advice on which measures would make most sense for us. And luckily, with our supporter database of many hundreds, no shortage of willing volunteers to participate in the domestic part of the project.

We made our bid ŌĆō we thought it was a good one! Luckily the judges saw that we had the basis of a fantastic project, and like the Council they saw that we had the enthusiasm and resources to deliver what would be an incredible success story. We were selected as a wild card in December 2009 and our journey along the Green Streets began.

[British Gas Green Streets was not just a grant, it was a competition that ran thorugh 2010. 14 projects around the UK were selected to share ┬Ż2m and install energy saving and energy generating measures at a community facility and 20 + domestic households. http://www. greenstreets. co. uk /beccles-lido /]

With our early fundraising successes, and then the British Gas grant, additional grant funds quickly followed and our project flourished.

For a month by month blog and pictures of how we set about restoring and re-opening Beccles Lido, please go check out our early Photo Albums ŌĆ”

ŌĆ” then come to Beccles and check us out!



FRIDAY 10:45 - We've given up trying to predict how busy we will get or whether there'll be a queue BUT it's absolutely glorious weather here today and there's no queue, a wide swim lane in at the moment and tables and chairs and sunloungers free - where are you?


Only 2 weeks to go and we are already planning winter work
ŌĆ” and we need your help please!
The biggest job is re-furbishing, upgrading and re-lining the main pool - which is essential following the problems we have had this season; and we also want to re-surface the car park.
... We have already secured some grants and have applied for more but the 2 projects are going to cost in excess ┬Ż150,000 so we need your help as well please to demonstrate that we have the communityŌĆÖs support.
Check our video out and learn more at our Virgin Money Giving site: Liner

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SUNDAY 5:30PM: Due to inclement weather conditions (and no swimmers!) the Lido is now closed. We will reopen as usual Bank Holiday Monday at 7.00am.


UPDATE - We re-opened 11am and normal service has been resumed :) Many thanks for your patience and understanding
SATURDAY 10.30am UPDATE: The Lido will open at 11.00am.
SATURDAY 9.25am UPDATE:... Unfortunately we are still closed and working very hard to resolve the issue. We apologise for any inconvenience.
SATURDAY UPDATE: Due to unforeseen circumstances we have been unable to open the pool this morning. We are attempting to resolve the issue as quickly as possible, please check this page for regular updates and re-opening. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
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What a great review - somehow really sums up the early summer hols?
Normal summer weather has now returned, but swimming in the rain is still quite cool as well and we have lots of umbr-ellas (ellas ellas) ­¤ī¦’ĖÅ­¤ÅŖŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅŌø▒’ĖÅ­¤ÅŖŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤ śģ


WEDNESDAY 11.00am UPDATE: The Lido is now full and we are operating a one in one out system. We have a queue forming outside so expect a wait if you intend to come down. Please remember to bring plenty of water as we cannot predict how long the wait will be. Thank you.


WEDNESDAY 10am - Another lovely day at the Lido and the weather forecast is great all day too - lane still in and no queues! We are open til 6:30 and the giant inflatable should be in from 1-3pm.
UPDATE - Spoke to soon or maybe encouraged lots of people to come! We had a queue from 11 - 3:15 :(


Just to answer a few questions from this week: Yes we are still open ŌĆō til Sunday 9th September Yes the water is still warm and 27C+ BUT NO! NO QUEUES to get in for nearly 2 weeks !!! and yes there is lane swimming every day ŌĆō sometimes til 1pm... (1 lane from 10am when slide and springboard also open) and the Giant Inflatable every day 1-3pm (weather permitting)
All the info you need at
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and itŌĆÖs not all about the Lido !
Throwback Thursday: 2011 was a busy year !!!


Even when the Lido's not in the news, we're in the news !
Throwback Thursday: 2011 and the first Beccles Triathlon !!!


UPDATE 1PM - no queue all morrning, gorgeous sunny day and the inflatable is about to go in :) correction - there's a queue... to go on the inflatable lol
SATURDAY 9:45 - Lovely day and no queue yet today...


UPDATE 14:25 - there's nothing quite like...
... swimmin' in the rain just swimmin' in the rain What a glorious feelinŌĆÖ we're happy again ThereŌĆÖs no queue today they chose not to come... No queue for the food we'll have chips when weŌĆÖve swum Let the stormy clouds chase everyone from the place Come on with the rain we've a smile on our face We'll swim down the lane with a happy refrain Swimmin' just swimmin' in the rain
UPDATE 11:30 - still no queue, sun's still shining, lane still in, tables free...
FRIDAY - What a glorious morning and what a glorious morning to enjoy the Lido - the 100th swimmer only just arrived, it's nearly 10 o'clock, the sun's shining and there's room for loads more people yet - there'll probably still be a lane in when you get here!
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THURSDAY 10:10 - NO QUEUE !!! & there's a lane still in :)
water's warm, awning is out in case it rains, hot choc's and hot food from the caf├® - today's the day if you're serious about open air swimming/sliding/ springboarding


they're everywhere ­¤ī×­¤ÅŖŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ­¤śÄ­¤ÅŖŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤śĢ but 4 hours ??? ­¤ś▒ŌĆ”/sweltering -londoners-queue-forŌĆ”


UPDATE 11:00 - we spoke too soon :( WE ARE NOW FULL
... so we will be operating a one in one out system and it may be necessary to cancel or shorten today's giant inflatable session. It's not a very long queue at the moment but there may still be a long wait and it's still quite warm so please bring plenty of water and sun cream if you intend to wait.
... WEDNESDAY 9:50AM - we are comfortably busy and NO QUEUE
For everyoneŌĆÖs comfort and enjoyment can we please ask that you avoid applying sun cream immediately before swimming, and that you have a quick shower before entering the pool to also wash any grass off your feet.
Many thanks for your understanding and co-operation.
Please also refer to our website for alternative places to park as our car park is also full but our overflow car park at Sir John Leman High School NR349PG is now open
The police have advised that they will be issuing tickets along Puddingmoor.
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UPDATE 2:40PM - still one out one in BUT queue looking quite short now
UPDATE 1PM - APOLOGIES but due to large amounts of sun cream in the pool the Giant Inflatable session today has been cancelled.
The Lido is now full so we will be operating a one in one out system and it may be necessary to cancel or shorten today's giant inflatable session. Please expect a long wait and queues outside and bring plenty of water and suncream if you intend to wait.
For everyoneŌĆÖs comfort and enjoyment can we please ask that you avoid applying sun cream immediately before swimming, and that you have a quick shower before entering the pool to also wash any grass off your feet.
Many thanks for your understanding and co-operation.
Please also refer to our website for alternative places to park as our car park is also full but our overflow car park at Sir John Leman High School NR349PG is now open
The police have advised that they will be issuing tickets along Puddingmoor.
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they're everywhere :(


8 years ago TODAY we bought a swimming pool - and next day we re-opened to 145 swimmers!


The Lido is now full so we will be operating a one in one out system and it may be necessary to cancel or shorten today's giant inflatable session. Please expect a long wait and queues outside and bring plenty of water and suncream if you intend to wait.
... For everyoneŌĆÖs comfort and enjoyment can we please ask that you avoid applying sun cream immediately before swimming, and that you have a quick shower before entering the pool to also wash any grass off your feet.
Many thanks for your understanding and co-operation.
Please also refer to our website for alternative places to park as our car park is also full but our overflow car park at Sir John Leman High School NR349PG is now open
The police have advised that they will be issuing tickets along Puddingmoor.
See more


What a fabulous day we all had today, the pool was lovely and warm, the facilities are great. The children especially enjoyed the diving board and the large inflatable. We will defiantly be back, keep up the good work!


We got there late in the morning today. We had to queue for 2 hours but the wait was worth it. We had a super time and were thoroughly impressed with all the facilities. People of Beccles you are lucky to have such a wonderful facility on your doorstep. We travelled 1 hr 30 mins as we don't have anything like this in Manningtree, Essex. Well done to all the staff for providing such a safe, clean environment and the water provided for us queuing was a lovely touch. Thank you.


We came today for our first visit and can I just say what a fabulous time we all had. My children were literally in the pool for 5 hrs solid except for lunch and canŌĆÖt wait to come back again. Was busy but the place was spotless, there were so many lifeguards and the toilets clean. We arrived early (8.30am!) as I had heard it gets busy. Thanks for a great day.


We as a family are regular users and love the facilities.

Its such a shame its not bigger or that there are not more of these sorts of facilities in the areas...... your staff and facilities are fabulous


Visited yesterday for the first time, lovely lido, clean pool, toilets and changing areas.

Water lovely, clear and warm. We had a lovely time swimming! Staff very friendly and helpful.

Just be sure to check the timetable during term time (we did but lots didnŌĆÖt and were disappointed!)

Lovely areas to sit and have a picnic or order food from cafe. We will be returning!


Visited for the first time yesterday. In the words of my 11yr old and her friend it was absolutely amazing.

It was very busy which was understandable as it was a very hot day. Got there about 11.30 and went straight in with no problem.

Only criticism was the lack of designated seating for eating hot food. We would have eaten there but because there was no cafe area we went into the town.

Lastly could I suggest that you sell trolley type tokens for the lockers. I didn't have an old ┬Ż1 coin so used a token and gave my spare one to another mum. It might be a small way to help with your fundraising.

Thank you for a lovely day.


Ok.... So have lived here for ages and have never got round to heading to the Lido. So on Sunday we made our first trip there. Firstly well done to whoever updates the fb page... it's clear and concise with info re queues, waiting times etc. We arrived early (8.45am) as info was put on the page that due to the hot weather/popularity queues were forming early! We walked straight in. Beds had gone but the chairs are so comfy so not an issue at all.

The whole place was very clean. We had brought out own food/drink hoeever noticed all the food sold was reasonably priced.

The thing that stood out was how many lifeguards there were and they were ALL watching the water. Really really good to see!

Inflatable was awesome for kids.

For those saying there should be a booking system... no way!! It's great to be able to make a decision in the morning dependant on weather. That'll be ruined if people are booking 4 days in advance..... then potentially not turning up!! Leave it as it is...... Just get outta bed early!!

Cannot recommend this place enough!!!!! 5* !!!


My and the kids favorite place on a warm day...keep up the good work guys xxx


Me and my family of 5 visited on 07/07/2018 and was surpised that it wasn't expensive. The pool area was lovely and tidy and the pool its self clean. Plenty to do all day although i suggest if you go on a hot day to to make the children wear a T-shirt to cover thier little shoulders as you dont realise how hot it gets (no amout of sun cream helped before people pipe up and say "use sun cream" my 3 children had factor 50 water resistant cream applied every 30 mins through out the day) i was also very happy that they let younger children on the the inflatable and slide. We will definitely be back again. PARKING however was a bit of a squeeze.


Lovely place for a swim and some sun. Loads of life guards and kept clean and tidy. HavenŌĆÖt been before , didnŌĆÖt know it was there. But will definitely go more now


Home from a lovely day out at the lido in the sunshine! ’┐Į Cannot fault this wonderful outdoor space we are so lucky to have and be able to enjoy. The lido is so reasonably priced and staff and lifeguards are so friendly and constantly making sure all children are safe and with an adult - made me feel at ease and less worried when the pool was super busy! My only tip would be to arrive really early like we did! We got there for 9:15//30 and it was a perfect time I would say as it then got busier and then it became full! It is worth making the day out of it our kids really enjoyed spending time in the pool, using the play ground and making friends and loved using the inflatable! (Loved that little ones could go on too!) Facilities all very clean and tidy too! We will be back - Thank you all!


Had our first visit this year yesterday, we all had a great time. The kids already want to go back. The new additions looked great.


Had a fantastic morning at the lido.

The new changing rooms and lockers look amazing. Everywhere so clean and tidy. Couldn't think of a nicer place to be able to take our son. Thankyou!


First visit this morning. It will not be the last. What a wonderful facility in a beautiful location. Spotlessly clean. The amazing staff were so friendly and such a realistic price. I cannot give the place high enough praise. Well done everyone involved. See you soon.


First of many visits of the season, had a great day as usual, loved the new lockers and toilet blocks absolutely spotless,although the taps keep running I had to pull up the taps to stop the water each time(just me being consciousof wasting water) staff are lovely and very attentive especially to the boys using choice language ’┐Į kids had a great day using all the facilities, exercise equipment and play area/slides Well done to all staff for a great start to the new season ’┐Į


Fab place for a day out, reasonably priced, clean and fun. What more do you need on a sunny day!!


Enjoyed the first day of the summer season at the lido. Have to say the improvements including new toilet block, new paving and more seating have made a great difference. Well done to all involved! ’┐Į


After reading some comments on here yesterday (26th May) about the Algae in the pool & it not being clean. For reinsurance I went to look at the pool. For a outdoor swimming pool & facilities to use around the pool, changing rooms, lockers. I'm very impressed with the cleanliness & tidiness of the facilities. The lockers are all new, the temperature of the pool was up-to the temperature stated. Plenty of nice seating area & lots on the food kiosk menu to choose from & very reasonably priced too. For anyone mentioning about Algae, just abit of Algae stains to the side of the pool. Water perfectly clean & clear. Looking forward to visiting for a swim this half term.


Absolutely amazing facility beccles had on offer ! We only discovered you a few months ago and I have been worn my friends for a swim numerous times and have yesterday visited with my children and husband . What an awesome day - my children loved the diving board and water slide . Drinks and food is perfectly reasonably priced and the site is well looked after and inviting ! Thank you for s wonderful day ! X


Only 2 weeks to go and we are already planning winter work
ŌĆ” and we need your help please!
The biggest job is re-furbishing, upgrading and re-lining the main pool - which is essential following the problems we have had this season; and we also want to re-surface the car park.
... We have already secured some grants and have applied for more but the 2 projects are going to cost in excess ┬Ż150,000 so we need your help as well please to demonstrate that we have the communityŌĆÖs support.
Check our video out and learn more at our Virgin Money Giving site: Liner

See more


What a fabulous day we all had today, the pool was lovely and warm, the facilities are great. The children especially enjoyed the diving board and the large inflatable. We will defiantly be back, keep up the good work!


We got there late in the morning today. We had to queue for 2 hours but the wait was worth it. We had a super time and were thoroughly impressed with all the facilities. People of Beccles you are lucky to have such a wonderful facility on your doorstep. We travelled 1 hr 30 mins as we don't have anything like this in Manningtree, Essex. Well done to all the staff for providing such a safe, clean environment and the water provided for us queuing was a lovely touch. Thank you.


We came today for our first visit and can I just say what a fabulous time we all had. My children were literally in the pool for 5 hrs solid except for lunch and canŌĆÖt wait to come back again. Was busy but the place was spotless, there were so many lifeguards and the toilets clean. We arrived early (8.30am!) as I had heard it gets busy. Thanks for a great day.


We as a family are regular users and love the facilities.

Its such a shame its not bigger or that there are not more of these sorts of facilities in the areas...... your staff and facilities are fabulous


Visited yesterday for the first time, lovely lido, clean pool, toilets and changing areas.

Water lovely, clear and warm. We had a lovely time swimming! Staff very friendly and helpful.

Just be sure to check the timetable during term time (we did but lots didnŌĆÖt and were disappointed!)

Lovely areas to sit and have a picnic or order food from cafe. We will be returning!


Visited for the first time yesterday. In the words of my 11yr old and her friend it was absolutely amazing.

It was very busy which was understandable as it was a very hot day. Got there about 11.30 and went straight in with no problem.

Only criticism was the lack of designated seating for eating hot food. We would have eaten there but because there was no cafe area we went into the town.

Lastly could I suggest that you sell trolley type tokens for the lockers. I didn't have an old ┬Ż1 coin so used a token and gave my spare one to another mum. It might be a small way to help with your fundraising.

Thank you for a lovely day.


Ok.... So have lived here for ages and have never got round to heading to the Lido. So on Sunday we made our first trip there. Firstly well done to whoever updates the fb page... it's clear and concise with info re queues, waiting times etc. We arrived early (8.45am) as info was put on the page that due to the hot weather/popularity queues were forming early! We walked straight in. Beds had gone but the chairs are so comfy so not an issue at all.

The whole place was very clean. We had brought out own food/drink hoeever noticed all the food sold was reasonably priced.

The thing that stood out was how many lifeguards there were and they were ALL watching the water. Really really good to see!

Inflatable was awesome for kids.

For those saying there should be a booking system... no way!! It's great to be able to make a decision in the morning dependant on weather. That'll be ruined if people are booking 4 days in advance..... then potentially not turning up!! Leave it as it is...... Just get outta bed early!!

Cannot recommend this place enough!!!!! 5* !!!


My and the kids favorite place on a warm day...keep up the good work guys xxx


Me and my family of 5 visited on 07/07/2018 and was surpised that it wasn't expensive. The pool area was lovely and tidy and the pool its self clean. Plenty to do all day although i suggest if you go on a hot day to to make the children wear a T-shirt to cover thier little shoulders as you dont realise how hot it gets (no amout of sun cream helped before people pipe up and say "use sun cream" my 3 children had factor 50 water resistant cream applied every 30 mins through out the day) i was also very happy that they let younger children on the the inflatable and slide. We will definitely be back again. PARKING however was a bit of a squeeze.


Lovely place for a swim and some sun. Loads of life guards and kept clean and tidy. HavenŌĆÖt been before , didnŌĆÖt know it was there. But will definitely go more now


Home from a lovely day out at the lido in the sunshine! ’┐Į Cannot fault this wonderful outdoor space we are so lucky to have and be able to enjoy. The lido is so reasonably priced and staff and lifeguards are so friendly and constantly making sure all children are safe and with an adult - made me feel at ease and less worried when the pool was super busy! My only tip would be to arrive really early like we did! We got there for 9:15//30 and it was a perfect time I would say as it then got busier and then it became full! It is worth making the day out of it our kids really enjoyed spending time in the pool, using the play ground and making friends and loved using the inflatable! (Loved that little ones could go on too!) Facilities all very clean and tidy too! We will be back - Thank you all!


Had our first visit this year yesterday, we all had a great time. The kids already want to go back. The new additions looked great.


Had a fantastic morning at the lido.

The new changing rooms and lockers look amazing. Everywhere so clean and tidy. Couldn't think of a nicer place to be able to take our son. Thankyou!


First visit this morning. It will not be the last. What a wonderful facility in a beautiful location. Spotlessly clean. The amazing staff were so friendly and such a realistic price. I cannot give the place high enough praise. Well done everyone involved. See you soon.


First of many visits of the season, had a great day as usual, loved the new lockers and toilet blocks absolutely spotless,although the taps keep running I had to pull up the taps to stop the water each time(just me being consciousof wasting water) staff are lovely and very attentive especially to the boys using choice language ’┐Į kids had a great day using all the facilities, exercise equipment and play area/slides Well done to all staff for a great start to the new season ’┐Į


Fab place for a day out, reasonably priced, clean and fun. What more do you need on a sunny day!!


Enjoyed the first day of the summer season at the lido. Have to say the improvements including new toilet block, new paving and more seating have made a great difference. Well done to all involved! ’┐Į


After reading some comments on here yesterday (26th May) about the Algae in the pool & it not being clean. For reinsurance I went to look at the pool. For a outdoor swimming pool & facilities to use around the pool, changing rooms, lockers. I'm very impressed with the cleanliness & tidiness of the facilities. The lockers are all new, the temperature of the pool was up-to the temperature stated. Plenty of nice seating area & lots on the food kiosk menu to choose from & very reasonably priced too. For anyone mentioning about Algae, just abit of Algae stains to the side of the pool. Water perfectly clean & clear. Looking forward to visiting for a swim this half term.


Absolutely amazing facility beccles had on offer ! We only discovered you a few months ago and I have been worn my friends for a swim numerous times and have yesterday visited with my children and husband . What an awesome day - my children loved the diving board and water slide . Drinks and food is perfectly reasonably priced and the site is well looked after and inviting ! Thank you for s wonderful day ! X

More about Beccles Lido

Beccles Lido is located at Puddingmoor, NR34 9PL Beccles, Suffolk